
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef MuonTrackValidator_h
00002 #define MuonTrackValidator_h
00010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h"
00012 #include "Validation/RecoMuon/plugins/MuonTrackValidatorBase.h"
00014 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
00015 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrack.h"
00017 class MuonTrackValidator : public edm::EDAnalyzer, protected MuonTrackValidatorBase {
00018  public:
00020   MuonTrackValidator(const edm::ParameterSet& pset):MuonTrackValidatorBase(pset){
00021     dirName_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("dirName");
00022     associatormap = pset.getParameter< edm::InputTag >("associatormap");
00023     UseAssociators = pset.getParameter< bool >("UseAssociators");
00024     tpSelector = TrackingParticleSelector(pset.getParameter<double>("ptMinTP"),
00025                                           pset.getParameter<double>("minRapidityTP"),
00026                                           pset.getParameter<double>("maxRapidityTP"),
00027                                           pset.getParameter<double>("tipTP"),
00028                                           pset.getParameter<double>("lipTP"),
00029                                           pset.getParameter<int>("minHitTP"),
00030                                           pset.getParameter<bool>("signalOnlyTP"),
00031                                           pset.getParameter<bool>("chargedOnlyTP"),
00032                                           pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("pdgIdTP"));
00033     cosmictpSelector = CosmicTrackingParticleSelector(pset.getParameter<double>("ptMinTP"),
00034                                                       pset.getParameter<double>("minRapidityTP"),
00035                                                       pset.getParameter<double>("maxRapidityTP"),
00036                                                       pset.getParameter<double>("tipTP"),
00037                                                       pset.getParameter<double>("lipTP"),
00038                                                       pset.getParameter<int>("minHitTP"),
00039                                                       pset.getParameter<bool>("chargedOnlyTP"),
00040                                                       pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("pdgIdTP"));
00042     minPhi = pset.getParameter<double>("minPhi"); 
00043     maxPhi = pset.getParameter<double>("maxPhi");
00044     nintPhi = pset.getParameter<int>("nintPhi");
00045     useGsf = pset.getParameter<bool>("useGsf");
00046     BiDirectional_RecoToSim_association = pset.getParameter<bool>("BiDirectional_RecoToSim_association");
00048     // dump cfg parameters
00049     edm::LogVerbatim("MuonTrackValidator") << "constructing  MuonTrackValidator: " << pset.dump();
00051     MABH = false;
00052     if (!UseAssociators) {
00053       // flag MuonAssociatorByHits
00054       if (associators[0] == "MuonAssociationByHits") MABH = true;
00055       // reset string associators to the map label
00056       associators.clear();
00057       associators.push_back(associatormap.label());
00058       edm::LogVerbatim("MuonTrackValidator") << "--> associators reset to: " <<associators[0];
00059     }
00061     // inform on which SimHits will be counted 
00062     if (usetracker) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonTrackValidator")
00063       <<"\n usetracker = TRUE  : Tracker SimHits WILL be counted";
00064     else edm::LogVerbatim("MuonTrackValidator") 
00065       <<"\n usetracker = FALSE : Tracker SimHits WILL NOT be counted";    
00066     if (usemuon) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonTrackValidator")
00067       <<" usemuon = TRUE  : Muon SimHits WILL be counted";
00068     else edm::LogVerbatim("MuonTrackValidator") 
00069       <<" usemuon = FALSE : Muon SimHits WILL NOT be counted"<<std::endl;
00071     // loop over the reco::Track collections to validate: check for inconsistent input settings
00072     for (unsigned int www=0;www<label.size();www++) {
00073       std::string recoTracksLabel = label[www].label();  
00074       std::string recoTracksInstance = label[www].instance();
00076       // tracks with hits only on tracker
00077       if (recoTracksLabel=="generalTracks"                                  ||
00078           (recoTracksLabel.find("cutsRecoTracks") != std::string::npos)     ||
00079           recoTracksLabel=="ctfWithMaterialTracksP5LHCNavigation"           ||
00080           recoTracksLabel=="hltL3TkTracksFromL2"                            ||
00081           (recoTracksLabel=="hltL3Muons" && recoTracksInstance=="L2Seeded")) 
00082         {
00083           if (usemuon) {
00084             edm::LogWarning("MuonTrackValidator") 
00085               <<"\n*** WARNING : inconsistent input tracksTag = "<<label[www]
00086               <<"\n with usemuon == true"<<"\n ---> please change to usemuon == false ";
00087           }
00088           if (!usetracker) {
00089             edm::LogWarning("MuonTrackValidator") 
00090               <<"\n*** WARNING : inconsistent input tracksTag = "<<label[www]
00091               <<"\n with usetracker == false"<<"\n ---> please change to usetracker == true ";
00092           }       
00093         }
00095       // tracks with hits only on muon detectors
00096       else if (recoTracksLabel=="standAloneMuons"    || 
00097                recoTracksLabel=="standAloneSETMuons" ||
00098                recoTracksLabel=="cosmicMuons"        ||
00099                recoTracksLabel=="hltL2Muons")         
00100         {
00101           if (usetracker) {
00102             edm::LogWarning("MuonTrackValidator") 
00103               <<"\n*** WARNING : inconsistent input tracksTag = "<<label[www]
00104               <<"\n with usetracker == true"<<"\n ---> please change to usetracker == false ";
00105           }
00106           if (!usemuon) {
00107             edm::LogWarning("MuonTrackValidator") 
00108               <<"\n*** WARNING : inconsistent input tracksTag = "<<label[www]
00109               <<"\n with usemuon == false"<<"\n ---> please change to usemuon == true ";
00110           }
00111         }
00113     } //  for (unsigned int www=0;www<label.size();www++)
00114   }
00117   virtual ~MuonTrackValidator(){ }
00120   void beginRun(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&);
00122   void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup& );
00124   void endRun(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&);
00126 private:
00128   void getRecoMomentum (const reco::Track& track, double& pt, double& ptError,
00129                         double& qoverp, double& qoverpError, double& lambda, double& lambdaError,  
00130                         double& phi, double& phiError ) const;
00132   void getRecoMomentum (const reco::GsfTrack& gsfTrack, double& pt, double& ptError,
00133                         double& qoverp, double& qoverpError, double& lambda, double& lambdaError,  
00134                         double& phi, double& phiError) const;
00136  private:
00137   std::string dirName_;
00138   edm::InputTag associatormap;
00139   bool UseAssociators;
00140   double minPhi, maxPhi;
00141   int nintPhi;
00142   bool useGsf;
00143   // select tracking particles 
00144   //(i.e. "denominator" of the efficiency ratio)
00145   TrackingParticleSelector tpSelector;                                
00146   CosmicTrackingParticleSelector cosmictpSelector;
00148   // flag new validation logic (bidirectional RecoToSim association)
00149   bool BiDirectional_RecoToSim_association;
00150   // flag MuonAssociatorByHits
00151   bool MABH;
00153   //1D
00154   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_nchi2, h_nchi2_prob, h_losthits;
00156   //2D  
00157   std::vector<MonitorElement*> chi2_vs_nhits, etares_vs_eta;
00158   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_ptshifteta;
00159   std::vector<MonitorElement*> ptres_vs_phi, chi2_vs_phi, nhits_vs_phi, phires_vs_phi;
00161   //Profile2D
00162   std::vector<MonitorElement*> ptmean_vs_eta_phi, phimean_vs_eta_phi;
00164   //assoc chi2
00165   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_assochi2, h_assochi2_prob;
00167   //chi2 and # lost hits vs eta: to be used with doProfileX
00168   std::vector<MonitorElement*> chi2_vs_eta, nlosthits_vs_eta;
00169   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_chi2meanh, h_losthits_eta;
00170   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_hits_phi;  
00171   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_chi2meanhitsh, h_chi2mean_vs_phi;
00173   //resolution of track params: to be used with fitslicesytool
00174   std::vector<MonitorElement*> dxyres_vs_eta, ptres_vs_eta, dzres_vs_eta, phires_vs_eta, cotThetares_vs_eta;
00175   std::vector<MonitorElement*> dxyres_vs_pt, ptres_vs_pt, dzres_vs_pt, phires_vs_pt, cotThetares_vs_pt;
00177   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_dxyrmsh, h_ptrmsh, h_dzrmsh, h_phirmsh, h_cotThetarmsh;
00178   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_dxyrmshPt, h_ptrmshPt, h_dzrmshPt, h_phirmshPt, h_cotThetarmshPt;
00179   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_ptrmshPhi, h_phirmshPhi;
00180   //  std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_phimeanh,h_ptmeanhhi, h_phimeanhPhi;
00182   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_dxymeanh, h_ptmeanh, h_dzmeanh, h_phimeanh, h_cotThetameanh;
00183   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_dxymeanhPt, h_ptmeanhPt, h_dzmeanhPt, h_phimeanhPt, h_cotThetameanhPt;
00184   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_ptmeanhPhi, h_phimeanhPhi;
00186   //pulls of track params vs eta: to be used with fitslicesytool
00187   std::vector<MonitorElement*> dxypull_vs_eta, ptpull_vs_eta, dzpull_vs_eta, phipull_vs_eta, thetapull_vs_eta;
00188   std::vector<MonitorElement*> ptpull_vs_phi, phipull_vs_phi, thetapull_vs_phi;
00189   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_dxypulleta, h_ptpulleta, h_dzpulleta, h_phipulleta, h_thetapulleta;
00190   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_ptpullphi, h_phipullphi, h_thetapullphi;
00191   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_dxypulletamean, h_ptpulletamean, h_dzpulletamean, h_phipulletamean, h_thetapulletamean;
00192   std::vector<MonitorElement*> h_ptpullphimean, h_phipullphimean, h_thetapullphimean;
00193 };
00196 #endif