Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //$Id:,v 1.4 2007/11/12 06:19:11 narsky Exp $
00002 /*
00003   This executable is intended for exploratory analysis of data.
00005   First, it computes correlations between input variables, separately
00006   for signal and background.
00008   Second, it computes a correlation between each input variable and the true
00009   class label. This can help the user to select most powerful discriminating
00010   variables.
00012   Then the executable finds the best two-sided interval for each variable
00013   to optimize the chosen figure of merit. As an option, the executable
00014   computes correlations between the found intervals.
00015 */
00017 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprExperiment.hh"
00018 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprAbsFilter.hh"
00019 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprDefs.hh"
00020 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprUtils.hh"
00021 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprBumpHunter.hh"
00022 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTrainedDecisionTree.hh"
00023 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprEmptyFilter.hh"
00024 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprAbsReader.hh"
00025 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprRWFactory.hh"
00026 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprAbsTwoClassCriterion.hh"
00027 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassSignalSignif.hh"
00028 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassIDFraction.hh"
00029 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassTaggerEff.hh"
00030 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassPurity.hh"
00031 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassGiniIndex.hh"
00032 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassCrossEntropy.hh"
00033 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassUniformPriorUL90.hh"
00034 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassBKDiscovery.hh"
00035 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTwoClassPunzi.hh"
00036 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprDataMoments.hh"
00037 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprStringParser.hh"
00038 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprClass.hh"
00039 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprAbsVarTransformer.hh"
00040 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprVarTransformerReader.hh"
00041 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/interface/SprTransformerFilter.hh"
00042 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/src/SprSymMatrix.hh"
00043 #include "PhysicsTools/StatPatternRecognition/src/SprVector.hh"
00045 #include <stdlib.h>
00046 #include <unistd.h>
00047 #include <iostream>
00048 #include <vector>
00049 #include <set>
00050 #include <algorithm>
00051 #include <functional>
00052 #include <utility>
00053 #include <iomanip>
00054 #include <cmath>
00055 #include <memory>
00057 using namespace std;
00060 struct SEACmpPairFirst
00061   : public binary_function<pair<double,int>,pair<double,int>,bool> {
00062   bool operator()(const pair<double,int>& l, const pair<double,int>& r)
00063     const {
00064     return (l.first < r.first);
00065   }
00066 };
00069 void cleanup(vector<const SprTrainedDecisionTree*>& trained)
00070 {
00071   for( int i=0;i<trained.size();i++ )
00072     delete trained[i];
00073 }
00076 void help(const char* prog) 
00077 {
00078   cout << "Usage:  " << prog 
00079        << " training_data_file" << endl;
00080   cout << "\t Options: " << endl;
00081   cout << "\t-h --- help                                        " << endl;
00082   cout << "\t-a input ascii file mode (see SprSimpleReader.hh)  " << endl;
00083   cout << "\t-y list of input classes (see SprAbsFilter.hh)     " << endl;
00084   cout << "\t-Q apply variable transformation saved in file     " << endl;
00085   cout << "\t-c criterion for optimization                      " << endl;
00086   cout << "\t\t 1 = correctly classified fraction (default)     " << endl;
00087   cout << "\t\t 2 = signal significance s/sqrt(s+b)             " << endl;
00088   cout << "\t\t 3 = purity s/(s+b)                              " << endl;
00089   cout << "\t\t 4 = tagger efficiency Q                         " << endl;
00090   cout << "\t\t 5 = Gini index                                  " << endl;
00091   cout << "\t\t 6 = cross-entropy                               " << endl;
00092   cout << "\t\t 7 = 90% Bayesian upper limit with uniform prior " << endl;
00093   cout << "\t\t 8 = discovery potential 2*(sqrt(s+b)-sqrt(b))   " << endl;
00094   cout << "\t\t 9 = Punzi's sensitivity s/(0.5*nSigma+sqrt(b))  " << endl;
00095   cout << "\t\t -P background normalization factor for Punzi FOM" << endl;
00096   cout << "\t-r compute correlations among intervals            " << endl;
00097   cout << "\t-w scale all signal weights by this factor         " << endl;
00098   cout << "\t-V include only these input variables              " << endl;
00099   cout << "\t-z exclude input variables from the list           " << endl;
00100   cout << "\t\t Variables must be listed in quotes and separated by commas." 
00101        << endl;
00102 }
00105 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
00106 {
00107   // check command line
00108   if( argc < 2 ) {
00109     help(argv[0]);
00110     return 1;
00111   }
00113   // init
00114   string tupleFile;
00115   int readMode = 0;
00116   int iCrit = 1;
00117   bool computeCorr = false;
00118   bool scaleWeights = false;
00119   double sW = 1.;
00120   string includeList, excludeList;
00121   string inputClassesString;
00122   double bW = 1.;
00123   string transformerFile;
00125   // decode command line
00126   int c;
00127   extern char* optarg;
00128   //  extern int optind;
00129   while( (c = getopt(argc,argv,"ha:y:Q:c:P:rw:V:z:")) != EOF ) {
00130     switch( c )
00131       {
00132       case 'h' :
00133         help(argv[0]);
00134         return 1;
00135       case 'a' :
00136         readMode = (optarg==0 ? 0 : atoi(optarg));
00137         break;
00138       case 'y' :
00139         inputClassesString = optarg;
00140         break;
00141       case 'Q' :
00142         transformerFile = optarg;
00143         break;
00144       case 'c' :
00145         iCrit = (optarg==0 ? 1 : atoi(optarg));
00146         break;
00147       case 'P' :
00148         bW = (optarg==0 ? 1 : atof(optarg));
00149         break;
00150       case 'r' :
00151         computeCorr = true;
00152         break;
00153       case 'w' :
00154         if( optarg != 0 ) {
00155           scaleWeights = true;
00156           sW = atof(optarg);
00157         }
00158         break;
00159       case 'V' :
00160         includeList = optarg;
00161         break;
00162       case 'z' :
00163         excludeList = optarg;
00164         break;
00165       }
00166   }
00168   // There has to be 1 argument after all options.
00169   string trFile = argv[argc-1];
00170   if( trFile.empty() ) {
00171     cerr << "No training file is specified." << endl;
00172     return 1;
00173   }
00175   // make reader
00176   SprRWFactory::DataType inputType 
00177     = ( readMode==0 ? SprRWFactory::Root : SprRWFactory::Ascii );
00178   auto_ptr<SprAbsReader> reader(SprRWFactory::makeReader(inputType,readMode));
00180   // include variables
00181   set<string> includeSet;
00182   if( !includeList.empty() ) {
00183     vector<vector<string> > includeVars;
00184     SprStringParser::parseToStrings(includeList.c_str(),includeVars);
00185     assert( !includeVars.empty() );
00186     for( int i=0;i<includeVars[0].size();i++ ) 
00187       includeSet.insert(includeVars[0][i]);
00188     if( !reader->chooseVars(includeSet) ) {
00189       cerr << "Unable to include variables in training set." << endl;
00190       return 2;
00191     }
00192     else {
00193       cout << "Following variables have been included in optimization: ";
00194       for( set<string>::const_iterator 
00195              i=includeSet.begin();i!=includeSet.end();i++ )
00196         cout << "\"" << *i << "\"" << " ";
00197       cout << endl;
00198     }
00199   }
00201   // exclude variables
00202   set<string> excludeSet;
00203   if( !excludeList.empty() ) {
00204     vector<vector<string> > excludeVars;
00205     SprStringParser::parseToStrings(excludeList.c_str(),excludeVars);
00206     assert( !excludeVars.empty() );
00207     for( int i=0;i<excludeVars[0].size();i++ ) 
00208       excludeSet.insert(excludeVars[0][i]);
00209     if( !reader->chooseAllBut(excludeSet) ) {
00210       cerr << "Unable to exclude variables from training set." << endl;
00211       return 2;
00212     }
00213     else {
00214       cout << "Following variables have been excluded from optimization: ";
00215       for( set<string>::const_iterator 
00216              i=excludeSet.begin();i!=excludeSet.end();i++ )
00217         cout << "\"" << *i << "\"" << " ";
00218       cout << endl;
00219     }
00220   }
00222   // read training data from file
00223   auto_ptr<SprAbsFilter> filter(reader->read(trFile.c_str()));
00224   if( filter.get() == 0 ) {
00225     cerr << "Unable to read data from file " << trFile.c_str() << endl;
00226     return 2;
00227   }
00228   vector<string> vars;
00229   filter->vars(vars);
00230   cout << "Read data from file " << trFile.c_str() 
00231        << " for variables";
00232   for( int i=0;i<vars.size();i++ ) 
00233     cout << " \"" << vars[i].c_str() << "\"";
00234   cout << endl;
00235   cout << "Total number of points read: " << filter->size() << endl;
00237   // filter training data by class
00238   vector<SprClass> inputClasses;
00239   if( !filter->filterByClass(inputClassesString.c_str()) ) {
00240     cerr << "Cannot choose input classes for string " 
00241          << inputClassesString << endl;
00242     return 2;
00243   }
00244   filter->classes(inputClasses);
00245   assert( inputClasses.size() > 1 );
00246   cout << "Training data filtered by class." << endl;
00247   for( int i=0;i<inputClasses.size();i++ ) {
00248     cout << "Points in class " << inputClasses[i] << ":   " 
00249          << filter->ptsInClass(inputClasses[i]) << endl;
00250   }
00252   // print out variables
00253   assert( vars.size() == filter->dim() );
00254   cout << "=================================" << endl;
00255   cout << "Input variables:" << endl;
00256   for( int i=0;i<vars.size();i++ )
00257     cout << i << " " << vars[i] << endl;
00258   cout << "=================================" << endl;
00260   // scale weights
00261   if( scaleWeights )
00262     filter->scaleWeights(inputClasses[1],sW);
00264   // apply transformation of variables to data
00265   auto_ptr<SprAbsFilter> garbage_train;
00266   if( !transformerFile.empty() ) {
00267     SprVarTransformerReader transReader;
00268     const SprAbsVarTransformer* t =;
00269     if( t == 0 ) {
00270       cerr << "Unable to read VarTransformer from file "
00271            << transformerFile.c_str() << endl;
00272       return 2;
00273     }
00274     SprTransformerFilter* t_train = new SprTransformerFilter(filter.get());
00275     bool replaceOriginalData = true;
00276     if( !t_train->transform(t,replaceOriginalData) ) {
00277       cerr << "Unable to apply VarTransformer to training data." << endl;
00278       return 2;
00279     }
00280     cout << "Variable transformation from file "
00281          << transformerFile.c_str() << " has been applied to data." << endl;
00282     garbage_train.reset(filter.release());
00283     filter.reset(t_train);
00284   }
00286   // make optimization criterion
00287   auto_ptr<SprAbsTwoClassCriterion> crit;
00288   switch( iCrit )
00289     {
00290     case 1 :
00291       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassIDFraction);
00292       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00293            << "Fraction of correctly classified events " << endl;
00294       break;
00295     case 2 :
00296       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassSignalSignif);
00297       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00298            << "Signal significance S/sqrt(S+B) " << endl;
00299       break;
00300     case 3 :
00301       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassPurity);
00302       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00303            << "Purity S/(S+B) " << endl;
00304       break;
00305     case 4 :
00306       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassTaggerEff);
00307       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00308            << "Tagging efficiency Q = e*(1-2w)^2 " << endl;
00309       break;
00310     case 5 :
00311       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassGiniIndex);
00312       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00313            << "Gini index  -1+p^2+q^2 " << endl;
00314       break;
00315     case 6 :
00316       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassCrossEntropy);
00317       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00318            << "Cross-entropy p*log(p)+q*log(q) " << endl;
00319       break;
00320     case 7 :
00321       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassUniformPriorUL90);
00322       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00323            << "Inverse of 90% Bayesian upper limit with uniform prior" << endl;
00324       break;
00325     case 8 :
00326       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassBKDiscovery);
00327       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00328            << "Discovery potential 2*(sqrt(S+B)-sqrt(B))" << endl;
00329       break;
00330     case 9 :
00331       crit.reset(new SprTwoClassPunzi(bW));
00332       cout << "Optimization criterion set to "
00333            << "Punzi's sensitivity S/(0.5*nSigma+sqrt(B))" << endl;
00334       break;
00335     default :
00336       cerr << "Unable to make initialization criterion." << endl;
00337       return 3;
00338     }
00340   // always compute covariance matrix for all supplied variables
00341   SprSymMatrix cov;
00342   SprVector mean;
00343   SprDataMoments moms(filter.get());
00345   // identify useless variables
00346   if( !moms.covariance(cov,mean) ) {
00347     cerr << "Unable to compute covariance matrix for entire data." << endl;
00348     return 4;
00349   }
00350   cout << "Variables with zero variance:    ";
00351   for( int i=0;i<vars.size();i++ ) {
00352     if( cov[i][i] < SprUtils::eps() ) 
00353       cout << vars[i].c_str() << ",";
00354   }
00355   cout << endl;
00357   // do background and signal
00358   for( int c=0;c<2;c++ ) {
00359     vector<SprClass> classes(1);
00360     classes[0] = inputClasses[c];
00361     filter->chooseClasses(classes);
00362     if( !filter->filter() ) {
00363       cerr << "Unable to filter class " << c << endl;
00364       return 4;
00365     }
00366     if( !moms.covariance(cov,mean) ) {
00367       cerr << "Unable to compute covariance matrix for input variables." 
00368            << endl;
00369       return 4;
00370     }
00371     // output
00372     cout << "===============================================" << endl;
00373     cout << "Covariance matrix computed with " 
00374          << filter->ptsInClass(classes[0]) << " events." << endl;
00375     cout << "Input variable correlations in class " << c << ":" << endl;
00376     cout << "Column  ";
00377     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ )
00378       cout << setw(10) << i << " ";
00379     cout << endl;
00380     cout << "--------";
00381     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ )
00382       cout << setw(10) << "----------" << "-";
00383     cout << endl;
00384     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00385       cout << "Row " << i << " |    ";
00386       for( int j=0;j<filter->dim();j++ )
00387         cout << setw(10) << cov[i][j]/sqrt(cov[i][i])/sqrt(cov[j][j]) << " ";
00388       cout << endl;
00389     }
00390     cout << "===============================================" << endl;
00391   }
00392   filter->clear();
00394   // compute correlation with the class label
00395   vector<double> corrLabel(filter->dim()); 
00396   vector<pair<double,int> > absCorrLabel(filter->dim());
00397   double meani(0), vari(0);
00398   for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00399     corrLabel[i] = moms.correlClassLabel(i,meani,vari);
00400     absCorrLabel[i] = pair<double,int>(fabs(corrLabel[i]),i);
00401   }
00402   stable_sort(absCorrLabel.begin(),absCorrLabel.end(),not2(SEACmpPairFirst()));
00403   cout << "===============================================" << endl;
00404   cout << "Correlations with class label:" << endl;
00405   for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00406     int k = absCorrLabel[i].second;
00407     cout << setw(40) << vars[k] << " " << setw(10) << corrLabel[k] << endl;
00408   }
00409   cout << "===============================================" << endl;
00411   // compute correlation of the absolute value with the class label
00412   vector<double> corrLabel2(filter->dim()); 
00413   vector<pair<double,int> > absCorrLabel2(filter->dim());
00414   double meani2(0), vari2(0);
00415   for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00416     corrLabel2[i] = moms.absCorrelClassLabel(i,meani2,vari2);
00417     absCorrLabel2[i] = pair<double,int>(fabs(corrLabel2[i]),i);
00418   }
00419   stable_sort(absCorrLabel2.begin(),absCorrLabel2.end(),
00420               not2(SEACmpPairFirst()));
00421   cout << "===============================================" << endl;
00422   cout << "Correlations of absolute values with class label:" << endl;
00423   for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00424     int k = absCorrLabel2[i].second;
00425     cout << setw(40) << vars[k] << " " << setw(10) << corrLabel2[k] << endl;
00426   }
00427   cout << "===============================================" << endl;
00429   // find optimal 1D intervals
00430   vector<pair<double,int> > fom(filter->dim(),
00431                                 pair<double,int>(SprUtils::min(),-1));
00432   vector<const SprTrainedDecisionTree*> trained(filter->dim(),0);
00433   vector<double> w1vec(filter->dim()), w0vec(filter->dim());
00434   // prepare dummy 1D data
00435   SprData tempData("myDummy1Ddata",vector<string>(1,"dummy"));
00436   vector<double> x(1);
00437   for( int j=0;j<filter->size();j++ ) {
00438     const SprPoint* p = (*filter.get())[j];
00439     x[0] = p->x_[0];
00440     tempData.insert(p->index_,p->class_,x);
00441   }
00442   // get weights
00443   vector<double> weights;
00444   filter->weights(weights);
00445   // make dummy filter
00446   SprEmptyFilter tempFilter(&tempData,weights);
00447   tempFilter.chooseClasses(inputClasses);
00448   // loop through dimensions
00449   for( int d=0;d<filter->dim();d++ ) {
00450     if( d != 0 ) {
00451       for( int j=0;j<filter->size();j++ )
00452         tempFilter[j]->x_[0] = (*filter.get())[j]->x_[d];
00453     }
00454     // make new hunter
00455     cout << "Optimizing interval in dimension " << d << endl;
00456     SprBumpHunter hunter(&tempFilter,crit.get(),1,int(0.01*filter->size()),1.);
00457     if( !hunter.train() ) {
00458       cerr << "Unable to train interval for dimension " << d << endl;
00459       continue;
00460     }
00461     const SprTrainedDecisionTree* t = hunter.makeTrained();
00462     trained[d] = t;
00463     // count accepted and rejected events
00464     double wmis0(0), wcor0(0), wmis1(0), wcor1(0);
00465     for( int j=0;j<filter->size();j++ ) {
00466       const SprPoint* p = tempFilter[j];
00467       double w = tempFilter.w(j);
00468       if(      p->class_ == inputClasses[0] ) {
00469         if( t->accept(p) )
00470           wmis0 += w;
00471         else
00472           wcor0 += w;
00473       }
00474       else if( p->class_ == inputClasses[1] ) {
00475         if( t->accept(p) )
00476           wcor1 += w;
00477         else
00478           wmis1 += w;
00479       }
00480     }
00481     fom[d] = pair<double,int>(crit->fom(wcor0,wmis0,wcor1,wmis1),d);
00482     w1vec[d] = wcor1;
00483     w0vec[d] = wmis0;
00484   }
00486   // sort FOMs
00487   stable_sort(fom.begin(),fom.end(),not2(SEACmpPairFirst()));
00489   // print out boxes
00490   double w0 = filter->weightInClass(inputClasses[0]);
00491   double w1 = filter->weightInClass(inputClasses[1]);
00492   double fmin = crit->fom(0,w0,w1,0);
00493   double fmax = crit->fom(0,0,w1,0);
00494   cout << "Possible FOM range: " << fmin << " " << fmax << endl;
00495   for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00496     SprBox limits;
00497     int k = fom[i].second;
00498     if( k>=0 && trained[k]!=0 ) trained[k]->box(0,limits);
00499     SprBox::const_iterator iter = limits.find(0);
00500     if( iter != limits.end() ) {
00501       cout << i << "   FOM= " << setw(8) << fom[i].first 
00502            << " for variable \"" << setw(15) << vars[k] << "\""
00503            << " with acceptance interval " 
00504            << setw(10) << iter->second.first << " " 
00505            << setw(10) << iter->second.second 
00506            << "    W0=" << w0vec[k] << "  W1=" << w1vec[k] << endl;
00507     }
00508   }
00510   // compute correlations
00511   if( computeCorr ) {
00512     SprSymMatrix corr(filter->dim());
00513     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00514       int c1 = fom[i].second;
00515       if( c1<0 || trained[c1]==0 ) {
00516         cerr << "Unable to compute correlations: "
00517              << "There are uncomputed intervals." << endl;
00518         cleanup(trained);
00519         return 5;
00520       }
00521       for( int j=i+1;j<filter->dim();j++ ) {
00522         int c2 = fom[j].second;
00523         if( c2<0 || trained[c2]==0 ) {
00524           cerr << "Unable to compute correlations: "
00525                << "There are uncomputed intervals." << endl;
00526           cleanup(trained);
00527           return 5;
00528         }
00529         double a(0), b(0), c(0), d(0);
00530         for( int k=0;k<filter->size();k++ ) {
00531           const SprPoint* p = (*filter.get())[k];
00532           double w = filter->w(k);
00533           vector<double> x1(1), x2(1);
00534           x1[0] = p->x_[c1];
00535           x2[0] = p->x_[c2];
00536           if(      p->class_ == inputClasses[0] ) {
00537             if( trained[c1]->accept(x1) ) {
00538               if( trained[c2]->accept(x2) )
00539                 d += w;
00540               else
00541                 c += w;
00542             }
00543             else {
00544               if( trained[c2]->accept(x2) )
00545                 b += w;
00546               else
00547                 a += w;
00548             }
00549           }
00550           else if( p->class_ == inputClasses[1] ) {
00551             if( trained[c1]->accept(x1) ) {
00552               if( trained[c2]->accept(x2) )
00553                 a += w;
00554               else
00555                 b += w;
00556             }
00557             else {
00558               if( trained[c2]->accept(x2) )
00559                 c += w;
00560               else
00561                 d += w;
00562             }
00563           }
00564         }
00565         if( (a+b)<SprUtils::eps() || (c+d)<SprUtils::eps()
00566             || (a+c)<SprUtils::eps() || (b+d)<SprUtils::eps() ) {
00567           cerr << "Unable to compute correlations: One of the sums is zero." 
00568                << endl;
00569           cleanup(trained);
00570           return 5;
00571         }
00572         corr[i][j] = (a*d-b*c) / sqrt((a+b)*(c+d)*(a+c)*(b+d));
00573       }
00574       corr[i][i] = 1;
00575     }
00576     // output
00577     cout << "Interval correlations: " << endl;
00578     cout << "Column  ";
00579     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ )
00580       cout << setw(10) << i << " ";
00581     cout << endl;
00582     cout << "--------";
00583     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ )
00584       cout << setw(10) << "----------" << "-";
00585     cout << endl;
00586     for( int i=0;i<filter->dim();i++ ) {
00587       cout << "Row " << i << " |    ";
00588       for( int j=0;j<filter->dim();j++ )
00589         cout << setw(10) << corr[i][j] << " ";
00590       cout << endl;
00591     }
00592   }
00594   // clean up
00595   cleanup(trained);
00597   // exit
00598   return 0;
00599 }

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