00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # from Configuration/Applications/data/DIGI-RECO.cfg 00004 mix = cms.EDFilter("MixingModule", 00005 # secsource input = PoolRASource 00006 # { 00007 # 00008 # starting 050, you can skip secsource block at all if you don't 00009 # wnat to model mixing/pileup at all; 00010 # however, an at least "empty mixing" need to be present if you 00011 # want to perform Ecal/Hcal/CSC/DT digitization - those explicitely 00012 # require presence of CrossingFrame in the edm::Event 00013 # 00014 # alternatively, you can set averageNumber=0 if you don't want 00015 # to model the pileup 00016 # 00017 # to the secsource/PoolRASource, you can give just 1 file or more; 00018 # this files will make a "concatinated buffer", which will go circular 00019 # until the loop of primary events is done - thus, it'll never run out 00020 # 00021 # WARNING: you can only give miltiple files, if they're generated with 00022 # identical sets of tracked parameters; 00023 # for example, you canNOT give a file made with a single muon 00024 # gun and a file made with a single pion gun, because PartID 00025 # is a *tracked* parameter in the gun's PSet; 00026 # however, you can merge together files made with other generators, 00027 # for example, PythiaSource, because all parameters of it would be 00028 # *untracked* 00029 # 00030 # untracked vstring fileNames = 00031 # {'file:/afs/cern.ch/cms/geant4rep/genntpl/muon_simhit_for_pileup.060pre1.root' } 00032 # untracked vstring fileNames = 00033 # {'file:simevent.root' } 00034 # string type = "poisson" 00035 # double averageNumber = 3 # setting this param. to 0 means "No pile-up", 00036 # that is, digitize current crossing only 00037 # int32 minBunch = -3 00038 # int32 maxBunch = 5 00039 # int32 seed = 1234567 00040 # } 00041 bunchspace = cms.int32(25), 00042 maxBunch = cms.int32(3), 00043 minBunch = cms.int32(-5), ## in terms of 25 ns 00044 00045 Label = cms.string('') 00046 ) 00047 00048