
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "TString.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00005 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TopGenEvent.h"
00006 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopEventProducers/interface/TopDecaySubset.h"
00009 TopDecaySubset::TopDecaySubset(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg): 
00010   src_         (cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src")),
00011   addRadiation_(cfg.getParameter<bool>("addRadiation")),
00012   showerModel_ (kStart)
00013 {
00014   // mapping of the corresponding fillMode; see FillMode 
00015   // enumerator of TopDecaySubset for available modes
00016   if( cfg.getParameter<std::string>( "fillMode" ) == "kME"     ){ fillMode_=kME;     }
00017   if( cfg.getParameter<std::string>( "fillMode" ) == "kStable" ){ fillMode_=kStable; }
00018   // produces a set of gen particle collections following
00019   // the decay branch of top quarks to the first level of 
00020   // stable decay products
00021   produces<reco::GenParticleCollection>(); 
00022 }
00025 TopDecaySubset::~TopDecaySubset()
00026 {
00027 }
00030 void
00031 TopDecaySubset::produce(edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& setup)
00032 {     
00033   // get source collection
00034   edm::Handle<reco::GenParticleCollection> src;
00035   event.getByLabel(src_, src);
00037   // find top quarks in list of input particles
00038   std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*> tops = findTops(*src);
00040   // determine shower model (only in first event)
00041   if(showerModel_==kStart)
00042     showerModel_=checkShowerModel(tops);
00044   // check sanity of W bosons
00045   checkWBosons(tops);
00047   // create target vector
00048   std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticleCollection> target( new reco::GenParticleCollection );
00049   // get ref product from the event
00050   const reco::GenParticleRefProd ref = event.getRefBeforePut<reco::GenParticleCollection>(); 
00051   // clear existing refs
00052   clearReferences();  
00053   // fill output
00054   fillListing(tops, *target);
00055   // fill references
00056   fillReferences(ref, *target);
00058   // write vectors to the event
00059   event.put(target);
00060 }
00063 std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>
00064 TopDecaySubset::findTops(const reco::GenParticleCollection& parts)
00065 {
00066   std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*> tops;
00067   for(reco::GenParticleCollection::const_iterator t=parts.begin(); t!=parts.end(); ++t){
00068     if( std::abs(t->pdgId())==TopDecayID::tID && t->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag )
00069       tops.push_back( &(*t) );
00070   }
00071   return tops;
00072 }
00075 TopDecaySubset::ShowerModel
00076 TopDecaySubset::checkShowerModel(const std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>& tops) const
00077 {
00078   for(std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>::const_iterator it=tops.begin(); it!=tops.end(); ++it){
00079     const reco::GenParticle* top = *it;
00080     // check for kHerwig type showers: here the status 3 top quark will 
00081     // have a single status 2 top quark as daughter, which has again 3 
00082     // or more status 2 daughters
00083     if( top->numberOfDaughters()==1){
00084       if( top->begin()->pdgId()==top->pdgId() && top->begin()->status()==TopDecayID::stable && top->begin()->numberOfDaughters()>1)
00085         return kHerwig;
00086     }
00087     // check for kPythia type showers: here the status 3 top quark will 
00088     // have all decay products and a status 2 top quark as daughters
00089     // the status 2 top quark will be w/o further daughters
00090     if( top->numberOfDaughters()>1 ){
00091       bool containsWBoson=false, containsQuarkDaughter=false;
00092       for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator td=top->begin(); td!=top->end(); ++td){
00093         if( std::abs(td->pdgId ()) <TopDecayID::tID ) containsQuarkDaughter=true;
00094         if( std::abs(td->pdgId ())==TopDecayID::WID ) containsWBoson=true;
00095       }
00096       if(containsQuarkDaughter && containsWBoson)
00097         return kPythia;
00098     }
00099   }
00100   // if neither Herwig nor Pythia like
00101   if(tops.size()==0)
00102     edm::LogWarning("decayChain")
00103       << " Failed to find top quarks in decay chain. Will assume that this a \n"
00104       << " non-top sample and produce an empty decaySubset.\n";
00105   else
00106     throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError,
00107                          " Can not find back any of the supported hadronization models. Models \n"
00108                          " which are supported are:                                            \n"
00109                          " Pythia  LO(+PS): Top(status 3) --> WBoson(status 3), Quark(status 3)\n"
00110                          " Herwig NLO(+PS): Top(status 2) --> Top(status 3) --> Top(status 2)  \n");
00111   return kNone;
00112 }
00115 void 
00116 TopDecaySubset::checkWBosons(std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>& tops) const
00117 {
00118   unsigned nTops = tops.size();
00119   for(std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>::iterator it=tops.begin(); it!=tops.end();) {
00120     const reco::GenParticle* top = *it;
00121     bool isContained=false;
00122     bool expectedStatus=false;
00123     for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator td=((showerModel_==kPythia) ? top->begin() : top->begin()->begin());
00124         td!=((showerModel_==kPythia) ? top->end() : top->begin()->end());
00125         ++td){
00126       if(std::abs(td->pdgId())==TopDecayID::WID) {
00127         isContained=true;
00128         if( ((showerModel_==kPythia) ? td->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag : td->status()==TopDecayID::stable) ) { 
00129           expectedStatus=true;
00130           break;
00131         }
00132       }
00133     }
00134     if(!expectedStatus) {
00135       it=tops.erase(it);
00136       if(isContained)
00137         edm::LogWarning("decayChain")
00138           << " W boson does not have the expected status. This happens, e.g.,      \n"
00139           << " with MC@NLO in the case of additional ttbar pairs from radiated     \n"
00140           << " gluons. We hope everything is fine, remove the correspdonding top   \n"
00141           << " quark from our list since it is not part of the primary ttbar pair  \n"
00142           << " and try to continue.                                                \n";      
00143     }
00144     else
00145       it++;
00146   }
00147   if(tops.size()==0 && nTops!=0)
00148     throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError,
00149                          " Did not find a W boson with appropriate status for any of the top   \n"
00150                          " quarks in this event. This means that the hadronization of the W    \n"
00151                          " boson might be screwed up or there is another problem with the      \n"
00152                          " particle listing in this MC sample. Please contact an expert.       \n");
00153 }
00156 void 
00157 TopDecaySubset::fillListing(const std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>& tops, reco::GenParticleCollection& target)
00158 {
00159   unsigned int statusFlag;
00160   // determine status flag of the new 
00161   // particle depending on the FillMode
00162   fillMode_ == kME ? statusFlag=3 : statusFlag=2;
00164   for(std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>::const_iterator it=tops.begin(); it!=tops.end(); ++it){
00165     const reco::GenParticle* t = *it;
00166     // if particle is top or anti-top 
00167     std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> topPtr( new reco::GenParticle( t->threeCharge(), p4(it, statusFlag), t->vertex(), t->pdgId(), statusFlag, false ) );
00168     target.push_back( *topPtr );
00169     ++motherPartIdx_;
00170     // keep the top index for the map to manage the daughter refs
00171     int iTop=motherPartIdx_; 
00172     std::vector<int> topDaughters;
00173     // define the W boson index (to be set later) for the map to 
00174     // manage the daughter refs
00175     int iW = 0;
00176     std::vector<int> wDaughters;
00177     //iterate over top daughters
00178     for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator td=((showerModel_==kPythia)?t->begin():t->begin()->begin()); td!=((showerModel_==kPythia)?t->end():t->begin()->end()); ++td){
00179       if( td->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag && std::abs( td->pdgId() )<=TopDecayID::bID ){ 
00180         // if particle is beauty or other quark 
00181         std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> bPtr( new reco::GenParticle( td->threeCharge(), p4( td, statusFlag ), td->vertex(), td->pdgId(), statusFlag, false ) );
00182         target.push_back( *bPtr );        
00183         // increment & push index of the top daughter
00184         topDaughters.push_back( ++motherPartIdx_ ); 
00185         if(addRadiation_){
00186           addRadiation(motherPartIdx_,td,target); 
00187         }
00188       }
00189       reco::GenParticle::const_iterator buffer = (showerModel_==kPythia)?td:td->begin();
00190       if( buffer->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag && std::abs( buffer->pdgId() )==TopDecayID::WID ){ 
00191         // if particle is a W boson
00192         std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> wPtr(  new reco::GenParticle( buffer->threeCharge(), p4( buffer, statusFlag), buffer->vertex(), buffer->pdgId(), statusFlag, true ) );
00193         target.push_back( *wPtr );
00194         // increment & push index of the top daughter
00195         topDaughters.push_back( ++motherPartIdx_ );
00196         // keep the W idx for the map
00197         iW=motherPartIdx_; 
00198         if(addRadiation_){
00199           addRadiation(motherPartIdx_,buffer,target); 
00200         }
00201         // iterate over W daughters
00202         for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator wd=((showerModel_==kPythia)?buffer->begin():buffer->begin()->begin()); wd!=((showerModel_==kPythia)?buffer->end():buffer->begin()->end()); ++wd){
00203           // make sure the W daughter is of status unfrag and not the W itself
00204           if( wd->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag && !(std::abs(wd->pdgId())==TopDecayID::WID) ) {
00205             std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> qPtr( new reco::GenParticle( wd->threeCharge(), p4( wd, statusFlag ), wd->vertex(), wd->pdgId(), statusFlag, false) );
00206             target.push_back( *qPtr );
00207             // increment & push index of the top daughter
00208             wDaughters.push_back( ++motherPartIdx_ );
00209             if( wd->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag && std::abs( wd->pdgId() )==TopDecayID::tauID ){ 
00210               // add tau daughters if the particle is a tau pass
00211               // the daughter of the tau which is of status 2
00212               //addDaughters(motherPartIdx_, wd->begin(), target); 
00213               // add tau daughters if the particle is a tau pass
00214               // the tau itself, which may add a tau daughter of
00215               // of status 2 to the listing
00216               addDaughters(motherPartIdx_,wd,target); 
00217             }
00218           } 
00219         }
00220       }
00221       if(addRadiation_ && buffer->status()==TopDecayID::stable && ( buffer->pdgId()==TopDecayID::glueID || std::abs(buffer->pdgId())<TopDecayID::bID)){
00222         // collect additional radiation from the top 
00223         std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> radPtr( new reco::GenParticle( buffer->threeCharge(), buffer->p4(), buffer->vertex(), buffer->pdgId(), statusFlag, false ) );
00224         target.push_back( *radPtr );    
00225         // increment & push index of the top daughter  
00226         topDaughters.push_back( ++motherPartIdx_ );
00227       }
00228     }
00229     // add potential sisters of the top quark;
00230     // only for top to prevent double counting
00231     if(t->numberOfMothers()>0 && t->pdgId()==TopDecayID::tID){
00232       for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator ts = t->mother()->begin(); ts!=t->mother()->end(); ++ts){
00233         // loop over all daughters of the top mother i.e.
00234         // the two top quarks and their potential sisters
00235         if(std::abs(ts->pdgId())!=t->pdgId() && ts->pdgId()!=t->mother()->pdgId()){
00236           // add all further particles but the two top quarks and potential 
00237           // cases where the mother of the top has itself as daughter
00238           reco::GenParticle* cand = new reco::GenParticle( ts->threeCharge(), ts->p4(), ts->vertex(), ts->pdgId(), ts->status(), false );
00239           std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> sPtr( cand );
00240           target.push_back( *sPtr );
00241           if(ts->begin()!=ts->end()){ 
00242             // in case the sister has daughters increment
00243             // and add the first generation of daughters
00244             addDaughters(++motherPartIdx_,ts->begin(),target,false);
00245           }
00246         }
00247       }
00248     }
00249     // fill the map for the administration 
00250     // of daughter indices
00251     refs_[ iTop ] = topDaughters;
00252     refs_[ iW   ] = wDaughters; 
00253   }
00254 }
00257 reco::Particle::LorentzVector 
00258 TopDecaySubset::p4(const std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*>::const_iterator top, int statusFlag)
00259 {
00260   // calculate the four vector for top/anti-top quarks from 
00261   // the W boson and the b quark plain or including all 
00262   // additional radiation depending on switch 'plain'
00263   if(statusFlag==TopDecayID::unfrag){
00264     // return 4 momentum as it is
00265     return (*top)->p4();
00266   }
00267   reco::Particle::LorentzVector vec;
00268   for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator p=(*top)->begin(); p!=(*top)->end(); ++p){
00269     if( p->status() == TopDecayID::unfrag ){
00270       // descend by one level for each
00271       // status 3 particle on the way
00272       vec+=p4( p, statusFlag );
00273     }
00274     else{ 
00275       if( std::abs((*top)->pdgId())==TopDecayID::WID ){
00276         // in case of a W boson skip the status 
00277         // 2 particle to prevent double counting
00278         if( std::abs(p->pdgId())!=TopDecayID::WID ) 
00279           vec+=p->p4();
00280       } 
00281       else{
00282         // add all four vectors for each stable
00283         // particle (status 1 or 2) on the way 
00284         vec+=p->p4();
00285         if( vec.mass()-(*top)->mass()>0 ){
00286           // continue adding up gluons and qqbar pairs on the top 
00287           // line untill the nominal top mass is reached; then 
00288           // break in order to prevent picking up virtualities
00289           break;
00290         }
00291       }
00292     }
00293   }
00294   return vec;
00295 }
00298 reco::Particle::LorentzVector 
00299 TopDecaySubset::p4(const reco::GenParticle::const_iterator part, int statusFlag)
00300 {
00301   // calculate the four vector for all top daughters from 
00302   // their daughters including additional radiation 
00303   if(statusFlag==TopDecayID::unfrag){
00304     // return 4 momentum as it is
00305     return part->p4();
00306   }
00307   reco::Particle::LorentzVector vec;
00308   for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator p=part->begin(); p!=part->end(); ++p){
00309     if( p->status()<=TopDecayID::stable && std::abs(p->pdgId ())==TopDecayID::WID){
00310       vec=p->p4();
00311     }
00312     else{
00313       if(p->status()<=TopDecayID::stable){
00314         // sum up the p4 of all stable particles 
00315         // (of status 1 or 2)
00316         vec+=p->p4();
00317       }
00318       else{
00319         if( p->status()==TopDecayID::unfrag){
00320           // if the particle is unfragmented (i.e.
00321           // status 3) descend by one level
00322           vec+=p4(p, statusFlag);   
00323         }
00324       }
00325     }
00326   }
00327   return vec;
00328 }
00331 void 
00332 TopDecaySubset::addRadiation(int& idx, const reco::GenParticle::const_iterator part, reco::GenParticleCollection& target)
00333 {
00334   std::vector<int> daughters;
00335   int idxBuffer = idx;
00336   for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator daughter=part->begin(); daughter!=part->end(); ++daughter){
00337     if(daughter->status()<=TopDecayID::stable && daughter->pdgId()!=part->pdgId()){
00338       // skip comment lines and make sure that
00339       // the particle is not double counted as 
00340       // dasughter of itself
00341       std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> ptr(  new reco::GenParticle( daughter->threeCharge(), daughter->p4(), daughter->vertex(), daughter->pdgId(), daughter->status(), false) );
00342       target.push_back( *ptr );
00343       daughters.push_back( ++idx ); //push index of daughter
00344     }
00345   }  
00346   if(daughters.size()) {
00347     refs_[ idxBuffer ] = daughters;
00348   }
00349 }
00352 void 
00353 TopDecaySubset::addDaughters(int& idx, const reco::GenParticle::const_iterator part, reco::GenParticleCollection& target, bool recursive)
00354 {
00355   std::vector<int> daughters;
00356   int idxBuffer = idx;
00357   for(reco::GenParticle::const_iterator daughter=part->begin(); daughter!=part->end(); ++daughter){
00358       std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticle> ptr( new reco::GenParticle( daughter->threeCharge(), daughter->p4(), daughter->vertex(), daughter->pdgId(), daughter->status(), false) );
00359       target.push_back( *ptr );
00360       // increment & push index of daughter
00361       daughters.push_back( ++idx );
00362       // continue recursively if desired
00363       if(recursive){
00364         addDaughters(idx,daughter,target);  
00365       }
00366   }  
00367   if(daughters.size()) {
00368     refs_[ idxBuffer ] = daughters;
00369   }
00370 }
00373 void
00374 TopDecaySubset::clearReferences()
00375 {
00376   // clear vector of references 
00377   refs_.clear();  
00378   // set idx for mother particles to a start value
00379   // of -1 (the first entry will raise it to 0)
00380   motherPartIdx_=-1;
00381 }
00384 void 
00385 TopDecaySubset::fillReferences(const reco::GenParticleRefProd& ref, reco::GenParticleCollection& sel)
00386 { 
00387   int idx=0;
00388   for(reco::GenParticleCollection::iterator p=sel.begin(); p!=sel.end(); ++p, ++idx){
00389     //find daughter reference vectors in refs_ and add daughters
00390     std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator daughters=refs_.find( idx );
00391     if( daughters!=refs_.end() ){
00392       for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator daughter = daughters->second.begin(); 
00393           daughter!=daughters->second.end(); ++daughter){
00394         reco::GenParticle* part = dynamic_cast<reco::GenParticle* > (&(*p));
00395         if(part == 0){
00396          throw edm::Exception( edm::errors::InvalidReference, "Not a GenParticle" );
00397         }
00398         part->addDaughter( reco::GenParticleRef(ref, *daughter) );
00399         sel[*daughter].addMother( reco::GenParticleRef(ref, idx) );
00400       }
00401     }
00402   }
00403 }