00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version: 00002 00003 # Primary trajectories producer 00004 00005 # Nuclear seeds producer 00006 00007 # Secondary tracks producer 00008 00009 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00010 00011 nuclearInteractionMaker = cms.EDProducer("NuclearInteractionEDProducer", 00012 seedsProducer = cms.string('nuclearSeed'), 00013 # chi2 cut on secondary tracks 00014 chi2Cut = cms.double(100.0), 00015 # Minimum distance between primary and secondary tracks 00016 # all secondary tracks with distance > minDistFromPrimary 00017 # are rejected 00018 minDistFromPrimary = cms.double(100.0), 00019 secondaryProducer = cms.string('nuclearWithMaterialTracks'), 00020 primaryProducer = cms.string('TrackRefitter') 00021 ) 00022 00023