Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 simSiStripDigis = cms.EDFilter("SiStripDigitizer",
00004     TOFCutForPeak = cms.double(100.0),
00005     DeltaProductionCut = cms.double(0.120425),
00006     Temperature = cms.double(263.0),
00007     #-------------------------------------
00008     #-----SiHitDigitizer
00009     DepletionVoltage = cms.double(140.0),
00010     SigmaShapePeak = cms.double(52.17),
00011     TOFCutForDeconvolution = cms.double(50.0),
00012     SimProducer = cms.string('SimDigitizer'),
00013     VerbosityLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00014     #---------------------------------------
00015     #SiTrivialInduceChargeOnStrips
00016     # DECOnvolution Mode
00017     # TIB
00018     CouplingCostantDecTIB = cms.vdouble(0.76, 0.12),
00019     # TID
00020     CouplingCostantDecTID = cms.vdouble(0.76, 0.12),
00021     # TOB
00022     CouplingCostantDecTOB = cms.vdouble(0.76, 0.12),
00023     # TEC
00024     CouplingCostantDecTEC = cms.vdouble(0.76, 0.12),
00025     # PEAK Mode
00026     # TIB
00027     CouplingCostantPeakTIB = cms.vdouble(0.94, 0.03),
00028     # TID
00029     CouplingCostantPeakTID = cms.vdouble(0.94, 0.03),
00030     # TOB
00031     CouplingCostantPeakTOB = cms.vdouble(0.94, 0.03),
00032     # TEC
00033     CouplingCostantPeakTEC = cms.vdouble(0.94, 0.03),
00034     #
00035     AppliedVoltage = cms.double(150.0),
00036     ZeroSuppression = cms.bool(True),
00037     Noise = cms.bool(True), ## NOTE : turning Noise ON/OFF will make a big change
00039     noDiffusion = cms.bool(False),
00040     #--------------------------------------
00041     #SiLinearChargeDivider
00042     LandauFluctuations = cms.bool(True),
00043     #--------------------------------
00044     #---ZeroSuppression
00045     FedAlgorithm = cms.int32(4),
00046     AdcFullScale = cms.int32(255),
00047     DigiModeList = cms.PSet(
00048         SCDigi = cms.string('ScopeMode'),
00049         ZSDigi = cms.string('ZeroSuppressed'),
00050         PRDigi = cms.string('ProcessedRaw'),
00051         VRDigi = cms.string('VirginRaw')
00052     ),
00053     #-----SiStripDigitizer 
00054     TrackerConfigurationFromDB = cms.bool(False),
00055     ROUList = cms.vstring("g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIBLowTof","g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIBHighTof",
00056                           "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIDLowTof","g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIDHighTof",
00057                           "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTOBLowTof","g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTOBHighTof",
00058                           "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTECLowTof","g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTECHighTof"),
00059     GevPerElectron = cms.double(3.61e-09),
00060     chargeDivisionsPerStrip = cms.int32(10),
00061     GeometryType = cms.string('idealForDigi'),
00062     #-----SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm 
00063     electronPerAdc = cms.double(250.0),
00064     APVpeakmode = cms.bool(False),
00065     SigmaShapeDeco = cms.double(12.06),
00066     NoiseSigmaThreshold = cms.double(2.0),
00067     ChargeDistributionRMS = cms.double(6.5e-10),
00068     CosmicDelayShift = cms.untracked.double(0.0),
00069     ChargeMobility = cms.double(480.0),
00070     LorentzAngle = cms.string('fake'),
00071     Gain = cms.string('fake')
00072 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:47:53 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4