
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // user include files
00002 #include "EcalTrigPrimESProducer.h"
00004 #include <iostream>
00005 #include <fstream>
00006 #include <TMath.h>
00007 #include <sstream>
00009 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00011 //
00012 // input stream from a gz file
00013 //
00015 struct GzInputStream
00016  {
00017   typedef voidp gzFile ;
00018   gzFile gzf ;
00019   char buffer[256] ;
00020   std::istringstream iss ;
00021   bool eof ;
00022   GzInputStream( const char * file )
00023    : eof(false)
00024    {
00025     gzf = gzopen(file,"rb") ;
00026     if (gzf==Z_NULL)
00027      {
00028       eof = true ;
00029       edm::LogWarning("EcalTPG") <<"Database file "<<file<<" not found!!!";
00030      }
00031     else readLine() ;
00032    }
00033   void readLine()
00034    {
00035     char * res = gzgets(gzf,buffer,256) ;
00036     eof = (res==Z_NULL) ;
00037     if (!eof)
00038      {
00039       iss.clear() ;
00040       iss.str(buffer) ;
00041      }
00042    }
00043   ~GzInputStream()
00044    { gzclose(gzf) ; }
00045   operator void*()
00046    { return ((eof==true)?((void*)0):iss) ; }
00047  } ;
00049 template <typename T>
00050 GzInputStream & operator>>( GzInputStream & gis, T & var )
00051  {
00052   while ((gis)&&(!(gis.iss>>var)))
00053    { gis.readLine() ; }
00054   return gis ;
00055  }
00058 //
00059 // constructors and destructor
00060 //
00062 EcalTrigPrimESProducer::EcalTrigPrimESProducer(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig) :
00063   dbFilename_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("DatabaseFile",""))
00064 {
00065   //the following line is needed to tell the framework what
00066   // data is being produced
00067   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::producePedestals) ;
00068   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceLinearizationConst) ;
00069   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceSlidingWindow) ;
00070   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEB) ;
00071   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEEstrip) ;
00072   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEEtower) ;
00073   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceLUT) ;
00074   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceWeight) ;
00075   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceWeightGroup) ;
00076   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceLutGroup) ;
00077   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEBGroup) ;
00078   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::producePhysicsConst) ;
00079   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceBadX) ;
00080   setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceBadTT) ;
00081   //now do what ever other initialization is needed
00082 }
00085 EcalTrigPrimESProducer::~EcalTrigPrimESProducer()
00086 { 
00087 }
00089 //
00090 // member functions
00091 //
00093 // ------------ method called to produce the data  ------------
00096 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGPedestals> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::producePedestals(const EcalTPGPedestalsRcd & iRecord)
00097 {
00098   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGPedestals> prod(new EcalTPGPedestals());
00099   parseTextFile() ;
00100   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00101   for (it = mapXtal_.begin() ; it != mapXtal_.end() ; it++) {
00102     EcalTPGPedestal item ;
00103     item.mean_x12 = (it->second)[0] ;
00104     item.mean_x6  = (it->second)[3] ;
00105     item.mean_x1  = (it->second)[6] ;
00106     prod->setValue(it->first,item) ;
00107   }
00108   return prod;
00109 }
00111 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGLinearizationConst> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceLinearizationConst(const EcalTPGLinearizationConstRcd & iRecord)
00112 {
00113   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGLinearizationConst> prod(new EcalTPGLinearizationConst());
00114   parseTextFile() ;
00115   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00116   for (it = mapXtal_.begin() ; it != mapXtal_.end() ; it++) {
00117     EcalTPGLinearizationConstant item ;
00118     item.mult_x12 = (it->second)[1] ;
00119     item.mult_x6  = (it->second)[4] ;
00120     item.mult_x1  = (it->second)[7] ;
00121     item.shift_x12 = (it->second)[2] ;
00122     item.shift_x6  = (it->second)[5] ;
00123     item.shift_x1  = (it->second)[8] ;
00124     prod->setValue(it->first,item) ;
00125   }
00126   return prod;
00127 }
00129 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGSlidingWindow> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceSlidingWindow(const EcalTPGSlidingWindowRcd & iRecord)
00130 {
00131   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGSlidingWindow> prod(new EcalTPGSlidingWindow());
00132   parseTextFile() ;
00133   for (int subdet=0 ; subdet<2 ; subdet++) {
00134     std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00135     for (it = mapStrip_[subdet].begin() ; it != mapStrip_[subdet].end() ; it++) {
00136       prod->setValue(it->first,(it->second)[0]) ;
00137     }
00138   }
00139   return prod;
00140 }
00142 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMap> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEB(const EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMapRcd & iRecord)
00143 {
00144   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMap> prod(new EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMap());
00145   parseTextFile() ;
00146   EcalTPGFineGrainConstEB fg ;
00147   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00148   for (it = mapFg_.begin() ; it != mapFg_.end() ; it++) {
00149     fg.setValues((it->second)[0], (it->second)[1], (it->second)[2], (it->second)[3], (it->second)[4]) ;
00150     prod->setValue(it->first,fg) ;
00151   }
00152   return prod;
00153 }
00155 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainStripEE> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEEstrip(const EcalTPGFineGrainStripEERcd & iRecord)
00156 {
00157   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainStripEE> prod(new EcalTPGFineGrainStripEE());
00158   parseTextFile() ;
00159   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00160   for (it = mapStrip_[1].begin() ; it != mapStrip_[1].end() ; it++) {
00161     EcalTPGFineGrainStripEE::Item item ;
00162     item.threshold = (it->second)[2] ;
00163     item.lut  = (it->second)[3] ;
00164     prod->setValue(it->first,item) ;
00165   }
00166   return prod;
00167 }
00169 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEE> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEEtower(const EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEERcd & iRecord)
00170 {
00171   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEE> prod(new EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEE());
00172   parseTextFile() ;
00173   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00174   for (it = mapTower_[1].begin() ; it != mapTower_[1].end() ; it++) {
00175     prod->setValue(it->first,(it->second)[1]) ;
00176   }
00177   return prod;
00178 }
00180 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGLutIdMap> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceLUT(const EcalTPGLutIdMapRcd & iRecord)
00181 {
00182   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGLutIdMap> prod(new EcalTPGLutIdMap());
00183   parseTextFile() ;
00184   EcalTPGLut lut ;
00185   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00186   for (it = mapLut_.begin() ; it != mapLut_.end() ; it++) {
00187     unsigned int lutArray[1024] ;
00188     for (int i=0 ; i <1024 ; i++) lutArray[i] = (it->second)[i] ;
00189     lut.setLut(lutArray) ;
00190     prod->setValue(it->first,lut) ;
00191   }
00192   return prod;
00193 }
00195 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGWeightIdMap> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceWeight(const EcalTPGWeightIdMapRcd & iRecord)
00196 {
00197   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGWeightIdMap> prod(new EcalTPGWeightIdMap());
00198   parseTextFile() ;
00199   EcalTPGWeights weights ;
00200   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00201   for (it = mapWeight_.begin() ; it != mapWeight_.end() ; it++) {
00202     weights.setValues((it->second)[0], 
00203                       (it->second)[1],
00204                       (it->second)[2], 
00205                       (it->second)[3],
00206                       (it->second)[4]) ;
00207     prod->setValue(it->first,weights) ;
00208   }
00209   return prod;
00210 }
00212 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGWeightGroup> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceWeightGroup(const EcalTPGWeightGroupRcd & iRecord)
00213 {
00214   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGWeightGroup> prod(new EcalTPGWeightGroup());
00215   parseTextFile() ;
00216   for (int subdet=0 ; subdet<2 ; subdet++) {
00217     std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00218     for (it = mapStrip_[subdet].begin() ; it != mapStrip_[subdet].end() ; it++) {
00219       prod->setValue(it->first,(it->second)[1]) ;
00220     }
00221   }
00222   return prod;
00223 }
00225 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGLutGroup> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceLutGroup(const EcalTPGLutGroupRcd & iRecord)
00226 {
00227   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGLutGroup> prod(new EcalTPGLutGroup());
00228   parseTextFile() ;
00229   for (int subdet=0 ; subdet<2 ; subdet++) {
00230     std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00231     for (it = mapTower_[subdet].begin() ; it != mapTower_[subdet].end() ; it++) {
00232       prod->setValue(it->first,(it->second)[0]) ;
00233     }
00234   }
00235   return prod;
00236 }
00238 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroup> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceFineGrainEBGroup(const EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroupRcd & iRecord)
00239 {
00240   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroup> prod(new EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroup());
00241   parseTextFile() ;
00242   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00243   for (it = mapTower_[0].begin() ; it != mapTower_[0].end() ; it++) {
00244     prod->setValue(it->first,(it->second)[1]) ;
00245   }
00246   return prod;
00247 }
00249 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGPhysicsConst> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::producePhysicsConst(const EcalTPGPhysicsConstRcd & iRecord)
00250 {
00251   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGPhysicsConst> prod(new EcalTPGPhysicsConst());
00252   parseTextFile() ;
00253   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator it ;
00254   for (it = mapPhys_.begin() ; it != mapPhys_.end() ; it++) {
00255     EcalTPGPhysicsConst::Item item ;
00256     item.EtSat = (it->second)[0] ;
00257     item.ttf_threshold_Low = (it->second)[1] ;
00258     item.ttf_threshold_High = (it->second)[2] ;
00259     item.FG_lowThreshold = (it->second)[3] ;
00260     item.FG_highThreshold = (it->second)[4] ;
00261     item.FG_lowRatio = (it->second)[5] ;
00262     item.FG_highRatio = (it->second)[6] ;
00263     prod->setValue(it->first,item) ;
00264   }
00265   return prod;
00266 }
00268 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceBadX(const EcalTPGCrystalStatusRcd & iRecord)
00269 {
00270   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus> prod(new EcalTPGCrystalStatus());
00271   parseTextFile() ;
00272   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00273   for (it = mapXtal_.begin() ; it != mapXtal_.end() ; it++) {
00275     EcalTPGCrystalStatusCode badXValue;
00276     badXValue.setStatusCode(0);
00277     prod->setValue(it->first,badXValue) ;
00278   }
00279   return prod;
00281 }
00283 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGTowerStatus> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::produceBadTT(const EcalTPGTowerStatusRcd & iRecord)
00284 {
00285   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGTowerStatus> prod(new EcalTPGTowerStatus());
00286   parseTextFile() ;
00287   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t> >::const_iterator it ;
00288   //Barrel
00289   for (it = mapTower_[0].begin() ; it != mapTower_[0].end() ; it++) {
00290     //set the BadTT status to 0
00291     prod->setValue(it->first,0) ;
00292   }
00293   //Endcap
00294   for (it = mapTower_[1].begin() ; it != mapTower_[1].end() ; it++) {
00295     //set the BadTT status to 0
00296     prod->setValue(it->first,0) ;
00297   }
00299   return prod; 
00300 }
00302 void EcalTrigPrimESProducer::parseTextFile()
00303 {
00304   if (mapXtal_.size() != 0) return ; // just parse the file once!
00306   uint32_t id ;
00307   std::string dataCard ;
00308   std::string line;
00309   std::ifstream infile ; 
00310   std::vector<unsigned int> param ;
00311   std::vector<float> paramF ;
00312   int NBstripparams[2] = {2, 4} ;
00313   unsigned int data ;
00314   float dataF ;
00316   std::string bufString;
00317   std::string iString;
00318   std::string fString;
00319   std::string filename = "SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimProducers/data/"+dbFilename_;
00320   std::string finalFileName ;
00321   size_t slash=dbFilename_.find("/");
00322   if (slash!=0) {
00323     edm::FileInPath fileInPath(filename);
00324     finalFileName = fileInPath.fullPath() ;
00325   }
00326   else {
00327     finalFileName = dbFilename_.c_str() ;
00328     edm::LogWarning("EcalTPG") <<"Couldnt find database file via fileinpath, trying with pathname directly!!";
00329   }
00332   GzInputStream gis(finalFileName.c_str()) ;
00333   while (gis>>dataCard) {
00335     if (dataCard == "PHYSICS_EB" || dataCard == "PHYSICS_EE") {
00336       gis>>std::dec>>id ;
00337       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00338       paramF.clear() ;
00339       for (int i=0 ; i <7 ; i++) {
00340         gis>>std::dec>>dataF ;
00341         paramF.push_back(dataF) ;
00342         //std::cout<<", "<<std::dec<<dataF ;
00343       }
00344       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00345       mapPhys_[id] = paramF ;
00346     }
00348     if (dataCard == "CRYSTAL") {
00349       gis>>std::dec>>id ;
00350       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00351       param.clear() ;
00352       for (int i=0 ; i <9 ; i++) {
00353         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00354         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00355         param.push_back(data) ;
00356       }
00357       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00358       mapXtal_[id] = param ;
00359     }
00361     if (dataCard == "STRIP_EB") {
00362       gis>>std::dec>>id ;
00363       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00364       param.clear() ;
00365       for (int i=0 ; i <NBstripparams[0] ; i++) {
00366         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00367         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00368         param.push_back(data) ;
00369       }
00370       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00371       mapStrip_[0][id] = param ;
00372     }
00374     if (dataCard == "STRIP_EE") {
00375       gis>>std::dec>>id ;
00376       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00377       param.clear() ;
00378       for (int i=0 ; i <NBstripparams[1] ; i++) {
00379         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00380         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00381         param.push_back(data) ;
00382       }
00383       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00384       mapStrip_[1][id] = param ;
00385     }
00387     if (dataCard == "TOWER_EB" || dataCard == "TOWER_EE") {
00388       gis>>std::dec>>id ;
00389       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00390       param.clear() ;
00391       for (int i=0 ; i <2 ; i++) {
00392         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00393         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00394         param.push_back(data) ;
00395       }
00396       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00397       if (dataCard == "TOWER_EB") mapTower_[0][id] = param ;
00398       if (dataCard == "TOWER_EE") mapTower_[1][id] = param ;
00399     }
00401     if (dataCard == "WEIGHT") {
00402       gis>>std::hex>>id ;
00403       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00404       param.clear() ;
00405       for (int i=0 ; i <5 ; i++) {
00406         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00407         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00408         param.push_back(data) ;
00409       }
00410       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00411       mapWeight_[id] = param ;
00412     }
00414     if (dataCard == "FG") {
00415       gis>>std::hex>>id ;
00416       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00417       param.clear() ;
00418       for (int i=0 ; i <5 ; i++) {
00419         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00420         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00421         param.push_back(data) ;
00422       }
00423       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00424       mapFg_[id] = param ;
00425     }
00427     if (dataCard == "LUT") {
00428       gis>>std::hex>>id ;
00429       //std::cout<<dataCard<<" "<<std::dec<<id ;
00430       param.clear() ;
00431       for (int i=0 ; i <1024 ; i++) {
00432         gis>>std::hex>>data ;
00433         //std::cout<<", "<<std::hex<<data ;
00434         param.push_back(data) ;
00435       }
00436       //std::cout<<std::endl ;
00437       mapLut_[id] = param ;
00438     }
00439   }
00440 }
00442 std::vector<int> EcalTrigPrimESProducer::getRange(int subdet, int tccNb, int towerNbInTcc, int stripNbInTower, int xtalNbInStrip)
00443 {
00444   std::vector<int> range ;
00445   if (subdet == 0) { 
00446     // Barrel
00447     range.push_back(37)  ; // stccNbMin
00448     range.push_back(73) ; // tccNbMax
00449     range.push_back(1)  ; // towerNbMin
00450     range.push_back(69) ; // towerNbMax
00451     range.push_back(1)  ; // stripNbMin
00452     range.push_back(6)  ; // stripNbMax
00453     range.push_back(1)  ; // xtalNbMin
00454     range.push_back(6)  ; // xtalNbMax
00455   } else {
00456     // Endcap eta >0
00457     if (subdet >0 ) {
00458       range.push_back(73) ; // tccNbMin
00459       range.push_back(109) ; // tccNbMax
00460     } else { //endcap eta <0
00461       range.push_back(1) ; // tccNbMin
00462       range.push_back(37) ; // tccNbMax
00463     }
00464     range.push_back(1)  ; // towerNbMin
00465     range.push_back(29) ; // towerNbMax
00466     range.push_back(1)  ; // stripNbMin
00467     range.push_back(6)  ; // stripNbMax
00468     range.push_back(1)  ; // xtalNbMin
00469     range.push_back(6)  ; // xtalNbMax
00470   }
00472   if (tccNb>0) {
00473     range[0] = tccNb ; 
00474     range[1] = tccNb+1 ;
00475   }
00476   if (towerNbInTcc>0) {
00477     range[2] = towerNbInTcc ; 
00478     range[3] = towerNbInTcc+1 ;
00479   }
00480   if (stripNbInTower>0) {
00481     range[4] = stripNbInTower ; 
00482     range[5] = stripNbInTower+1 ;
00483   }
00484   if (xtalNbInStrip>0) {
00485     range[6] = xtalNbInStrip ; 
00486     range[7] = xtalNbInStrip+1 ;
00487   }
00489   return range ;
00490 }
00492 // bool EcalTrigPrimESProducer::getNextString(gzFile &gzf){
00493 //   size_t blank;
00494 //   if (bufpos_==0) {
00495 //     gzgets(gzf,buf_,80);
00496 //     if (gzeof(gzf)) return true;
00497 //     bufString_=std::string(buf_);
00498 //   }
00499 //   int  pos=0;
00500 //   pos =bufpos_;
00501 //   // look for next non-blank
00502 //   while (pos<bufString_.size()) {
00503 //     if (!,1," ")) pos++;
00504 //     else break;
00505 //   }
00506 //   blank=bufString_.find(" ",pos);
00507 //   size_t end = blank;
00508 //   if (blank==std::string::npos) end=bufString_.size();
00509 //   sub_=bufString_.substr(pos,end-pos);
00510 //   bufpos_= blank;
00511 //   if (blank==std::string::npos) bufpos_=0;
00512 //   return false;
00513 // }
00514 //  
00515 // int EcalTrigPrimESProducer::converthex() {
00516 //   // converts hex dec string sub to hexa
00517 //   //FIXME:: find something better (istrstream?)!!!!
00518 // 
00519 //   std::string chars("0123456789abcdef");
00520 //   int hex=0;
00521 //   for (size_t i=2;i<sub_.length();++i) {
00522 //     size_t f=chars.find(sub_[i]);
00523 //     if (f==std::string::npos) break;  //FIXME: length is 4 for 0x3!!
00524 //     hex=hex*16+chars.find(sub_[i]);
00525 //   }
00526 //   return hex;
00527 // }