Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # Author     : Gero Flucke
00004 # Date       :   July 19th, 2007
00005 # last update: $Date: 2008/10/29 17:28:42 $ by $Author: flucke $
00006 #____________Track selection____________
00007 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muons reconstructed by Combinatorial Track Finder
00008 import Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi
00009 ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T = Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi.alignmentTrackSelector.clone(
00010     src = 'ctfWithMaterialTracksP5',
00011     filter = True,
00012     applyBasicCuts = True,
00013     ptMin = 0., ##10
00014     ptMax = 99999.,
00015     etaMin = -99., ##-2.4 keep also what is going through...
00016     etaMax = 99., ## 2.4 ...both TEC with flat slope
00017     nHitMin = 7,
00018     nHitMin2D = 2,
00019     chi2nMax = 999999.,
00020     applyNHighestPt = False, ## no pT measurement -> sort meaningless
00021     nHighestPt = 1,
00022     applyMultiplicityFilter = False
00023     )
00025 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muons reconstructed by Cosmic Track Finder
00026 # (same cuts)
00027 ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T = ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T.clone(
00028     src = 'cosmictrackfinderP5' ## different for CTF
00029     )
00031 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muons reconstructed by Road Search Track Finder
00032 # (same cuts)
00033 ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRS0T = ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T.clone(
00034     src = 'rsWithMaterialTracksP5'
00035     )
00037 #____________Sequences____________
00038 seqALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T)
00039 seqALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T)
00040 seqALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRS0T = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRS0T)

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:24:01 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4