00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version: 00002 00003 #, 00004 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00005 00006 #------------------ 00007 # clustering: 00008 #------------------ 00009 # BasicCluster producer 00010 from RecoEcal.EgammaClusterProducers.cosmicBasicClusters_cfi import * 00011 # SuperCluster producer 00012 from RecoEcal.EgammaClusterProducers.cosmicSuperClusters_cfi import * 00013 # SuperCluster with Preshower producer 00014 #include "RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/data/SuperClustersWithPreshower.cfi" 00015 # create sequence for clustering 00016 cosmicClusteringSequence = cms.Sequence(cosmicBasicClusters * cosmicSuperClusters)