Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
00003 # combinations of {"TIB","TOB","TID","TEC" }
00004 # *** other restricting specifications
00006 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00008 myOnDemandExample = cms.EDFilter("SiStripMonitorCondDataOnDemandExample",
00009     OutputMEsInRootFile = cms.bool(False),
00010     MonitorSiStripLorentzAngle = cms.bool(True),
00011     # -----
00012     SiStripApvGainsDQM_PSet = cms.PSet(
00013         Profile_xTitle = cms.string('Apv Number'),
00014         Summary_LowY = cms.double(0.5),
00015         Summary_xTitle = cms.string('detId'),
00016         Cumul_HighX = cms.double(1.5),
00017         Cumul_description = cms.string('ApvGainFromCondDB'),
00018         SummaryOfProfile_yTitle = cms.string('ApvGain from CondDB'),
00019         SummaryOfProfile_NchY = cms.int32(50),
00020         Summary_description = cms.string('Summary_ApvGainFromCondDB'),
00021         SummaryOfProfile_LowY = cms.double(0.5),
00022         Summary_yTitle = cms.string('ApvGain from CondDB'),
00023         SummaryOfProfile_HighY = cms.double(1.5),
00024         Cumul_NchX = cms.int32(50),
00025         CondObj_name = cms.string('apvgain'),
00026         CondObj_fillId = cms.string('ProfileAndCumul'),
00027         Cumul_xTitle = cms.string('ApvGain from CondDB'),
00028         Summary_HighY = cms.double(1.5),
00029         SummaryOfProfile_description = cms.string('ProfileSummary_ApvGainFromCondDB'),
00030         Summary_NchY = cms.int32(50),
00031         Cumul_yTitle = cms.string(' '),
00032         Profile_description = cms.string('Profile_ApvGainFromCondDB'),
00033         SummaryOfProfile_xTitle = cms.string('Apv Number'),
00034         Cumul_LowX = cms.double(0.5),
00035         Profile_yTitle = cms.string('ApvGain from CondDB')
00036     ),
00037     MonitorSiStripPedestal = cms.bool(True),
00038     # -----
00039     SiStripQualityDQM_PSet = cms.PSet(
00040         Profile_xTitle = cms.string('Strip Number'),
00041         CondObj_name = cms.string('quality'),
00042         CondObj_fillId = cms.string('onlyProfile'),
00043         Summary_HighY = cms.double(100.5),
00044         Summary_xTitle = cms.string('detId'),
00045         Summary_NchY = cms.int32(100),
00046         Summary_description = cms.string('Summary_FractionOfBadStripsFromCondDB'),
00047         Profile_description = cms.string('Profile_QualityFlagFromCondDB'),
00048         Summary_yTitle = cms.string('Fraction of bad strips from CondDB(%)'),
00049         Summary_LowY = cms.double(0.5),
00050         Profile_yTitle = cms.string('Quality Flag from CondDB')
00051     ),
00052     OutputFileName = cms.string('SiStripMonitorCondDataOnDemandExample.root'),
00053     MonitorSiStripApvGain = cms.bool(True),
00054     # -----
00055     SiStripLorentzAngleDQM_PSet = cms.PSet(
00056         SummaryOfCumul_NchX = cms.int32(50),
00057         SummaryOfCumul_xTitle = cms.string('LorentzAngle from CondDB'),
00058         CondObj_name = cms.string('lorentzangle'),
00059         CondObj_fillId = cms.string('none'),
00060         SummaryOfCumul_LowX = cms.double(0.01),
00061         SummaryOfCumul_HighX = cms.double(0.06),
00062         SummaryOfProfile_yTitle = cms.string('LorentzAngle from CondDB'),
00063         SummaryOfProfile_description = cms.string('Summary_LorentzAngleFromCondDB'),
00064         SummaryOfCumul_yTitle = cms.string(' '),
00065         SummaryOfCumul_description = cms.string('ProfileSummary_LorentzAngleFromCondDB'),
00066         SummaryOfProfile_LowY = cms.double(0.01),
00067         SummaryOfProfile_xTitle = cms.string('detId'),
00068         SummaryOfProfile_NchY = cms.int32(50),
00069         SummaryOfProfile_HighY = cms.double(0.06)
00070     ),
00071     MonitorSiStripNoise = cms.bool(True),
00072     MonitorSiStripQuality = cms.bool(True),
00073     # -----
00074     SiStripNoisesDQM_PSet = cms.PSet(
00075         Profile_xTitle = cms.string('Strip Number'),
00076         Summary_LowY = cms.double(0.0),
00077         Summary_xTitle = cms.string('detId'),
00078         Cumul_HighX = cms.double(5.0),
00079         Cumul_description = cms.string('NoiseFromCondDB'),
00080         SummaryOfProfile_yTitle = cms.string('Noise from CondDB(ADC)'),
00081         SummaryOfProfile_NchY = cms.int32(50),
00082         GainRenormalisation = cms.bool(True),
00083         Summary_description = cms.string('Summary_NoiseFromCondDB'),
00084         SummaryOfProfile_LowY = cms.double(0.0),
00085         Summary_yTitle = cms.string('Noise from CondDB(ADC)'),
00086         SummaryOfProfile_HighY = cms.double(5.0),
00087         Cumul_NchX = cms.int32(50),
00088         CondObj_name = cms.string('noise'),
00089         CondObj_fillId = cms.string('ProfileAndCumul'),
00090         Cumul_xTitle = cms.string('Noise from CondDB(ADC)'),
00091         Summary_HighY = cms.double(5.0),
00092         SummaryOfProfile_description = cms.string('ProfileSummary_NoiseFromCondDB'),
00093         Summary_NchY = cms.int32(50),
00094         Cumul_yTitle = cms.string(' '),
00095         Profile_description = cms.string('Profile_NoiseFromCondDB'),
00096         SummaryOfProfile_xTitle = cms.string('Strip Number'),
00097         Cumul_LowX = cms.double(0.0),
00098         Profile_yTitle = cms.string('Noise from CondDB(ADC)')
00099     ),
00100     # -----
00101     SiStripPedestalsDQM_PSet = cms.PSet(
00102         Profile_xTitle = cms.string('Strip Number'),
00103         CondObj_name = cms.string('pedestal'),
00104         CondObj_fillId = cms.string('onlyProfile'),
00105         Summary_HighY = cms.double(1000.0),
00106         SummaryOfProfile_yTitle = cms.string('Pedestal from CondDB(ADC)'),
00107         SummaryOfProfile_description = cms.string('ProfileSummary_PedestalFromCondDB'),
00108         Summary_NchY = cms.int32(100),
00109         Summary_description = cms.string('Summary_PedestalFromCondDB'),
00110         SummaryOfProfile_LowY = cms.double(0.0),
00111         SummaryOfProfile_xTitle = cms.string('Strip Number'),
00112         Profile_description = cms.string('Profile_PedestalFromCondDB'),
00113         Summary_yTitle = cms.string('Pedestal from CondDB(ADC)'),
00114         SummaryOfProfile_NchY = cms.int32(100),
00115         SummaryOfProfile_HighY = cms.double(1000.0),
00116         Profile_yTitle = cms.string('Pedestal from CondDB(ADC)'),
00117         Summary_LowY = cms.double(0.0),
00118         Summary_xTitle = cms.string('detId')
00119     ),
00120     FillConditions_PSet = cms.PSet(
00121         Mod_On = cms.bool(False),
00122         # *** exclude a subdetector 
00123         SubDetectorsToBeExcluded = cms.vstring('none'),
00124         ModulesToBeFilled = cms.string('all'),
00125         StripQualityLabel = cms.string('test1'),
00126         ModulesToBeIncluded = cms.vuint32(), ##e.g. {369120277, 369120278, 369120282}
00128         ModulesToBeExcluded = cms.vuint32(),
00129         # *** exclude OR include a set of modules
00130         restrictModules = cms.bool(False),
00131         SummaryOnStringLevel_On = cms.bool(False),
00132         SummaryOnLayerLevel_On = cms.bool(True)
00133     )
00134 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:33:39 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4