Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 cleanLayer1Jets = cms.EDFilter("PATJetCleaner",
00004     src = cms.InputTag("selectedLayer1Jets"), 
00006     # preselection (any string-based cut on pat::Jet)
00007     preselection = cms.string(''),
00009     # overlap checking configurables
00010     checkOverlaps = cms.PSet(
00011         muons = cms.PSet(
00012            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanLayer1Muons"),
00013            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
00014            preselection        = cms.string(""),
00015            deltaR              = cms.double(0.5),
00016            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
00017            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
00018            requireNoOvelaps = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
00019         ),
00020         electrons = cms.PSet(
00021            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanLayer1Electrons"),
00022            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
00023            preselection        = cms.string(""),
00024            deltaR              = cms.double(0.5),
00025            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
00026            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
00027            requireNoOvelaps = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
00028         ),
00029         photons = cms.PSet(
00030            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanLayer1Photons"),
00031            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
00032            preselection        = cms.string(""),
00033            deltaR              = cms.double(0.5),
00034            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
00035            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
00036            requireNoOvelaps = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
00037         ),
00038         taus = cms.PSet(
00039            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanLayer1Taus"),
00040            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
00041            preselection        = cms.string(""),
00042            deltaR              = cms.double(0.5),
00043            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
00044            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
00045            requireNoOvelaps = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
00046         ),
00047         tkIsoElectrons = cms.PSet(
00048            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanLayer1Electrons"),
00049            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
00050            preselection        = cms.string("pt > 10 && trackIso < 3"),
00051            deltaR              = cms.double(0.3),
00052            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
00053            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
00054            requireNoOvelaps = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
00055         )
00056     ),
00059     # finalCut (any string-based cut on pat::Jet)
00060     finalCut = cms.string(''),
00061 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:41:44 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4