Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # File: GenMET.cff
00004 # Author: R. Cavanaugh
00005 # Date: 08.08.2006
00006 #
00007 # Form Missing ET from Generator Information and store into event as a GenMET
00008 # product.  Exclude calo invisible final state particles like neutrinos, muons
00009 # To be resolved:  How to exclude exotics, like the LSP?
00010 #
00011 # F.R. Mar. 22, 2007 IMPORTANT: this configuration assumes that some
00012 #                    GenParticle collections are made via GenJet's configuration
00013 from PhysicsTools.HepMCCandAlgos.genParticleCandidatesFast_cfi import *
00014 from SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pythiapdt_cfi import *
00015 from RecoJets.Configuration.GenJetParticles_cff import *
00016 #  module genCandidatesForMET = GenParticleCandidateSelector
00017 #  {
00018 #      string src = "genParticleCandidates"
00019 #      bool stableOnly = true
00020 #      untracked bool verbose = true
00021 #      vstring excludeList = {"nu_e", "nu_mu", "nu_tau", "mu-",
00022 #                          "~chi_10", 
00023 #                          "~nu_eR", "~nu_muR", "~nu_tauR", 
00024 #                         "Graviton", "~Gravitino", 
00025 #                          "nu_Re", "nu_Rmu", "nu_Rtau", 
00026 #                          "nu*_e0", "Graviton*"
00027 #                         }
00028 #      vstring includeList = {}
00029 #  }
00030 genCandidatesForMET = cms.EDProducer(
00031     "InputGenJetsParticleSelector",
00032     src = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
00033     partonicFinalState = cms.bool(False),
00034     excludeResonances = cms.bool(False),
00035     excludeFromResonancePids = cms.vuint32(),
00036     tausAsJets = cms.bool(False),
00037     ignoreParticleIDs = cms.vuint32(
00038     1000022, 2000012, 2000014,
00039     2000016, 1000039, 5000039,
00040     4000012, 9900012, 9900014,
00041     9900016, 39, 12, 13, 14, 16)  ###These ID's will contribute to MET 
00042 )
00044 genMETParticles = cms.Sequence(genCandidatesForMET)

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:44:06 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4