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/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_4_1_8_patch12/src/CalibCalorimetry/CastorCalib/interface/CastorDbXml.h File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
#include "CondFormats/CastorObjects/interface/AllObjects.h"

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namespace  CastorDbXml

IO for XML instances of Hcal/Castor Calibrations.


bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorPedestals &fObject, const CastorPedestalWidths &fError)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorCalibrationQIEData &fObject)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorQIEData &fObject)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorElectronicsMap &fObject)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorGainWidths &fObject)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorGains &fObject)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorGains &fObject, const CastorGainWidths &fError)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorPedestalWidths &fObject)
bool CastorDbXml::dumpObject (std::ostream &fOutput, unsigned fRun, unsigned long fGMTIOVBegin, unsigned long fGMTIOVEnd, const std::string &fTag, unsigned fVersion, const CastorPedestals &fObject)