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00001 #include "DQMOffline/Trigger/interface/EgHLTOffHelper.h" 00002 00003 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h" 00004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h" 00005 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalSubdetector.h" 00006 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h" 00007 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/CaloJetCollection.h" 00008 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h" 00009 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/CaloTopology.h" 00010 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/CaloGeometryRecord.h" 00011 #include "Geometry/CaloEventSetup/interface/CaloTopologyRecord.h" 00012 00013 #include "RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/EcalClusterTools.h" 00014 00015 void EgHLTOffHelper::setup(const edm::ParameterSet& conf) 00016 { 00017 // barrelShapeAssocProd_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelClusterShapeAssociation"); 00018 //barrelShapeAssocProd_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelClusterShapeAssociation"); 00019 //endcapShapeAssocProd_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapClusterShapeAssociation"); 00020 00021 00022 ecalRecHitsEBTag_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("BarrelRecHitCollection"); 00023 ecalRecHitsEETag_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EndcapRecHitCollection"); 00024 00025 caloJetsTag_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("CaloJetCollection"); 00026 00027 00028 cuts_.setHighNrgy(); 00029 tagCuts_.setHighNrgy(); 00030 probeCuts_.setPreSel(); 00031 } 00032 00033 00034 //this function coverts GsfElectrons to a format which is actually useful to me 00035 void EgHLTOffHelper::fillEgHLTOffEleVec(edm::Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> gsfElectrons,std::vector<EgHLTOffEle>& egHLTOffEles) 00036 { 00037 egHLTOffEles.clear(); 00038 egHLTOffEles.reserve(gsfElectrons->size()); 00039 for(reco::PixelMatchGsfElectronCollection::const_iterator gsfIter=gsfElectrons->begin(); gsfIter!=gsfElectrons->end();++gsfIter){ 00040 //for now use dummy isolation data 00041 EgHLTOffEle::IsolData isolData; 00042 isolData.nrTrks=1; 00043 isolData.ptTrks=1.; 00044 isolData.em= 0.42; 00045 isolData.had=0.42; 00046 00047 //get cluster shape and we're done construction 00048 //edm::LogInfo("EgHLTOffHelper") << "getting clus shape "<<std::endl; 00049 //const reco::ClusterShape* clusShape = getClusterShape(&*gsfIter); 00050 //edm::LogInfo("EgHLTOffHelper") << "clus shape "<<clusShape<<std::endl; 00051 EgHLTOffEle::ClusShapeData clusShapeData; 00052 clusShapeData.sigmaEtaEta=999.; 00053 // clusShapeData.sigmaIEtaIEta=999.; 00054 //clusShapeData.e2x5MaxOver5x5=-1.; //not defined in endcap yet 00055 //need to figure out if its in the barrel or endcap 00056 //classification variable is unrelyable so get the first hit of the cluster and figure out if its barrel or endcap 00057 const reco::BasicCluster& seedClus = *(gsfIter->superCluster()->seed()); 00058 const DetId seedDetId = seedClus.getHitsByDetId()[0]; //note this may not actually be the seed hit but it doesnt matter because all hits will be in the barrel OR endcap (it is also incredably inefficient as it getHitsByDetId passes the vector by value not reference 00059 if(seedDetId.subdetId()==EcalBarrel){ 00060 std::vector<float> stdCov = EcalClusterTools::covariances(seedClus,ebRecHits_,caloTopology_,caloGeom_); 00061 // std::vector<float> crysCov = EcalClusterTools::crystalCovariances(seedClus,ebRecHits_,caloTopology_,caloGeom_); 00062 clusShapeData.sigmaEtaEta = sqrt(stdCov[0]); 00063 // clusShapeData.sigmaIEtaIEta = sqrt(crysCov[0]); 00064 clusShapeData.sigmaPhiPhi = sqrt(stdCov[2]); 00065 //clusShapeData.sigmaIPhiIPhi = sqrt(crysCov[2]); 00066 00067 00068 00069 }else{ 00070 std::vector<float> stdCov = EcalClusterTools::covariances(seedClus,eeRecHits_,caloTopology_,caloGeom_); 00071 clusShapeData.sigmaEtaEta = sqrt(stdCov[0]); 00072 clusShapeData.sigmaPhiPhi = sqrt(stdCov[2]); 00073 00074 } 00075 00076 egHLTOffEles.push_back(EgHLTOffEle(*gsfIter,clusShapeData,isolData)); 00077 00078 //now we would like to set the cut results 00079 EgHLTOffEle& ele = egHLTOffEles.back(); 00080 ele.setTagCutCode(tagCuts_.getCutCode(ele)); 00081 ele.setProbeCutCode(probeCuts_.getCutCode(ele)); 00082 ele.setCutCode(cuts_.getCutCode(ele)); 00083 00084 00085 }//end loop over gsf electron collection 00086 00087 } 00088 00089 void EgHLTOffHelper::getHandles(const edm::Event& event,const edm::EventSetup& setup) 00090 { 00091 // try{ 00092 // event.getByLabel(barrelShapeAssocProd_, clusterShapeHandleBarrel_) ; 00093 // }catch(...){} //the worlds most pointless try, catch pair, damn you CMSSW framework, DAMN you 00094 00095 // try{ 00096 // event.getByLabel(endcapShapeAssocProd_, clusterShapeHandleEndcap_) ; 00097 // }catch(...){} 00098 00099 // if (!clusterShapeHandleBarrel_.isValid()) { 00100 // edm::LogError ("EgHLTOffHelper") << "Can't get ECAL barrel Cluster Shape Collection" ; 00101 // } 00102 // if (!clusterShapeHandleEndcap_.isValid()) { 00103 // edm::LogError ("EgHLTOffHelper") << "Can't get ECAL endcap Cluster Shape Collection" ; 00104 // } 00105 00106 //yay, now in 2_1 we dont have to program by exception 00107 edm::Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> ecalBarrelRecHitsHandle; 00108 event.getByLabel(ecalRecHitsEBTag_,ecalBarrelRecHitsHandle); 00109 ebRecHits_ = ecalBarrelRecHitsHandle.product(); 00110 00111 edm::Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> ecalEndcapRecHitsHandle; 00112 event.getByLabel(ecalRecHitsEETag_,ecalEndcapRecHitsHandle); 00113 eeRecHits_ = ecalEndcapRecHitsHandle.product(); 00114 00115 edm::Handle<reco::CaloJetCollection> caloJetsHandle; 00116 event.getByLabel(caloJetsTag_,caloJetsHandle); 00117 jets_ = caloJetsHandle.product(); 00118 00119 edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geomHandle; 00120 setup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(geomHandle); 00121 caloGeom_ = geomHandle.product(); 00122 00123 edm::ESHandle<CaloTopology> topologyHandle; 00124 setup.get<CaloTopologyRecord>().get(topologyHandle); 00125 caloTopology_ = topologyHandle.product(); 00126 } 00127 00128 00129 00130 // //ripped of from the electronIDAlgo (there must be a better way, I *cannot* believe that there isnt a better way) 00131 // //I've made some minor mods for speed and robustness (it could still be faster though) 00132 // //I'm sorry for the pain you are about to go through 00133 // //in summary it determines where the electron is barrel or endcap and if the clusterShape association map handle is valid for it 00134 // //it then looks in the map for the electrons seed cluster and if found, returns a pointer to the shape 00135 // //a complication arrises as electrons which are endcap may be classified as in the barrel-endcap gap and therefore have classification 40 00136 // //and therefore be labeled barrel someplaces (like here) and endcap others 00137 // const reco::ClusterShape* EgHLTOffHelper::getClusterShape(const reco::GsfElectron* electron) 00138 // { 00139 // // Find entry in map corresponding to seed BasicCluster of SuperCluster 00140 // reco::BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection::const_iterator seedShpItr; 00141 00142 // if ( electron->classification() < 100 && clusterShapeHandleBarrel_.isValid() ) { 00143 // const reco::BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection& barrelClShpMap = *clusterShapeHandleBarrel_; 00144 // reco::SuperClusterRef sclusRef = electron->get<reco::SuperClusterRef> () ; 00145 // seedShpItr = barrelClShpMap.find ( sclusRef->seed () ) ; 00146 // if (seedShpItr!=barrelClShpMap.end()) return &*(seedShpItr->val); 00147 // else if (clusterShapeHandleEndcap_.isValid()){ 00148 // const reco::BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection& endcapClShpMap = *clusterShapeHandleEndcap_; 00149 // seedShpItr = endcapClShpMap.find ( sclusRef->seed ()) ; 00150 // if(seedShpItr!=endcapClShpMap.end()) return &*(seedShpItr->val); 00151 // }//end check of valid endcap cluster shape in barrel section 00152 // } else if(electron->classification()>=100 && clusterShapeHandleEndcap_.isValid()) { 00153 // const reco::BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection& endcapClShpMap = *clusterShapeHandleEndcap_; 00154 // reco::SuperClusterRef sclusRef = electron->get<reco::SuperClusterRef> () ; 00155 // seedShpItr = endcapClShpMap.find ( sclusRef->seed () ) ; 00156 // if(seedShpItr!=endcapClShpMap.end()) return &*(seedShpItr->val); 00157 // }//end check of endcap electron with valid shape map 00158 00159 // return NULL; 00160 // } 00161