Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #
00004 # EventContent for HLT related products.
00005 #
00006 # This file exports the following five EventContent blocks:
00007 #   HLTriggerRAW  HLTriggerRECO  HLTriggerAOD (without DEBUG products)
00008 #   HLTDebugRAW   HLTDebugFEVT                (with    DEBUG products)
00009 #
00010 # as these are used in Configuration/EventContent
00011 #
00012 # All else is internal and should not be used directly by non-HLT users.
00013 #
00014 from HLTrigger.Configuration.HLTDefaultOutput_cff import *
00015 from HLTrigger.Configuration.HLTDefaultOutputWithFEDs_cff import *
00016 from HLTrigger.Configuration.HLTDebugOutput_cff import *
00017 from HLTrigger.Configuration.HLTDebugWithAlCaOutput_cff import *
00018 #
00019 HLTriggerRAW = cms.PSet(
00020     outputCommands = cms.vstring()
00021 )
00022 HLTriggerRECO = cms.PSet(
00023     outputCommands = cms.vstring()
00024 )
00025 HLTriggerAOD = cms.PSet(
00026     outputCommands = cms.vstring()
00027 )
00028 #
00029 HLTDebugRAW = cms.PSet(
00030     outputCommands = cms.vstring()
00031 )
00032 HLTDebugFEVT = cms.PSet(
00033     outputCommands = cms.vstring()
00034 )
00035 #
00036 HLTriggerRAW.outputCommands.extend(block_hltDefaultOutputWithFEDs.outputCommands)
00037 HLTriggerRECO.outputCommands.extend(block_hltDefaultOutput.outputCommands)
00038 HLTriggerAOD.outputCommands.extend(block_hltDefaultOutput.outputCommands)
00039 #
00040 HLTDebugRAW.outputCommands.extend(block_hltDebugWithAlCaOutput.outputCommands)
00041 HLTDebugFEVT.outputCommands.extend(block_hltDebugWithAlCaOutput.outputCommands)
00042 #

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:37:41 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4