
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 //
00003 // Package:     Core
00004 // Class  :     FWEventItemsManager
00005 //
00006 // Implementation:
00007 //     <Notes on implementation>
00008 //
00009 // Original Author:
00010 //         Created:  Fri Jan  4 10:38:18 EST 2008
00011 // $Id:,v 1.40 2010/10/27 16:27:23 amraktad Exp $
00012 //
00014 // system include files
00015 #include <sstream>
00016 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
00017 #include "TClass.h"
00019 // user include files
00020 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWEventItemsManager.h"
00021 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWEventItem.h"
00022 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWModelChangeManager.h"
00023 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWColorManager.h"
00024 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWConfiguration.h"
00025 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWDisplayProperties.h"
00026 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWItemAccessorFactory.h"
00027 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/fwLog.h"
00029 //
00030 // constants, enums and typedefs
00031 //
00033 //
00034 // static data member definitions
00035 //
00037 //
00038 // constructors and destructor
00039 //
00040 FWEventItemsManager::FWEventItemsManager(FWModelChangeManager* iManager) :
00041    m_changeManager(iManager),
00042    m_context(0),
00043    m_event(0),
00044    m_accessorFactory(new FWItemAccessorFactory())
00045 {
00046 }
00048 // FWEventItemsManager::FWEventItemsManager(const FWEventItemsManager& rhs)
00049 // {
00050 //    // do actual copying here;
00051 // }
00059 FWEventItemsManager::~FWEventItemsManager()
00060 {
00061    for (size_t i = 0, e = m_items.size(); i != e; ++i)
00062       delete m_items[i];
00064    m_items.clear();
00065 }
00067 //
00068 // assignment operators
00069 //
00070 // const FWEventItemsManager& FWEventItemsManager::operator=(const FWEventItemsManager& rhs)
00071 // {
00072 //   //An exception safe implementation is
00073 //   FWEventItemsManager temp(rhs);
00074 //   swap(rhs);
00075 //
00076 //   return *this;
00077 // }
00079 //
00080 // member functions
00081 //
00082 const FWEventItem*
00083 FWEventItemsManager::add(const FWPhysicsObjectDesc& iItem)
00084 {
00085    FWPhysicsObjectDesc temp(iItem);
00087    if(! m_context->colorManager()->colorHasIndex(temp.displayProperties().color())) {
00088       FWDisplayProperties prop(temp.displayProperties());
00089       fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) << Form("FWEventItemsManager::add(const FWPhysicsObjectDesc& iItem), color index  not valid. Set Color idex to %d\n", FWColorManager::getDefaultStartColorIndex());
00090       prop.setColor(FWColorManager::getDefaultStartColorIndex());
00091       temp.setDisplayProperties(prop);
00092    }
00094    m_items.push_back(new FWEventItem(m_context,m_items.size(),m_accessorFactory->accessorFor(temp.type()),
00095                                      temp) );
00096    newItem_(m_items.back());
00097    m_items.back()->goingToBeDestroyed_.connect(boost::bind(&FWEventItemsManager::removeItem,this,_1));
00098    if(m_event) {
00099       FWChangeSentry sentry(*m_changeManager);
00100       m_items.back()->setEvent(m_event);
00101    }
00102    return m_items.back();
00103 }
00108 void
00109 FWEventItemsManager::newEvent(const edm::EventBase* iEvent)
00110 {
00111    FWChangeSentry sentry(*m_changeManager);
00112    m_event = iEvent;
00113    for(size_t i = 0, e = m_items.size(); i != e; ++i)
00114    {
00115       FWEventItem *item = m_items[i];
00116       if(item)
00117          item->setEvent(iEvent);
00118    }
00119 }
00126 void
00127 FWEventItemsManager::clearItems(void)
00128 {
00129    for (size_t i = 0, e = m_items.size(); i != e; ++i)
00130    {
00131       FWEventItem *item = m_items[i];
00132       if (item) {
00133          item->destroy();
00134       }
00135       m_items[i]=0;
00136    }
00137    goingToClearItems_();
00139    m_items.clear();
00140 }
00142 static const std::string kType("type");
00143 static const std::string kModuleLabel("moduleLabel");
00144 static const std::string kProductInstanceLabel("productInstanceLabel");
00145 static const std::string kProcessName("processName");
00146 static const std::string kFilterExpression("filterExpression");
00147 static const std::string kColor("color");
00148 static const std::string kIsVisible("isVisible");
00149 static const std::string kTrue("t");
00150 static const std::string kFalse("f");
00151 static const std::string kLayer("layer");
00152 static const std::string kPurpose("purpose");
00153 static const std::string kTransparency("transparency");
00155 void
00156 FWEventItemsManager::addTo(FWConfiguration& iTo) const
00157 {
00158    FWColorManager* cm = m_context->colorManager();
00159    assert(0!=cm);
00160    for(std::vector<FWEventItem*>::const_iterator it = m_items.begin();
00161        it != m_items.end();
00162        ++it)
00163    {
00164       if(!*it) continue;
00165       FWConfiguration conf(5);
00166       ROOT::Reflex::Type dataType( ROOT::Reflex::Type::ByTypeInfo(*((*it)->type()->GetTypeInfo())));
00167       assert(dataType != ROOT::Reflex::Type() );
00169       conf.addKeyValue(kType,FWConfiguration(dataType.Name(ROOT::Reflex::SCOPED)));
00170       conf.addKeyValue(kModuleLabel,FWConfiguration((*it)->moduleLabel()));
00171       conf.addKeyValue(kProductInstanceLabel, FWConfiguration((*it)->productInstanceLabel()));
00172       conf.addKeyValue(kProcessName, FWConfiguration((*it)->processName()));
00173       conf.addKeyValue(kFilterExpression, FWConfiguration((*it)->filterExpression()));
00174       {
00175          std::ostringstream os;
00176          os << (*it)->defaultDisplayProperties().color();
00177          conf.addKeyValue(kColor, FWConfiguration(os.str()));
00178       }
00179       conf.addKeyValue(kIsVisible, FWConfiguration((*it)->defaultDisplayProperties().isVisible() ? kTrue : kFalse));
00180       {
00181          std::ostringstream os;
00182          os << (*it)->layer();
00183          conf.addKeyValue(kLayer,FWConfiguration(os.str()));
00184       }
00185       conf.addKeyValue(kPurpose,(*it)->purpose());
00186       {
00187          std::ostringstream os;
00188          os << static_cast<int>((*it)->defaultDisplayProperties().transparency());
00189          conf.addKeyValue(kTransparency, FWConfiguration(os.str()));
00190       }
00191       iTo.addKeyValue((*it)->name(), conf, true);
00192    }
00193 }
00197 void
00198 FWEventItemsManager::setFrom(const FWConfiguration& iFrom)
00199 {
00201    FWColorManager* cm = m_context->colorManager();
00202    assert(0!=cm);
00204    clearItems();
00205    const FWConfiguration::KeyValues* keyValues =  iFrom.keyValues();
00206    assert(0!=keyValues);
00207    for (FWConfiguration::KeyValues::const_iterator it = keyValues->begin();
00208         it != keyValues->end();
00209         ++it)
00210    {
00211       const std::string& name = it->first;
00212       const FWConfiguration& conf = it->second;
00213       const FWConfiguration::KeyValues* keyValues =  conf.keyValues();
00214       assert(0!=keyValues);
00215       const std::string& type = (*keyValues)[0].second.value();
00216       const std::string& moduleLabel = (*keyValues)[1].second.value();
00217       const std::string& productInstanceLabel = (*keyValues)[2].second.value();
00218       const std::string& processName = (*keyValues)[3].second.value();
00219       const std::string& filterExpression = (*keyValues)[4].second.value();
00220       const std::string& sColor = (*keyValues)[5].second.value();
00221       const bool isVisible = (*keyValues)[6].second.value() == kTrue;
00223       unsigned int colorIndex;
00224       if(conf.version() < 5)
00225       {
00226          std::istringstream is(sColor);
00227          Color_t color;
00228          is >> color;
00229          colorIndex = cm->oldColorToIndex(color, conf.version());
00230       }
00231       else
00232       {
00233          // In version 4 we assume:
00234          //   fireworks colors start at ROOT index 1000
00235          //   geometry  colors start at ROOT index 1100
00236          // We save them as such -- no conversions needed.
00237          std::istringstream is(sColor);
00238          is >> colorIndex;
00239       }
00241       int transparency = 0;
00243       // Read transparency from file. We don't care about checking errors
00244       // because strtol returns 0 in that case.
00245       if (conf.version() > 3)
00246          transparency = strtol((*keyValues)[9].second.value().c_str(), 0, 10);
00248       FWDisplayProperties dp(colorIndex, isVisible, transparency);
00250       unsigned int layer = strtol((*keyValues)[7].second.value().c_str(), 0, 10);
00252       //For older configs assume name is the same as purpose
00253       std::string purpose(name);
00254       if (conf.version() > 1)
00255          purpose = (*keyValues)[8].second.value();
00257       FWPhysicsObjectDesc desc(name,
00258                                TClass::GetClass(type.c_str()),
00259                                purpose,
00260                                dp,
00261                                moduleLabel,
00262                                productInstanceLabel,
00263                                processName,
00264                                filterExpression,
00265                                layer);
00266       add(desc);
00267    }
00268 }
00280 void
00281 FWEventItemsManager::removeItem(const FWEventItem* iItem)
00282 {
00283    assert(iItem->id() < m_items.size());
00284    m_items[iItem->id()] = 0;
00285 }
00287 void
00288 FWEventItemsManager::setContext(fireworks::Context* iContext)
00289 {
00290    m_context = iContext;
00291 }
00293 //
00294 // const member functions
00295 //
00296 FWEventItemsManager::const_iterator
00297 FWEventItemsManager::begin() const
00298 {
00299    return m_items.begin();
00300 }
00301 FWEventItemsManager::const_iterator
00302 FWEventItemsManager::end() const
00303 {
00304    return m_items.end();
00305 }
00309 const FWEventItem*
00310 FWEventItemsManager::find(const std::string& iName) const
00311 {
00312    for (size_t i = 0, e = m_items.size(); i != e; ++i)
00313    {
00314       const FWEventItem *item = m_items[i];
00315       if (item && item->name() == iName)
00316          return item;
00317    }
00318    return 0;
00319 }
00321 //
00322 // static member functions
00323 //