Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 TSPhiParametersBlock = cms.PSet(
00004     TSPhiParameters = cms.PSet(
00005         #Enable/Disable Inner SL checking for 1st/2nd tracks & carry in TSM
00006         TSMNOE1 = cms.bool(True),
00007         TSMNOE2 = cms.bool(False),
00008         TSTREN12 = cms.bool(True),
00009         TSTREN9 = cms.bool(True),
00010         TSTREN8 = cms.bool(True),
00011         TSTREN11 = cms.bool(True),
00012         TSTREN3 = cms.bool(True),
00013         TSTREN2 = cms.bool(True),
00014         TSTREN1 = cms.bool(True),
00015         # Used Traco mask
00016         # 1 means enabled
00017         TSTREN0 = cms.bool(True),
00018         TSTREN7 = cms.bool(True),
00019         TSTREN6 = cms.bool(True),
00020         TSTREN5 = cms.bool(True),
00021         TSTREN4 = cms.bool(True),
00022         TSSNOE2 = cms.bool(False),
00023         # Enable/Disable Inner SL checking for 1st/2nd tracks & carry in TSS
00024         TSSNOE1 = cms.bool(True),
00025         TSMCCE2 = cms.bool(False),
00026         TSTREN19 = cms.bool(True),
00027         #Enable/Disable correlation checking for 1st/2nd tracks & carry in TSM
00028         TSMCCE1 = cms.bool(True),
00029         TSTREN17 = cms.bool(True),
00030         TSTREN16 = cms.bool(True),
00031         TSTREN15 = cms.bool(True),
00032         TSTREN14 = cms.bool(True),
00033         TSTREN13 = cms.bool(True),
00034         # Priority in TSS for 1st/2nd tracks
00035         # 1 is H/L
00036         # 2 is In/Out
00037         # 3 is Corr/NotCorr
00038         # valid parameters are 1,2,3 combinations
00039         TSSMSK1 = cms.int32(312),
00040         TSSMSK2 = cms.int32(312),
00041         TSTREN10 = cms.bool(True),
00042         TSMMSK2 = cms.int32(312),
00043         # Priority in TSM for 1st/2nd tracks
00044         # 1 is H/L
00045         # 2 is In/Out
00046         # 3 is Corr/NotCorr
00047         # valid parameters are 1,2,3 combinations
00048         TSMMSK1 = cms.int32(312),
00049         # Handling of second track (carry) in case of pile-up in TSM
00050         # 1 Get best 2nd previous BX
00051         # 2 Get best 2nd previous BX if 1st is Low
00052         # 0 Reject 2nd track
00053         TSMHSP = cms.int32(1),
00054         # Enable/Disable correlation checking for 1st/2nd tracks & carry in TSS
00055         TSSCCE1 = cms.bool(True),
00056         TSSCCE2 = cms.bool(False),
00057         # Correlated ghost 2 suppression option in TSS
00058         # 0 Reject also if Correlated
00059         # 1 Accept if correlated
00060         TSSCGS2 = cms.bool(True),
00061         TSSCCEC = cms.bool(False),
00062         # Enable/Disable Htrig checking for 1st/2nd tracks & carry in TSM
00063         TSMHTE1 = cms.bool(True),
00064         TSMHTE2 = cms.bool(False),
00065         # Debug flag
00066         Debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00067         TSSHTE2 = cms.bool(False),
00068         # Correlated ghost 1 suppression option in TSM
00069         # 0 Reject also if Correlated
00070         # 1 Accept if correlated
00071         TSMCGS1 = cms.bool(True),
00072         # Correlated ghost 2 suppression option in TSM
00073         # 0 Reject also if Correlated
00074         # 1 Accept if correlated
00075         TSMCGS2 = cms.bool(True),
00076         # Enable/Disable Htrig checking for 1st/2nd tracks & carry in TSS
00077         TSSHTE1 = cms.bool(True),
00078         TSTREN22 = cms.bool(True),
00079         TSSNOEC = cms.bool(False),
00080         TSTREN20 = cms.bool(True),
00081         TSTREN21 = cms.bool(True),
00082         # Ghost 1 suppression options in TSM
00083         # 1 If Outer adj to 1st tr
00084         # 2 Always
00085         # 0 Never
00086         TSMGS1 = cms.int32(1),
00087         # Ghost 2 suppression options in TSM
00088         # 1 If Outer same TRACO of uncorr 1st tr
00089         # 2 If Outer same TRACO of 1st tr
00090         # 3 Always
00091         # 4 If Outer same TRACO of inner 1st tr
00092         # 0 Never
00093         TSMGS2 = cms.int32(1),
00094         TSSHTEC = cms.bool(False),
00095         # TsmWord used to mask TSMS or TSS
00096         #  bit numbering 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
00097         #
00098         #  bit 0 = 1  --> TSMS OK     => normal mode (default)
00099         #  bit 0 = 0  --> TSMS broken => back-up mode (see example a)
00100         #  bits 1-6 = 0 --> broken TSS (see example b)
00101         #  bits 1-6 = 1 --> working TSS (default)
00102         TSMWORD = cms.int32(255),
00103         TSMHTEC = cms.bool(False),
00104         # Correlated ghost 1 suppression option in TSS
00105         # 0 Reject also if Correlated
00106         # 1 Accept if correlated
00107         TSSCGS1 = cms.bool(True),
00108         TSTREN23 = cms.bool(True),
00109         # Ghost 2 suppression options in TSS
00110         # 1 If Outer same TRACO of uncorr 1st tr
00111         # 2 If Outer same TRACO of 1st tr
00112         # 3 Always
00113         # 4 If Outer same TRACO of inner 1st tr
00114         # 0 Never
00115         TSSGS2 = cms.int32(1),
00116         TSMNOEC = cms.bool(False),
00117         # Ghost 1 suppression options in TSS
00118         # 1 If Outer adj to 1st tr
00119         # 2 Always
00120         # 0 Never
00121         TSSGS1 = cms.int32(1),
00122         TSTREN18 = cms.bool(True),
00123         TSMCCEC = cms.bool(False)
00124     )
00125 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:40:26 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4