Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //----------Author's Name:Jean Bourotte, Igor Semeniouk, Patrick Jarry (Windows porting)
00002 //----------Copyright:Those valid for CMS sofware
00003 //----------Modified:31/1/2003
00004 #include <iostream>
00005 #include "IORawData/Ecal2004TBInputService/interface/TRawHeader.h"
00007 using namespace std;
00008 ClassImp(TRawHeader)
00009 //______________________________________________________________________________
00010 //
00011 // TRawHeader.  Look at the class variables to know the content
00012 //
00013 TRawHeader::TRawHeader() {
00014 //Default constructor
00015   Init();
00016 }
00018 void TRawHeader::Init() {
00019 //Everything to 0
00020   //fRunNum              = 0;
00021   fBurstNum            = 0;
00022   fEvtNum              = 0;
00023   //fRunType             = 0;
00024   fDate                = 0;
00025   fTrigMask            = 0;
00026   //fNMod                = 0;
00027   //fNChMod              = 0;
00028   //fFrameLength         = 0;
00029   fFPPAMode            = 0;
00030   fPNMode              = 0;
00031   //fROSEMode            = 0;
00032   fThetaTableIndex = 0;
00033   fPhiTableIndex = 0;
00034   fLightIntensityIndex = 0;
00035   fInBeamXtal          = 0;
00036 }
00037 void TRawHeader::Print(const char *opt) const {
00038   cout << endl;
00039 //Print this header
00040   cout << "fBurstNum     = ";
00041   cout.width(12);
00042   cout << fBurstNum;
00043   cout << "    fEvtNum       = ";
00044   cout.width(12);
00045   cout << fEvtNum << endl;
00046 //
00047   cout << "fDate         = ";
00048   cout.width(12);
00049   cout << fDate;
00050   cout << "    fTrigMask     = ";
00051   cout.width(12);
00052   cout << fTrigMask << endl;
00053 //
00054   cout << "fLightII      = ";
00055   cout.width(12);
00056   cout << fLightIntensityIndex;
00057   cout << "    fInBeamXtal   = ";
00058   cout.width(12);
00059   cout << fInBeamXtal << endl;
00060 }
00062 void TRawHeader::Set(Int_t iv[] ) { 
00063   fBurstNum            = iv[0];
00064   fEvtNum              = iv[1];
00065   fDate                = iv[2];
00066   fTrigMask            = iv[3];
00067   fFPPAMode            = iv[4];
00068   fLightIntensityIndex = iv[5];
00069   fInBeamXtal          = iv[6];
00070   fThetaTableIndex     = iv[7];
00071   fPhiTableIndex       = iv[8];
00072   fPNMode              = iv[9];
00073 }

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