00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version: 00002 00003 #looper = IterateNTimesLooper{ 00004 # uint32 nTimes = 1000 00005 #} 00006 # source = HcalTBSource { 00007 # untracked vstring fileNames = {'file:/uscms_data/d1/wfisher/tmp_dat/USC_000274.root'} 00008 # untracked vstring streams = { 'HCAL_DCC719','HCAL_DCC721','HCAL_DCC723'} 00009 # } 00010 #source = EventStreamHttpReader 00011 # { 00012 # string sourceURL = "https://cmsroc9.fnal.gov:50082/urn:xdaq-application:lid=29" 00013 # string sourceURL = "https://lhc01n02.fnal.gov:50082/urn:xdaq-application:lid=29" 00014 # string sourceURL = "https://lhc01n02.fnal.gov:50082/urn:xdaq-application:lid=29" 00015 # string sourceURL = "https://lhc01n02.fnal.gov:50082/urn:xdaq-application:lid=29" 00016 # int32 max_event_size = 7000000 00017 # int32 max_queue_depth = 5 00018 # untracked string consumerName = "Test Consumer" 00019 # untracked string consumerPriority = "normal" 00020 # untracked int32 headerRetryInterval = 3 // seconds 00021 # untracked double maxEventRequestRate = 2.5 // hertz 00022 # untracked PSet SelectEvents = { vstring SelectEvents={"*"} } 00023 # } 00024 # source = EventStreamHttpReader 00025 # { 00026 # string sourceURL = "https://cmsdisk1.cms:48500/urn:xdaq-application:service=storagemanager" 00027 # int32 max_event_size = 7000000 00028 # int32 max_queue_depth = 5 00029 # untracked string consumerName = "Test Consumer" 00030 # untracked string consumerPriority = "normal" 00031 # untracked int32 headerRetryInterval = 3 // seconds 00032 # untracked double maxEventRequestRate = 100. // hertz 00033 # untracked PSet SelectEvents = { vstring SelectEvents= {"p2"} } 00034 # untracked PSet SelectEvents = { vstring SelectEvents= {"*"} } 00035 # } 00036 # source = PoolSource{ 00037 # untracked vstring fileNames={ 00038 # "file:/nfshome0/berryhil/CMSSW_1_6_0_DAQ1/src/GREJDigi.root" 00039 # "file:testSourceCardTextToRctDigi.root" 00040 #"file:/nfshome0/berryhil/CMSSW_1_4_0_DAQ1/src/testGt_Unpacker_output.root" 00041 # } 00042 # untracked bool debugVebosity = false 00043 # untracked uint32 debugVerbosity = 1 00044 # untracked int32 maxEvents = -1 00045 # } 00046 # 00047 # DQM SERVICES 00048 # 00049 00050 #include "DQM/l1TMonitor/data/debug.cff" 00051 # Message Logger service 00052 #include "FWCore/MessageService/data/MessageLogger.cfi" 00053 # uncomment / comment messages with DEBUG mode to run in DEBUG mode 00054 00055 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00056 00057 process = cms.Process("DQM") 00058 # 00059 # DQM SOURCES 00060 # 00061 process.load("DQM.l1TMonitor.L1TMonitor_cff") 00062 00063 process.load("DQM.l1TMonitorClient.L1TMonitorClient_cff") 00064 00065 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( 00066 input = cms.untracked.int32(-1) 00067 ) 00068 process.source = cms.Source("NewEventStreamFileReader", 00069 max_event_size = cms.int32(7000000), 00070 fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('file:GlobalNov07.00030212.0001.DTHcal.storageManager.0.0000.dat'), 00071 max_queue_depth = cms.int32(5) 00072 ) 00073 00074 process.ModuleWebRegistry = cms.Service("ModuleWebRegistry") 00075 00076 process.DaqMonitorROOTBackEnd = cms.Service("DaqMonitorROOTBackEnd") 00077 00078 process.LockService = cms.Service("LockService", 00079 labels = cms.untracked.vstring('source') 00080 ) 00081 00082 process.DQMShipMonitoring = cms.Service("DQMShipMonitoring", 00083 # event-period for shipping monitoring to collector (default: 25) 00084 period = cms.untracked.uint32(5) 00085 ) 00086 00087 process.MonitorDaemon = cms.Service("MonitorDaemon", 00088 # at cmsuaf 00089 DestinationAddress = cms.untracked.string('cmsroc2'), 00090 # on cms online cluster 00091 # untracked string DestinationAddress = "rubus2d16-13" 00092 # on lxplus 00093 # untracked string DestinationAddress = "lxplus211.cern.ch" 00094 SendPort = cms.untracked.int32(9090), 00095 # untracked bool AutoInstantiate = true 00096 reconnect_delay = cms.untracked.int32(5), 00097 NameAsSource = cms.untracked.string('L1T'), 00098 UpdateDelay = cms.untracked.int32(1000) 00099 ) 00100 00101 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger", 00102 testGt_Unpacker = cms.untracked.PSet( 00103 threshold = cms.untracked.string('DEBUG'), ## DEBUG mode 00104 00105 DEBUG = cms.untracked.PSet( ## DEBUG mode, all messages 00106 00107 limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1) 00108 ), 00109 # untracked PSet DEBUG = { untracked int32 limit = 10} // DEBUG mode, max 10 messages 00110 INFO = cms.untracked.PSet( 00111 limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1) 00112 ) 00113 ), 00114 destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('testGt_Unpacker') 00115 ) 00116 00117 process.options = cms.untracked.PSet( 00118 wantSummary = cms.untracked.bool(True) ## default is false 00119 00120 ) 00121