Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/IncludeFileFinder.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/standard.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00006 using namespace edmplugin;
00008 namespace edm {
00009   namespace pset {
00011     IncludeFileFinder::IncludeFileFinder()
00012     : thePluginManager(0),
00013       theLibraryMap()
00014     {
00015         if(!edmplugin::PluginManager::isAvailable()) {
00016           edmplugin::PluginManager::configure(edmplugin::standard::config());
00017         }
00018         thePluginManager = edmplugin::PluginManager::get();
00020         typedef edmplugin::PluginManager::CategoryToInfos CatToInfos;
00021         const std::string kCapability("Capability"); 
00022         const CatToInfos& catToInfos = thePluginManager->categoryToInfos();
00023         // map every module to its library.  Code copied from PluginDump
00024         for (CatToInfos::const_iterator it = catToInfos.begin(), itEnd=catToInfos.end();
00025              it != itEnd; ++it)
00026         {
00027           //NOTE: should filter so only look at the plugins used by the framework, but not looking at 
00028           // the dictionaries is a good first step
00029           if( kCapability == it->first) { continue; }
00030           for (edmplugin::PluginManager::Infos::const_iterator itInfo = it->second.begin(), itInfoEnd = it->second.end(); 
00031                itInfo != itInfoEnd; ++itInfo)
00032           {
00033             typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator LibMapItr;
00035             std::string moduleClass = itInfo->name_;
00036             std::pair<LibMapItr,LibMapItr> range = theLibraryMap.equal_range(moduleClass);
00037             if(range.first == range.second) {
00038               //the first match is the one to keep
00039               std::string libraryName = itInfo->loadable_.leaf();
00040               theLibraryMap.insert(range.first,std::make_pair(moduleClass,libraryName));
00041             }
00042           }
00043         }
00044     }
00046     edm::FileInPath IncludeFileFinder::find(const std::string & moduleClass, 
00047                                             const std::string & moduleLabel)
00048     {
00049       FileInPath result;
00050       std::string libraryName = libraryOf(moduleClass);
00051       std::string name = stripHeader(libraryName);
00052       name = stripTrailer(name);
00053       // parse around capital letters
00054       DomainPackagePair parsings
00055         = twoWordsFrom(name);
00057       for(DomainPackagePair::const_iterator wordPairItr = parsings.begin(), wordPairItrEnd = parsings.end();
00058           wordPairItr != wordPairItrEnd; ++wordPairItr)
00059       {
00060         std::string path = wordPairItr->first + "/" + wordPairItr->second + "/data/"
00061                       + moduleLabel + ".cfi";
00062         // see if there's a file with this name
00063         try
00064         {
00065           result = FileInPath(path);
00066           // no exception?  Good.  We have a winner.
00067           return result;
00068         }
00069         catch(edm::Exception & e)
00070         {
00071           // keep trying
00072         }
00073       }
00074       // nothing.  Throw
00075       throw edm::Exception(errors::Configuration, "IncludeFileFinder")
00076         << "Could not find file " << moduleLabel + ".cfi" << " in "
00077         << name;
00078        // just to suppress compiler warnings
00079        return result;
00080     }
00083     std::string IncludeFileFinder::libraryOf(const std::string & moduleClass)
00084     {
00085       std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator mapItr 
00086         = theLibraryMap.find(moduleClass);
00087       if(mapItr == theLibraryMap.end())
00088       {
00089         throw edm::Exception(errors::Configuration, "IncludeFileFinder")
00090           << "Cannot find " << moduleClass << " in the Edm Plugin list";
00091       }
00092       return mapItr->second;
00093     }
00096     std::string IncludeFileFinder::stripHeader(const std::string & libraryName)
00097     {
00098       // We expect a filename like ""
00099       // or
00100       // first strip off the "lib" or "plugin".
00101       std::string result;
00102       if(libraryName.substr(0, 3) == "lib")
00103       {
00104         // strip it off
00105         result = libraryName.substr(3, libraryName.size());
00106       }
00107       else if(libraryName.substr(0, 6) == "plugin")
00108       {
00109         result = libraryName.substr(6, libraryName.size());
00110       }
00111       else
00112       {
00113         edm::LogError("Configuration")
00114              << "Strange library name in IncludeFileFinder: "
00115              << libraryName << ", doesn't start with 'lib' or 'plugin'";
00116         // try to continue
00117         result = libraryName;
00118       }
00119       return result;
00120     }
00123     std::string IncludeFileFinder::stripTrailer(const std::string & libraryName)
00124     {
00125       std::string result;
00126       unsigned  pos = libraryName.find(".", 0);
00127       if(pos == std::string::npos)
00128       {
00129         edm::LogError("Configuration")
00130             << "Strange library name in IncludeFileFinder: "
00131             << libraryName << ", no dots";
00132         // try to continue
00133         result = libraryName;
00134       }
00135       else
00136       {
00137         // strip it off
00138         result = libraryName.substr(0, pos);
00139       }
00141       pos = result.length();
00142       // now get rid of the word "Plugins"
00143       if(result.substr(pos-7, pos) == "Plugins")
00144       {
00145         result = result.substr(0, pos-7);
00146       }
00147       return result;
00148     }
00151     IncludeFileFinder::DomainPackagePair
00152     IncludeFileFinder::twoWordsFrom(const std::string & name)
00153     {
00154       DomainPackagePair result;
00155       for(unsigned i = 1; i < name.size()-1 ; ++i) 
00156       {
00157         // split words at capital letters
00158         if(isupper(name[i]))
00159         {
00160           std::string firstWord = name.substr(0, i);
00161           std::string secondWord = name.substr(i, name.size()-i);
00162           result.push_back(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(firstWord, secondWord));
00163         }
00164       }
00165       return result;
00166     }      
00168   }
00169 } 

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