Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "TrackingTools/GsfTracking/interface/PosteriorWeightsCalculator.h"
00003 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/MeasurementExtractor.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00006 #include <cfloat>
00008 std::vector<double> PosteriorWeightsCalculator::weights(const TransientTrackingRecHit& recHit) const {
00009         switch (recHit.dimension()) {
00010                 case 1: return weights<1>(recHit);
00011                 case 2: return weights<2>(recHit);
00012                 case 3: return weights<3>(recHit);
00013                 case 4: return weights<4>(recHit);
00014                 case 5: return weights<5>(recHit);
00015         }
00016         throw cms::Exception("Error: rechit of size not 1,2,3,4,5");
00017 }
00019 template<unsigned int D>
00020 std::vector<double> PosteriorWeightsCalculator::weights(const TransientTrackingRecHit& recHit) const {
00021   typedef typename AlgebraicROOTObject<D,5>::Matrix MatD5;
00022   typedef typename AlgebraicROOTObject<5,D>::Matrix Mat5D;
00023   typedef typename AlgebraicROOTObject<D,D>::SymMatrix SMatDD;
00024   typedef typename AlgebraicROOTObject<D>::Vector VecD;
00026   std::vector<double> weights;
00027   if ( predictedComponents.empty() )  return weights;
00028   weights.reserve(predictedComponents.size());
00030   std::vector<double> detRs;
00031   detRs.reserve(predictedComponents.size());
00032   std::vector<double> chi2s;
00033   chi2s.reserve(predictedComponents.size());
00034   //
00035   // calculate chi2 and determinant / component and find
00036   //   minimum / maximum of chi2
00037   //  
00038   double chi2Min(DBL_MAX);
00039   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<predictedComponents.size(); i++ ) {
00040     MeasurementExtractor me(predictedComponents[i]);
00041     // Residuals of aPredictedState w.r.t. aRecHit, 
00043     VecD r = asSVector<D>(recHit.parameters()) - me.measuredParameters<D>(recHit);
00044     // and covariance matrix of residuals
00046     SMatDD V = asSMatrix<D>(recHit.parametersError());
00047     SMatDD R = V + me.measuredError<D>(recHit);
00048     double detR;
00049     if (! R.Det2(detR) ) {
00050       edm::LogError("PosteriorWeightsCalculator") << "PosteriorWeightsCalculator: determinant failed";
00051       return std::vector<double>();
00052     }
00053     detRs.push_back(detR);
00055     int ierr = ! R.Invert(); // if (ierr != 0) throw exception;
00056     if ( ierr!=0 ) {
00057       edm::LogError("PosteriorWeightsCalculator") 
00058         << "PosteriorWeightsCalculator: inversion failed, ierr = " << ierr;
00059       return std::vector<double>();
00060     }
00061     double chi2 = ROOT::Math::Similarity(r,R); 
00062     chi2s.push_back(chi2);
00063     if ( chi2<chi2Min )  chi2Min = chi2;
00064   }
00065   if ( detRs.size()!=predictedComponents.size() ||
00066        chi2s.size()!=predictedComponents.size() ) {
00067     edm::LogError("PosteriorWeightsCalculator") << "Problem in vector sizes";
00068     return std::vector<double>();
00069   }
00070   //
00071   // calculate weights (extracting a common factor
00072   //   exp(-0.5*chi2Min) to avoid numerical problems
00073   //   during exponentation
00074   //
00075   double sumWeights(0.);
00076   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<predictedComponents.size(); i++ ) {
00077     double priorWeight = predictedComponents[i].weight();
00079     double chi2 = chi2s[i] - chi2Min;
00081     double tempWeight(0.);
00082     if ( detRs[i]>FLT_MIN ) {
00083       //
00084       // Calculation of (non-normalised) weight. Common factors exp(-chi2Norm/2.) and
00085       // 1./sqrt(2*pi*recHit.dimension()) have been omitted
00086       //
00087       tempWeight = priorWeight * sqrt(1./detRs[i]) * exp(-0.5 * chi2); 
00088     }
00089     //      else {
00090     //        edm::LogInfo("PosteriorWeightsCalculator") << "PosteriorWeightsCalculator: detR < FLT_MIN !!";
00091     //      }
00092     weights.push_back(tempWeight);
00093     sumWeights += tempWeight;
00094   }
00095   if ( sumWeights<DBL_MIN ) {
00096     edm::LogInfo("PosteriorWeightsCalculator") << "PosteriorWeightsCalculator: sumWeight < DBL_MIN";
00097     return std::vector<double>();
00098   }
00100   if ( weights.size()!=predictedComponents.size() ) {
00101     edm::LogError("PosteriorWeightsCalculator") << "Problem in vector sizes (2)";
00102     return std::vector<double>();
00103   }
00104   for (std::vector<double>::iterator iter = weights.begin();
00105        iter != weights.end(); iter++) {
00106     (*iter) /= sumWeights;
00107   }
00109   return weights;
00110 }

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