00001 #include <DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalLaserClient.h>
00002 #include <DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalClientUtils.h>
00003 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00004 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00007 HcalLaserClient::HcalLaserClient(){}
00008 HcalLaserClient::~HcalLaserClient() { this->cleanup(); }
00009 void HcalLaserClient::setup(void) {}
00010 void HcalLaserClient::createTests() {}
00014 void HcalLaserClient::init( const ParameterSet& ps, DQMStore* dbe, const string clientName){
00015 HcalBaseClient::init( ps, dbe, clientName );
00017 TDCNumChannels_ = 0;
00018 TDCTrigger_ = 0;
00019 TDCRawOptosync_ = 0;
00020 TDCClockOptosync_ = 0;
00021 TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_ = 0;
00023 for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ ) {
00024 QADC_[i] = 0;
00025 }
00027 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00028 rms_shape_[i] = 0;
00029 mean_shape_[i] = 0;
00030 rms_time_[i] = 0;
00031 mean_time_[i] = 0;
00032 rms_energy_[i] = 0;
00033 mean_energy_[i] = 0;
00035 rms_shapeDep_[i] = 0;
00036 mean_shapeDep_[i] = 0;
00037 rms_timeDep_[i] = 0;
00038 mean_timeDep_[i] = 0;
00039 rms_energyDep_[i] = 0;
00040 mean_energyDep_[i] = 0;
00042 avg_shape_[i] = 0;
00043 avg_time_[i] = 0;
00044 avg_energy_[i] = 0;
00045 }
00046 }
00049 void HcalLaserClient::beginJob( const EventSetup& eventSetup ) {
00050 if ( debug_ ) cout << "HcalLaserClient: beginJob" << endl;
00051 ievt_ = jevt_ = 0;
00052 this->resetAllME();
00053 }
00056 void HcalLaserClient::beginRun(void){
00057 if ( debug_ ) cout << "HcalLaserClient: beginRun" << endl;
00058 jevt_ = 0;
00059 this->resetAllME();
00060 }
00063 void HcalLaserClient::analyze(void) {
00064 jevt_++;
00065 getHistograms();
00066 }
00069 void HcalLaserClient::endRun(void) {
00070 if ( debug_ ) cout << "HcalLaserClient: endRun, jevt = " << jevt_ << endl;
00071 this->cleanup();
00072 }
00075 void HcalLaserClient::endJob(void) {
00076 if ( debug_ ) cout << "HcalLaserClient: endJob, ievt = " << ievt_ << endl;
00077 this->cleanup();
00078 }
00081 void HcalLaserClient::cleanup(void) {
00082 if( cloneME_ ){
00083 if( TDCNumChannels_ ) delete TDCNumChannels_;
00084 if( TDCTrigger_ ) delete TDCTrigger_;
00085 if( TDCRawOptosync_ ) delete TDCRawOptosync_;
00086 if( TDCClockOptosync_ ) delete TDCClockOptosync_;
00087 if( TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_ ) delete TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_;
00089 for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ ) {
00090 if( QADC_[i] ) delete QADC_[i];
00091 }
00093 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00094 if( rms_shape_[i] ) delete rms_shape_[i];
00095 if( mean_shape_[i] ) delete mean_shape_[i];
00096 if( rms_time_[i] ) delete rms_time_[i];
00097 if( mean_time_[i] ) delete mean_time_[i];
00098 if( rms_energy_[i] ) delete rms_energy_[i];
00099 if( mean_energy_[i] ) delete mean_energy_[i];
00101 if( rms_shapeDep_[i] ) delete rms_shapeDep_[i];
00102 if( mean_shapeDep_[i] ) delete mean_shapeDep_[i];
00103 if( rms_timeDep_[i] ) delete rms_timeDep_[i];
00104 if( mean_timeDep_[i] ) delete mean_timeDep_[i];
00105 if( rms_energyDep_[i] ) delete rms_energyDep_[i];
00106 if( mean_energyDep_[i] ) delete mean_energyDep_[i];
00108 if( avg_shape_[i] ) delete avg_shape_[i];
00109 if( avg_time_[i] ) delete avg_time_[i];
00110 if( avg_energy_[i] ) delete avg_energy_[i];
00111 }
00112 }
00114 TDCNumChannels_ = 0;
00115 TDCTrigger_ = 0;
00116 TDCRawOptosync_ = 0;
00117 TDCClockOptosync_ = 0;
00118 TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_ = 0;
00120 for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ ) {
00121 QADC_[i] = 0;
00122 }
00124 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00125 rms_shape_[i] = 0;
00126 mean_shape_[i] = 0;
00127 rms_time_[i] = 0;
00128 mean_time_[i] = 0;
00129 rms_energy_[i] = 0;
00130 mean_energy_[i] = 0;
00132 rms_shapeDep_[i] = 0;
00133 mean_shapeDep_[i] = 0;
00134 rms_timeDep_[i] = 0;
00135 mean_timeDep_[i] = 0;
00136 rms_energyDep_[i] = 0;
00137 mean_energyDep_[i] = 0;
00139 avg_shape_[i] = 0;
00140 avg_time_[i] = 0;
00141 avg_energy_[i] = 0;
00142 }
00144 dqmReportMapErr_.clear(); dqmReportMapWarn_.clear(); dqmReportMapOther_.clear();
00145 dqmQtests_.clear();
00146 }
00149 void HcalLaserClient::report() {
00150 if( !dbe_ ) return;
00151 if( debug_ ) cout << "HcalLaserClient: report" << endl;
00153 char name[256];
00154 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Task Event Number", process_.c_str() );
00155 MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(name);
00156 if( me ) {
00157 string s = me->valueString();
00158 ievt_ = -1;
00159 sscanf( (s.substr( 2, s.length()-2 )).c_str(), "%d", &ievt_ );
00160 if( debug_ ) cout << "Found '" << name << "'" << endl;
00161 }
00162 getHistograms();
00163 }
00166 void HcalLaserClient::getHistograms() {
00167 if( !dbe_ ) return;
00168 char name[256];
00171 MonitorElement* meDepTimeMean[4];
00172 MonitorElement* meDepTimeRMS[4];
00173 MonitorElement* meDepShapeMean[4];
00174 MonitorElement* meDepShapeRMS[4];
00175 MonitorElement* meDepEnergyMean[4];
00176 MonitorElement* meDepEnergyRMS[4];
00178 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00179 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Mean Time Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00180 meDepTimeMean[i] = dbe_->get(name);
00181 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser RMS Time Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00182 meDepTimeRMS[i] = dbe_->get(name);
00183 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/2DShape/Laser Mean Shape Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00184 meDepShapeMean[i] = dbe_->get(name);
00185 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/2DShape/Laser RMS Shape Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00186 meDepShapeRMS[i] = dbe_->get(name);
00187 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Mean Energy Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00188 meDepEnergyMean[i] = dbe_->get(name);
00189 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser RMS Energy Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00190 meDepEnergyRMS[i] = dbe_->get(name);
00192 if(meDepTimeMean[i]) dbe_->softReset( meDepTimeMean[i] );
00193 if(meDepTimeRMS[i]) dbe_->softReset( meDepTimeRMS[i] );
00194 if(meDepEnergyMean[i]) dbe_->softReset( meDepEnergyMean[i] );
00195 if(meDepEnergyRMS[i]) dbe_->softReset( meDepEnergyRMS[i] );
00196 if(meDepShapeMean[i]) dbe_->softReset( meDepShapeMean[i] );
00197 if(meDepShapeRMS[i]) dbe_->softReset( meDepShapeRMS[i] );
00198 }
00202 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Number of Channels" );
00203 TDCNumChannels_ = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00204 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Trigger" );
00205 TDCTrigger_ = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00206 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Raw Optosync" );
00207 TDCRawOptosync_ = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00208 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Clock Optosync" );
00209 TDCClockOptosync_ = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00210 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Raw Optosync Minus Trigger" );
00211 TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_ = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00213 for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ ) {
00214 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/QDC %02d", i );
00215 QADC_[i] = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00216 }
00219 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00220 if( !subDetsOn_[i] ) continue;
00221 string type = "HB";
00222 if( i==1 ) type = "HE";
00223 else if( i==2 ) type = "HF";
00224 else if( i==3 ) type = "HO";
00226 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/%s/%s Ped Subtracted Pulse Shape", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00227 avg_shape_[i] = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00228 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/%s/%s Average Pulse Time", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00229 avg_time_[i] = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00230 sprintf( name, "LaserMonitor/%s/%s Average Pulse Energy", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00231 avg_energy_[i] = getHisto( name, process_, dbe_, debug_, cloneME_ );
00233 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Shape RMS Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00234 MonitorElement* meShapeRMS = dbe_->get(name);
00235 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Shape Mean Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00236 MonitorElement* meShapeMean = dbe_->get(name);
00237 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Time RMS Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00238 MonitorElement* meTimeRMS = dbe_->get(name);
00239 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Time Mean Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00240 MonitorElement* meTimeMean = dbe_->get(name);
00241 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Energy RMS Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00242 MonitorElement* meEnergyRMS = dbe_->get(name);
00243 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Energy Mean Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00244 MonitorElement* meEnergyMean = dbe_->get(name);
00246 if( !meShapeRMS || !meShapeMean ) continue;
00247 if( !meTimeRMS || !meTimeMean ) continue;
00248 if( !meEnergyRMS || !meEnergyMean ) continue;
00249 dbe_->softReset( meShapeRMS ); dbe_->softReset( meShapeMean );
00250 dbe_->softReset( meTimeRMS ); dbe_->softReset( meTimeMean );
00251 dbe_->softReset( meEnergyRMS ); dbe_->softReset( meEnergyMean );
00253 for( int ieta = -42; ieta <= 42; ieta++ ) {
00254 if( ieta == 0 ) continue;
00255 for( int iphi = 1; iphi <= 73; iphi++ ) {
00256 for( int depth = 1; depth <= 4; depth++ ) {
00257 if( !isValidGeom(i, ieta, iphi,depth) ) continue;
00258 HcalSubdetector subdet = HcalBarrel;
00259 if( i == 1 ) subdet = HcalEndcap;
00260 else if( i == 2 ) subdet = HcalForward;
00261 else if( i == 3 ) subdet = HcalOuter;
00263 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Shape ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00264 process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00265 MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(name);
00267 if( me ) {
00268 meShapeRMS->Fill( me->getRMS() );
00269 meShapeMean->Fill( me->getMean() );
00270 meDepShapeRMS[depth-1]->Fill( ieta, iphi, me->getRMS() );
00271 meDepShapeMean[depth-1]->Fill( ieta, iphi, me->getMean() );
00272 }
00274 float timeMeanVal = -1; float enMeanVal = -1;
00275 float timeRMSVal = -1; float enRMSVal = -1;
00277 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Time ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00278 process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00279 me = dbe_->get(name);
00281 if( me ) {
00282 timeMeanVal = me->getMean();
00283 timeRMSVal = me->getRMS();
00284 meTimeRMS->Fill( timeRMSVal );
00285 meTimeMean->Fill( timeMeanVal );
00286 meDepTimeRMS[depth-1]->Fill( ieta, iphi, timeRMSVal );
00287 meDepTimeMean[depth-1]->Fill( ieta, iphi, timeMeanVal );
00288 }
00290 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Energy ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00291 process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00292 me = dbe_->get(name);
00294 if( me ) {
00295 enMeanVal = me->getMean();
00296 enRMSVal = me->getRMS();
00297 meEnergyRMS->Fill( enRMSVal );
00298 meEnergyMean->Fill( enMeanVal );
00299 meDepEnergyRMS[depth-1]->Fill( ieta, iphi, enRMSVal );
00300 meDepEnergyMean[depth-1]->Fill( ieta, iphi, enMeanVal );
00301 }
00302 }
00303 }
00304 }
00306 rms_shape_[i] = getHisto( meShapeRMS, debug_, cloneME_ );
00307 mean_shape_[i] = getHisto( meShapeMean, debug_, cloneME_ );
00308 rms_time_[i] = getHisto( meTimeRMS, debug_, cloneME_ );
00309 mean_time_[i] = getHisto( meTimeMean, debug_, cloneME_ );
00310 rms_energy_[i] = getHisto( meEnergyRMS, debug_, cloneME_ );
00311 mean_energy_[i] = getHisto( meEnergyMean, debug_, cloneME_ );
00313 }
00315 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00316 rms_shapeDep_[i] = getHisto2( meDepShapeRMS[i], debug_, cloneME_ );
00317 mean_shapeDep_[i] = getHisto2( meDepShapeMean[i], debug_, cloneME_ );
00318 rms_timeDep_[i] = getHisto2( meDepTimeRMS[i], debug_, cloneME_ );
00319 mean_timeDep_[i] = getHisto2( meDepTimeMean[i], debug_, cloneME_ );
00320 rms_energyDep_[i] = getHisto2( meDepEnergyRMS[i], debug_, cloneME_ );
00321 mean_energyDep_[i] = getHisto2( meDepEnergyMean[i], debug_, cloneME_ );
00322 }
00323 }
00326 void HcalLaserClient::resetAllME() {
00327 if( !dbe_ ) return;
00328 Char_t name[150];
00330 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Number of Channels", process_.c_str() );
00331 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00332 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Trigger", process_.c_str() );
00333 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00334 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Raw Optosync", process_.c_str() );
00335 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00336 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Clock Optosync", process_.c_str() );
00337 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00338 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Raw Optosync Minus Trigger", process_.c_str() );
00339 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00341 for( int i = 0; i < 32; i ++ ) {
00342 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/QDC %02d", process_.c_str(), i );
00343 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00344 }
00346 for( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++ ) {
00347 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Mean Time Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i );
00348 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00349 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser RMS Time Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i );
00350 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00351 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/2DShape/Laser Mean Shape Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i );
00352 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00353 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/2DShape/Laser RMS Shape Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i );
00354 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00355 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Mean Energy Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i );
00356 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00357 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser RMS Energy Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i );
00358 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00359 }
00361 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00362 if( !subDetsOn_[i] ) continue;
00363 string type = "HB";
00364 if( i == 1 ) type = "HE";
00365 else if( i == 2 ) type = "HF";
00366 else if( i == 3 ) type = "HO";
00368 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Ped Subtracted Pulse Shape", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00369 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00370 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Ped Subtracted Pulse Shape", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00371 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00372 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Shape RMS Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00373 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00374 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Shape Mean Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00375 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00376 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Average Pulse Time", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00377 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00378 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Time RMS Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00379 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00380 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Time Mean Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00381 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00382 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Average Pulse Energy", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00383 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00384 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Energy RMS Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00385 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00386 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Energy Mean Values", process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00387 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00389 for( int ieta = -42; ieta < 42; ieta++ ) {
00390 if( ieta == 0 ) continue;
00391 for( int iphi = 0; iphi < 73; iphi++ ) {
00392 for( int depth = 1; depth < 4; depth++ ) {
00393 if( !isValidGeom(i, ieta, iphi, depth) ) continue;
00394 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Shape ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00395 process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00396 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00397 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Time ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00398 process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00399 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00400 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Energy ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00401 process_.c_str(), type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00402 resetME( name, dbe_ );
00403 }
00404 }
00405 }
00406 }
00407 }
00410 void HcalLaserClient::htmlOutput( int runNo, string htmlDir, string htmlName ) {
00412 cout << "Preparing HcalLaserClient html output ..." << endl;
00413 string client = "LaserMonitor";
00414 htmlErrors( runNo, htmlDir, client, process_, dbe_, dqmReportMapErr_, dqmReportMapWarn_, dqmReportMapOther_ );
00416 ofstream htmlFile;
00417 htmlFile.open( (htmlDir + htmlName).c_str() );
00420 htmlFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"> " << endl;
00421 htmlFile << "<html> " << endl;
00422 htmlFile << "<head> " << endl;
00423 htmlFile << " <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\" " << endl;
00424 htmlFile << " https-equiv=\"content-type\"> " << endl;
00425 htmlFile << " <title>Monitor: Hcal Laser Task output</title> " << endl;
00426 htmlFile << "</head> " << endl;
00427 htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\"> td { font-weight: bold } </style>" << endl;
00428 htmlFile << "<body> " << endl;
00429 htmlFile << "<br> " << endl;
00430 htmlFile << "<h2>Run: " << endl;
00431 htmlFile << " <span " << endl;
00432 htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << runNo << "</span></h2>" << endl;
00433 htmlFile << "<h2>Monitoring task: <span " << endl;
00434 htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">Hcal Laser</span></h2> " << endl;
00436 htmlFile << "<h2>Events processed: " << endl;
00437 htmlFile << " <span " << endl;
00438 htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << ievt_ << "</span></h2>" << endl;
00440 htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00441 htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=1><tr>" << endl;
00442 if( hasErrors() ) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=red><a href=\"LaserMonitorErrors.html\">Errors in this task</a></td>" << endl;
00443 else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime>No Errors</td>" << endl;
00444 if( hasWarnings() ) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=yellow><a href=\"LaserMonitorWarnings.html\">Warnings in this task</a></td>" << endl;
00445 else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime>No Warnings</td>" << endl;
00446 if( hasOther() ) htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=aqua><a href=\"LaserMonitorMessages.html\">Messages in this task</a></td>" << endl;
00447 else htmlFile << "<td bgcolor=lime>No Messages</td>" << endl;
00448 htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00449 htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00451 htmlFile << "<h2><strong>Hcal Laser Histograms</strong></h2>" << endl;
00452 htmlFile << "<h3>" << endl;
00453 htmlFile << "<a href=\"#QADCTDC_Plots\">QADCTDC Plots </a></br>" << endl;
00454 htmlFile << "<a href=\"#GEO_Plots\">Geometry Plots </a></br>" << endl;
00455 if( subDetsOn_[0] ) htmlFile << "<a href=\"#HB_Plots\">HB Plots </a></br>" << endl;
00456 if( subDetsOn_[1] ) htmlFile << "<a href=\"#HE_Plots\">HE Plots </a></br>" << endl;
00457 if( subDetsOn_[2] ) htmlFile << "<a href=\"#HF_Plots\">HF Plots </a></br>" << endl;
00458 if( subDetsOn_[3] ) htmlFile << "<a href=\"#HO_Plots\">HO Plots </a></br>" << endl;
00459 htmlFile << "</h3>" << endl;
00460 htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00462 htmlFile << "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" " << endl;
00463 htmlFile << "cellpadding=\"10\"> " << endl;
00465 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00466 htmlFile << "<td> <a name=\"QADCTDC_Plots\"><h3>QADCTDC Histograms</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00467 histoHTML( runNo, TDCNumChannels_, "Number of Channels", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00468 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00469 histoHTML( runNo, TDCTrigger_, "Time (ns)", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00470 histoHTML( runNo, TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_, "Time (ns)", "Events", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00471 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00472 histoHTML( runNo, TDCRawOptosync_, "Time (ns)", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00473 histoHTML( runNo, TDCClockOptosync_, "Time (ns)", "Events", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00474 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00475 histoHTML( runNo, QADC_[3], "ADC Counts", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00476 histoHTML( runNo, QADC_[0], "ADC Counts", "Events", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00477 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00478 histoHTML( runNo, QADC_[4], "ADC Counts", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00479 histoHTML( runNo, QADC_[1], "ADC Counts", "Events", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00480 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00481 histoHTML( runNo, QADC_[5], "ADC Counts", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00482 histoHTML( runNo, QADC_[2], "ADC Counts", "Events", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00483 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00485 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00486 htmlFile << "<td> <a name=\"GEO_Plots\"><h3>Geometry Histograms</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00487 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_energyDep_[0], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00488 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_energyDep_[0], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00489 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00490 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00491 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_energyDep_[1], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00492 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_energyDep_[1], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00493 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00494 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00495 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_energyDep_[2], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00496 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_energyDep_[2], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00497 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00498 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00499 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_energyDep_[3], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00500 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_energyDep_[3], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00501 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00503 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00504 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_timeDep_[0], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00505 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_timeDep_[0], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00506 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00507 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00508 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_timeDep_[1], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00509 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_timeDep_[1], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00510 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00511 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00512 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_timeDep_[2], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00513 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_timeDep_[2], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00514 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00515 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00516 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_timeDep_[3], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00517 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_timeDep_[3], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00518 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00520 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00521 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_shapeDep_[0], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00522 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_shapeDep_[0], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00523 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00524 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00525 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_shapeDep_[1], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00526 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_shapeDep_[1], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00527 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00528 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00529 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_shapeDep_[2], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00530 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_shapeDep_[2], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00531 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00532 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00533 histoHTML2( runNo, mean_shapeDep_[3], "iEta", "iPhi", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00534 histoHTML2( runNo, rms_shapeDep_[3], "iEta", "iPhi", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00535 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00537 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00538 if( !subDetsOn_[i] ) continue;
00539 string type = "HB";
00540 if( i == 1 ) type = "HE";
00541 else if( i == 2 ) type = "HF";
00542 else if( i == 3 ) type = "HO";
00544 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00545 htmlFile << "<td> <a name=\""<<type<<"_Plots\"><h3>" << type << " Histograms</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00547 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00548 histoHTML( runNo, avg_shape_[i], "Timeslice (25ns)", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00549 histoHTML( runNo, avg_time_[i], "Timeslice (25ns)", "Events", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00550 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00552 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00553 histoHTML( runNo, avg_energy_[i], "ADC Sum", "Events", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00554 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00556 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00557 histoHTML( runNo, mean_shape_[i], "Timeslice (25ns)", "Channels", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00558 histoHTML( runNo, rms_shape_[i], "Timeslice (25ns)", "Channels", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00559 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00561 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00562 histoHTML( runNo, mean_time_[i], "Timeslice (25ns)", "Channels", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00563 histoHTML( runNo, rms_time_[i], "Timeslice (25ns)", "Channels", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00564 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00566 htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00567 histoHTML( runNo, mean_energy_[i], "ADC Sum", "Channels", 100, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00568 histoHTML( runNo, rms_energy_[i], "ADC Sum", "Channels", 92, htmlFile, htmlDir );
00569 htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00570 }
00571 htmlFile << "</table>" << endl;
00572 htmlFile << "<br>" << endl;
00575 htmlFile << "</body> " << endl;
00576 htmlFile << "</html> " << endl;
00578 htmlFile.close();
00579 }
00583 void HcalLaserClient::loadHistograms( TFile* infile ) {
00585 TNamed* tnd = (TNamed*)infile->Get( "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Task Event Number" );
00586 if(tnd) {
00587 string s = tnd->GetTitle();
00588 ievt_ = -1;
00589 sscanf( (s.substr(2, s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &ievt_ );
00590 }
00591 char name[256];
00593 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Number of Channels" );
00594 TDCNumChannels_ = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00595 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Trigger" );
00596 TDCTrigger_ = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00597 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Raw Optosync" );
00598 TDCRawOptosync_ = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00599 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Clock Optosync" );
00600 TDCClockOptosync_ = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00601 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/QADCTDC/TDC Raw Optosync Minus Trigger" );
00602 TDCRawOptosync_Trigger_ = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00604 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00605 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Mean Time Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00606 mean_timeDep_[i] = (TH2F*)infile->Get(name);
00607 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser RMS Time Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00608 rms_timeDep_[i] = (TH2F*)infile->Get(name);
00609 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/2DShape/Laser Mean Shape Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00610 mean_shapeDep_[i] = (TH2F*)infile->Get(name);
00611 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/2DShape/Laser RMS Shape Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00612 rms_shapeDep_[i] = (TH2F*)infile->Get(name);
00613 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser Mean Energy Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00614 mean_energyDep_[i] = (TH2F*)infile->Get(name);
00615 sprintf( name, "%sHcal/LaserMonitor/Laser RMS Energy Depth %d", process_.c_str(), i+1 );
00616 rms_energyDep_[i] = (TH2F*)infile->Get(name);
00617 }
00619 for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00620 if( !subDetsOn_[i] ) continue;
00621 string type = "HB";
00622 if( i == 1 ) type = "HE";
00623 else if( i == 2 ) type = "HF";
00624 else if( i == 3 ) type = "HO";
00626 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Ped Subtracted Pulse Shape", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00627 avg_shape_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00628 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Average Pulse Time", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00629 avg_time_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00630 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Average Pulse Energy", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00631 avg_energy_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00633 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Shape RMS Values", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00634 rms_shape_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00635 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Shape Mean Values", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00636 mean_shape_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00638 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Time RMS Values", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00639 rms_time_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00640 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Time Mean Values", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00641 mean_time_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00643 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Energy RMS Values", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00644 rms_energy_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00645 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/%s Laser Energy Mean Values", type.c_str(), type.c_str() );
00646 mean_energy_[i] = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00648 for( int ieta = -42; ieta <= 42; ieta++ ) {
00649 if( ieta == 0 ) continue;
00650 for( int iphi = 1; iphi <= 73; iphi++ ) {
00651 for( int depth = 1; depth <= 4; depth++ ) {
00652 if( !isValidGeom(i, ieta, iphi, depth) ) continue;
00653 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Shape ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00654 type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00655 TH1F* h = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00656 if( h ) {
00657 rms_shape_[i]->Fill( h->GetRMS() );
00658 mean_shape_[i]->Fill( h->GetMean() );
00659 }
00661 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Time ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00662 type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00663 h = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00664 if( h ) {
00665 rms_time_[i]->Fill( h->GetRMS() );
00666 mean_time_[i]->Fill( h->GetMean() );
00667 }
00669 sprintf( name, "DQMData/Hcal/LaserMonitor/%s/Expert/%s Laser Energy ieta=%+03d iphi=%02d depth=%d",
00670 type.c_str(), type.c_str(), ieta, iphi, depth );
00671 h = (TH1F*)infile->Get(name);
00672 if( h ) {
00673 rms_energy_[i]->Fill( h->GetRMS() );
00674 mean_energy_[i]->Fill( h->GetMean() );
00675 }
00676 }
00677 }
00678 }
00679 }
00680 }