Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from L1Trigger.cSCCommonTrigger.CSCCommonTrigger_cfi import *
00004 csctfTrackDigis = cms.EDProducer("CSCTFTrackProducer",
00005     DTproducer = cms.untracked.InputTag("dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis"),
00006     SectorReceiverInput = cms.untracked.InputTag("cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis","MPCSORTED"),
00007     SectorProcessor = cms.PSet(
00008         cSCCommonTrigger,
00009         SRLUT = cms.PSet(
00010             Binary = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00011             ReadLUTs = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00012             LUTPath = cms.untracked.string('./'),
00013             UseMiniLUTs = cms.untracked.bool(True)
00014         ),
00015         AllowALCTonly = cms.bool(False),
00016         PTLUT = cms.PSet(
00017             LowQualityFlag = cms.untracked.uint32(4),
00018             ReadPtLUT = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00019             PtMethod = cms.untracked.uint32(1)
00020         ),
00021         singlesTrackOutput = cms.uint32(3),
00022         singlesTrackPt = cms.uint32(255),
00023         rescaleSinglesPhi  = cms.bool(False),
00024         trigger_on_MB1a = cms.bool(False),
00025         EtaMin = cms.vuint32(22, 22, 14, 14, 14,
00026             10, 10, 10),
00027         trigger_on_ME1a = cms.bool(False),
00028         trigger_on_ME1b = cms.bool(False),
00029         EtaMax = cms.vuint32(127, 127, 127, 127, 127,
00030             24, 24, 24),
00031         CoreLatency = cms.uint32(8),
00032         PreTrigger = cms.uint32(2),
00033         trigger_on_MB1d = cms.bool(False),
00034         run_core = cms.bool(True),
00035         mindeta_accp = cms.uint32(4),
00036         EtaWindows = cms.vuint32(4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
00037             4),
00038         AllowCLCTonly = cms.bool(False),
00039         BXAdepth = cms.uint32(2),
00040         mindphip = cms.uint32(2),
00041         maxdeta_accp = cms.uint32(16),
00042         trigger_on_ME4 = cms.bool(False),
00043         maxdphi_accp = cms.uint32(64),
00044         trigger_on_ME3 = cms.bool(False),
00045         trigger_on_ME2 = cms.bool(False),
00048         kill_fiber         = cms.uint32(0),
00049         QualityEnableME1a  = cms.uint32(65535),
00050         QualityEnableME1b  = cms.uint32(65535),
00051         QualityEnableME1c  = cms.uint32(65535),
00052         QualityEnableME1d  = cms.uint32(65535),
00053         QualityEnableME1e  = cms.uint32(65535),
00054         QualityEnableME1f  = cms.uint32(65535),
00055         QualityEnableME2a  = cms.uint32(65535),
00056         QualityEnableME2b  = cms.uint32(65535),
00057         QualityEnableME2c  = cms.uint32(65535),
00058         QualityEnableME3a  = cms.uint32(65535),
00059         QualityEnableME3b  = cms.uint32(65535),
00060         QualityEnableME3c  = cms.uint32(65535),
00061         QualityEnableME4a  = cms.uint32(65535),
00062         QualityEnableME4b  = cms.uint32(65535),
00063         QualityEnableME4c  = cms.uint32(65535),
00064         initializeFromPSet = cms.bool(True)
00066     ),
00067     isTMB07 = cms.bool(True),
00068     useDT = cms.bool(True),
00069 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:39:41 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4