00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # 00004 # module to make the mvaComputer 00005 # 00006 findTtSemiLepJetCombMVA = cms.EDProducer("TtSemiLepJetCombMVAComputer", 00007 #------------------------------------------------- 00008 # sources 00009 #------------------------------------------------- 00010 leptons = cms.InputTag("selectedLayer1Muons"), 00011 jets = cms.InputTag("selectedLayer1Jets"), 00012 mets = cms.InputTag("selectedLayer1METs"), 00013 00014 #------------------------------------------------- 00015 # number of jets to be considered in combinatorics 00016 # (has to be >= 4, can be set to -1 if you want to 00017 # take all) 00018 #------------------------------------------------- 00019 maxNJets = cms.int32(4), 00020 00021 #------------------------------------------------- 00022 # maximum number of jet combinations finally 00023 # written into the event, starting from the "best" 00024 # (has to be >= 1, can be set to -1 if you want to 00025 # take all) 00026 #------------------------------------------------- 00027 maxNComb = cms.int32(1) 00028 )