Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
00002 #include "RecoMET/METAlgorithms/interface/GenSpecificAlgo.h"
00004 using namespace reco;
00005 using namespace std;
00007 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00008 // This algorithm adds calorimeter specific global event information to 
00009 // the MET object which may be useful/needed for MET Data Quality Monitoring
00010 // and MET cleaning.  This list is not exhaustive and additional 
00011 // information will be added in the future. 
00012 //-------------------------------------
00013 //reco::GenMET GenSpecificAlgo::addInfo(const CandidateCollection *particles, CommonMETData met)
00014 reco::GenMET GenSpecificAlgo::addInfo(edm::Handle<edm::View<Candidate> > particles, CommonMETData met)
00015 { 
00016   // Instantiate the container to hold the calorimeter specific information
00017   SpecificGenMETData specific;
00018   // Initialise the container 
00019   specific.m_EmEnergy        = 0.0;        // EM Energy
00020   specific.m_HadEnergy       = 0.0;        // Hadronic Energy
00021   specific.m_InvisibleEnergy = 0.0;        // Invisible energy
00022   specific.m_AuxiliaryEnergy = 0.0;        // Other Energy
00023   // Instantiate containers for the MET candidate and initialise them with
00024   // the MET information in "met" (of type CommonMETData)
00025   const LorentzVector p4( met.mex, met.mey, 0.0, met.met );
00026   const Point vtx( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
00027   // Create and return an object of type GenMET, which is a MET object with 
00028   // the extra calorimeter specfic information added
00029   GenMET specificmet( specific, met.sumet, p4, vtx );
00030   return specificmet;
00031 }
00032 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------

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