Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // File: ChargeDividerFP420
00003 // Date: 12.2006
00004 // Description: ChargeDividerFP420  for FP420
00005 // Modifications: std::
00007 #include "SimRomanPot/SimFP420/interface/ChargeDividerFP420.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/LocalPoint.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/LocalVector.h"
00011 //#include "SimDataFormats/TrackingHit/interface/PSimHit.h"
00012 //#include "SimDataFormats/TrackingHit/interface/PSimHitContainer.h"
00014 using namespace std;
00015 #include<vector>
00016 //#define mydigidebug3
00017 //#define mydigidebug33
00019 // unpacking variable - zside - Left or Right planes
00021 //DigitizerFP420::DigitizerFP420(const edm::ParameterSet& conf):conf_(conf),stripDigitizer_(new FP420DigiMain(conf)) 
00022 ChargeDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420(double pit, double az420, double azD2, double azD3){
00023   //                           pit - is really moduleThickness here !!!
00024 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00025 cout << "ChargeDividerFP420.h: constructor" << endl;
00026 cout << "peakMode = " << peakMode << "fluctuateCharge=   "<< fluctuateCharge <<  "chargedivisionsPerHit = "  << chargedivisionsPerHit << "deltaCut=   "<< deltaCut << endl;
00027 #endif
00028   // Initialization:
00029   theFP420NumberingScheme = new FP420NumberingScheme();
00032   // Run APV in peak instead of deconvolution mode, which degrades the time resolution
00033 //  peakMode=true ; //     APVpeakmode
00034   peakMode=false; //  peakMode=true -->  APVconvolutionmode
00035   decoMode=false;//  decoMode=true -->  deconvolution mode
00036   // Enable interstrip Landau fluctuations within a cluster.
00037   fluctuateCharge=true;   
00039   // Number of segments per strip into which charge is divided during simulation.
00040   // If large the precision of simulation improves.
00041   chargedivisionsPerHit=10; // = or =20
00043   // delta cutoff in MeV, has to be same as in OSCAR (0.120425 MeV corresponding // to 100um range for electrons)
00044   //SimpleConfigurable<double>  ChargeDividerFP420::deltaCut(0.120425,
00045   deltaCut=0.120425;  //  DeltaProductionCut
00047   pitchcur= pit;// pitchcur - is really moduleThickness here !!!
00049   // but position before Stations:
00050   z420 = az420;  // dist between centers of 1st and 2nd stations
00051   zD2 = azD2;  // dist between centers of 1st and 2nd stations
00052   zD3 = azD3;  // dist between centers of 1st and 3rd stations
00056   //                                                                                                                           .
00057   //                                                                                                                           .
00058   //  -300     -209.2             -150              -90.8                        0                                           +300
00059   //                                                                                                                           .
00060   //            X  | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | X                        station                                          .
00061   //                   8*13.3+ 2*6 = 118.4                                    center                                           .
00062   //                                                                                                                           .
00063   //zStationBegPos[0] = -150. - (118.4+10.)/2 + z420; // 10. -arbitrary
00064   zStationBegPos[0] = -40. + z420; // 5 superplanes per station 79.7mm: -40.- left edge of Station
00065   zStationBegPos[1] = zStationBegPos[0]+zD2;
00066   zStationBegPos[2] = zStationBegPos[0]+zD3;
00067   zStationBegPos[3] = zStationBegPos[0]+2*zD3;
00069 }
00071 // Virtual destructor needed.
00072 ChargeDividerFP420::~ChargeDividerFP420() { 
00073 //  if(verbosity>0) {
00074 //    std::cout << "Destroying a ChargeDividerFP420" << std::endl;
00075 //  }
00076   delete theFP420NumberingScheme;
00078 }  
00079 CDividerFP420::ionization_type 
00080 ChargeDividerFP420::divide(
00081                               const PSimHit& hit, const double& pitchcur) {
00082   // !!!
00083   //                                       pitchcur - is really moduleThickness here !!!
00084   // !!!
00088   // sign "-" mean not the same as "+" for middle point !!!
00089 //  G4ThreeVector direction = hit.getExitLocalP() - hit.getEntryLocalP();
00090   LocalVector direction = hit.exitPoint() - hit.entryPoint();
00091 //   G4ThreeVector direction = hit.exitPoint() - hit.entryPoint();
00093 //  LocalVector direction = hit.exitPoint() - hit.entryPoint();
00094   // direction.mag() - length or (size of path) of the hit; direction/direction.mag() - cosines of direction
00096 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00097 std::cout << " CDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420:divide: direction= " << direction << std::endl;
00098 std::cout << " CDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420:divide: direction.mag = " << direction.mag() << std::endl;
00099 std::cout << " obtained as ExitLocalP = " << hit.getExitLocalP() << "  -  "<<  "  EntryLocalP = "  << hit.getEntryLocalP() << std::endl;
00100 std::cout << "  pitchcur= " << pitchcur << std::endl;
00101 std::cout << "  peakMode = " << peakMode << "  decoMode = " << decoMode << "  fluctuateCharge=   "<< fluctuateCharge <<  "  chargedivisionsPerHit = "  << chargedivisionsPerHit << "  deltaCut=   "<< deltaCut << std::endl;
00102 #endif
00104   int NumberOfSegmentation =  
00106 //     (int)(1+chargedivisionsPerHit*fabs(direction.x())/pitchcur); // equidistant in X
00107 //    (int)(1+chargedivisionsPerHit*fabs(direction.z())/pitchcur); // equidistant in Z, but why?
00109     (int)(1+chargedivisionsPerHit*direction.mag()/pitchcur); // equidistant over hit path
00111 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00112 std::cout << "NumberOfSegmentation= " << NumberOfSegmentation << std::endl;
00113 #endif
00115   float eLoss = hit.energyLoss();  // Eloss in GeV
00116   //  float eLoss = hit.getEnergyLoss();  // Eloss in GeV
00117 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00118 std::cout << "CDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420:divide: eLoss=  " << eLoss << std::endl;
00119 #endif
00121   //
00122   //     return the energyLoss weighted CR-RC shape peaked at t0.(PeakShape)
00123   //     return the energyLoss weighted with a gaussian centered at t0 (DeconvolutionShape)
00124   float decSignal = TimeResponse(hit);
00125 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00126 std::cout << "CDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420:divide: decSignal=  " << decSignal << std::endl;
00127 #endif
00129   ionization_type _ionization_points;
00131   _ionization_points.resize(NumberOfSegmentation);
00133   float energy;
00135   // Fluctuate charge in track subsegments
00136   float* eLossVector = new float[NumberOfSegmentation];
00138 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00139 std::cout << "CDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420:divide:  resize done; then, fluctuateCharge ? = " << fluctuateCharge << std::endl;
00140 #endif
00141   if( fluctuateCharge ) {
00142     //    int pid = hit.getParticleType();
00143     //    float momentum = hit.getPabs();
00144     int pid = hit.particleType();
00145     float momentum = hit.pabs();
00146     float length = direction.mag();  // length or (size of path) of the hit;
00147 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00148 std::cout << "pid= " << pid << "momentum= " << momentum << "eLoss= " << eLoss << "length= " << length << std::endl;
00149 #endif
00150     fluctuateEloss(pid, momentum, eLoss, length, NumberOfSegmentation, eLossVector);   
00151   }
00153   for ( int i = 0; i != NumberOfSegmentation; i++) {
00154     if( fluctuateCharge ) {
00155       energy=eLossVector[i]*decSignal/eLoss;
00156       EnergySegmentFP420 edu(energy,hit.entryPoint()+float((i+0.5)/NumberOfSegmentation)*direction);//take energy value from vector eLossVector  
00157       //   EnergySegmentFP420 edu(energy,hit.getEntryLocalP()+float((i+0.5)/NumberOfSegmentation)*direction);//take energy value from vector eLossVector  
00158       _ionization_points[i] = edu; //save
00159     }else{
00160       energy=decSignal/float(NumberOfSegmentation);
00161        EnergySegmentFP420 edu(energy,hit.entryPoint()+float((i+0.5)/NumberOfSegmentation)*direction);//take energy value from eLoss average over n.segments 
00162        // EnergySegmentFP420 edu(energy,hit.getEntryLocalP()+float((i+0.5)/NumberOfSegmentation)*direction);//take energy value from eLoss average over n.segments 
00163       _ionization_points[i] = edu; //save
00164     }
00165   }
00167 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00168 std::cout << "CDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420:divide:  !!!  RESULT !!!" << std::endl;
00169     std::cout <<  " _ionization_points size = " << _ionization_points.size() << std::endl;
00170   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _ionization_points.size(); i++ ) {
00171     std::cout <<  " eLossVector[i] i = " << i << eLossVector[i] << std::endl;
00172   }
00173 #endif
00175   delete[] eLossVector;
00176   return _ionization_points;
00177 }
00179 void ChargeDividerFP420::fluctuateEloss(int pid, float particleMomentum, 
00180                                       float eloss, float length, 
00181                                       int NumberOfSegs,float elossVector[]) {
00183   // Get dedx for this track
00184   float dedx;
00185 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00186 std::cout << "fluctuateEloss: eloss=  " << eloss << "length=  " << length << "NumberOfSegs=  " << NumberOfSegs << std::endl;
00187 #endif
00188   if( length > 0.) dedx = eloss/length;
00189   else dedx = eloss;
00191   //  double particleMass = 139.57; // Mass in MeV, Assume pion
00192   double particleMass = 938.271; // Mass in MeV, Assume proton   ----  AZ
00193   //  if( particleTable->getParticleData(pid) ) {  // Get mass from the PDTable
00194   //    particleMass = 1000. * particleTable->getParticleData(pid)->mass(); //Conv. GeV to MeV
00195   //  }
00196   pid = abs(pid);
00197   if(pid==11) particleMass = 0.511;         // Mass in MeV
00198   else if(pid==13) particleMass = 105.658;
00199   else if(pid==211) particleMass = 139.570;
00200 //  else if(pid==2212) particleMass = 938.271;
00202   float segmentLength = length/NumberOfSegs;
00204   // Generate charge fluctuations.
00205   float de=0.;
00206   float sum=0.;
00207   double segmentEloss = (1000.*eloss)/NumberOfSegs; //eloss in MeV
00208 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00209 std::cout << "segmentLength=  " << segmentLength << "segmentEloss=  " << segmentEloss << std::endl;
00210 #endif
00212   for (int i=0;i<NumberOfSegs;i++) {
00213     // The G4 routine needs momentum in MeV, mass in Mev, delta-cut in MeV,
00214     // track segment length in mm(!!!), segment eloss in MeV 
00215     // Returns fluctuated eloss in MeV
00216     //    double deltaCutoff = deltaCut.value(); // the cutoff is sometimes redefined inside, so fix it.
00217     double deltaCutoff = deltaCut;
00218     de = fluctuate.SampleFluctuations(double(particleMomentum*1000.),
00219                                       particleMass, deltaCutoff, 
00220                                       double(segmentLength),
00221                                       segmentEloss )/1000.; //convert to GeV
00222     elossVector[i]=de;
00223     sum +=de;
00224   }
00226 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00227 std::cout << "sum=  " << sum << std::endl;
00228 #endif
00229   if(sum>0.) {  // If fluctuations give eloss>0.
00230     // Rescale to the same total eloss
00231     float ratio = eloss/sum;
00232     for (int ii=0;ii<NumberOfSegs;ii++) elossVector[ii]= ratio*elossVector[ii];
00233   } else {  // If fluctuations gives 0 eloss
00234     float averageEloss = eloss/NumberOfSegs;
00235     for (int ii=0;ii<NumberOfSegs;ii++) elossVector[ii]= averageEloss; 
00236   }
00237   return;
00238 }
00240 float ChargeDividerFP420::TimeResponse( const PSimHit& hit ) {
00241   if (peakMode) {
00242 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00243 std::cout << "ChargeDividerFP420:TimeResponse: call of PeakShape" << std::endl;
00244 #endif
00245     return this->PeakShape( hit );
00246   } else if (decoMode) {
00247 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00248 std::cout << "ChargeDividerFP420:TimeResponse: call of DeconvolutionShape" << std::endl;
00249 #endif
00250     return this->DeconvolutionShape( hit );
00251   } else {
00252 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00253 std::cout << "ChargeDividerFP420:TimeResponse: no any  Shape" << std::endl;
00254 #endif
00255 //    return hit.getEnergyLoss();
00256     return hit.energyLoss();
00258   }
00259 }
00260 float ChargeDividerFP420::PeakShape(const PSimHit& hit){
00261   // 
00262   // Aim:     return the energyLoss weighted CR-RC shape peaked at t0.
00263   // 
00265   //   float xEntry = hit.getX() - hit.getVx();
00266   //  float yEntry = hit.getY() - hit.getVy();
00267   //  float zEntry = hit.getZ() - hit.getVz();
00268     float xEntry = 0.5;
00269     float yEntry = 0.5;
00270     float zEntry = 1000.;
00272     // unsigned int unitID = hit.getUnitID();
00273     unsigned int unitID = hit.detUnitId();
00274     //      int sScale = 20;
00275       int det, zside, sector, zmodule;
00276       FP420NumberingScheme::unpackFP420Index(unitID, det, zside, sector, zmodule);
00277 // intindex is a continues numbering of FP420
00278 //        int zScale=2;  unsigned int intindex = sScale*(sector - 1)+zScale*(zmodule - 1)+zside;
00279 //       int zScale=10; unsigned int intindex = sScale*(sector - 1)+zScale*(zside - 1)+zmodule;
00281   float RRR      = sqrt(xEntry*xEntry + yEntry*yEntry + zEntry*zEntry);
00282   float costheta = zEntry / RRR ;
00283   //  float theta    = acos(min(max(costheta,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
00284   //  float dist = hit.det().position().mag();
00285   //  float dist = hit.localPosition().mag();//AZ
00286   //  float dist = hit.getEntry().mag();
00287   //  float dist = hit.getEntryLocalP().mag();
00288   float dist     = (zStationBegPos[sector-1] - 420000.) / costheta;
00289   //  float dist     = (zStationBegPos[sector-1] - hit.getVz()) / costheta;
00290   dist     = dist/10.;// mm  --> cm as light velocity = 30 cm/ns
00291 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00292 std::cout << "sector=" << sector << std::endl;
00293 std::cout << "zmodule=" << zmodule << std::endl;
00294 std::cout << "zStationBegPos[sector-1]=" << zStationBegPos[sector-1] << std::endl;
00295 std::cout << "RRR=" << RRR << std::endl;
00296 std::cout << "costheta=" << costheta << std::endl;
00297 std::cout << "unitID=" << unitID << std::endl;
00298 //std::cout << "thetaEntry=" << thetaEntry << std::endl;
00299 //std::cout << "my theta=" << theta*180./3.1415927 << std::endl;
00300 std::cout << "dist found =" << dist << std::endl;
00301 #endif
00303   // Time when read out relative to time hit produced.
00304   float t0 = dist/30.;  // light velocity = 30 cm/ns
00305   float SigmaShape = 52.17; 
00306   //  float tofNorm = (hit.getTof() - t0)/SigmaShape;
00307   float tofNorm = (hit.tof() - t0)/SigmaShape;
00309   float readTimeNorm = -tofNorm;
00310   // return the energyLoss weighted with CR-RC shape peaked at t0.
00311 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00312 std::cout << "ChargeDividerFP420:PeakShape::dist=" << dist << std::endl;
00313 std::cout << "t0=" <<t0  << std::endl;
00314 std::cout << "hit.getTof()=" << hit.tof() << std::endl;
00315 std::cout << "tofNorm=" << tofNorm << std::endl;
00316 std::cout << "1 + readTimeNorm=" << 1 + readTimeNorm << std::endl;
00317 std::cout << "hit.getEnergyLoss()=" << hit.energyLoss()  << std::endl;
00318 std::cout << "(1 + readTimeNorm)*exp(-readTimeNorm)=" << (1 + readTimeNorm)*exp(-readTimeNorm)  << std::endl;
00319 std::cout << "return=" << hit.energyLoss()*(1 + readTimeNorm)*exp(-readTimeNorm)  << std::endl;
00320 #endif
00321   if (1 + readTimeNorm > 0) {
00322     //    return hit.energyLoss()*(1 + readTimeNorm)*exp(-readTimeNorm);
00323     return hit.energyLoss()*(1 + readTimeNorm)*exp(-readTimeNorm);
00324     //  return hit.getEnergyLoss()*(1 + readTimeNorm)*exp(-readTimeNorm);
00325   } else {
00326     return 0.;
00327   }
00328 }
00330 float ChargeDividerFP420::DeconvolutionShape(const PSimHit& hit){
00331   // 
00332   // Aim:     return the energyLoss weighted with a gaussian centered at t0 
00333   // 
00334   //   float xEntry = hit.getX() - hit.getVx();
00335   //  float yEntry = hit.getY() - hit.getVy();
00336   //  float zEntry = hit.getZ() - hit.getVz();
00337     float xEntry = 0.5;
00338     float yEntry = 0.5;
00339     float zEntry = 1000.;
00341     // unsigned int unitID = hit.getUnitID();
00342     unsigned int unitID = hit.detUnitId();
00343     //      int sScale = 20;
00344       int det, zside, sector, zmodule;
00345       FP420NumberingScheme::unpackFP420Index(unitID, det, zside, sector, zmodule);
00346 // intindex is a continues numbering of FP420
00347 //        int zScale=2;  unsigned int intindex = sScale*(sector - 1)+zScale*(zmodule - 1)+zside;
00348 //       int zScale=10; unsigned int intindex = sScale*(sector - 1)+zScale*(zside - 1)+zmodule;
00350   float RRR      = sqrt(xEntry*xEntry + yEntry*yEntry + zEntry*zEntry);
00351   float costheta = zEntry / RRR ;
00352   //  float theta    = acos(min(max(costheta,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
00353   //  float dist = hit.det().position().mag();
00354   //  float dist = hit.localPosition().mag();//AZ
00355   //  float dist = hit.getEntry().mag();
00356   //  float dist = hit.getEntryLocalP().mag();
00357   float dist     = (zStationBegPos[sector-1] - 420000.) / costheta;
00358   //  float dist     = (zStationBegPos[sector-1] - hit.getVz()) / costheta;
00359   dist     = dist/10.;// mm  --> cm as light velocity = 30 cm/ns
00360 #ifdef mydigidebug3
00361 std::cout << "sector=" << sector << std::endl;
00362 std::cout << "zmodule=" << zmodule << std::endl;
00363 std::cout << "zStationBegPos[sector-1]=" << zStationBegPos[sector-1] << std::endl;
00364 std::cout << "RRR=" << RRR << std::endl;
00365 std::cout << "costheta=" << costheta << std::endl;
00366 std::cout << "unitID=" << unitID << std::endl;
00367 //std::cout << "thetaEntry=" << thetaEntry << std::endl;
00368 //std::cout << "my theta=" << theta*180./3.1415927 << std::endl;
00369 std::cout << "dist found =" << dist << std::endl;
00370 #endif
00372     float t0 = dist/30.;  // light velocity = 30 cm/ns
00373   float SigmaShape = 12.; 
00374 //fun/pl 1*exp(-0.5*((0.1/30-x)/0.1)**2) 0. 0.08
00375 //  float SigmaShape = 22.; 
00376   //  float tofNorm = (hit.tof() - t0)/SigmaShape;
00377   float tofNorm = (hit.tof() - t0)/SigmaShape;
00378   // Time when read out relative to time hit produced.
00379   float readTimeNorm = -tofNorm;
00380   // return the energyLoss weighted with a gaussian centered at t0 
00381 //  return hit.energyLoss()*exp(-0.5*readTimeNorm*readTimeNorm);
00382 #ifdef mydigidebug33
00383 std::cout << "ChargeDividerFP420:DeconvolutionShape::dist=" << dist << std::endl;
00384 std::cout << "t0=" <<t0  << std::endl;
00385 std::cout << "hit.getTof()=" << hit.tof() << std::endl;
00386 std::cout << "tofNorm=" << tofNorm << std::endl;
00387 std::cout << "hit.getEnergyLoss()=" << hit.energyLoss()  << std::endl;
00388 std::cout << "exp(-0.5*readTimeNorm*readTimeNorm)=" << exp(-0.5*readTimeNorm*readTimeNorm)  << std::endl;
00389 std::cout << "return=" << hit.energyLoss()*exp(-0.5*readTimeNorm*readTimeNorm)  << std::endl;
00390 #endif
00391   return hit.energyLoss()*exp(-0.5*readTimeNorm*readTimeNorm);
00392   //  return hit.getEnergyLoss();
00393 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:47:51 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4