
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef SimG4Core_TrackWithHistory_H
00002 #define SimG4Core_TrackWithHistory_H 
00004 #include "G4Track.hh"
00005 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Vector3D.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
00008 class G4VProcess;
00009 class G4TrackToParticleID;
00014 class TrackWithHistory 
00015 {
00016 public:
00020     TrackWithHistory(const G4Track * g4track);
00021     ~TrackWithHistory() {}
00022     void save()                                     { saved_ = true; }
00023     unsigned int trackID() const                    { return trackID_; }
00024     int particleID() const                          { return particleID_; }
00025     int parentID() const                            { return parentID_; }
00026     int genParticleID() const                       { return genParticleID_; }
00027     const math::XYZVectorD & momentum() const       { return momentum_; }
00028     double totalEnergy() const                      { return totalEnergy_; }
00029     const math::XYZVectorD & vertexPosition() const { return vertexPosition_; }
00030     double globalTime() const                       { return globalTime_; }
00031     double localTime() const                        { return localTime_; }
00032     double properTime() const                       { return properTime_; }
00033     const G4VProcess * creatorProcess() const       { return creatorProcess_; }
00034     double weight() const                           { return weight_; }
00035     void setTrackID(int i)                          { trackID_ = i; }
00036     void setParentID(int i)                         { parentID_ = i; }
00037     bool storeTrack() const                         { return storeTrack_; }
00038     bool saved() const                              { return saved_; }
00044     void checkAtEnd(const G4Track *);
00045 private:
00046     unsigned int trackID_;
00047     int particleID_;
00048     int parentID_;
00049     int genParticleID_;
00050     math::XYZVectorD momentum_;
00051     double totalEnergy_;
00052     math::XYZVectorD vertexPosition_;
00053     double globalTime_;
00054     double localTime_;
00055     double properTime_;
00056     const G4VProcess * creatorProcess_;
00057     double weight_;
00058     bool storeTrack_;
00059     bool saved_;
00060     static G4TrackToParticleID*  theG4TrackToParticleID;
00061     int extractGenID(const G4Track * gt) const;
00062 };
00064 #endif

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:47:06 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4