
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CondDBCmsTrackerConstruction.h"
00002 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilteredView.h"
00003 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCompactView.h"
00004 #include "CondFormats/GeometryObjects/interface/PGeometricDet.h"
00005 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/interface/GeometricDet.h"
00006 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/plugins/ExtractStringFromDDD.h"
00007 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/plugins/CmsTrackerBuilder.h"
00008 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/plugins/CmsTrackerDetIdBuilder.h"
00010 using namespace cms;
00012 CondDBCmsTrackerConstruction::CondDBCmsTrackerConstruction() { }
00014 const GeometricDet* CondDBCmsTrackerConstruction::construct(const PGeometricDet& pgd) {
00015   //std::cout << "In CondDBCmsTrackerConstruction::construct with pgd.pgeomdets_.size() == " << pgd.pgeomdets_.size() << std::endl;  
00016   GeometricDet* tracker  = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[0],GeometricDet::Tracker);
00018   size_t detMax =  pgd.pgeomdets_.size();
00019   size_t tri = 1;
00020   std::vector<GeometricDet*> hier;
00021   int lev=1;
00022   GeometricDet* subdet = tracker;
00023   hier.push_back(subdet);
00024     while ( tri < detMax && pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._level == 1 ) {
00025       subdet = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri], GeometricDet::GDEnumType(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type));
00026       //std::cout << lev << " type " << pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type << " " << subdet->geographicalId() << std::endl;
00027       ++tri;
00028       hier.back()->addComponent(subdet);
00029       hier.push_back(subdet);
00030       ++lev;
00031       while ( tri < detMax && pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._level == 2 ) {
00032         subdet = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri], GeometricDet::GDEnumType(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type));
00033         //std::cout << lev << "\ttype " << pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type << " " << subdet->geographicalId() << std::endl;
00034         ++tri;
00035         hier.back()->addComponent(subdet);
00036         hier.push_back(subdet);
00037         ++lev;
00038         while ( tri < detMax && pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._level == 3 ) {
00039           subdet = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri], GeometricDet::GDEnumType(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type));
00040           //std::cout << lev << "\t\ttype " << pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type << " " << subdet->geographicalId() << std::endl;
00041           ++tri;
00042           hier.back()->addComponent(subdet);
00043           hier.push_back(subdet);
00044           ++lev;
00045           while ( tri < detMax && pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._level == 4 ) {
00046             subdet = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri], GeometricDet::GDEnumType(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type));
00047             //std::cout << lev << "\t\t\ttype " << pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type << " " << subdet->geographicalId() << std::endl;
00048             ++tri;
00049             hier.back()->addComponent(subdet);
00050             hier.push_back(subdet);
00051             ++lev;
00052             while ( tri < detMax && pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._level == 5 ) {
00053               subdet = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri], GeometricDet::GDEnumType(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type));
00054               //std::cout << lev << "\t\t\t\ttype " << pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type << " " << subdet->geographicalId() << std::endl;
00055               ++tri;
00056               hier.back()->addComponent(subdet);
00057               hier.push_back(subdet);
00058               ++lev;
00059               while ( tri < detMax && pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._level == 6 ) {
00060                 subdet = new GeometricDet(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri], GeometricDet::GDEnumType(pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type));
00061                 //std::cout << lev << "\t\t\t\t\ttype " << pgd.pgeomdets_[tri]._type << " " << subdet->geographicalId() << std::endl;
00062                 ++tri;
00063                 hier.back()->addComponent(subdet);
00064               }
00065               --lev;
00066               hier.pop_back();
00067             }
00068             --lev;
00069             hier.pop_back();
00070           }
00071           --lev;
00072           hier.pop_back();
00073         }
00074         --lev;
00075         hier.pop_back();
00076       }
00077       --lev;
00078       hier.pop_back();
00079     }
00080 //     std::cout << "Before \"deep components\" test I want to see if I can iterate to 6 layers by myself..." << std::endl;
00081 //     std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l0 = tracker->components();
00082 //     std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i0 = l0.begin();
00083 //     std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e0 = l0.end();
00084 //     int count=0; // count only the leaves.
00085 //     for ( ; i0 != e0 ; ++i0) {
00086 //       std::cout << lev << " type " << (*i0)->type() << " " << int((*i0)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00087 //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l1 = (*i0)->components();
00088 //       if ( l1.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00089 //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i1 = l1.begin();
00090 //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e1 = l1.end();
00091 //       ++lev;
00092 //       for ( ; i1 != e1 ; ++i1) {
00093 //      std::cout << lev << "\ttype " << (*i1)->type() << " " << int((*i1)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00094 //      std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l2 = (*i1)->components();
00095 //      if ( l2.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00096 //      std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i2 = l1.begin();
00097 //      std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e2 = l1.end();
00098 //      ++lev;
00099 //      for ( ; i2 != e2 ; ++i2) {
00100 //        std::cout << lev << "\t\ttype " << (*i2)->type() << " " << int((*i2)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00101 //        std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l3 = (*i2)->components();
00102 //        if ( l3.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00103 //        std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i3 = l3.begin();
00104 //        std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e3 = l3.end();
00105 //        ++lev;
00106 //        for ( ; i3 != e3 ; ++i3) {
00107 //          std::cout << lev << "\t\t\ttype " << (*i3)->type() << " " << int((*i3)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00108 //          std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l4 = (*i3)->components();
00109 //          if ( l4.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00110 //          std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i4 = l4.begin();
00111 //          std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e4 = l4.end();
00112 //          ++lev;
00113 //          for ( ; i4 != e4 ; ++i4) {
00114 //            std::cout << lev << "\t\t\t\ttype " << (*i4)->type() << " " << int((*i4)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00115 //            std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l5 = (*i4)->components();
00116 //            if ( l5.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00117 //            std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i5 = l5.begin();
00118 //            std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e5 = l5.end();
00119 //            ++lev;
00120 //            for ( ; i5 != e5 ; ++i5) {
00121 //              std::cout << lev << "\t\t\t\t\ttype " << (*i5)->type() << " " << int((*i5)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00122 //              ++count;
00123 //              //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l6 = (*i0)->components();
00124 //              //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i6 = l6.begin();
00125 //              //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e6 = l6.end();
00126 //              //     for ( ; i6 != e6 ; ++i6) {
00127 //              //       std::cout << lev << " type " << (*i6)->type() << " " << int((*i6)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; 
00128 //              //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*> l1 = (*i0)->components();
00129 //              //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator i1 = l1.begin();
00130 //              //       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator e1 = l1.end();
00131 //              //     }
00132 //            }
00133 //            --lev;
00134 //          }
00135 //          --lev;
00136 //        }
00137 //        --lev;
00138 //      }
00139 //      --lev;
00140 //       }
00141 //       --lev;
00142 //     }
00143 //     std::cout << "done... count = " << count << std::endl;
00144 //     std::cout << "about to try to see what the \"deep components\" are" << std::endl;
00145 //    std::cout << "done with the \"deep components\" check, there are: " << tracker->deepComponents().size() << std::endl;
00146   return tracker;
00147 }