generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st August 2003), see">
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 process = cms.Process("Rec") 00004 # this example configuration offers some minimum 00005 # annotation, to help users get through; please 00006 # don't hesitate to read through the comments 00007 # use messageLogger to redirect/suppress multiple 00008 # service messages coming from the system 00009 # 00010 # in this config below, we use the replace option to make 00011 # the logger let out messages of severity ERROR (INFO level 00012 # will be suppressed), and we want to limit the number to 10 00013 # 00014 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.Services_cff") 00015 00016 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.Geometry_cff") 00017 00018 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_cff") 00019 00020 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.FakeConditions_cff") 00021 00022 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi") 00023 00024 # this config frament brings you the generator information 00025 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.Generator_cff") 00026 00027 # this config frament brings you 3 steps of the detector simulation: 00028 # -- vertex smearing (IR modeling) 00029 # -- G4-based hit level detector simulation 00030 # -- digitization (electronics readout modeling) 00031 # it returns 2 sequences : 00032 # -- psim (vtx smearing + G4 sim) 00033 # -- pdigi (digitization in all subsystems, i.e. tracker=pix+sistrips, 00034 # cal=ecal+ecal-0-suppression+hcal), muon=csc+dt+rpc) 00035 # 00036 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.Simulation_cff") 00037 00038 # please note the IMPORTANT: 00039 # in order to operate Digis, one needs to include Mixing module 00040 # (pileup modeling), at least in the 0-pileup mode 00041 # 00042 # There're 3 possible configurations of the Mixing module : 00043 # no-pileup, low luminosity pileup, and high luminosity pileup 00044 # 00045 # they come, respectively, through the 3 config fragments below 00046 # 00047 # *each* config returns label "mix"; thus you canNOT have them 00048 # all together in the same configuration, but only one !!! 00049 # 00050 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MixingNoPileUp_cff") 00051 00052 #include "Configuration/StandardSequences/data/MixingLowLumiPileUp.cff" 00053 #include "Configuration/StandardSequences/data/MixingHighLumiPileUp.cff" 00054 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.L1Emulator_cff") 00055 00056 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.DigiToRaw_cff") 00057 00058 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.RawToDigi_cff") 00059 00060 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.VtxSmearedBetafuncEarlyCollision_cff") 00061 00062 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.Reconstruction_cff") 00063 00064 # Event output 00065 process.load("Configuration.eventContent.EventContent_cff") 00066 00067 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( 00068 input = cms.untracked.int32(1) 00069 ) 00070 process.source = cms.Source("FlatRandomEGunSource", 00071 PGunParameters = cms.untracked.PSet( 00072 # you can request more than 1 particle 00073 # since PartID is a vector, you can place in as many 00074 # PDG id's as you wish, comma seaparated 00075 # 00076 PartID = cms.untracked.vint32(11), 00077 MaxEta = cms.untracked.double(2.7), 00078 MaxPhi = cms.untracked.double(3.14159265359), 00079 MinEta = cms.untracked.double(-2.7), 00080 MinE = cms.untracked.double(10.0), 00081 MinPhi = cms.untracked.double(-3.14159265359), ## in radians 00082 00083 MaxE = cms.untracked.double(10.0) 00084 ), 00085 Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0), ## set to 1 (or greater) for printouts 00086 00087 AddAntiParticle = cms.untracked.bool(True) ## back-to-back particles 00088 00089 ) 00090 00091 process.FEVT = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule", 00092 process.FEVTSIMEventContent, 00093 fileName = cms.untracked.string('PhysVal-DiElectron-Ene10.root') 00094 ) 00095 00096 process.p0 = cms.Path(process.pgen) 00097 process.p1 = cms.Path(process.psim) 00098 process.p2 = cms.Path(process.pdigi) 00099 process.p3 = cms.Path(process.l1Emulator) 00100 process.p4 = cms.Path(process.digiToRaw) 00101 process.p5= cms.Path(process.rawToDigi) 00102 process.p6= cms.Path(process.reconstruction) 00103 process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.FEVT) 00104 process.schedule = cms.Schedule(process.p0,process.p1,process.p2,process.p3,process.p4,process.p5,process.p6,process.outpath) 00105 00106