
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoVertex/MultiVertexFit/interface/MultiVertexFitter.h"
00002 // #include "Vertex/VertexPrimitives/interface/TransientVertex.h"
00003 #include <map>
00004 #include <algorithm>
00005 #include <iomanip>
00006 // #include "Vertex/VertexRecoAnalysis/interface/RecTrackNamer.h"
00007 // #include "Vertex/MultiVertexFit/interface/TransientVertexNamer.h"
00008 #include "RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/interface/KalmanVertexFitter.h"
00009 #include "RecoVertex/VertexTools/interface/LinearizedTrackStateFactory.h"
00010 #include "RecoVertex/VertexTools/interface/VertexTrackFactory.h"
00011 #include "RecoVertex/VertexPrimitives/interface/VertexState.h"
00012 #include "RecoVertex/VertexPrimitives/interface/VertexException.h"
00013 #include "RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/interface/KalmanVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator.h"
00015 // #define MVFHarvestingDebug
00016 #ifdef MVFHarvestingDebug
00017 #include "Vertex/VertexSimpleVis/interface/PrimitivesHarvester.h"
00018 #endif
00020 using namespace std;
00021 using namespace reco;
00023 namespace
00024 {
00025   typedef MultiVertexFitter::TrackAndWeight TrackAndWeight;
00026   typedef MultiVertexFitter::TrackAndSeedToWeightMap TrackAndSeedToWeightMap;
00027   typedef MultiVertexFitter::SeedToWeightMap SeedToWeightMap;
00028   typedef CachingVertex<5>::RefCountedVertexTrack RefCountedVertexTrack;
00030   int verbose()
00031   {
00032     static const int ret = 0; /*SimpleConfigurable<int>
00033       (0, "MultiVertexFitter:Debug").value(); */
00034     return ret;
00035   }
00037   double minWeightFraction()
00038   {
00039     // minimum weight that a track has to have
00040     // in order to be taken into account for the
00041     // vertex fit.
00042     // Given as a fraction of the total weight.
00043     static const float ret = 1e-6; /* SimpleConfigurable<float>
00044       (1e-6, "MultiVertexFitter:MinimumWeightFraction").value(); */
00045     return ret;
00046   }
00048   bool discardLightWeights()
00049   {
00050     static const bool ret = true; /* SimpleConfigurable<bool>
00051       (true, "MultiVertexFitter:DiscardLightWeights").value();*/
00052     return ret;
00053   }
00055   /*
00056   struct CompareRaveTracks
00057   {
00058     bool operator() ( const TransientTrack & r1,
00059                       const TransientTrack & r2 ) const
00060     {
00061       return r1 < r2;
00062     };
00063   }*/
00065   CachingVertex<5> createSeedFromLinPt ( const GlobalPoint & gp )
00066   {
00067     return CachingVertex<5> ( gp, GlobalError (),
00068                            vector<RefCountedVertexTrack> (), 0.0 );
00069   }
00071   double validWeight ( double weight )
00072   {
00073     if ( weight > 1.0 )
00074     {
00075       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] weight=" << weight << "??" << endl;
00076       return 1.0;
00077     };
00079     if ( weight < 0.0 )
00080     {
00081       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] weight=" << weight << "??" << endl;
00082       return 0.0;
00083     };
00084     return weight;
00085   }
00086 }
00088 void MultiVertexFitter::clear()
00089 {
00090   theAssComp->resetAnnealing();
00091   theTracks.clear();
00092   thePrimaries.clear();
00093   theVertexStates.clear();
00094   theWeights.clear();
00095   theCache.clear();
00096 }
00098 // creates the seed, additionally it pushes all tracks
00099 // onto theTracks
00101 void MultiVertexFitter::createSeed( const vector < TransientTrack > & tracks )
00102 {
00103   if ( tracks.size() > 1 )
00104   {
00105     CachingVertex<5> vtx = createSeedFromLinPt (
00106         theSeeder->getLinearizationPoint ( tracks ) );
00107     int snr= seedNr();
00108     theVertexStates.push_back ( pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > ( snr, vtx ) );
00109     for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator track=tracks.begin();
00110           track!=tracks.end() ; ++track )
00111     {
00112       theWeights[*track][snr]=1.;
00113       theTracks.push_back ( *track );
00114     };
00115   };
00116 }
00118 void MultiVertexFitter::createPrimaries ( const std::vector < reco::TransientTrack > tracks )
00119 {
00120   // cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] creating primaries: ";
00121   for ( vector< reco::TransientTrack >::const_iterator i=tracks.begin(); 
00122         i!=tracks.end() ; ++i )
00123   {
00124     thePrimaries.insert ( *i );
00125     // cout << i->id() << "  ";
00126   }
00127   // cout << endl;
00128 }
00130 int MultiVertexFitter::seedNr()
00131 {
00132   return theVertexStateNr++;
00133 }
00135 void MultiVertexFitter::resetSeedNr()
00136 {
00137   theVertexStateNr=0;
00138 }
00140 void MultiVertexFitter::createSeed( const vector < TrackAndWeight > & tracks )
00141 {
00142   // create initial seed for every bundle
00143   vector < RefCountedVertexTrack> newTracks;
00145   for ( vector< TrackAndWeight >::const_iterator track=tracks.begin();
00146         track!=tracks.end() ; ++track )
00147   {
00148     double weight = validWeight ( track->second );
00149     const GlobalPoint & pos = track->first.impactPointState().globalPosition();
00150     GlobalError err; // FIXME
00151     VertexState realseed ( pos, err );
00153     RefCountedLinearizedTrackState lTrData = 
00154       theCache.linTrack ( pos, track->first );
00156     VertexTrackFactory<5> vTrackFactory;
00157     RefCountedVertexTrack vTrData = vTrackFactory.vertexTrack(
00158       lTrData, realseed, weight );
00159     newTracks.push_back ( vTrData );
00160   };
00162   if ( newTracks.size() > 1 )
00163   {
00164     CachingVertex<5> vtx = KalmanVertexFitter().vertex ( newTracks );
00165     int snr = seedNr();
00166     theVertexStates.push_back ( pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > ( snr, vtx ) );
00168     // We initialise the weights with the original
00169     // user supplied weights.
00170     for ( vector< TrackAndWeight >::const_iterator track=tracks.begin();
00171           track!=tracks.end() ; ++track )
00172     {
00173       if ( thePrimaries.count ( track->first ) )
00174       {
00175         /*
00176         cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] " << track-> << " is a primary."
00177              << " setting weight for state " << theVertexStates[0].first
00178              << " to " << track->second
00179              << endl;
00180              */
00181         theWeights[track->first][theVertexStates[0].first]=track->second;
00182         continue;
00183       };
00184       float weight = track->second;
00185       if ( weight > 1.0 )
00186       {
00187         cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] error weight " << weight << " > 1.0 given."
00188              << endl;
00189         cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] will revert to 1.0" << endl;
00190         weight=1.0;
00191       };
00192       if ( weight < 0.0 )
00193       {
00194         cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] error weight " << weight << " < 0.0 given."
00195              << endl;
00196         cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] will revert to 0.0" << endl;
00197         weight=0.0;
00198       };
00199       theWeights[track->first][snr]=weight;
00200       theTracks.push_back ( track->first );
00201     };
00202   };
00204   // this thing will actually have to discard tracks
00205   // that have been submitted - attached to a different vertex - already.
00206   // sort ( theTracks.begin(), theTracks.end(), CompareRaveTracks() );
00207   sort ( theTracks.begin(), theTracks.end() );
00208   for ( vector< TransientTrack >::iterator i=theTracks.begin(); 
00209         i<theTracks.end() ; ++i )
00210   {
00211     if ( i != theTracks.begin() )
00212     {
00213       if ( (*i) == ( *(i-1) ) )
00214       {
00215         theTracks.erase ( i );
00216       };
00217     };
00218   };
00219 }
00221 vector < CachingVertex<5> > MultiVertexFitter::vertices (
00222     const vector < TransientVertex > & vtces,
00223     const vector < TransientTrack > & primaries )
00224 {
00225   // FIXME if vtces.size < 1 return sth that includes the primaries
00226   if ( vtces.size() < 1 )
00227   {
00228     return vector < CachingVertex<5> > ();
00229   };
00230   vector < vector < TrackAndWeight > > bundles;
00231   for ( vector< TransientVertex >::const_iterator vtx=vtces.begin();
00232         vtx!=vtces.end() ; ++vtx )
00233   {
00234     vector < TransientTrack > trks = vtx->originalTracks();
00235     vector < TrackAndWeight > tnws;
00236     for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=trks.begin(); 
00237           trk!=trks.end() ; ++trk )
00238     {
00239       float w = vtx->trackWeight ( *trk ); 
00240       if ( w > 1e-5 )
00241       {
00242         TrackAndWeight tmp ( *trk, w );
00243         tnws.push_back ( tmp );
00244       };
00245     };
00246     bundles.push_back ( tnws );
00247   };
00248   return vertices ( bundles, primaries );
00249 }
00251 vector < CachingVertex<5> > MultiVertexFitter::vertices (
00252     const vector < CachingVertex<5> > & initials,
00253     const vector < TransientTrack > & primaries )
00254 {
00255   clear();
00256   createPrimaries ( primaries );
00257   // FIXME if initials size < 1 return sth that includes the primaries
00258   if (  initials.size() < 1 ) return initials;
00259   for ( vector< CachingVertex<5> >::const_iterator vtx=initials.begin();
00260         vtx!=initials.end() ; ++vtx )
00261   {
00262     int snr = seedNr();
00263     theVertexStates.push_back ( pair < int, CachingVertex<5> >
00264         ( snr, *vtx ) );
00265     TransientVertex rvtx = *vtx;
00266     const vector < TransientTrack > & trks = rvtx.originalTracks();
00267     for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=trks.begin();
00268           trk!=trks.end() ; ++trk )
00269     {
00270       if ( !(thePrimaries.count (*trk )) )
00271       {
00272         // cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] free track " << trk->id() << endl;
00273         theTracks.push_back ( *trk );
00274       } else {
00275         // cout << "[MultiVertexFitter " << trk->id() << " is not free." << endl;
00276       }
00277       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] error! track weight currently set to one"
00278            << " FIXME!!!" << endl;
00279       theWeights[*trk][snr]=1.0;
00280     };
00281   };
00282   #ifdef MVFHarvestingDebug
00283   for ( vector< CachingVertex<5> >::const_iterator i=theVertexStates.begin();
00284         i!=theVertexStates.end() ; ++i )
00285     PrimitivesHarvester::file()->save(*i);
00286   #endif
00287   return fit();
00288 }
00290 vector < CachingVertex<5> > MultiVertexFitter::vertices (
00291     const vector < vector < TransientTrack > > & tracks,
00292     const vector < TransientTrack > & primaries )
00293 {
00294   clear();
00295   createPrimaries ( primaries );
00297   for ( vector< vector < TransientTrack > >::const_iterator cluster=
00298         tracks.begin(); cluster!=tracks.end() ; ++cluster )
00299   {
00300     createSeed ( *cluster );
00301   };
00302   if ( verbose() )
00303   {
00304     printSeeds();
00305   };
00306   #ifdef MVFHarvestingDebug
00307   for ( vector< CachingVertex<5> >::const_iterator i=theVertexStates.begin();
00308         i!=theVertexStates.end() ; ++i )
00309     PrimitivesHarvester::file()->save(*i);
00310   #endif
00311   return fit();
00312 }
00314 vector < CachingVertex<5> > MultiVertexFitter::vertices (
00315     const vector < vector < TrackAndWeight > > & tracks,
00316     const vector < TransientTrack > & primaries )
00317 {
00318   clear();
00319   createPrimaries ( primaries );
00321   for ( vector< vector < TrackAndWeight > >::const_iterator cluster=
00322         tracks.begin(); cluster!=tracks.end() ; ++cluster )
00323   {
00324     createSeed ( *cluster );
00325   };
00326   if ( verbose() )
00327   {
00328     printSeeds();
00329   };
00331   return fit();
00332 }
00334 MultiVertexFitter::MultiVertexFitter( const AnnealingSchedule & ann,
00335                                       const LinearizationPointFinder & seeder,
00336                                       float revive_below ) :
00337     theVertexStateNr ( 0 ), theReviveBelow ( revive_below ),
00338     theAssComp ( ann.clone() ), theSeeder ( seeder.clone() )
00339 {}
00341 MultiVertexFitter::MultiVertexFitter( const MultiVertexFitter & o ) :
00342     theVertexStateNr ( o.theVertexStateNr ), theReviveBelow ( o.theReviveBelow ),
00343     theAssComp ( o.theAssComp->clone() ), theSeeder ( o.theSeeder->clone() )
00344 {}
00346 MultiVertexFitter::~MultiVertexFitter()
00347 {
00348   delete theAssComp;
00349   delete theSeeder;
00350 }
00352 void MultiVertexFitter::updateWeights()
00353 {
00354   theWeights.clear();
00355   if ( verbose() & 4 )
00356   {
00357     cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] Start weight update." << endl;
00358   };
00360   KalmanVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator<5> theComp;
00365   for ( set < TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=thePrimaries.begin();
00366         trk!=thePrimaries.end() ; ++trk )
00367   {
00368     int seednr = theVertexStates[0].first;
00369     CachingVertex<5> seed = theVertexStates[0].second;
00370     pair<bool, double> result = theComp.estimate ( seed, theCache.linTrack ( seed.position(), *trk ) ); 
00371     double weight = 0.;
00372     if (result.first) weight = theAssComp->phi ( result.second );
00373     theWeights[*trk][seednr]= weight; // FIXME maybe "hard" 1.0 or "soft" weight?
00374   }
00379   for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=theTracks.begin();
00380         trk!=theTracks.end() ; ++trk )
00381   {
00382     double tot_weight=theAssComp->phi ( theAssComp->cutoff() * theAssComp->cutoff() );
00384     for ( vector < pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator 
00385           seed=theVertexStates.begin(); seed!=theVertexStates.end(); ++seed )
00386     {
00388       pair<bool, double> result = theComp.estimate ( seed->second, theCache.linTrack ( seed->second.position(),
00389              *trk ) );
00390       double weight = 0.;
00391       if (result.first) weight = theAssComp->phi ( result.second );
00392       tot_weight+=weight;
00393       theWeights[*trk][seed->first]=weight;
00394       /* cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] w[" << TransientTrackNamer().name(*trk)
00395            << "," << seed->position() << "] = " << weight << endl;*/
00396     };
00398     // normalize to sum of all weights of one track equals 1.
00399     // (if we include the "cutoff", as well)
00400     if ( tot_weight > 0.0 )
00401     {
00402       for ( vector < pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator 
00403             seed=theVertexStates.begin();
00404             seed!=theVertexStates.end(); ++seed )
00405       {
00406         double normedweight=theWeights[*trk][seed->first]/tot_weight;
00407         if ( normedweight > 1.0 )
00408         {
00409           cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] he? w[" // << TransientTrackNamer().name(*trk)
00410                << "," << seed->second.position() << "] = " << normedweight
00411                << " totw=" << tot_weight << endl;
00412           normedweight=1.0;
00413         };
00414         if ( normedweight < 0.0 )
00415         {
00416           cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] he? weight=" << normedweight
00417                << " totw=" << tot_weight << endl;
00418           normedweight=0.0;
00419         };
00420         theWeights[*trk][seed->first]=normedweight;
00421       };
00422     } else {
00423       // total weight equals zero? restart, with uniform distribution!
00424       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] track found with no assignment - ";
00425       cout << "will assign uniformly." << endl;
00426       float w = .5 / (float) theVertexStates.size();
00427       for ( vector < pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator seed=theVertexStates.begin();
00428             seed!=theVertexStates.end(); ++seed )
00429       {
00430         theWeights[*trk][seed->first]=w;
00431       };
00432     };
00433   };
00434   if ( verbose() & 2 ) printWeights();
00435 }
00437 bool MultiVertexFitter::updateSeeds()
00438 {
00439   double max_disp=0.;
00440   // need to fit with the right weights.
00441   // also trigger an updateWeights.
00442   // if the seeds dont move much we return true
00444   vector < pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > > newSeeds;
00446   for ( vector< pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator seed=theVertexStates.begin();
00447         seed!=theVertexStates.end() ; ++seed )
00448   {
00449     // for each seed get the tracks with the right weights.
00450     // TransientVertex rv = seed->second;
00451     // const GlobalPoint & seedpos = seed->second.position();
00452     int snr = seed->first;
00453     VertexState realseed ( seed->second.position(), seed->second.error() );
00455     double totweight=0.;
00456     for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator track=theTracks.begin();
00457           track!=theTracks.end() ; ++track )
00458     {
00459       totweight+=theWeights[*track][snr];
00460     };
00463     int nr_good_trks=0; // how many tracks above weight limit
00464     // we count those tracks, because that way
00465     // we can discard lightweights if there are enough tracks
00466     // and not discard the lightweights if that would give us
00467     // fewer than two tracks ( we would loose a seed, then ).
00468     if ( discardLightWeights() )
00469     {
00470       for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator track=theTracks.begin();
00471             track!=theTracks.end() ; ++track )
00472       {
00473         if ( theWeights[*track][snr] > totweight * minWeightFraction() )
00474         {
00475           nr_good_trks++;
00476         };
00477       };
00478     };
00480     vector<RefCountedVertexTrack> newTracks;
00481     for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator track=theTracks.begin();
00482           track!=theTracks.end() ; ++track )
00483     {
00484       double weight = validWeight ( theWeights[*track][snr] );
00485       // Now we add a track, if
00486       // a. we consider all tracks or
00487       // b. we discard the lightweights but the track's weight is high enough or
00488       // c. we discard the lightweights but there arent enough good tracks,
00489       //    so we add all lightweights again (too expensive to figure out
00490       //    which lightweights are the most important)
00491       if ( !discardLightWeights() || weight > minWeightFraction() * totweight
00492            || nr_good_trks < 2 )
00493       {
00494         // if the linearization point didnt move too much,
00495         // we take the old LinTrackState.
00496         // Otherwise we relinearize.
00498         RefCountedLinearizedTrackState lTrData =
00499           theCache.linTrack ( seed->second.position(), *track );
00501         VertexTrackFactory<5> vTrackFactory;
00502         RefCountedVertexTrack vTrData = vTrackFactory.vertexTrack(
00503           lTrData, realseed, weight );
00504         newTracks.push_back ( vTrData );
00505       };
00506     };
00508     for ( set< TransientTrack >::const_iterator track=thePrimaries.begin();
00509           track!=thePrimaries.end() ; ++track )
00510     {
00511       double weight = validWeight ( theWeights[*track][snr] );
00513       RefCountedLinearizedTrackState lTrData =
00514         theCache.linTrack ( seed->second.position(), *track );
00516       VertexTrackFactory<5> vTrackFactory;
00517       RefCountedVertexTrack vTrData = vTrackFactory.vertexTrack(
00518         lTrData, realseed, weight );
00519       newTracks.push_back ( vTrData );
00521     };
00523     try {
00524       if ( newTracks.size() < 2 )
00525       {
00526         throw VertexException("less than two tracks in vector" );
00527       };
00529       if ( verbose() )
00530       {
00531         cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] now fitting with Kalman: ";
00532         for ( vector< RefCountedVertexTrack >::const_iterator i=newTracks.begin(); 
00533               i!=newTracks.end() ; ++i )
00534         {
00535           cout << (**i).weight() << " ";
00536         };
00537         cout << endl;
00538       };
00540       if ( newTracks.size() > 1 )
00541       {
00542         KalmanVertexFitter fitter;
00543         // warning! first track determines lin pt!
00544         CachingVertex<5> newVertex = fitter.vertex ( newTracks );
00545         int snr = seedNr();
00546         double disp = ( newVertex.position() - seed->second.position() ).mag();
00547         if ( disp > max_disp ) max_disp = disp;
00548         newSeeds.push_back ( 
00549             pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > ( snr, newVertex ) );
00550       };
00551     } catch ( exception & e )
00552     {
00553       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] exception: " << e.what() << endl;
00554     } catch ( ... )
00555     {
00556       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] unknown exception." << endl;
00557     };
00558   };
00560   // now discard all old seeds and weights, compute new ones.
00561   theVertexStates.clear();
00562   theWeights.clear();
00563   theVertexStates=newSeeds;
00564   #ifdef MVFHarvestingDebug
00565   for ( vector< CachingVertex<5> >::const_iterator i=theVertexStates.begin();
00566         i!=theVertexStates.end() ; ++i )
00567     PrimitivesHarvester::file()->save(*i);
00568   #endif
00569   updateWeights();
00571   static const double disp_limit = 1e-4; /* SimpleConfigurable<double>
00572     (0.0001, "MultiVertexFitter:DisplacementLimit" ).value(); */
00574   if ( verbose() & 2 )
00575   {
00576     printSeeds();
00577     cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] max displacement in this iteration: "
00578          << max_disp << endl;
00579   };
00580   if ( max_disp < disp_limit ) return false;
00581   return true;
00582 }
00584 // iterating over the fits
00585 vector < CachingVertex<5> > MultiVertexFitter::fit()
00586 {
00587   if ( verbose() & 2 ) printWeights();
00588   int ctr=1;
00589   static const int ctr_max = 50; /* SimpleConfigurable<int>(100,
00590       "MultiVertexFitter:MaxIterations").value(); */
00591   while ( updateSeeds() || !(theAssComp->isAnnealed()) )
00592   {
00593     if ( ++ctr >= ctr_max ) break;
00594     theAssComp->anneal();
00595     // lostVertexClaimer(); // was a silly(?) idea to "revive" vertex candidates.
00596     resetSeedNr();
00597   };
00599   if ( verbose() )
00600   {
00601     cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] number of iterations: " << ctr << endl;
00602     cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] remaining seeds: "
00603          << theVertexStates.size() << endl;
00604     printWeights();
00605   };
00607   vector < CachingVertex<5> > ret;
00608   for ( vector< pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator 
00609         i=theVertexStates.begin(); i!=theVertexStates.end() ; ++i )
00610   {
00611     ret.push_back ( i->second );
00612   };
00614   return ret;
00615 }
00617 void MultiVertexFitter::printWeights ( const reco::TransientTrack & t ) const
00618 {
00619     // cout << "Trk " <<;
00620     for ( vector < pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator seed=theVertexStates.begin();
00621           seed!=theVertexStates.end(); ++seed )
00622     {
00623       cout << "  -- Vertex[" << seed->first << "] with " << setw(12)
00624            << setprecision(3) << theWeights[t][seed->first];
00625     };
00626     cout << endl;
00627 }
00629 void MultiVertexFitter::printWeights() const
00630 {
00631   cout << endl << "Weight table: " << endl << "=================" << endl;
00632   for ( set < TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=thePrimaries.begin();
00633         trk!=thePrimaries.end() ; ++trk )
00634   {
00635     printWeights ( *trk );
00636   };
00637   for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=theTracks.begin();
00638         trk!=theTracks.end() ; ++trk )
00639   {
00640     printWeights ( *trk );
00641   };
00642 }
00644 void MultiVertexFitter::printSeeds() const
00645 {
00646   cout << endl << "Seed table: " << endl << "=====================" << endl;
00647   /*
00648   for ( vector < pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator seed=theVertexStates.begin();
00649         seed!=theVertexStates.end(); ++seed )
00650   {
00651     cout << "  Vertex[" << TransientVertexNamer().name(seed->second) << "] at "
00652          << seed->second.position() << endl;
00653   };*/
00654 }
00656 void MultiVertexFitter::lostVertexClaimer()
00657 {
00658   if ( !theReviveBelow < 0. ) return;
00659   // this experimental method is used to get almost lost vertices
00660   // back into the play by upweighting vertices with very low total weights
00662   bool has_revived = false;
00663   // find out about total weight
00664   for ( vector< pair < int, CachingVertex<5> > >::const_iterator i=theVertexStates.begin();
00665         i!=theVertexStates.end() ; ++i )
00666   {
00667     double totweight=0.;
00668     for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=theTracks.begin();
00669           trk!=theTracks.end() ; ++trk )
00670     {
00671       totweight+=theWeights[*trk][i->first];
00672     };
00674     /*
00675     cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] vertex seed " << TransientVertexNamer().name(*i)
00676          << " total weight=" << totweight << endl;*/
00678     if ( totweight < theReviveBelow && totweight > 0.0 )
00679     {
00680       cout << "[MultiVertexFitter] now trying to revive vertex"
00681            << " revive_below=" << theReviveBelow << endl;
00682       has_revived=true;
00683       for ( vector< TransientTrack >::const_iterator trk=theTracks.begin();
00684             trk!=theTracks.end() ; ++trk )
00685       {
00686         theWeights[*trk][i->first]/=totweight;
00687       };
00688     };
00689   };
00690   if ( has_revived && verbose() ) printWeights();
00691 }