Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
00002 #include "Utilities/RFIOAdaptor/interface/RFIOFile.h"
00003 #include "Utilities/RFIOAdaptor/interface/RFIO.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00006 #include <cerrno>
00007 #include <unistd.h>
00008 #include <stdint.h>
00009 #include <time.h>
00011 static double realNanoSecs (void)
00012 {
00013   struct timespec ts;
00014   if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) == 0)
00015     return ts.tv_sec * 1e9 + ts.tv_nsec;
00016   return 0;
00017 }
00019 RFIOFile::RFIOFile (void)
00020   : m_fd (EDM_IOFD_INVALID),
00021     m_close (false),
00022     m_flags (0),
00023     m_perms (0),
00024     m_curpos (0)
00025 {}
00027 RFIOFile::RFIOFile (IOFD fd)
00028   : m_fd (fd),
00029     m_close (true),
00030     m_flags (0),
00031     m_perms (0),
00032     m_curpos (0)
00033 {}
00035 RFIOFile::RFIOFile (const char *name,
00036                     int flags /* = IOFlags::OpenRead */,
00037                     int perms /* = 066 */)
00038   : m_fd (EDM_IOFD_INVALID),
00039     m_close (false),
00040     m_flags (0),
00041     m_perms (0),
00042     m_curpos (0)
00043 { open (name, flags, perms); }
00045 RFIOFile::RFIOFile (const std::string &name,
00046                     int flags /* = IOFlags::OpenRead */,
00047                     int perms /* = 066 */)
00048   : m_fd (EDM_IOFD_INVALID),
00049     m_close (false),
00050     m_flags (0),
00051     m_perms (0),
00052     m_curpos (0)
00053 { open (name.c_str (), flags, perms); }
00055 RFIOFile::~RFIOFile (void)
00056 {
00057   if (m_close)
00058     edm::LogError("RFIOFileError")
00059       << "Destructor called on RFIO file '" << m_name
00060       << "' but the file is still open";
00061 }
00065 void
00066 RFIOFile::create (const char *name,
00067                   bool exclusive /* = false */,
00068                   int perms /* = 066 */)
00069 {
00070   open (name,
00071         (IOFlags::OpenCreate | IOFlags::OpenWrite | IOFlags::OpenTruncate
00072          | (exclusive ? IOFlags::OpenExclusive : 0)),
00073         perms);
00074 }
00076 void
00077 RFIOFile::create (const std::string &name,
00078                   bool exclusive /* = false */,
00079                   int perms /* = 066 */)
00080 {
00081   open (name.c_str (),
00082         (IOFlags::OpenCreate | IOFlags::OpenWrite | IOFlags::OpenTruncate
00083          | (exclusive ? IOFlags::OpenExclusive : 0)),
00084         perms);
00085 }
00087 void
00088 RFIOFile::open (const std::string &name,
00089                 int flags /* = IOFlags::OpenRead */,
00090                 int perms /* = 066 */)
00091 { open (name.c_str (), flags, perms); }
00093 void
00094 RFIOFile::open (const char *name,
00095                 int flags /* = IOFlags::OpenRead */,
00096                 int perms /* = 066 */)
00097 {
00098   // Save parameters for error recovery.
00099   m_name = name;
00100   m_flags = flags;
00101   m_perms = perms;
00103   // Reset RFIO error code.
00104   serrno = 0;
00106   // Disable buffering in rfio library?  Note that doing this on
00107   // one file disables it for everything.  Not much we can do...
00108   // but it does make a significant performance difference to the
00109   // clients.  Note also that docs say the flag turns off write
00110   // buffering -- this turns off all buffering.
00111   if (flags & IOFlags::OpenUnbuffered)
00112   {
00113     int readopt = 0;
00114     rfiosetopt (RFIO_READOPT, &readopt, sizeof (readopt));
00115   }
00116   else 
00117   {
00118     int readopt = 1;
00119     rfiosetopt (RFIO_READOPT, &readopt, sizeof (readopt));
00120   }
00122   if ((name == 0) || (*name == 0))
00123     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::open()")
00124       << "Cannot open a file without a name";
00126   if ((flags & (IOFlags::OpenRead | IOFlags::OpenWrite)) == 0)
00127     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::open()")
00128       << "Must open file '" << name << "' at least for read or write";
00130   std::string lname (name);
00131   if (lname.find ("//") == 0)
00132     lname.erase(0, 1);
00134   // If I am already open, close old file first
00135   if (m_fd != EDM_IOFD_INVALID && m_close)
00136     close ();
00138   // Translate our flags to system flags
00139   int openflags = 0;
00141   if ((flags & IOFlags::OpenRead) && (flags & IOFlags::OpenWrite))
00142     openflags |= O_RDWR;
00143   else if (flags & IOFlags::OpenRead)
00144     openflags |= O_RDONLY;
00145   else if (flags & IOFlags::OpenWrite)
00146     openflags |= O_WRONLY;
00148   if (flags & IOFlags::OpenNonBlock)
00149     openflags |= O_NONBLOCK;
00151   if (flags & IOFlags::OpenAppend)
00152     openflags |= O_APPEND;
00154   if (flags & IOFlags::OpenCreate)
00155     openflags |= O_CREAT;
00157   if (flags & IOFlags::OpenExclusive)
00158     openflags |= O_EXCL;
00160   if (flags & IOFlags::OpenTruncate)
00161     openflags |= O_TRUNC;
00163   IOFD newfd = EDM_IOFD_INVALID;
00164   if ((newfd = rfio_open64 (lname.c_str(), openflags, perms)) == -1)
00165     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::open()")
00166       << "rfio_open(name='" << lname
00167       << "', flags=0x" << std::hex << openflags
00168       << ", permissions=0" << std::oct << perms << std::dec
00169       << ") => error '" << rfio_serror ()
00170       << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno << ", serrno=" << serrno << ")";
00172   m_fd = newfd;
00173   m_close = true;
00174   m_curpos = 0;
00176   edm::LogInfo("RFIOFileInfo") << "Opened " << lname;
00177 }
00179 void
00180 RFIOFile::close (void)
00181 {
00182   if (m_fd == EDM_IOFD_INVALID)
00183   {
00184     edm::LogError("RFIOFileError")
00185       << "RFIOFile::close(name='" << m_name
00186       << "') called but the file is not open";
00187     m_close = false;
00188     return;
00189   }
00191   serrno = 0;
00192   if (rfio_close64 (m_fd) == -1)
00193   {
00194     // If we fail to close the file, report a warning.
00195     edm::LogWarning("RFIOFileWarning")
00196       << "rfio_close64(name='" << m_name
00197       << "') failed with error '" << rfio_serror()
00198       << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno << ", serrno=" << serrno << ")";
00200     // When rfio_close64 fails then try the system close function as
00201     // per the advice from Olof Barring from the Castor operations.
00202     int status = ::close(m_fd);
00203     if (status < 0)
00204       edm::LogWarning("RFIOFileWarning")
00205         << "RFIOFile::close(): system level close after a failed"
00206         << " rfio_close64 also failed with error '" << strerror (errno)
00207         << "' (error code " << errno << ")";
00208     else
00209       edm::LogWarning("RFIOFileWarning")
00210         << "RFIOFile::close(): system level close after a failed"
00211         << " rfio_close64 succeeded";
00213     sleep(5);
00214   }
00216   m_close = false;
00217   m_fd = EDM_IOFD_INVALID;
00219   // Caused hang.  Will be added back after problem is fix
00220   // edm::LogInfo("RFIOFileInfo") << "Closed " << m_name;
00221 }
00223 void
00224 RFIOFile::abort (void)
00225 {
00226   serrno = 0;
00227   if (m_fd != EDM_IOFD_INVALID)
00228     rfio_close64 (m_fd);
00230   m_close = false;
00231   m_fd = EDM_IOFD_INVALID;
00232 }
00234 void RFIOFile::reopen (void)
00235 {
00236   // Remember the current position in the file
00237   IOOffset lastpos = m_curpos;
00238   close();
00239   sleep(5);
00240   open(m_name, m_flags, m_perms);
00242   // Set the position back to the same place it was
00243   // before the file closed and opened.
00244   position(lastpos);
00245 }
00247 ssize_t
00248 RFIOFile::retryRead (void *into, IOSize n, int maxRetry /* = 10 */)
00249 {
00250   // Attempt to read up to maxRetry times.
00251   ssize_t s;
00252   do
00253   {
00254     serrno = 0;
00255     s = rfio_read64 (m_fd, into, n);
00256     if ((s == -1 && serrno == 1004) || (s > ssize_t (n)))
00257     {
00258       // Wait a little while to allow Castor to recover from the timeout.
00259       const char *sleepTimeMsg;
00260       int secondsToSleep = 5;
00261       switch (maxRetry)
00262       {
00263       case 1:
00264         sleepTimeMsg = "10 minutes";
00265         secondsToSleep = 600;
00266         break;
00268       case 2:
00269         sleepTimeMsg = "5 minutes";
00270         secondsToSleep = 300;
00271         break;
00273       default:
00274         sleepTimeMsg = "1 minute";
00275         secondsToSleep = 60;
00276       }
00278       edm::LogWarning("RFIOFileRetry")
00279         << "RFIOFile retrying read\n"
00280         << "  return value from rfio_read64 = " << s << " (normally this is bytes read, -1 for error)\n"
00281         << "  bytes requested = " << n << "  (this and bytes read are equal unless error or EOF)\n"
00282         << "  rfio error message = " << rfio_serror() << " (explanation from server, if possible)\n"
00283         << "  serrno = " << serrno << " (rfio server error code, 0 = OK, 1004 = timeout, ...)\n"
00284         << "  rfio_errno = " << rfio_errno << " (rfio error from actually accessing the file)\n"
00285         << "  current position = " << m_curpos << " (in bytes, beginning of file is 0)\n"
00286         << "  retries left before quitting = " << maxRetry << "\n"
00287         << "  will close and reopen file " << m_name << "\n"
00288         << "  will sleep for " << sleepTimeMsg << " before attempting retry";
00289       edm::FlushMessageLog();
00290       sleep(secondsToSleep);
00292       // Improve the chances of success by closing and reopening
00293       // the file before retrying the read.  This also resets
00294       // the position in the file to the correct place.
00295       reopen();
00296     }
00297     else
00298       break;
00299   } while (--maxRetry > 0);
00301   return s;
00302 }
00304 IOSize
00305 RFIOFile::read (void *into, IOSize n)
00306 {
00307   // Be aware that when enabled these LogDebug prints
00308   // will take more time than the read itself unless the reads
00309   // are proceeding slower than under optimal conditions.
00310   LogDebug("RFIOFileDebug") << "Entering RFIOFile read()";
00311   double start = realNanoSecs();
00313   ssize_t s;
00314   serrno = 0;
00315   if ((s = retryRead (into, n, 3)) < 0)
00316     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::read()")
00317       << "rfio_read(name='" << m_name << "', n=" << n << ") failed"
00318       << " at position " << m_curpos << " with error '" << rfio_serror()
00319       << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno << ", serrno=" << serrno << ")";
00321   m_curpos += s;
00323   double end = realNanoSecs();
00324   LogDebug("RFIOFileDebug")
00325     << "Exiting RFIOFile read(), elapsed time = " << end - start
00326     << " ns, bytes read = " << s << ", file position = " << m_curpos;
00328   return s;
00329 }
00331 IOSize
00332 RFIOFile::readv (IOPosBuffer *into, IOSize buffers)
00333 {
00334   if (! (m_flags & IOFlags::OpenUnbuffered))
00335     prefetch(into, buffers);
00336   return Storage::readv(into, buffers);
00337 }
00339 IOSize
00340 RFIOFile::write (const void *from, IOSize n)
00341 {
00342   serrno = 0;
00343   ssize_t s = rfio_write64 (m_fd, from, n);
00344   if (s < 0)
00345     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::write()")
00346       << "rfio_write(name='" << m_name << "', n=" << n << ") failed"
00347       << " at position " << m_curpos << " with error '" << rfio_serror()
00348       << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno << ", serrno=" << serrno << ")";
00349   return s;
00350 }
00355 IOOffset
00356 RFIOFile::position (IOOffset offset, Relative whence /* = SET */)
00357 {
00358   if (m_fd == EDM_IOFD_INVALID)
00359     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::position()")
00360       << "RFIOFile::position() called on a closed file";
00361   if (whence != CURRENT && whence != SET && whence != END)
00362     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::position()")
00363       << "RFIOFile::position() called with incorrect 'whence' parameter";
00365   IOOffset      result;
00366   int           mywhence = (whence == SET ? SEEK_SET
00367                             : whence == CURRENT ? SEEK_CUR
00368                             : SEEK_END);
00370   serrno = 0;
00371   if ((result = rfio_lseek64 (m_fd, offset, mywhence)) == -1)
00372     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::position()")
00373       << "rfio_lseek(name='" << m_name << "', offset=" << offset
00374       << ", whence=" << mywhence << ") failed at position "
00375       << m_curpos << " with error '" << rfio_serror()
00376       << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno << ", serrno=" << serrno << ")";
00378   m_curpos = result;
00379   return result;
00380 }
00382 void
00383 RFIOFile::resize (IOOffset /* size */)
00384 {
00385   throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::resize()")
00386     << "RFIOFile::resize(name='" << m_name << "') not implemented";
00387 }
00389 bool
00390 RFIOFile::prefetch (const IOPosBuffer *what, IOSize n)
00391 {
00392   if (rfioreadopt (RFIO_READOPT) != 1)
00393     throw cms::Exception("RFIOFile::preseek()")
00394       << "RFIOFile::prefetch() called but RFIO_READOPT="
00395       << rfioreadopt (RFIO_READOPT) << " (must be 1)";
00397   std::vector<iovec64> iov (n);
00398   for (IOSize i = 0; i < n; ++i)
00399   {
00400     iov[i].iov_base = what[i].offset();
00401     iov[i].iov_len = what[i].size();
00402   }
00404   serrno = 0;
00405   int retry = 5;
00406   int result;
00407   while ((result = rfio_preseek64(m_fd, &iov[0], n)) == -1)
00408   {
00409     if (--retry <= 0)
00410     {
00411       edm::LogError("RFIOFile::prefetch")
00412         << "RFIOFile::prefetch(name='" << m_name << "') failed with error '"
00413         << rfio_serror() << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno
00414         << ", serrno=" << serrno << ")";
00415       return false;
00416     }
00417     else
00418     {
00419       edm::LogWarning("RFIOFileRetry")
00420         << "RFIOFile::prefetch(name='" << m_name << "') failed at position "
00421         << m_curpos << " with error '" << rfio_serror()
00422         << "' (rfio_errno=" << rfio_errno << ", serrno=" << serrno
00423         << "); retrying " << (retry+1) << " times";
00424       serrno = 0;
00425       sleep(5);
00426     }
00427   }
00429   return true;
00430 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:48:52 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4