Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00003 #include "RootInputFileSequence.h"
00004 #include "PoolSource.h"
00005 #include "RootFile.h"
00006 #include "RootTree.h"
00007 #include "DuplicateChecker.h"
00009 #include "FWCore/Catalog/interface/FileCatalog.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventPrincipal.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/FileBlock.h"
00012 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00013 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProductRegistry.h"
00014 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00015 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00016 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/RandomNumberGenerator.h"
00017 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Algorithms.h"
00018 #include "Utilities/StorageFactory/interface/StorageFactory.h"
00020 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
00021 #include "TFile.h"
00023 #include <ctime>
00025 namespace edm {
00026   RootInputFileSequence::RootInputFileSequence(
00027                 ParameterSet const& pset,
00028                 PoolSource const& input,
00029                 InputFileCatalog const& catalog,
00030                 bool primarySequence) :
00031     input_(input),
00032     catalog_(catalog),
00033     firstFile_(true),
00034     fileIterBegin_(fileCatalogItems().begin()),
00035     fileIterEnd_(fileCatalogItems().end()),
00036     fileIter_(fileIterEnd_),
00037     rootFile_(),
00038     parametersMustMatch_(BranchDescription::Permissive),
00039     branchesMustMatch_(BranchDescription::Permissive),
00040     flatDistribution_(0),
00041     fileIndexes_(fileCatalogItems().size()),
00042     eventsRemainingInFile_(0),
00043     startAtRun_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstRun", 1U)),
00044     startAtLumi_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstLuminosityBlock", 1U)),
00045     startAtEvent_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstEvent", 1U)),
00046     eventsToSkip_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("skipEvents", 0U)),
00047     whichLumisToSkip_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> >("lumisToSkip", std::vector<LuminosityBlockID>())),
00048     eventsToProcess_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<EventID> >("eventsToProcess",std::vector<EventID>())),
00049     noEventSort_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("noEventSort", false)),
00050     skipBadFiles_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("skipBadFiles", false)),
00051     treeCacheSize_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("cacheSize", 0U)),
00052     treeMaxVirtualSize_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("treeMaxVirtualSize", -1)),
00053     forcedRunOffset_(0),
00054     setRun_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("setRunNumber", 0U)),
00055     groupSelectorRules_(pset, "inputCommands", "InputSource"),
00056     dropMetaData_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("dropMetaData", false)),
00057     primarySequence_(primarySequence),
00058     randomAccess_(false),
00059     duplicateChecker_(),
00060     dropDescendants_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("dropDescendantsOfDroppedBranches", true)) {
00062     if (!primarySequence_) noEventSort_ = false;
00063     if (noEventSort_ && ((startAtEvent_ > 1) || !eventsToProcess_.empty())) {
00064       throw edm::Exception(errors::Configuration)
00065         << "Illegal configuration options passed to PoolSource\n"
00066         << "You cannot request \"noEventSort\" and also set \"firstEvent\"\n"
00067         << "or \"eventsToProcess\".\n";
00068     }
00070     if (primarySequence_ && primary()) duplicateChecker_.reset(new DuplicateChecker(pset));
00072     StorageFactory *factory = StorageFactory::get();
00073     for(fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_; fileIter_ != fileIterEnd_; ++fileIter_)
00074       factory->stagein(fileIter_->fileName());
00076     sort_all(eventsToProcess_);
00078     std::string parametersMustMatch = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("parametersMustMatch", std::string("permissive"));
00079     if (parametersMustMatch == std::string("strict")) parametersMustMatch_ = BranchDescription::Strict;
00081     // "fileMatchMode" is for backward compatibility.
00082     parametersMustMatch = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileMatchMode", std::string("permissive"));
00083     if (parametersMustMatch == std::string("strict")) parametersMustMatch_ = BranchDescription::Strict;
00085     std::string branchesMustMatch = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("branchesMustMatch", std::string("permissive"));
00086     if (branchesMustMatch == std::string("strict")) branchesMustMatch_ = BranchDescription::Strict;
00088     if (primary()) {
00089       for(fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_; fileIter_ != fileIterEnd_; ++fileIter_) {
00090         initFile(skipBadFiles_);
00091         if (rootFile_) break;
00092       }
00093       if (rootFile_) {
00094         forcedRunOffset_ = rootFile_->setForcedRunOffset(setRun_);
00095         if (forcedRunOffset_ < 0) {
00096           throw edm::Exception(errors::Configuration)
00097             << "The value of the 'setRunNumber' parameter must not be\n"
00098             << "less than the first run number in the first input file.\n"
00099             << "'setRunNumber' was " << setRun_ <<", while the first run was "
00100             << setRun_ - forcedRunOffset_ << ".\n";
00101         }
00102         updateProductRegistry();
00103       }
00104     } else {
00105       Service<RandomNumberGenerator> rng;
00106       if (!rng.isAvailable()) {
00107         throw edm::Exception(errors::Configuration)
00108           << "A secondary input source requires the RandomNumberGeneratorService\n"
00109           << "which is not present in the configuration file.  You must add the service\n"
00110           << "in the configuration file or remove the modules that require it.";
00111       }
00112       CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& engine = rng->getEngine();
00113       flatDistribution_ = new CLHEP::RandFlat(engine);
00114     }
00115   }
00117   std::vector<FileCatalogItem> const&
00118   RootInputFileSequence::fileCatalogItems() const {
00119     return catalog_.fileCatalogItems();
00120   }
00122   void
00123   RootInputFileSequence::endJob() {
00124     if (primary()) {
00125       closeFile_();
00126     } else {
00127       if (rootFile_) {
00128         rootFile_->close(true);
00129         logFileAction("  Closed file ", rootFile_->file());
00130         rootFile_.reset();
00131       }
00132     }
00133   }
00135   boost::shared_ptr<FileBlock>
00136   RootInputFileSequence::readFile_() {
00137     if (firstFile_) {
00138       // The first input file has already been opened, or a rewind has occurred.
00139       firstFile_ = false;
00140       if (!rootFile_) {
00141         initFile(skipBadFiles_);
00142       }
00143     } else {
00144       if (!nextFile()) {
00145         assert(0);
00146       }
00147     }
00148     if (!rootFile_) {
00149       return boost::shared_ptr<FileBlock>(new FileBlock);
00150     }
00151     if (primary()) {
00152       productRegistryUpdate().setProductIDs(rootFile_->productRegistry()->nextID());
00153       if (rootFile_->productRegistry()->nextID() > productRegistry()->nextID()) {
00154         productRegistryUpdate().setNextID(rootFile_->productRegistry()->nextID());
00155       }
00156     }
00157     return rootFile_->createFileBlock();
00158   }
00160   void RootInputFileSequence::closeFile_() {
00161     if (rootFile_) {
00162     // Account for events skipped in the file.
00163       eventsToSkip_ = rootFile_->eventsToSkip();
00164       {
00165         std::auto_ptr<InputSource::FileCloseSentry> 
00166           sentry((primarySequence_ && primary()) ? new InputSource::FileCloseSentry(input_) : 0);
00167         rootFile_->close(primary());
00168       }
00169       logFileAction("  Closed file ", rootFile_->file());
00170       rootFile_.reset();
00171       if (duplicateChecker_.get() != 0) duplicateChecker_->inputFileClosed();
00172     }
00173   }
00175   void RootInputFileSequence::initFile(bool skipBadFiles) {
00176     // close the currently open file, any, and delete the RootFile object.
00177     closeFile_();
00178     boost::shared_ptr<TFile> filePtr;
00179     try {
00180       logFileAction("  Initiating request to open file ", fileIter_->fileName());
00181       std::auto_ptr<InputSource::FileOpenSentry> 
00182         sentry((primarySequence_ && primary()) ? new InputSource::FileOpenSentry(input_) : 0);
00183       filePtr.reset(TFile::Open(fileIter_->fileName().c_str()));
00184     }
00185     catch (cms::Exception e) {
00186       if (!skipBadFiles) {
00187         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::FileOpenError) << e.explainSelf() << "\n" <<
00188            "RootInputFileSequence::initFile(): Input file " << fileIter_->fileName() << " was not found or could not be opened.\n";
00189       }
00190     }
00191     if (filePtr && !filePtr->IsZombie()) {
00192       logFileAction("  Successfully opened file ", fileIter_->fileName());
00193       rootFile_ = RootFileSharedPtr(new RootFile(fileIter_->fileName(), catalog_.url(),
00194           processConfiguration(), fileIter_->logicalFileName(), filePtr,
00195           startAtRun_, startAtLumi_, startAtEvent_, eventsToSkip_, whichLumisToSkip_,
00196           remainingEvents(), remainingLuminosityBlocks(), treeCacheSize_, treeMaxVirtualSize_,
00197           input_.processingMode(),
00198           forcedRunOffset_, eventsToProcess_, noEventSort_,
00199           dropMetaData_, groupSelectorRules_, !primarySequence_, duplicateChecker_, dropDescendants_));
00200       fileIndexes_[fileIter_ - fileIterBegin_] = rootFile_->fileIndexSharedPtr();
00201     } else {
00202       if (!skipBadFiles) {
00203         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::FileOpenError) <<
00204            "RootInputFileSequence::initFile(): Input file " << fileIter_->fileName() << " was not found or could not be opened.\n";
00205       }
00206       LogWarning("") << "Input file: " << fileIter_->fileName() << " was not found or could not be opened, and will be skipped.\n";
00207     }
00208   }
00210   void RootInputFileSequence::updateProductRegistry() const {
00211     ProductRegistry::ProductList const& prodList = rootFile_->productRegistry()->productList();
00212     for (ProductRegistry::ProductList::const_iterator it = prodList.begin(), itEnd = prodList.end();
00213         it != itEnd; ++it) {
00214       productRegistryUpdate().copyProduct(it->second);
00215     }
00216   }
00218   ProductRegistry const&
00219   RootInputFileSequence::fileProductRegistry() const {
00220     return *rootFile_->productRegistry();
00221   }
00223   bool RootInputFileSequence::nextFile() {
00224     if(fileIter_ != fileIterEnd_) ++fileIter_;
00225     if(fileIter_ == fileIterEnd_) {
00226       if (primarySequence_) {
00227         return false;
00228       } else {
00229         fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_;
00230       }
00231     }
00233     initFile(skipBadFiles_);
00235     if (primarySequence_ && rootFile_) {
00236       // make sure the new product registry is compatible with the main one
00237       std::string mergeInfo = productRegistryUpdate().merge(*rootFile_->productRegistry(),
00238                                                             fileIter_->fileName(),
00239                                                             parametersMustMatch_,
00240                                                             branchesMustMatch_);
00241       if (!mergeInfo.empty()) {
00242         throw edm::Exception(errors::MismatchedInputFiles,"RootInputFileSequence::nextFile()") << mergeInfo;
00243       }
00244     }
00245     return true;
00246   }
00248   bool RootInputFileSequence::previousFile() {
00249     if(fileIter_ == fileIterBegin_) {
00250       if (primarySequence_) {
00251         return false;
00252       } else {
00253         fileIter_ = fileIterEnd_;
00254       }
00255     }
00256     --fileIter_;
00258     initFile(false);
00260     if (primarySequence_ && rootFile_) {
00261       // make sure the new product registry is compatible to the main one
00262       std::string mergeInfo = productRegistryUpdate().merge(*rootFile_->productRegistry(),
00263                                                             fileIter_->fileName(),
00264                                                             parametersMustMatch_,
00265                                                             branchesMustMatch_);
00266       if (!mergeInfo.empty()) {
00267         throw edm::Exception(errors::MismatchedInputFiles,"RootInputFileSequence::previousEvent()") << mergeInfo;
00268       }
00269     }
00270     if (rootFile_) rootFile_->setToLastEntry();
00271     return true;
00272   }
00274   RootInputFileSequence::~RootInputFileSequence() {
00275   }
00277   boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal>
00278   RootInputFileSequence::readRun_() {
00279     return rootFile_->readRun(primarySequence_ ? productRegistry() : rootFile_->productRegistry()); 
00280   }
00282   boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockPrincipal>
00283   RootInputFileSequence::readLuminosityBlock_() {
00284     return rootFile_->readLumi(primarySequence_ ? productRegistry() : rootFile_->productRegistry(), runPrincipal()); 
00285   }
00287   // readEvent_() is responsible for creating, and setting up, the
00288   // EventPrincipal.
00289   //
00290   //   1. create an EventPrincipal with a unique EventID
00291   //   2. For each entry in the provenance, put in one Group,
00292   //      holding the Provenance for the corresponding EDProduct.
00293   //   3. set up the caches in the EventPrincipal to know about this
00294   //      Group.
00295   //
00296   // We do *not* create the EDProduct instance (the equivalent of reading
00297   // the branch containing this EDProduct. That will be done by the Delayed Reader,
00298   //  when it is asked to do so.
00299   //
00301   std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal>
00302   RootInputFileSequence::readEvent_() {
00303     return rootFile_->readEvent(primarySequence_ ? productRegistry() : rootFile_->productRegistry()); 
00304   }
00306   std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal>
00307   RootInputFileSequence::readCurrentEvent() {
00308     return rootFile_->readCurrentEvent(primarySequence_ ?
00309                                        productRegistry() :
00310                                        rootFile_->productRegistry()); 
00311   }
00313   std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal>
00314   RootInputFileSequence::readIt(EventID const& id, LuminosityBlockNumber_t lumi, bool exact) {
00315     randomAccess_ = true;
00316     // Attempt to find event in currently open input file.
00317     bool found = rootFile_->setEntryAtEvent(, lumi, id.event(), exact);
00318     if (!found) {
00319       // If only one input file, give up now, to save time.
00320       if (fileIndexes_.size() == 1) {
00321         return std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal>(0);
00322       }
00323       // Look for event in files previously opened without reopening unnecessary files.
00324       typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<FileIndex> >::const_iterator Iter;
00325       for (Iter it = fileIndexes_.begin(), itEnd = fileIndexes_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00326         if (*it && (*it)->containsEvent(, lumi, id.event(), exact)) {
00327           // We found it. Close the currently open file, and open the correct one.
00328           fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + (it - fileIndexes_.begin());
00329           initFile(false);
00330           // Now get the event from the correct file.
00331           found = rootFile_->setEntryAtEvent(, lumi, id.event(), exact);
00332           assert (found);
00333           std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal> ep = readCurrentEvent();
00334           skip(1);
00335           return ep;
00336         }
00337       }
00338       // Look for event in files not yet opened.
00339       for (Iter it = fileIndexes_.begin(), itEnd = fileIndexes_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00340         if (!*it) {
00341           fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + (it - fileIndexes_.begin());
00342           initFile(false);
00343           found = rootFile_->setEntryAtEvent(, lumi, id.event(), exact);
00344           if (found) {
00345             std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal> ep = readCurrentEvent();
00346             skip(1);
00347             return ep;
00348           }
00349         }
00350       }
00351       // Not found
00352       return std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal>(0);
00353     }
00354     std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal> eptr = readCurrentEvent();
00355     skip(1);
00356     return eptr;
00357   }
00359   boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockPrincipal>
00360   RootInputFileSequence::readIt(LuminosityBlockID const& id) {
00362     // Attempt to find lumi in currently open input file.
00363     bool found = rootFile_->setEntryAtLumi(id);
00364     if (found) {
00365       return readLuminosityBlock_();
00366     }
00368     if (fileIndexes_.size() > 1) {
00369       // Look for lumi in files previously opened without reopening unnecessary files.
00370       typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<FileIndex> >::const_iterator Iter;
00371       for (Iter it = fileIndexes_.begin(), itEnd = fileIndexes_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00372         if (*it && (*it)->containsLumi(, id.luminosityBlock(), true)) {
00373           // We found it. Close the currently open file, and open the correct one.
00374           fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + (it - fileIndexes_.begin());
00375           initFile(false);
00376           // Now get the lumi from the correct file.
00377           found = rootFile_->setEntryAtLumi(id);
00378           assert (found);
00379           return readLuminosityBlock_();
00380         }
00381       }
00382       // Look for lumi in files not yet opened.
00383       for (Iter it = fileIndexes_.begin(), itEnd = fileIndexes_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00384         if (!*it) {
00385           fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + (it - fileIndexes_.begin());
00386           initFile(false);
00387           found = rootFile_->setEntryAtLumi(id);
00388           if (found) {
00389             return readLuminosityBlock_();
00390           }
00391         }
00392       }
00393     }
00394     return boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockPrincipal>();
00395   }
00397   boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal>
00398   RootInputFileSequence::readIt(RunID const& id) {
00400     // Attempt to find run in currently open input file.
00401     bool found = rootFile_->setEntryAtRun(id);
00402     if (found) {
00403       return readRun_();
00404     }
00405     if (fileIndexes_.size() > 1) {
00406       // Look for run in files previously opened without reopening unnecessary files.
00407       typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<FileIndex> >::const_iterator Iter;
00408       for (Iter it = fileIndexes_.begin(), itEnd = fileIndexes_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00409         if (*it && (*it)->containsRun(, true)) {
00410           // We found it. Close the currently open file, and open the correct one.
00411           fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + (it - fileIndexes_.begin());
00412           initFile(false);
00413           // Now get the event from the correct file.
00414           found = rootFile_->setEntryAtRun(id);
00415           assert (found);
00416           return readRun_();
00417         }
00418       }
00419       // Look for run in files not yet opened.
00420       for (Iter it = fileIndexes_.begin(), itEnd = fileIndexes_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00421         if (!*it) {
00422           fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + (it - fileIndexes_.begin());
00423           initFile(false);
00424           found = rootFile_->setEntryAtRun(id);
00425           if (found) {
00426             return readRun_();
00427           }
00428         }
00429       }
00430     }
00431     return boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal>();
00432   }
00434   InputSource::ItemType
00435   RootInputFileSequence::getNextItemType() {
00436     if (fileIter_ == fileIterEnd_) {
00437       return InputSource::IsStop;
00438     }
00439     if (firstFile_) {
00440       return InputSource::IsFile;
00441     }
00442     if (rootFile_) {
00443       if (randomAccess_) {
00444         skip(0);
00445         if (fileIter_== fileIterEnd_) {
00446           return InputSource::IsStop;
00447         }
00448       }
00449       FileIndex::EntryType entryType = rootFile_->getNextEntryTypeWanted();
00450       if (entryType == FileIndex::kEvent) {
00451         return InputSource::IsEvent;
00452       } else if (entryType == FileIndex::kLumi) {
00453         return InputSource::IsLumi;
00454       } else if (entryType == FileIndex::kRun) {
00455         return InputSource::IsRun;
00456       }
00457       assert(entryType == FileIndex::kEnd);
00458     }
00459     if (fileIter_ + 1 == fileIterEnd_) {
00460       return InputSource::IsStop;
00461     }
00462     return InputSource::IsFile;
00463   }
00465   // Rewind to before the first event that was read.
00466   void
00467   RootInputFileSequence::rewind_() {
00468     randomAccess_ = false;
00469     firstFile_ = true;
00470     fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_;
00471     if (duplicateChecker_.get() != 0) duplicateChecker_->rewind();
00472   }
00474   // Rewind to the beginning of the current file
00475   void
00476   RootInputFileSequence::rewindFile() {
00477     rootFile_->rewind();
00478   }
00480   // Advance "offset" events.  Offset can be positive or negative (or zero).
00481   void
00482   RootInputFileSequence::skip(int offset) {
00483     randomAccess_ = true;
00484     while (offset != 0) {
00485       offset = rootFile_->skipEvents(offset);
00486       if (offset > 0 && !nextFile()) return;
00487       if (offset < 0 && !previousFile()) return;
00488     }
00489     rootFile_->skipEvents(0);
00490   }
00492   bool const
00493   RootInputFileSequence::primary() const {
00494     return input_.primary();
00495   }
00497   boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal>
00498   RootInputFileSequence::runPrincipal() const {
00499     return input_.runPrincipal();
00500   }
00502   ProcessConfiguration const&
00503   RootInputFileSequence::processConfiguration() const {
00504     return input_.processConfiguration();
00505   }
00507   int
00508   RootInputFileSequence::remainingEvents() const {
00509     return input_.remainingEvents();
00510   }
00512   int
00513   RootInputFileSequence::remainingLuminosityBlocks() const {
00514     return input_.remainingLuminosityBlocks();
00515   }
00517   ProductRegistry &
00518   RootInputFileSequence::productRegistryUpdate() const{
00519     return input_.productRegistryUpdate();
00520   }
00522   boost::shared_ptr<ProductRegistry const>
00523   RootInputFileSequence::productRegistry() const{
00524     return input_.productRegistry();
00525   }
00527   void
00528   RootInputFileSequence::dropUnwantedBranches_(std::vector<std::string> const& wantedBranches) {
00529     std::vector<std::string> rules;
00530     rules.reserve(wantedBranches.size() + 1);
00531     rules.push_back(std::string("drop *")); 
00532     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = wantedBranches.begin(), itEnd = wantedBranches.end();
00533         it != itEnd; ++it) {
00534       rules.push_back("keep " + *it + "_*");
00535     }
00536     ParameterSet pset;
00537     pset.addUntrackedParameter("inputCommands", rules);
00538     groupSelectorRules_ = GroupSelectorRules(pset, "inputCommands", "InputSource");
00539   }
00541   void
00542   RootInputFileSequence::readMany_(int number, EventPrincipalVector& result) {
00543     for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
00544       std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal> ev = readCurrentEvent();
00545       if (ev.get() == 0) {
00546         return;
00547       }
00548       VectorInputSource::EventPrincipalVectorElement e(ev.release());
00549       result.push_back(e);
00550       rootFile_->nextEventEntry();
00551     }
00552   }
00554   void
00555   RootInputFileSequence::readMany_(int number, EventPrincipalVector& result, EventID const& id, unsigned int fileSeqNumber) {
00556     unsigned int currentSeqNumber = fileIter_ - fileIterBegin_;
00557     if (currentSeqNumber != fileSeqNumber) {
00558       fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + fileSeqNumber;
00559       initFile(false);
00560     }
00561     rootFile_->setEntryAtEvent(, 0U, id.event(), false);
00562     for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
00563       std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal> ev = readCurrentEvent();
00564       if (ev.get() == 0) {
00565         rewindFile();
00566         ev = readCurrentEvent();
00567         assert(ev.get() != 0);
00568       }
00569       VectorInputSource::EventPrincipalVectorElement e(ev.release());
00570       result.push_back(e);
00571       rootFile_->nextEventEntry();
00572     }
00573   }
00575   void
00576   RootInputFileSequence::readManyRandom_(int number, EventPrincipalVector& result, unsigned int& fileSeqNumber) {
00577     skipBadFiles_ = false;
00578     unsigned int currentSeqNumber = fileIter_ - fileIterBegin_;
00579     while (eventsRemainingInFile_ < number) {
00580       fileIter_ = fileIterBegin_ + flatDistribution_->fireInt(fileCatalogItems().size());
00581       unsigned int newSeqNumber = fileIter_ - fileIterBegin_;
00582       if (newSeqNumber != currentSeqNumber) {
00583         initFile(false);
00584       }
00585       eventsRemainingInFile_ = rootFile_->eventTree().entries();
00586       if (eventsRemainingInFile_ == 0) {
00587         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::NotFound) <<
00588            "RootInputFileSequence::readManyRandom_(): Secondary Input file " << fileIter_->fileName() << " contains no events.\n";
00589       }
00590       rootFile_->setAtEventEntry(flatDistribution_->fireInt(eventsRemainingInFile_));
00591     }
00592     fileSeqNumber = fileIter_ - fileIterBegin_;
00593     for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
00594       std::auto_ptr<EventPrincipal> ev = readCurrentEvent();
00595       if (ev.get() == 0) {
00596         rewindFile();
00597         ev = readCurrentEvent();
00598         assert(ev.get() != 0);
00599       }
00600        VectorInputSource::EventPrincipalVectorElement e(ev.release());
00601       result.push_back(e);
00602       --eventsRemainingInFile_;
00603       rootFile_->nextEventEntry();
00604     }
00605   }
00607   void RootInputFileSequence::logFileAction(const char* msg, std::string const& file) {
00608     if (primarySequence_) {
00609       time_t t = time(0);
00610       char ts[] = "dd-Mon-yyyy hh:mm:ss TZN     ";
00611       strftime( ts, strlen(ts)+1, "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime(&t) );
00612       edm::LogAbsolute("fileAction") << ts << msg << file;
00613       edm::FlushMessageLog();
00614     }
00615   }
00616 }

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