Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include <stdexcept>
00003 #include <memory>
00004 #include <fstream>
00005 #include <iostream>
00006 #include <iomanip>
00007 #include <string>
00008 #include <cctype>
00009 #include <vector>
00010 #include <bitset>
00011 #include <ctime>
00013 #include "IORawData/RPCFileReader/interface/RPCFileReader.h"
00014 #include "IORawData/RPCFileReader/interface/RPCPacData.h"
00016 #include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDRawData.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDRawDataCollection.h"
00019 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00020 #include "DataFormats/L1GlobalMuonTrigger/interface/L1MuRegionalCand.h"
00023 using namespace std;
00024 using namespace edm;
00026 //Ctor
00027 RPCFileReader::RPCFileReader(ParameterSet const& pset, 
00028                              InputSourceDescription const& desc):
00029   ExternalInputSource(pset, desc)
00030 {
00032   //register products
00033   produces<FEDRawDataCollection>();
00034   produces<std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand> >("MTCCData");
00035   //if do put with a label
00036   //produces<FEDRawDataCollection>("someLabel");
00038   //now do what ever other initialization is needed
00039   eventPos_[0]=0; eventPos_[1]=0;
00040   eventCounter_=0; fileCounter_ = 0;
00041   run_ = 1; event_ = 1; bxn_ =1;
00042   isOpen_ = false; noMoreData_ = false; 
00044   debug_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PrintOut",false);
00045   saveOutOfTime_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SaveOutOfTimeDigis",false);
00046   pacTrigger_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsPACTrigger",false);
00047   triggerFedId_  = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("TriggerFedId",790);
00048   const vector<unsigned int> tbNumdef(1,1);
00049   tbNums_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<unsigned int> >("TriggerBoardNums",tbNumdef);
00050   maskChannels_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("MaskChannels",false);
00051   if(tbNums_.size()==0)tbNums_.push_back(1);
00053   //set vector sizes
00054   for(int k=0;k<(int)tbNums_.size();k++){
00055     vector<LogCone> lcv(12);
00056     theLogCones_.push_back(lcv);
00057     vector<RPCPacData> rpdv(3,RPCPacData(0));
00058     vector<vector<RPCPacData> > rpdvv(18,rpdv); 
00059     vector<vector<vector<RPCPacData> > > rpdvvv(LAST_BX-FIRST_BX,rpdvv); 
00060     linkData_.push_back(rpdvvv);
00061   }
00062   //define masked channels
00063   vector<bool> bv(18,0);
00064   for(unsigned int iChip=0;iChip<tbNums_.size();iChip++){
00065     maskedChannels.push_back(bv);
00066   }
00067   if(maskChannels_){//read masked channels from file FIXME 
00068     ifstream mfile;
00071     //check if file exists
00072     if((mfile.rdstate()&ifstream::failbit)!= 0){
00073       std::cerr << "Error opening masks.dat" << std::endl;
00074       edm::LogError("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::RPCFileReader] "
00075                             << "Error opening file with masks definition";
00076       mfile.close();
00077     }else{
00078       int chan;
00079       for(unsigned int iChip=0;iChip<tbNums_.size();iChip++){
00080         for(unsigned int iL=0;iL<18;iL++){
00081           mfile >> chan;
00082           maskedChannels[iChip][iL]=(bool)chan;
00083         }
00084       }
00085       mfile.close();
00086     }
00087     if(debug_){
00088       edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::RPCFileReader] Masked channels:";
00089       for(unsigned int iChip=0;iChip<tbNums_.size();iChip++){
00090         ostringstream ostr;
00091         ostr << iChip <<". (DCC channel = " << tbNums_[iChip]<<"): ";
00092         for(int iL=0;iL<18;iL++){
00093           ostr<<(int)maskedChannels[iChip][iL]<<" ";
00094         }
00095         edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<<ostr.str(); 
00096       }
00097     }
00098   } 
00099 }
00101 //Dtor
00102 RPCFileReader::~RPCFileReader(){}
00104 // ------------ Method called to set run & event numbers  ------------
00105 void RPCFileReader::setRunAndEventInfo(){
00108   bool triggeredOrEmpty = false;
00109   tm aTime;
00111   while(!triggeredOrEmpty){
00112     if(!isOpen_){
00113       if(fileCounter_<(int)fileNames().size()){
00114         eventPos_[0]=0; eventPos_[1]=0;
00115         isOpen_=true;
00116         fileCounter_++;
00117         edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::setRunAndEventInfo] "
00118                              << "Open for reading file no. " << fileCounter_
00119                              << " " << fileNames()[fileCounter_-1].substr(5);  
00120       }
00121       else{
00122         edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::setRunAndEventInfo] "
00123                              << "No more events to read. Finishing after " 
00124                              << eventCounter_ << " events.";
00125         noMoreData_=true;
00126         return;
00127       }
00128     }
00130     //clear vectors
00131     for(int iChip=0;iChip<(int)tbNums_.size();iChip++){
00132       for(int iBX=0;iBX<8;iBX++){
00133         for(int iL=0;iL<18;iL++){
00134           for(int iLB=0;iLB<3;iLB++){
00135             linkData_[iChip][iBX][iL][iLB] = RPCPacData();
00136           }
00137         }
00138       }
00139     }
00141     readDataFromAsciiFile(fileNames()[fileCounter_-1].substr(5),eventPos_);
00143     bool isPacTrigger = false;
00144     for(int iChip=0; iChip<(int)tbNums_.size(); iChip++){
00145       for(int iCone=0; iCone<12; iCone++){
00146         isPacTrigger = (isPacTrigger||theLogCones_[iChip][iCone].ptCode);
00147       }
00148     }
00149     if(!(pacTrigger_)||isPacTrigger){
00150       //std::cout<<"Event triggered by PAC"<<std::endl;
00151       triggeredOrEmpty = true;
00152     }
00153     else{
00154       if(debug_)
00155         edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::setRunAndEventInfo] "
00156                              << " Data not triggered by PAC!";
00157       triggeredOrEmpty = false;
00158     }
00160     if(!isOpen_){//if eof don't write empty data into event
00161       triggeredOrEmpty = false;
00162     }
00164   }
00165   unsigned int freq = 100;
00166   if(debug_) freq = 1;
00167   if(eventCounter_%freq==0)
00168     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::setRunAndEventInfo] "
00169                           << " #" << eventCounter_ << " Run: "<< run_ 
00170                           << " Event: " << event_ << " Bx = " << bxn_ 
00171                           << " Time Stamp: " << timeStamp_.hour << ":" 
00172                           << timeStamp_.min << ":" << timeStamp_.sec
00173                           << " " << << " " << timeStamp_.month 
00174                           << " " << timeStamp_.year;
00177   //Setting time stamp. To be optimised.
00178   int month = 0;
00179   if(timeStamp_.month=="Jan") month = 0;
00180   if(timeStamp_.month=="Feb") month = 1;
00181   if(timeStamp_.month=="March") month = 2;
00182   if(timeStamp_.month=="May") month = 3;
00183   if(timeStamp_.month=="April") month = 4;
00184   if(timeStamp_.month=="June") month = 5;
00185   if(timeStamp_.month=="July") month = 6;
00186   if(timeStamp_.month=="Aug") month = 7;
00187   if(timeStamp_.month=="Sep") month = 8;
00188   if(timeStamp_.month=="Nov") month = 9;
00189   if(timeStamp_.month=="Oct") month = 10;
00190   if(timeStamp_.month=="Dec") month = 11;
00191   aTime.tm_sec = timeStamp_.sec;
00192   aTime.tm_min = timeStamp_.min;
00193   aTime.tm_hour = timeStamp_.hour; //UTC check FIX!!
00194   aTime.tm_mday =;
00195   aTime.tm_mon = month;
00196   aTime.tm_year = timeStamp_.year - 1900;
00199   setRunNumber(run_);
00200   setEventNumber(event_);
00201   setTime(mktime(&aTime));  
00203   return;
00204 }
00206 // ------------ Method called to produce the data  ------------
00207 bool RPCFileReader::produce(edm::Event &ev) {
00208   std::auto_ptr<FEDRawDataCollection> result(new FEDRawDataCollection);
00210   //exit when no more data
00211   if(noMoreData_) return false;
00213   unsigned int freq = 100;
00214   if(debug_) freq = 1;
00215   if(eventCounter_%freq==0)
00216     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::produce] "
00217                           << " #" << eventCounter_ << " Run: "<< run_ 
00218                           << " Event: " << event_ << " Bx = " << bxn_ 
00219                           << " Time Stamp: " << timeStamp_.hour << ":" 
00220                           << timeStamp_.min << ":" << timeStamp_.sec
00221                           << " " << << " " << timeStamp_.month 
00222                           << " " << timeStamp_.year;
00224   //fill the FEDRawDataCollection
00225   FEDRawData *rawData = rpcDataFormatter();
00226   FEDRawData& fedRawData = result->FEDData(triggerFedId_);
00227   fedRawData = *rawData;
00228   ev.put(result);
00230   //Trigger response
00231   float phi = 0;
00232   float eta = 0;
00233   std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand> RPCCand;
00234   for(unsigned int iChip=0;iChip<tbNums_.size();iChip++){
00235     for(unsigned int i=0;i<12;i++){
00236       if(!theLogCones_[iChip][i].ptCode) continue;
00237       L1MuRegionalCand l1Cand;        
00238       l1Cand.setQualityPacked(theLogCones_[iChip][i].quality);
00239       l1Cand.setPtPacked(theLogCones_[iChip][i].ptCode);    
00240       l1Cand.setType(0); 
00241       l1Cand.setChargePacked(1);
00242       l1Cand.setPhiValue(phi);
00243       l1Cand.setEtaValue(eta);
00244       RPCCand.push_back(l1Cand);
00245     }
00246   }
00248   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand> > candBarell(new std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>);
00249   candBarell->insert(candBarell->end(), RPCCand.begin(), RPCCand.end());
00250   ev.put(candBarell, "MTCCData");
00252   return true;
00253 }
00255 // ------------ Method called to read the PAC data from ASCII file ------------
00256 void RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile(string fileName, int *pos){
00258   if(!pos){
00259     edm::LogError("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00260                           << "Unknown event position; Abort";
00261     return;
00262   }
00264   ifstream infile;
00267   //check if file exists
00268   if((infile.rdstate()&ifstream::failbit)!= 0){
00269     std::cerr << "Error opening " << fileName << std::endl;
00270     edm::LogError("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00271                           << "Error opening data file " << fileName;
00272     isOpen_=false;
00273     infile.close();
00275     return;
00276   }
00278   string dummy;
00279   int idummy;
00280   int iChip=0;
00282   bool currentEvent=true;
00284   infile.seekg(pos[0]);
00286   while(infile >> setw(0)>> dummy){
00287     if(dummy=="Beginning"){
00288       infile >> dummy;
00289       if(dummy=="Event"){
00290         if(!currentEvent) {
00291           pos[0]=pos[1];
00292           break;
00293         }
00294         infile >> dummy >> dec >> event_;
00295         infile >> dummy >> dec >> bxn_;
00296         infile >> dummy >> dummy >> dec >> timeStamp_.month >>;
00297         infile >> setw(2) >> dec >> timeStamp_.hour;
00298         infile.ignore(1);
00299         infile >> setw(2) >> dec >> timeStamp_.min;
00300         infile.ignore(1);
00301         infile >> setw(2) >> dec >> timeStamp_.sec;
00302         infile >> dec >> timeStamp_.year;
00303         currentEvent=false;
00304         eventCounter_++;
00305       }
00306       else if(dummy=="Header"){
00307         infile >> dummy >> dec >> run_;
00308       }
00309       else{
00310         if(debug_)
00311           edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00312                                << "Unrecognized header: "<< dummy
00313                                << " Skipping ";
00314         infile.ignore(10000,10);// 10==\n
00315       }
00316     }
00317     else if((dummy=="PAC")||(dummy=="RMB")){
00318       infile >> iChip;
00319       if(debug_)
00320         edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00321                              << "Readout from "<< dummy << " " << iChip;        
00322     }
00323     else if(isHexNumber(dummy)){
00324       int bxLocal = atoi(dummy.c_str());
00325       int bxn4b, bc0, valid;
00326       const int valid_mask[18] = {0x20000,0x10000,0x8000,0x4000,
00327                                   0x2000, 0x1000, 0x800, 0x400,
00328                                   0x200,  0x100,  0x80,  0x40,
00329                                   0x20,   0x10,   0x8 ,  0x4,
00330                                   0x2,    0x1};
00331       infile >> hex >>  bxn4b >> bc0 >> valid;
00332       for(int iL=17; iL>=0; iL-=3){//Link data 
00333         infile >> dummy;
00334         for(int iLb=0;iLb>-3;iLb--){
00335           infile >> hex >> idummy;
00336           RPCPacData dummyPartData;
00337           if(((valid&valid_mask[17-(iL+iLb)])>>(iL+iLb))==1){
00338             dummyPartData.fromRaw(idummy);
00339             //std::cout<<"VALID"<<std::endl;
00340           }
00341           else{
00342             if(debug_)
00343               edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00344                                    << " Not valid data for link no. = " << iL+iLb
00345                                    << " Zeroing partition data.";
00346           }
00347           for(int iBX=FIRST_BX;iBX<LAST_BX;iBX++){           
00348             if(bxLocal-(int)dummyPartData.partitionDelay()==RPC_PAC_L1ACCEPT_BX+iBX){//Link data collected at L1A bx
00349               linkData_[iChip][iBX-FIRST_BX][iL+iLb][dummyPartData.lbNum()]=dummyPartData;              
00350             }
00351           }
00352         }
00353       }
00354       for(int iC=12*3-1; iC>=0; iC-=3){//LogCones
00355         infile >> dummy;
00356         LogCone logCone;
00357         infile >> hex >> logCone.quality >> logCone.ptCode >> logCone.sign;
00358         if(logCone.ptCode){
00359           edm::LogInfo("Any time LogCone")<<"Log cone: Q: "<<logCone.quality
00360                                           <<" ptCode: "<<logCone.ptCode
00361                                           <<" sign: "<<logCone.sign<<std::endl;
00362         }
00363         if(bxLocal==RPC_PAC_L1ACCEPT_BX+RPC_PAC_TRIGGER_DELAY){//write LogCones
00364           theLogCones_[iChip][iC/3]=logCone;
00365           if(logCone.ptCode){
00366             edm::LogInfo("In time LogCone")<<"in time Log cone: Q: "<<logCone.quality
00367                                            <<" ptCode: "<<logCone.ptCode
00368                                            <<" sign: "<<logCone.sign<<std::endl;
00369           }
00370         }
00371       }
00372       infile >> dummy;
00373       pos[1]=infile.tellg();
00374     }
00375     else{
00376       if(debug_)
00377         edm::LogInfo("RPCFR")<< "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00378                               << "Unrecognized begining of record: " << dummy
00379                               << " Skipping record.";
00380       infile.ignore(10000,10);// 10==\n
00381     }
00382   }
00383   if(debug_)
00384     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::readDataFromAsciiFile] "
00385                            << " #" << eventCounter_ << " Run: "<< run_ 
00386                            << " Event: " << event_ << " Bx = " << bxn_ 
00387                            << " Time Stamp: " << timeStamp_.hour << ":" 
00388                            << timeStamp_.min << ":" << timeStamp_.sec
00389                            << " " << << " " << timeStamp_.month 
00390                            << " " << timeStamp_.year;
00391   if(infile.eof()){
00392     isOpen_=false;
00393   }
00394   else{
00395     isOpen_=true;
00396   }
00398   infile.close();
00400   return;
00401 }
00403 // ------------ Methods called to form RPC word for DAQ ------------
00404 RPCFileReader::Word16 RPCFileReader::buildCDWord(RPCPacData linkData){//Chamber Data(Link Board Data)
00406   Word16 word = (Word16(linkData.lbNum())<<14)
00407                |(Word16(linkData.partitionNum())<<10)
00408                |(Word16(linkData.endOfData())<<9)
00409                |(Word16(linkData.halfPartition())<<8)
00410                |(Word16(linkData.partitionData())<<0);
00411   if(debug_){
00412     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::buildCDWord] ";
00413   }
00414   return word;
00415 }
00417 RPCFileReader::Word16 RPCFileReader::buildSLDWord(unsigned int tbNum, unsigned int linkNum){//Start of the Link input Data
00419   Word16 specIdent = 3;
00420   Word16 word = (specIdent<<14)
00421                |(1<<13)|(1<<12)|(1<<11)
00422                |(Word16(tbNum)<<5)
00423                |(Word16(linkNum)<<0);
00424   if(debug_){
00425     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::buildSLDWord] ";
00426   }
00427   return word;
00428 }
00430 RPCFileReader::Word16 RPCFileReader::buildSBXDWord(unsigned int bxn){//Start of the Bunch Crossing Data
00431   Word16 specIdent = 3;
00433   Word16 word = (specIdent<<14)
00434                |(0<<13)|(1<<12)
00435                |(Word16(bxn)<<0);
00436     if(debug_){
00437     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::buildSBXDWord] ";
00438   }
00439   return word;
00440 }
00442 RPCFileReader::Word16 RPCFileReader::buildEmptyWord(){//Empty word
00443   Word16 specIdent = 3;
00444   Word16 word = 0;
00445   word = (specIdent<<14)
00446         |(1<<13)|(0<<12)|(1<<11);
00447   if(debug_){
00448     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::buildEmptyWord] ";
00449   }
00450   return word;
00451 }
00453 // ------------ Method called to format RPC Raw data  ------------
00454 FEDRawData* RPCFileReader::rpcDataFormatter(){
00456   std::vector<Word16> words;
00457   bool empty=true;
00459   int beginBX = 0;
00460   int endBX = 1;
00461   if(saveOutOfTime_){
00462     //beginBX = -1;
00463     //endBX = 2;
00464     beginBX = FIRST_BX;
00465     endBX = LAST_BX;
00466   }
00467   for(unsigned int iChip=0;iChip<tbNums_.size();iChip++){
00468     for(int iBX=beginBX;iBX<endBX;iBX++){
00469       //Check if an event consists data
00470       for(unsigned int iL=0; iL<18; iL++){
00471         for(unsigned int iLb=0; iLb<3; iLb++){
00472           if((linkData_[iChip][iBX-FIRST_BX][iL][iLb].partitionData()!=0)&&
00473              !(maskedChannels[iChip][iL]))
00474             empty=false;
00475         }
00476       }
00477       if(!empty){
00478         //fill vector words with correctly ordered RPCwords
00479         if(bxn_+iBX>=0)
00480           words.push_back(buildSBXDWord((unsigned int)(bxn_+iBX)));
00481         else
00482           continue;
00483         for(unsigned int iL=0; iL<18; iL++){
00484           //Check if data of current link exist
00485           empty=true;
00486           for(unsigned int iLb=0; iLb<3; iLb++){
00487             if((linkData_[iChip][iBX-FIRST_BX][iL][iLb].partitionData()!=0)&&
00488                !(maskedChannels[iChip][iL]))
00489               empty=false;
00490           }
00491           if(!empty){
00492             words.push_back(buildSLDWord(tbNums_[iChip], iL));//FIMXE iL+1??
00493             for(unsigned int iLb=0; iLb<3; iLb++){
00494               if(linkData_[iChip][iBX-FIRST_BX][iL][iLb].partitionData()!=0){
00495                 words.push_back(buildCDWord(linkData_[iChip][iBX-FIRST_BX][iL][iLb]));
00496               }
00497             }
00498           }
00499         }
00500       }
00501       //Add empty words if needed
00502       while(words.size()%4!=0){
00503         words.push_back(buildEmptyWord());
00504       }
00505     }
00506   }
00508   if(debug_){
00509     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::rpcDataFormater] Num of words: " << words.size();
00510   }
00511   //Format data, add header & trailer
00512   int dataSize = words.size()*sizeof(Word16);
00513   FEDRawData *rawData = new FEDRawData(dataSize+2*sizeof(Word64));
00514   Word64 *word = reinterpret_cast<Word64*>(rawData->data());
00515   //Add simple header by hand
00516   *word = Word64(0);
00517   *word = (Word64(0x5)<<60)|(Word64(0x1)<<56)|(Word64(event_)<<32)
00518          |(Word64(bxn_)<<20)|((triggerFedId_)<<8);
00519   if(debug_){
00520     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::rpcDataFormater] Header: " << *reinterpret_cast<bitset<64>* >(word);
00521   }
00522   word++;
00523   //Add data
00524   for(unsigned int i=0; i<words.size(); i+=4){
00525     *word = (Word64(words[i])  <<48)
00526            |(Word64(words[i+1])<<32)
00527          |(Word64(words[i+2])<<16)
00528            |(Word64(words[i+3])    );
00529     if(debug_){
00530       edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::rpcDataFormater] Word64: " << *reinterpret_cast<bitset<64>* >(word);
00531     }
00532     word++;
00533   }
00534   //Add simple trailer by hand
00535   *word = Word64(0);
00536   *word = (Word64(0xa)<<60)|(Word64(0x0)<<56)|(Word64(2+words.size()/4)<<32)
00537          |(0xf<<8)|(0x0<<4);
00538   if(debug_){
00539     edm::LogInfo("RPCFR") << "[RPCFileReader::rpcDataFormater] Trailer: " << *reinterpret_cast<bitset<64>* >(word);
00540   }
00541   word++;
00543   //Check memory
00544   if(word!=reinterpret_cast<Word64*>(rawData->data()+dataSize+2*sizeof(Word64))){
00545     string warn = "ERROR !!! Problem with memory in RPCFileReader::rpcDataFormater !!!";
00546     throw cms::Exception(warn);
00547     }
00549   return rawData;
00550 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:39:28 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4