00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # 00004 # This cfi is should be included to build the globalTrackingGeometry with all 00005 # concrete TrackingGeometries for muon and tracker. 00006 # 00007 from Geometry.CSCGeometry.cscGeometry_cfi import * 00008 from Geometry.RPCGeometry.rpcGeometry_cfi import * 00009 from Geometry.dtGeometry.dtGeometry_cfi import * 00010 from Geometry.TrackerNumberingBuilder.trackerNumberingGeometry_cfi import * 00011 from Geometry.TrackerGeometryBuilder.trackerGeometry_cfi import * 00012 from Geometry.CommonDetUnit.bareGlobalTrackingGeometry_cfi import * 00013