00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 PixelErrorEstimation = cms.EDFilter("SiPixelErrorEstimation", 00004 # The type of particle that the simHit associated with recHits should be 00005 genType = cms.int32(13), 00006 # Replace "ctfWithMaterialTracks" with "generalTracks" 00007 #untracked string src = "ctfWithMaterialTracks" 00008 src = cms.untracked.string('generalTracks'), 00009 outputFile = cms.untracked.string('SiPixelErrorEstimation_Ntuple.root'), 00010 # Include track hits ? 00011 include_trk_hits = cms.bool(True), 00012 # Do we check that the simHit associated with recHit is of the expected particle type ? 00013 checkType = cms.bool(True) 00014 ) 00015 00016