Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 //
00003 // Package:     XMLTools
00004 // Class  :     XMLZeroSuppression
00005 // 
00006 // Implementation:
00007 //     <Notes on implementation>
00008 //
00009 // Original Author:  Gena Kukartsev,
00010 //         Created:  Tue Oct 23 14:30:20 CDT 2007
00011 // $Id:,v 1.1 2008/02/12 17:02:02 kukartse Exp $
00012 //
00014 // system include files
00015 #include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp>
00016 #include <xercesc/sax/HandlerBase.hpp>
00017 #include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
00021 // user include files
00022 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/XMLZeroSuppression.h"
00023 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/XMLProcessor.h"
00025 #include <stdio.h>
00026 #include <string.h>
00027 #include <iostream>
00028 #include <fstream>
00029 #include <sstream>
00031 using namespace std;
00033 //N = Number
00034 #define NHBHECR 9        //HB HE crates
00035 #define NHFCR 3          //HF crates
00036 #define NHOCR 4          //HO crates
00037 #define NFBR 8           //Fibers for htrs
00038 #define NFCH 3           //3 Fiber channels ranging 0-2
00039 #define NTOPBOT 2        
00040 #define NHTRS 3          //Htrs 0, 1, 2 for HB HE
00041 #define NHSETS 4         //4 sets of HB/HE htrs
00042 #define NHTRSHO 4        //Htrs 0-3 for HO
00043 #define NHSETSHO 3       //3 sets of H0 htrs
00044 #define NRMFIBR 6        //6 rm fibers ranging 2-7
00045 #define NRMSLOT 4        //4 rm slots ranging 1-4
00046 #define NHOETA 15
00047 #define NHOPHI 72  
00051 //
00052 // constants, enums and typedefs
00053 //
00055 //
00056 // static data member definitions
00057 //
00059 //
00060 // constructors and destructor
00061 //
00062 XMLZeroSuppression::ZeroSuppressionConfig::_ZeroSuppressionConfig()
00063 {
00064   CFGBrickSet = "example";
00065   crate = 0;
00066   slot = 13;
00067   topbottom = 0;
00068   fiber = 1;
00069   generalizedindex = slot*100 + topbottom*10 + fiber;
00070   creationtag = "example";
00072   char timebuf[50];
00073   //time_t _time = time( NULL );
00074   time_t _time = 1193697120;
00075   //strftime( timebuf, 50, "%c", gmtime( &_time ) );
00076   strftime( timebuf, 50, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.0", gmtime( &_time ) );
00077   creationstamp = timebuf;
00079   pattern_spec_name = "example";
00080 }
00082 XMLZeroSuppression::XMLZeroSuppression() : XMLDOMBlock( "HCAL_HTR_DATA_PATTERNS.crate.template" )
00083 {
00084 }
00086 XMLZeroSuppression::XMLZeroSuppression( string templateBase ) : XMLDOMBlock( templateBase )
00087 {
00088 }
00090 // XMLZeroSuppression::XMLZeroSuppression(const XMLZeroSuppression& rhs)
00091 // {
00092 //    // do actual copying here;
00093 // }
00095 XMLZeroSuppression::~XMLZeroSuppression()
00096 {
00097 }
00099 //
00100 // assignment operators
00101 //
00102 // const XMLZeroSuppression& XMLZeroSuppression::operator=(const XMLZeroSuppression& rhs)
00103 // {
00104 //   //An exception safe implementation is
00105 //   XMLZeroSuppression temp(rhs);
00106 //   swap(rhs);
00107 //
00108 //   return *this;
00109 // }
00111 //
00112 // member functions
00113 //
00114 int XMLZeroSuppression::addPattern( ZeroSuppressionConfig * config, string templateFileName )
00115 {
00116   DOMElement * root = document -> getDocumentElement();
00118   XMLDOMBlock dataSetDoc( templateFileName );
00119   DOMDocument * dataSet = dataSetDoc . getDocument();
00121   DOMNodeList * _list = dataSet -> getElementsByTagName( XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh( "Parameter" ) );
00122   for ( int i = 0; i < _list -> getLength(); i++ )
00123     {
00124       DOMElement * _tag = (DOMElement *)( _list -> item( i ));
00125       string parameterName = XMLString::transcode( _tag -> getAttribute( XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh( "name" ) ) );
00126       //cout << XMLString::transcode( _tag -> getAttribute( XMLProcessor::_toXMLCh( "name" ) ) ) << endl;
00127       if ( parameterName == "CRATE" )             setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> crate, i, dataSet );
00128       if ( parameterName == "SLOT" )              setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> slot, i, dataSet );
00129       if ( parameterName == "TOPBOTTOM" )         setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> topbottom, i, dataSet );
00130       if ( parameterName == "FIBER" )             setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> fiber, i, dataSet );
00131       if ( parameterName == "GENERALIZEDINDEX" )  setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> generalizedindex, i, dataSet );
00132       if ( parameterName == "CREATIONTAG" )       setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> creationtag, i, dataSet );
00133       if ( parameterName == "CREATIONSTAMP" )     setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> creationstamp, i, dataSet );
00134       if ( parameterName == "PATTERN_SPEC_NAME" ) setTagValue( "Parameter", config -> pattern_spec_name, i, dataSet );
00135     }
00137   setTagValue( "Data", data_elements, 0, dataSet );
00139   // changes to the pattern
00140   //setTagValue( "CRATE", config -> crate, 0, dataSet );
00142   // copy the <data_set> node into the final XML
00143   DOMNode * cloneDataSet = document -> importNode( dataSet -> getDocumentElement(), true );
00144   root -> appendChild( cloneDataSet );
00146   return 0;
00147 }
00149 int XMLZeroSuppression::fillPatternInfo( const ZeroSuppressionConfig & _conf )
00150 {
00151   ZeroSuppressionID id_;
00152   id_ . crate = _conf . crate;
00153   id_ . slot  = _conf . slot;
00154   id_ . topbottom    = _conf . topbottom;
00155   id_ . fiber = _conf . fiber;
00157   configByCrate[ id_ ] = _conf . crate;
00159   return 0;
00160 }
00162 int XMLZeroSuppression::createByCrate( void )
00163 {
00165   for ( int i = 0; i < 1024; i++ ) data_elements . append( " 10803" );
00167 //Global iterator variables
00168 int i, j;
00170 //Stream variable
00172 stringstream mystream;
00174 //Declare the auxiliary functions (maybe put them in a library later?)
00175 void printHBHEHF();
00176 void printHO();
00178 void writeXMLFooter (std::ostream& fOutput);
00179 void writeXMLHeader (std::ostream& fOutput, int swi);
00180 void writeXML       (std::ostream& fOutput);
00181 void writeXMLHO       (std::ostream& fOutput);
00184 //Variables that need to be printed
00185 int irm,     irm_fi,  iwedge,  ipixel,  iqie,    iadc,  isector;
00186 int islb,    irctcra, irctcar, irctcon, irctnam, idphi;
00187 int iside,   ieta,    iphi,    idepth,  icrate,  ihtr;
00188 int ihtr_fi, ifi_ch,  ispigot, idcc,    idcc_sl, ifed;
00190 string rbx, slbin, slbin2, slnam;
00191 string det,  fpga, rctnam, letter;
00192 char tempbuff[30];
00194 //These are used in the printing functions.
00195 int titlecounter = 0;
00197 FILE* HOmap;
00198 FILE* HBEFmap; 
00200   //Note: If you have no "Maps" directory, modify this or you might get a segmentation fault
00201   HOmap   = fopen ("../Maps/HCALmapHO_9.14.2007.txt","w");
00202   HBEFmap = fopen ("../Maps/HCALmapHBEF_9.14.2007.txt","w");
00204   /* HBHE crate numbering */
00205   int hbhecrate[NHBHECR]={0,1,4,5,10,11,14,15,17};
00206   /* HF crate numbering */
00207   int hfcrate[NHFCR]={2,9,12};
00208   /* HO crate numbering */
00209   int hocrate[NHOCR]={3,7,6,13};
00210   /* HBHE FED numbering of DCCs */
00211   int fedhbhenum[NHBHECR][2]={{702,703},{704,705},{700,701},
00212                               {706,707},{716,717},{708,709},
00213                               {714,715},{710,711},{712,713}};
00214   /* HF FED numbering of DCCs */
00215   int fedhfnum[NHFCR][2]={{718,719},{720,721},{722,723}};
00216   /* HO FED numbering of DCCs */
00217   int fedhonum[NHOCR][2]={{724,725},{726,727},{728,729},{730,731}};
00218   /* HBHE/HF htr slot offsets for set of three htrs */
00219   int ihslot[NHSETS]={2,5,13,16};
00220   /* HO htr slot offsets for three sets of four htrs */
00221   int ihslotho[NHSETSHO][NHTRSHO]={{2,3,4,5},{6,7,13,14},{15,16,17,18}};
00222   /* iphi (lower) starting index for each HBHE crate */
00223   int ihbhephis[NHBHECR]={11,19,3,27,67,35,59,43,51};
00224   /* iphi (lower) starting index for each HF crate */
00225   int ihfphis[NHFCR]={3,27,51};
00226   /* iphi (lower) starting index for each HO crate */
00227   int ihophis[NHOCR]={71,17,35,53};
00228   /* ihbheetadepth - unique HBHE {eta,depth} assignments per fiber and fiber channel */
00229   int ihbheetadepth[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2]={
00230                                     {{{{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},  /* htr 0 (HB) -bot(+top) */
00231                                       {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
00232                                       {{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},
00233                                       {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
00234                                       {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
00235                                       {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}},
00236                                       {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
00237                                       {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}}},
00238                                      {{{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},  /* htr 0 (HB) +bot(-top) */
00239                                       {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
00240                                       {{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},
00241                                       {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
00242                                       {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
00243                                       {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}},
00244                                       {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
00245                                       {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}}}},
00246                                     {{{{16,2},{15,2},{14,1}},  /* htr 1 (HBHE) -bot(+top) */
00247                                       {{15,1},{13,1},{16,1}},
00248                                       {{16,2},{15,2},{14,1}},
00249                                       {{15,1},{13,1},{16,1}},
00250                                       {{17,1},{16,3},{26,1}},
00251                                       {{18,1},{18,2},{26,2}},
00252                                       {{17,1},{16,3},{25,1}},
00253                                       {{18,1},{18,2},{25,2}}},
00254                                      {{{16,2},{15,2},{14,1}},  /* htr 1 (HBHE) +bot(-top) */
00255                                       {{15,1},{13,1},{16,1}},
00256                                       {{16,2},{15,2},{14,1}},
00257                                       {{15,1},{13,1},{16,1}},
00258                                       {{17,1},{16,3},{25,1}},
00259                                       {{18,1},{18,2},{25,2}},
00260                                       {{17,1},{16,3},{26,1}},
00261                                       {{18,1},{18,2},{26,2}}}},
00262                                     {{{{28,1},{28,2},{29,1}},  /* htr 2 (HE) -bot(+top) */
00263                                       {{28,3},{24,2},{24,1}},
00264                                       {{27,1},{27,2},{29,2}},
00265                                       {{27,3},{23,2},{23,1}},
00266                                       {{19,2},{20,1},{22,2}},
00267                                       {{19,1},{20,2},{22,1}},
00268                                       {{19,2},{20,1},{21,2}},
00269                                       {{19,1},{20,2},{21,1}}},
00270                                      {{{27,1},{27,2},{29,2}},  /* htr 2 (HE) +bot(-top) */
00271                                       {{27,3},{23,2},{23,1}},
00272                                       {{28,1},{28,2},{29,1}},
00273                                       {{28,3},{24,2},{24,1}},
00274                                       {{19,2},{20,1},{21,2}},
00275                                       {{19,1},{20,2},{21,1}},
00276                                       {{19,2},{20,1},{22,2}},
00277                                       {{19,1},{20,2},{22,1}}}}
00278                                     };
00279   /* ihfetadepth - unique HF {eta,depth} assignments per fiber and fiber channel */
00280   int ihfetadepth[NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2]={
00281                                      {{{33,1},{31,1},{29,1}},  /* top */
00282                                       {{32,1},{30,1},{34,1}},
00283                                       {{33,2},{31,2},{29,2}},
00284                                       {{32,2},{30,2},{34,2}},
00285                                       {{34,2},{32,2},{30,2}},
00286                                       {{31,2},{29,2},{33,2}},
00287                                       {{34,1},{32,1},{30,1}},
00288                                       {{31,1},{29,1},{33,1}}},
00289                                      {{{41,1},{37,1},{35,1}},  /* bot */
00290                                       {{38,1},{36,1},{39,1}},
00291                                       {{41,2},{37,2},{35,2}},
00292                                       {{38,2},{36,2},{39,2}},
00293                                       {{40,2},{38,2},{36,2}},
00294                                       {{37,2},{35,2},{39,2}},
00295                                       {{40,1},{38,1},{36,1}},
00296                                       {{37,1},{35,1},{39,1}}}
00297                                     };
00299   //Aram's insert: I shall now define an array which contains the RM and the RM fiber for HB HE
00300   //and variables associated with this table
00301   int irm_rmfiHBHE[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]={
00302                                       {{{6,1},{7,1},{6,2},{7,2},{4,1},{5,1},{4,2},{5,2}},  // HTR 0 top
00303                                        {{6,3},{7,3},{6,4},{7,4},{4,3},{5,3},{4,4},{5,4}}}, // HTR 0 bot
00304                                       {{{2,1},{3,1},{2,2},{3,2},{2,1},{3,1},{2,2},{3,2}},  // HTR 1 top
00305                                        {{2,3},{3,3},{2,4},{3,4},{2,3},{3,3},{2,4},{3,4}}}, // HTR 1 bot
00306                                       {{{4,1},{5,1},{4,2},{5,2},{6,1},{7,1},{6,2},{7,2}},  // HTR 2 top
00307                                        {{4,3},{5,3},{4,4},{5,4},{6,3},{7,3},{6,4},{7,4}}}  // HTR 2 bot
00308                                     };
00310   int irm_rmfiHF[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]={
00311                                       {{{1,2},{2,2},{3,2},{4,2},{1,3},{2,3},{3,3},{4,3}},  // HTR 0 top
00312                                        {{5,2},{6,2},{7,2},{8,2},{5,3},{6,3},{7,3},{8,3}}}, // HTR 0 bot
00313                                       {{{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{4,1},{1,2},{2,2},{3,2},{4,2}},  // HTR 1 top
00314                                        {{5,1},{6,1},{7,1},{8,1},{5,2},{6,2},{7,2},{8,2}}}, // HTR 1 bot
00315                                       {{{1,3},{2,3},{3,3},{4,3},{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{4,1}},  // HTR 2 top
00316                                        {{5,3},{6,3},{7,3},{8,3},{5,1},{6,1},{7,1},{8,1}}}  // HTR 2 bot
00317                                     };
00319   //Pixel tables as a function of rm, rm fiber and fiber channel
00321   int ipixelHB[NRMFIBR][NFCH][NRMSLOT] = {  //  fch = 0           fch = 1           fch = 2
00322                                           {{18, 17, 3,  2 }, {13, 3,  17, 7 }, {14, 1,  19, 6 }}, //rmfiber = 2
00323                                           {{19, 2,  18, 1 }, {15, 7,  13, 5 }, {17, 19, 1,  3 }}, //rmfiber = 3
00324                                           {{9,  4,  16, 11}, {5,  8,  12, 15}, {2,  13, 7,  18}}, //rmfiber = 4
00325                                           {{12, 11, 9,  8 }, {7,  15, 5,  13}, {16, 6,  14, 4 }}, //rmfiber = 5
00326                                           {{8,  5,  15, 12}, {4,  9,  11, 16}, {1,  14, 6,  19}}, //rmfiber = 6
00327                                           {{6,  16, 4,  14}, {3,  18, 2,  17}, {11, 12, 8,  9 }}  //rmfiber = 7
00328                                          };
00330   int ipixelHE[NRMFIBR][NFCH][NRMSLOT] = {  //  fch = 0           fch = 1           fch = 2
00331                                           {{12, 12, 12, 12}, {16, 7,  16, 7 }, {7,  16, 7,  16}}, //rmfiber = 2
00332                                           {{11, 11, 11, 11}, {19, 3,  19, 3 }, {3,  19, 3,  19}}, //rmfiber = 3
00333                                           {{15, 15, 6,  6 }, {2,  18, 2,  18}, {6,  6,  15, 15}}, //rmfiber = 4
00334                                           {{5,  14, 5,  14}, {14, 5,  14, 5 }, {18, 2,  18, 2 }}, //rmfiber = 5
00335                                           {{17, 1,  17, 1 }, {9,  9,  9,  9 }, {1,  17, 1,  17}}, //rmfiber = 6
00336                                           {{13, 4,  13, 4 }, {8,  8,  8,  8 }, {4,  13, 4,  13}}  //rmfiber = 7
00337                                          };
00339   //adc and qie table; qie is entry 0, adc is entry 1. Constant across HB, HE, HO
00340   int iadcquiHBHE[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2];
00342   for (i = 0; i < NRMFIBR; i++){
00343     for (j = 0; j < NFCH; j++){
00344       //Intentionally relying on integer truncation here
00345       iadcquiHBHE[i][j][0] = i / 2 + 1;
00347       if (i % 2 == 0) iadcquiHBHE[i][j][1] = j;
00348       else            iadcquiHBHE[i][j][1] = NFCH + (j + 1) % 3;
00349     }
00350   }
00352   //slb and rct tables
00354   //HB and HE
00356   const char* S_slbin_odd[] ={"A1","B0","B1","A0","A1","B0","B1","A0"};
00357   const char* S_slbin_even[]={"C1","D0","D1","C0","C1","D0","D1","C0"};
00358   const char* rct_rackHBHE[]={"S2E01-RH","S2E03-RH","S2E05-RH","S2E07-RH","S2E09-RH","S2E08-RL","S2E06-RL","S2E04-RL","S2E02-RL",
00359                              "S2E02-RH","S2E04-RH","S2E06-RH","S2E08-RH","S2E09-RL","S2E07-RL","S2E05-RL","S2E03-RL","S2E01-RL"};
00361   //HF
00362   const char* S_slbin_7[] ={"A0","A1","B0","B1"};
00363   const char* S_slbin_3[] ={"C0","C1","D0","D1"};
00364   const char* rct_rackHF[]={"S2E01-FH","S2E03-FH","S2E05-FH","S2E07-FH","S2E09-FH","S2E08-FL","S2E06-FL","S2E04-FL","S2E02-FL",
00365                            "S2E02-FH","S2E04-FH","S2E06-FH","S2E08-FH","S2E09-FL","S2E07-FL","S2E05-FL","S2E03-FL","S2E01-FL"};
00368   int slb_table[29] = {1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,       // 1<=eta<=12
00369                        1,1,2,2,3,3,1,1,               // 13<=eta<=20
00370                        2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4};            // 21<=eta<=29
00372   //RM for the HO as a function of eta, phi and side as implemented in complete_ho_map.txt
00373   //There are only 24 phi columns because after that it begins to repeat. The relevant variable is phi mod 24.
00374   int HO_RM_table[24][15][2] = 
00375     {
00376       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}},
00377       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4}},
00378       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4}},
00379       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4}},
00380       {{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3}},
00381       {{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3}},
00382       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3}},
00383       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1}},
00384       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1}},
00385       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1}},
00386       {{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}},
00387       {{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}},
00388       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}},
00389       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4}},
00390       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4}},
00391       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{4,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4},{2,4}},
00392       {{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3}},
00393       {{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3}},
00394       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3},{1,3}},
00395       {{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1}},
00396       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1}},
00397       {{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{3,3},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1},{3,1}},
00398       {{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}},
00399       {{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{2,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}}
00400     };
00402   //For |eta| 5 to 15, rm_fi is a function of |eta| only while htr_fi is a function of side and |eta|
00403   int HO_RM_fi_eta5to15[11] = {3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7};
00405   int HO_htr_fi_eta5to15[2][11] = {{5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 7},   //iside = -1
00406                                    {1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1}};  //iside = +1
00408   //For |eta| 1 to 4, it is a function of phi, eta and side. eta 1-3 always have the same value given a side, eta 4 is separate
00409   //and thus gets its own box
00410   int HO_RM_fi_eta1to4[72][2][2] = 
00411     {           //side = -1            side = 1
00412       {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 1  to 8
00413       {{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 9  to 16
00414       {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}}, //Phi 17 to 24
00415       {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 25 to 32
00416       {{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 33 to 40
00417       {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}}, //Phi 41 to 48
00418       {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 49 to 56
00419       {{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 57 to 64
00420       {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}}  //Phi 65 to 72
00421     };
00423   //Pixel and letter code for the HO. Ring 0 is separate and goes into entry 0, Rings +/- 1,2 are all the same and go to entry 1.
00424   //                   Fiber Channel     0        1      2        0       1       2           0        1        2
00425   int ipixelHO[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2] = { {{12,12},  {7,7}, {6,3}}, {{4,4},  {8,8},  {5,1}  }, {{19,11},{-1000,6},{17,2 }},   //RM fibers 2,3,4
00426                                      {{-1000,9},{1,13},{3,5}}, {{11,19},{16,18},{15,17}}, {{13,15},{9,14},   {14,16}} }; //RM fibers 5,6,7
00427   //                   Fiber Channel        0         1         2            0         1         2            0         1         2
00428   string letterHO[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2] = {{{"E","E"},{"G","L"},{"F","S"}}, {{"Q","M"},{"N","T"},{"P","F"}}, {{"A","C"},{"Z","J"},{"J","Q"}},
00429                                        {{"Z","K"},{"R","R"},{"H","D"}}, {{"D","A"},{"C","G"},{"B","N"}}, {{"L","H"},{"M","P"},{"K","B"}}}; 
00432   //Associated variables
00433   int hfphi; 
00434   char sidesign, S_side;
00436   //For slb and rct
00437   int phi, phideg, etaslb, oddcard, eta2, eta3, phimod8, ietamod;
00438   int crazy = 0;
00440   //For HO
00441   int phmod24, phimod6, sidear, iph, iet, isid, ring, sector;
00442   bool phi1458, phi271011, phir0v1, phir0v2, phir0v3, phir0v4;
00445   //Chris's original variables (I got rid of iphi_loc; it's not longer necessary)
00446   int ic,is,ih,itb,ifb,ifc,ifwtb;
00448   //Write the header for the HBEF XML
00450   //writeXMLHeader(OutXML, 0);
00452   // Kukartsev
00453   ZeroSuppressionConfig _config;    
00455   /* all HBHE crates */
00456   for(ic=0; ic<NHBHECR; ic++){
00458     char _buf[50];
00459     sprintf( _buf, "testZeroSuppression_%d.xml", hbhecrate[ic] );
00460     string _fileNameByCrate = _buf;
00462     bool firstBlockWritten = false;
00464     getNewDocument( theFileName );
00466     /* four sets of three htrs per crate */
00467     for(is=0; is<NHSETS; is++){
00468       /* three htrs per set */
00469       for(ih=0; ih<NHTRS; ih++){
00470         /* top and bottom */
00471         for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
00472           /* eight fibers per HTR FPGA */
00473           for(ifb=0; ifb<NFBR; ifb++){
00474             /* three channels per fiber */
00475             for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH; ifc++){
00476               icrate=hbhecrate[ic];
00477               iside=is<NHSETS/2?-1:1;
00478               ifwtb=(is/2+itb+1)%2;
00479               ieta=ihbheetadepth[ih][ifwtb][ifb][ifc][0];
00480               idepth=ihbheetadepth[ih][ifwtb][ifb][ifc][1];
00481               ihtr=ihslot[is]+ih;
00482               (ieta>16||idepth>2) ? det = "HE": det = "HB";
00483               (itb%2)==1 ? fpga = "bot" : fpga = "top";
00484               ihtr_fi=ifb+1;
00485               ifi_ch=ifc;
00486               iphi=(ieta>20)?(ihbhephis[ic]+(is%2)*4+itb*2-1)%72+1:(ihbhephis[ic]+(is%2)*4+itb*2+(ifb/2+is/2+1)%2-1)%72+1;
00487               ispigot=(is%2)*6+ih*2+itb;
00488               idcc=is<NHSETS/2?1:2;
00489               idcc_sl=idcc==1?9:19;
00490               ifed=fedhbhenum[ic][idcc-1];
00491               //Aram's insert: rm variables, rbx, wedge
00492               //Careful here: per Pawel's map, the rm fiber is the first entry an the rm itself is the second.
00494               //If iside == -1, switch top and bottom. Why?
00495               if (iside == -1){
00496                 S_side = '-';
00497                 sidesign = 'M';
00498                 irm    = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][(itb + 1) % 2][ifb][1];
00499                 irm_fi = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][(itb + 1) % 2][ifb][0];
00501                 //For eta >=21, the phi's cover 10 degrees rather than 5 (see HCAL TDR)
00502                 if (ieta >= 21 && (irm == 1 || irm == 3)) iwedge = (iphi + 1 + irm + 1) / 4;
00503                 else                                      iwedge = (iphi + irm + 1) / 4;
00505                 //Roll over the wedge
00506                 if (iwedge > 18) iwedge -= 18;
00507               }
00508               else{
00509                 S_side = '+';
00510                 sidesign = 'P';
00511                 irm    = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][itb][ifb][1];
00512                 irm_fi = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][itb][ifb][0];
00514                 //For eta >=21, the phi's cover 10 degrees rather than 5 (see HCAL TDR)
00515                 if (ieta >= 21 && (irm == 4 || irm == 2)) iwedge = (iphi + 1 - irm + 6) / 4;
00516                 else                                      iwedge = (iphi - irm + 6) / 4;
00518                 //Roll over the wedge
00519                 if (iwedge > 18) iwedge -= 18;
00520               }
00522               sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, iwedge,'\0');
00523               mystream<<tempbuff;
00524               rbx = mystream.str();
00525               mystream.str("");
00527               //Note that irm_fi ranges from 2 to 7 whereas arrays start at 0 so 
00528               //I use irm_fi - 2. Likewise, irm goes from 1 to 4 so use irm - 1
00530              //Pixel is split by HB and HE
00531               if (ieta > 16 || idepth > 2) ipixel = ipixelHE[irm_fi - 2][ifc][irm - 1]; //HE
00532               else                         ipixel = ipixelHB[irm_fi - 2][ifc][irm - 1]; //HB
00534               iqie = iadcquiHBHE[irm_fi - 2][ifc][0];
00535               iadc = iadcquiHBHE[irm_fi - 2][ifc][1];
00537               //Calculate rctcrate
00539               //             int phi72 = (phi-1)/72;
00540               //             phi = phi - 72*phi72;
00541               //             if (phi < 1 ) phi = phi + 72;
00543               //The code commented out above appears to do absolutely nothing.       
00545               phideg = iphi - 3;
00546               if (phideg < 0) phideg = phideg + 72;
00547               phideg = (phideg / 4) * 20 + 10;
00548               irctcra = (( 89 - phideg  + 720)%360)/20;
00549               oddcard = irctcra % 2;
00550               irctcra /= 2;
00551               if (iside > 0) irctcra = irctcra + 9;
00553               etaslb = ((ieta - 1) / 2) * 2 + 1;
00554               if (etaslb > 27) etaslb = 27;
00557               sprintf(tempbuff,"SLB_H_%3.3d%c%2.2d%c",phideg,S_side,etaslb,'\0');
00558               mystream<<tempbuff;
00559               slnam = mystream.str();
00560               mystream.str("");
00562               islb = slb_table[ieta - 1];
00564               // calculate RCT destination (that is, rctcon, rctcar and rctnam
00565               if (ieta <= 24) { // these are the normal cards 0-5
00566                 irctcar = 2 * ((ieta - 1)/8) + oddcard;
00567                 irctcon = 2 * (((ieta - 1)/2)%4);
00568               }
00569               else {            // these are on the special card 6 which folds back eta on the odd card half
00570                 irctcar = 6;
00571                 eta2 = ieta;
00572                 if (eta2 > 28) eta2 = 28;
00573                 if (oddcard == 0) eta3 = eta2;
00574                 else              eta3 = 57 - eta2;
00575                 irctcon =  2 * (((eta3 - 1) / 2) % 4);
00576               }
00577               irctcon = 11 * irctcon + 1;
00579               sprintf(tempbuff,"%s-%1d-HD%2.2d",rct_rackHBHE[irctcra],irctcar,irctcon);
00580               mystream<<tempbuff;
00581               rctnam = mystream.str();
00582               mystream.str("");
00584               //Finally, the slbin
00586               phimod8 = iphi % 8;
00588               for (i = 0; i < 18; i++){
00589                 if (iphi < i * 4 + 3){
00590                   crazy = i % 2;
00591                   break;
00592                 }
00593               } 
00595               int ietamod;   // determine if eta is "odd" or "even". 
00596               if (ieta == 29) ietamod = 0;
00597               else            ietamod = ieta % 2;
00598               if (ieta < 25) {         // use the regular table
00599                 if (ietamod == 1) mystream<<S_slbin_odd[phimod8];
00600                 else              mystream<<S_slbin_even[phimod8];
00601               }
00602               else if (crazy == 0) {   // use the regular table
00603                 if (ietamod == 1) mystream<<S_slbin_odd[phimod8];
00604                 else              mystream<<S_slbin_even[phimod8];
00605               }
00606               else {                   // swap odd/even!!!
00607                 if (ietamod == 1) mystream<<S_slbin_even[phimod8];
00608                 else              mystream<<S_slbin_odd[phimod8];
00609               }  
00611               slbin = mystream.str();
00612               mystream.str("");
00614               if (ieta > 20){
00615                 idphi = 2;
00616                 slbin2 = slbin;
00617                 slbin2[1] = '1';
00618               }
00619               else{
00620                 idphi = 1;
00621                 slbin2 = "NA";
00622               }
00624               //printHBHEHF();
00625               //writeXML(OutXML);
00627               int _crate = icrate;
00628               int _slot = ihtr;
00629               int _topbottom = itb; // string _topbottom = fpga;
00630               int _fiber = ihtr_fi;
00631               //===> Kukartsev:
00632               if ( !firstBlockWritten || _crate != _config . crate || _slot != _config . slot || _topbottom != _config . topbottom || _fiber != _config . fiber )
00633                 {
00634                   firstBlockWritten = true;
00635                   _config . crate = _crate;
00636                   _config . slot = _slot;
00637                   _config . topbottom = _topbottom;
00638                   _config . fiber = _fiber;
00639                   _config . generalizedindex = 100*_slot + 10*_topbottom + _fiber;
00640                   _config . creationstamp = getTimestamp( time( NULL ) );
00641                   addPattern( &_config );
00642                   firstBlockWritten = true;
00643                 }
00644             }
00645           }
00646         }
00647       }
00648     }
00649     write( _fileNameByCrate );
00650   }
00652   /* all HF crates */
00653   for(ic=0; ic<NHFCR; ic++){
00655     char _buf[50];
00656     sprintf( _buf, "testZeroSuppression_%d.xml", hfcrate[ic] );
00657     string _fileNameByCrate = _buf;
00659     bool firstBlockWritten = false;
00661     getNewDocument( theFileName );
00663     /* four sets of three htrs per crate */
00664     for(is=0; is<NHSETS; is++){
00665       /* three htrs per set */
00666       for(ih=0; ih<NHTRS; ih++){
00667         /* top and bottom */
00668         for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
00669           /* eight fibers per HTR FPGA */
00670           for(ifb=0; ifb<NFBR; ifb++){
00671             /* three channels per fiber */
00672             for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH; ifc++){
00673               icrate=hfcrate[ic];
00674               iside=is<NHSETS/2?-1:1;
00675               ieta=ihfetadepth[itb][ifb][ifc][0];
00676               idepth=ihfetadepth[itb][ifb][ifc][1];
00677               ihtr=ihslot[is]+ih;
00678               det = "HF";
00679               (itb%2)== 1 ? fpga = "bot" : fpga = "top";
00680               ihtr_fi=ifb+1;
00681               ifi_ch=ifc;
00682               iphi=(ieta>39)?(ihfphis[ic]+(is%2)*12+ih*4-1)%72+1:(ihfphis[ic]+(is%2)*12+ih*4+(ifb/4)*2-1)%72+1;
00683               ispigot=(is%2)*6+ih*2+itb;
00684               idcc=is<NHSETS/2?1:2;
00685               idcc_sl=idcc==1?9:19;
00686               ifed=fedhfnum[ic][idcc-1];
00688               irm    = irm_rmfiHF[ih][itb][ifb][1];
00689               irm_fi = irm_rmfiHF[ih][itb][ifb][0];
00691               //Don't switch in the HF. Why?
00692               if (iside == -1){
00693                 S_side = '-';
00694                 sidesign = 'M';
00695               }
00696               else{
00697                 S_side = '+';
00698                 sidesign = 'P';
00699               }
00701               if (iphi >= 71) iwedge = 1;
00702               else            iwedge = (iphi + 1) / 4 + 1;
00705               //eta == 40 is special. The cell is twice as wide
00706               if (ieta == 40) hfphi = (iphi + 3) / 2;
00707               else            hfphi = (iphi + 1) / 2;
00709               //In case it rolls over
00710               if (hfphi > 36) hfphi -= 36;
00712               sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, (hfphi-1)/3 + 1,'\0');
00713               mystream<<tempbuff;
00714               rbx = mystream.str();
00715               mystream.str("");
00717               //No pixel in HF, follow Fedor's convention
00718               ipixel = 0;
00720               //Integer truncation again consistent with Fedor's map. 
00721               iqie = (irm_fi - 1) / 2 + 1;
00723               if (irm_fi % 2 != 0) iadc = ifi_ch;
00724               else                 iadc = NFCH + (ifi_ch + 1) % 3;
00726               //slb and rct variables
00727               //rctcrate
00728               phideg = iphi - 3;
00729               if (phideg < 0) phideg = phideg + 72;
00730               phideg = (phideg / 4) * 20 + 10;
00731               irctcra = (( 89 - phideg  + 720)%360)/40;
00732               if (iside > 0) irctcra = irctcra + 9;
00734               //rct card and rct connector appear to be dummy here -- again, I follow Fedor's convention
00735               irctcar = 99;
00736               irctcon = 0;
00738               etaslb = 29;
00740               sprintf(tempbuff,"SLB_H_%3.3d%c%2.2d",phideg,S_side,etaslb);
00741               mystream<<tempbuff;
00742               slnam = mystream.str();
00743               mystream.str("");
00745               sprintf(tempbuff,"%s-JSC-HF_IN",rct_rackHF[irctcra]);
00746               mystream<<tempbuff;
00747               rctnam = mystream.str();
00748               mystream.str("");
00750               islb = 6;
00752               int phibin = (iphi + 1) % 8 ;
00753               int etabin = (ieta - 29) / 3;
00754               if (etabin < 0) etabin = 0;
00755               if (etabin > 3) etabin = 3;
00756               if (phibin < 4) mystream<<S_slbin_7[etabin];
00757               else            mystream<<S_slbin_3[etabin];
00759               slbin = mystream.str();
00760               mystream.str("");
00762               //It has been decided that we not do this
00763 //            slbin2 = slbin;
00764 //            if      (slbin[0] == 'A') slbin2[0] = 'C';
00765 //            else if (slbin[0] == 'B') slbin2[0] = 'D';
00766 //            else if (slbin[0] == 'C') slbin2[0] = 'A';
00767 //            else if (slbin[0] == 'D') slbin2[0] = 'B';
00769               slbin2 = "NA";
00771               if (ieta < 40) idphi = 2;
00772               else           idphi = 4;
00774               //printHBHEHF();
00777               int _crate = icrate;
00778               int _slot = ihtr;
00779               int _topbottom = itb; // string _topbottom = fpga;
00780               int _fiber = ihtr_fi;
00781               //===> Kukartsev:
00782               if ( !firstBlockWritten || _crate != _config . crate || _slot != _config . slot || _topbottom != _config . topbottom || _fiber != _config . fiber )
00783                 {
00784                   firstBlockWritten = true;
00785                   _config . crate = _crate;
00786                   _config . slot = _slot;
00787                   _config . topbottom = _topbottom;
00788                   _config . fiber = _fiber;
00789                   _config . generalizedindex = 100*_slot + 10*_topbottom + _fiber;
00790                   _config . creationstamp = getTimestamp( time( NULL ) );
00791                   addPattern( &_config );
00792                   firstBlockWritten = true;
00793                 }
00794             }
00795           }
00796         }
00797       }
00798     }
00799     write( _fileNameByCrate );
00800   }
00802   //writeXMLFooter(OutXML);       //End HBEF XML
00804   //writeXMLHeader(OutXMLHO, 1);  //Begin HO XML
00806   titlecounter = 0;
00808   configByCrate . clear();
00810   //Radical change: HO iterates over eta and phi rather than crate, HTR, etc. 
00812   for(isid = -1; isid < 2; isid+=2){
00813     for (iph = 0; iph < NHOPHI; iph++){
00814       for (iet = 0; iet < NHOETA; iet++){
00816         iphi = iph + 1;
00817         ieta = iet + 1;
00818         iside = isid;
00820         if (iphi >= 71 || iphi < 17)      ic = 0;
00821         else if (iphi >= 17 && iphi < 35) ic = 1;
00822         else if (iphi >= 35 && iphi < 53) ic = 2;
00823         else                              ic = 3;
00825         icrate=hocrate[ic];
00826         idepth=4;
00827         det = "HO";
00829         ihtr_fi=ifb+1;
00830         ifi_ch=ifc;
00832         //fpga = top/bottom depends on a pattern that repeats every 30 degrees (6 phi)
00833         //Hence, phimod6
00835         phimod6 = iphi % 6;
00837         if (ieta >= 5){
00838           if (phimod6 <= 4 && phimod6 >= 2) fpga = "top";
00839           else                              fpga = "bot";
00840         }
00841         else if (ieta == 4){
00842           if (iside == 1){
00843             if (phimod6 == 1 || phimod6 == 2) fpga = "bot";
00844             else                              fpga = "top";
00845           }
00846           else{
00847             if (phimod6 == 3 || phimod6 == 4) fpga = "top";
00848             else                              fpga = "bot";
00849           }
00850         }
00851         else{
00852           if (phimod6 % 2 == 0) fpga = "top";
00853           else                  fpga = "bot";
00854         }
00856         //dphi
00857         if      (ieta <= 20) idphi = 1;
00858         else                 idphi = -1000;
00860         //create values usable in arrays from side and fpga
00861         if   (iside == 1) sidear = 1;
00862         else              sidear = 0;
00864         if (fpga == "bot") itb = 1;
00865         else               itb = 0;
00867         phmod24 = iph % 24;
00869         //Again, x - 1 because the array starts at 0 while the variables start at 1
00870         irm = HO_RM_table[phmod24][iet][sidear];
00872         //x - 5 for the eta array for the same reason
00873         if      (ieta >= 5) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta5to15[ieta - 5];
00874         else if (ieta <= 3) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta1to4[iph][0][sidear];
00875         else if (ieta == 4) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta1to4[iph][1][sidear];
00876         else                irm_fi = -1000;
00878         //Determine which of HTR in the set belongs here. It depends only on eta and side.
00879         if (ieta <= 3 || (ieta >= 14 && iside == 1))     ih = 0;
00880         else if (ieta <= 13 && ieta >= 6 && iside == 1)  ih = 1;
00881         else if (ieta <= 13 && ieta >= 6 && iside == -1) ih = 3;
00882         else                                             ih = 2;
00884         //Each value of "is" covers 30 degrees (that is, 6 values of phi). To calculate which ones,
00885         //I define phimod18. Crates start at phi = 71, 17, 35, 53
00887         if (iphi % 18 == 17 || iphi % 18 <= 4)      is = 0;
00888         else if (iphi % 18 >= 5 && iphi % 18 <= 10) is = 1;
00889         else                                        is = 2;
00891         ihtr=ihslotho[is][ih];
00893         ispigot=ihtr<9?(ihtr-2)*2+itb:(ihtr-13)*2+itb;
00894         idcc=ihtr<9?1:2;
00895         idcc_sl = idcc == 1 ? 9:19;
00897         ifed=fedhonum[ic][idcc-1];
00899         //HTR fiber
00901         if (ieta >= 5) ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_eta5to15[sidear][ieta - 5];
00902         else if (ieta == 4){
00903           if (phimod6 == 0 || phimod6 == 5) ihtr_fi = 3;
00904           else if (iside == 1)              ihtr_fi = 2;
00905           else                              ihtr_fi = 4;
00906         }
00907         else{
00908           if (iside == 1){
00909             if      (phimod6 == 4 || phimod6 == 3) ihtr_fi = 3;
00910             else if (phimod6 == 1 || phimod6 == 2) ihtr_fi = 4;
00911             else if (phimod6 == 0 || phimod6 == 5) ihtr_fi = 5;
00912           }
00913           else{
00914             if      (phimod6 == 4 || phimod6 == 3) ihtr_fi = 6;
00915             else if (phimod6 == 1 || phimod6 == 2) ihtr_fi = 7;
00916             else if (phimod6 == 0 || phimod6 == 5) ihtr_fi = 8;
00917           }
00918         }
00920         //Fiber Channel
00921         //Eta >= 5 bools
00922         phi1458   = (iphi % 12 == 1 || iphi % 12 == 4 || iphi % 12 == 5  || iphi % 12 == 8);
00923         phi271011 = (iphi % 12 == 2 || iphi % 12 == 7 || iphi % 12 == 10 || iphi % 12 == 11);
00925         //Ring 0 bools
00926         phir0v1 = (iphi % 24 == 0 || iphi % 24 == 2 || iphi % 24 == 4  || iphi % 24 == 18 || iphi % 24 == 20 || iphi % 24 == 22);
00927         phir0v2 = (iphi % 24 == 1 || iphi % 24 == 3 || iphi % 24 == 17 || iphi % 24 == 19 || iphi % 24 == 21 || iphi % 24 == 23);
00928         //v3: phi 5 to 15 odd; v4: phi 6 to 16 even
00929         phir0v3 = (iphi % 24 == 5 || iphi % 24 == 7 || iphi % 24 == 9  || iphi % 24 == 11 || iphi % 24 == 13 || iphi % 24 == 15);
00930         phir0v4 = (iphi % 24 == 6 || iphi % 24 == 8 || iphi % 24 == 10 || iphi % 24 == 12 || iphi % 24 == 14 || iphi % 24 == 16);
00932         if (ieta >= 5){
00933           if      (ieta % 2 == 0 && phi1458)       ifi_ch = 0; 
00934           else if (ieta % 2 == 0 && iphi % 3 == 0) ifi_ch = 1;
00935           else if (ieta % 2 == 0 && phi271011)     ifi_ch = 2;
00936           else if (ieta % 2 == 1 && iphi % 3 == 0) ifi_ch = 0; 
00937           else if (ieta % 2 == 1 && phi271011)     ifi_ch = 1;
00938           else if (ieta % 2 == 1 && phi1458)       ifi_ch = 2;
00939         }
00940         else if (ieta == 4){
00941           if (iside == -1){
00942             if      (phir0v1)       ifi_ch = 0;
00943             else if (phir0v4)       ifi_ch = 1;
00944             else if (iphi % 2 == 1) ifi_ch = 2;
00945           }
00946           else{
00947             if      (phir0v3)       ifi_ch = 0;
00948             else if (phir0v2)       ifi_ch = 1;
00949             else if (iphi % 2 == 0) ifi_ch = 2;
00950           }
00951         }
00952         //eta = -3 and eta = +2
00953         else if ((ieta == 3 && iside == -1) || (ieta == 2 && iside == 1)){
00954           if      (phir0v4)            ifi_ch = 0;
00955           else if (phir0v3)            ifi_ch = 1;
00956           else if (phir0v1 || phir0v2) ifi_ch = 2;
00957         }
00958         //eta = -2 and eta = +3
00959         else if ((ieta == 3 && iside == 1) || (ieta == 2 && iside == -1)){
00960           if      (phir0v2)            ifi_ch = 0;
00961           else if (phir0v1)            ifi_ch = 1;
00962           else if (phir0v3 || phir0v4) ifi_ch = 2;
00963         }
00964         //ieta = 1
00965         else if (ieta == 1){
00966           if      (phir0v1 || phir0v3) ifi_ch = 0;
00967           else if (phir0v2 || phir0v4) ifi_ch = 1;
00968         }
00970         //Intentional integer truncation; iqie and iadc are the same across all subdetectors
00971         //(Although irm_fi for HF starts at 1 and for HO it starts at 2, so one can't just copy and paste)
00972         iqie = (irm_fi - 2) / 2 + 1;
00974         if (irm_fi % 2 == 0) iadc = ifi_ch;
00975         else                 iadc = NFCH + (ifi_ch + 1) % 3;
00977         //Pixel and Letter Code (Ring 0 is separate)
00978         if (ieta <= 4){
00979           ipixel = ipixelHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][0];
00980           letter = letterHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][0];
00981         }
00982         else{
00983           ipixel = ipixelHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][1];
00984           letter = letterHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][1];
00985         }
00987         //RBX and sector
00989         if (iside == -1) sidesign = 'M';
00990         else             sidesign = 'P';
00992         if      (ieta <= 4)                ring = 0;
00993         else if (ieta >= 5 && ieta <= 10)  ring = 1;
00994         else                               ring = 2;
00996         //Sector ranges from 1 to 12 depending on phi. Sector 1 goes 71,72,1,2,3,4 so I start at -2
00997         sector = 0;
00998         for (i = -2; i < iphi; i+=6){
00999           sector++;
01000         }
01001         if (sector > 12) sector = 1; //It rolls over for phi = 71,72 
01003         isector = sector;
01005         //For rings 1 and 2, we only want even sectors for the rbx
01006         if (ring != 0 && sector % 2 != 0) sector++;
01008         if (ring == 0)  sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%i%2.2d", det.c_str(), ring, sector);
01009         else            sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%i%c%2.2d", det.c_str(), ring, sidesign, sector);
01010         mystream<<tempbuff;
01011         rbx = mystream.str();
01012         mystream.str("");
01014         iwedge = -1000;
01015         irctcra = -1000;
01016         irctcar = -1000;
01017         irctcon = -1000;
01018         rctnam = "RCTNAM";
01020         islb = -1000;
01021         slbin = "SLBIN";
01022         slnam = "SLNAM";
01023         slbin2 = "NA";
01025         //printHO();
01026         //writeXMLHO(OutXMLHO);
01028         // Kukartsev
01029         int _crate = icrate;
01030         int _slot = ihtr;
01031         int _topbottom = itb; // string _topbottom = fpga;
01032         int _fiber = ihtr_fi;
01033         ZeroSuppressionConfig _config;
01034         _config . crate = _crate;
01035         _config . slot = _slot;
01036         _config . topbottom = _topbottom;
01037         _config . fiber = _fiber;
01038         fillPatternInfo( _config );
01039       }
01040     }
01041   }
01042   //writeXMLFooter(OutXMLHO);  //End HO XML
01045   cout << configByCrate . size() << endl << endl;
01047   int currentCrate = -1;
01048   string _fileNameByHOCrate;  
01049   for( map< ZeroSuppressionID, int >::const_iterator i = configByCrate . begin(); i != configByCrate . end(); i++ )
01050     {
01051       //cout << i -> second << endl;
01052       if ( currentCrate != i -> second )
01053         {
01054           if ( currentCrate != -1 ) write( _fileNameByHOCrate );
01055           char _buf[50];
01056           sprintf( _buf, "testZeroSuppression_%d.xml", i -> second );
01057           _fileNameByHOCrate = _buf;
01058           getNewDocument( theFileName );
01059         }
01061       int _crate = i -> first . crate;
01062       int _slot = i -> first . slot;
01063       int _topbottom = i -> first . topbottom;
01064       int _fiber = i -> first . fiber;
01066       _config . crate = _crate;
01067       _config . slot = _slot;
01068       _config . topbottom = _topbottom;
01069       _config . fiber = _fiber;
01070       _config . generalizedindex = 100*_slot + 10*_topbottom + _fiber;
01071       _config . creationstamp = getTimestamp( time( NULL ) );
01072       addPattern( &_config );      
01074       currentCrate = i -> second;
01075     }
01077   //write the last file
01078   write( _fileNameByHOCrate );
01080 }
01082 //
01083 // const member functions
01084 //
01086 //
01087 // static member functions
01088 //

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:25:57 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4