Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #
00002 # cfi for various mappings of the L1 GT boards
00003 #
00005 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00007 l1GtBoardMaps = cms.ESProducer("L1GtBoardMapsTrivialProducer",
00009     # list of all boards in the L1 GT system
00010     # multiple boards must appear as many time as they exist in the system
00011     BoardList = cms.vstring(
00012         'GTFE', 
00013         'FDL', 
00014         'PSB', 'PSB', 'PSB', 'PSB', 'PSB', 'PSB', 'PSB', 
00015         'GMT', 
00016         'TCS', 
00017         'TIM'),
00019     # board index - it starts with 0  
00020     BoardIndex = cms.vint32(
00021         0, 
00022         0, 
00023         0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
00024         0, 
00025         0, 
00026         0),
00028     # L1 GT DAQ record map
00029     # boards not in the record have negative index
00030     BoardPositionDaqRecord = cms.vint32(
00031          1, 
00032          2, 
00033          3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 
00034         10, 
00035         -1, 
00036         -1),
00038     # L1 GT EVM record map
00039     # boards not in the record have negative index
00040     BoardPositionEvmRecord = cms.vint32(
00041          1, 
00042          3, 
00043         -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
00044         -1, 
00045          2, 
00046         -1),
00048     # L1 GT "active boards" map for DAQ record
00049     # boards not in the record have negative index
00050     ActiveBoardsDaqRecord = cms.vint32(
00051         -1, 
00052          0, 
00053          1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
00054          8, 
00055         -1, 
00056         -1),
00058     # L1 GT "active boards" map for EVM record
00059     # boards not in the record have negative index
00060     ActiveBoardsEvmRecord = cms.vint32(
00061         -1, 
00062          1, 
00063         -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 
00064         -1, 
00065          0,
00066         -1),
00068     # L1 GT board - slot map
00069     # boards not in the map have negative index
00070     BoardSlotMap = cms.vint32(
00071         17, 
00072         10, 
00073          9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 
00074         18, 
00075          7, 
00076         16),
00078     # L1 GT board name in hw record map
00079     # boards not in the map have negative index
00080       BoardHexNameMap = cms.vint32(
00081         0x00,
00082         0xfd, 
00083         0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb,
00084         0xdd,
00085         0xcc,
00086         0xad),
00088     # L1 quadruplet (4x16 bits)(cable) to PSB input map
00089     # see L1GlobalTriggerPSB::fillPsbBlock
00090     # summary
00091     #CableList = cms.vstring( N/A,        N/A,         N/A,      TTr_ch0/1,  // PSB_0 slot  9
00092     #                    CA1_ch6/7    CA2_ch4/5 ,  CA3_ch2/3,    CA4_ch0/1,  // PSB_1 slot 13
00093     #                    CA5_ch6/7    CA6_ch4/5 ,  CA7_ch2/3,    CA8_ch0/1,  // PSB_2 slot 14
00094     #                    N/A,         N/A,         CA9_ch2/3,   CA10_ch0/1,  // PSB_3 slot 15
00095     #                   MQF4_ch6/7,  MQF3_ch4/5,  MQB2_ch2/3,   MQB1_ch0/1,  // PSB_4 slot 19
00096     #                   MQF8_ch6/7,  MQF7_ch4/5,  MQB6_ch2/3,   MQB5_ch0/1,  // PSB_5 slot 20
00097     #                   MQF12_ch6/7,MQF11_ch4/5, MQB10_ch2/3,   MQB9_ch0/1   // PSB_6 slot 21
00098     #),
00099     CableList = cms.vstring('Free',      'Free',       'Free',    'TechTr', 
00100                           'IsoEGQ',  'NoIsoEGQ',    'CenJetQ',   'ForJetQ', 
00101                          'TauJetQ',    'ESumsQ',        'HfQ',      'Free', 
00102                             'Free',      'Free',       'Free',      'Free', 
00103                             'MQF4',      'MQF3',       'MQB2',      'MQB1', 
00104                             'MQF8',      'MQF7',       'MQB6',      'MQB5', 
00105                            'MQF12',     'MQF11',      'MQB10',      'MQB9'),
00107     # gives the mapping of cables to GT PSBs via PSB index
00108     # 4 infinicables per PSB 
00109     CableToPsbMap = cms.vint32(0, 0, 0, 0,
00110                                1, 1, 1, 1, 
00111                                2, 2, 2, 2, 
00112                                3, 3, 3, 3, 
00113                                4, 4, 4, 4, 
00114                                5, 5, 5, 5, 
00115                                6, 6, 6, 6)
00116 )

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