Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "EventFilter/CSCTFRawToDigi/src/CSCSPEvent.h"
00002 #include <map>
00003 #include <list>
00005 bool CSCSPEvent::unpack(const unsigned short *&buf) throw() {
00006         bool unpackError = false;
00008         if( (buf[0]&0xF000) != 0x9000 || (buf[1]&0xF000) != 0x9000 || (buf[2]&0xF000) != 0x9000 || (buf[3]&0xF000) != 0x9000 ||
00009                 (buf[4]&0xF000) != 0xA000 || (buf[5]&0xF000) != 0xA000 || (buf[6]&0xF000) != 0xA000 || (buf[7]&0xF000) != 0xA000 )
00010                 return true;
00011         else
00012                 unpackError |= header_.unpack(buf);
00014         if( !header_.empty() ){
00015                 // Block of Counters is added in format version 4.3 (dated by 05/27/2007)
00016                 if( header_.format_version() )
00017                         unpackError |= counters_.unpack(buf);
00019                 for(unsigned short tbin=0; tbin<header_.nTBINs(); tbin++)
00020                         unpackError |= record_[tbin].unpack(buf,,header_.suppression(),tbin);
00022                 // Set LCTs for each track in each time bin
00023                 for(unsigned short tbin=0; tbin<header_.nTBINs(); tbin++){
00024                         for(unsigned short trk=0; trk<3; trk++){
00025                                 CSCSP_SPblock &track = record_[tbin].sp[trk];
00026                                 if( track.ME1_id()==0 && track.ME2_id()==0 && track.ME3_id()==0 && track.ME4_id()==0 && track.MB_id()==0 ) continue;
00027                                 // BXA algorithm is not trivial: first let's order all delays (MEx_tbin) aligning LCTs to one BX
00028                                 std::map< int, std::list<int> > timeline;
00029                                 if( track.ME1_id() ) timeline[track.ME1_tbin()].push_back(1);
00030                                 if( track.ME2_id() ) timeline[track.ME2_tbin()].push_back(2);
00031                                 if( track.ME3_id() ) timeline[track.ME3_tbin()].push_back(3);
00032                                 if( track.ME4_id() ) timeline[track.ME4_tbin()].push_back(4);
00033                                 int earliest_tbin=0, second_earliest_tbin=0;
00034                                 for(int bx=7; bx>=0; bx--){
00035                                         std::list<int>::const_iterator iter = timeline[bx].begin();
00036                                         while( iter != timeline[bx].end() ){
00037                                                 if( earliest_tbin==0 ) earliest_tbin=bx;
00038                                                 else if( second_earliest_tbin==0 ) second_earliest_tbin=bx;
00039                                                 iter++;
00040                                         }
00041                                 }
00042                                 // MEx_tbin are LCTs delays shifting all of them to the bx of last LCT used to build a track
00043                                 //  let's convert delays to TBINs keeping in mind that tbin = some_shift - second_earliest_tbin
00044                                 if( track.ME1_id() ){ // if track contains LCT from first station
00045                                         unsigned int mpc = ( track.ME1_id()>3 ? 1 : 0 );
00046                                         int ME1_tbin = tbin - track.ME1_tbin() + second_earliest_tbin;
00047                                         if( ME1_tbin<0 || ME1_tbin>7 ) unpackError |= true;
00048                                         else {
00049                                                 std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock> lcts = record_[ME1_tbin].LCTs(mpc);
00050                                                 for(std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock>::const_iterator lct=lcts.begin(); lct!=lcts.end(); lct++)
00051                                                         // Due to old MPC firmware link information was not accessible for some data:
00052                                                         //if( lct->link()==(mpc?track.ME1_id()-3:track.ME1_id()) ){
00053                                                         if( ((lct->spInput()-1)%3+1)==(mpc?track.ME1_id()-3:track.ME1_id()) ){
00054                                                                 track.lct_[0] = *lct;
00055                                                                 track.lctFilled[0] = true;
00056                                                         }
00057                                         }
00058                                 }
00059                                 if( track.ME2_id() ){ // ... second station
00060                                         int ME2_tbin = tbin - track.ME2_tbin() + second_earliest_tbin;
00061                                         if( ME2_tbin<0 || ME2_tbin>7 ) unpackError |= true;
00062                                         else {
00063                                                 std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock> lcts = record_[ME2_tbin].LCTs(2);
00064                                                 for(std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock>::const_iterator lct=lcts.begin(); lct!=lcts.end(); lct++)
00065                                                         // Due to old MPC firmware link information was not accessible for some data:
00066                                                         //if( lct->link()==track.ME2_id() ){
00067                                                         if( ((lct->spInput()-1)%3+1)==track.ME2_id() ){
00068                                                                 track.lct_[1] = *lct;
00069                                                                 track.lctFilled[1] = true;
00070                                                         }
00071                                         }
00072                                 }
00073                                 if( track.ME3_id() ){ // ... third station
00074                                         int ME3_tbin = tbin - track.ME3_tbin() + second_earliest_tbin;
00075                                         if( ME3_tbin<0 || ME3_tbin>7 ) unpackError |= true;
00076                                         else {
00077                                                 std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock> lcts = record_[ME3_tbin].LCTs(3);
00078                                                 for(std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock>::const_iterator lct=lcts.begin(); lct!=lcts.end(); lct++)
00079                                                         // Due to old MPC firmware link information was not accessible for some data:
00080                                                         //if( lct->link()==track.ME3_id() ){
00081                                                         if( ((lct->spInput()-1)%3+1)==track.ME3_id() ){
00082                                                                 track.lct_[2] = *lct;
00083                                                                 track.lctFilled[2] = true;
00084                                                         }
00085                                         }
00086                                 }
00087                                 if( track.ME4_id() ){ // ... fourth station
00088                                         int ME4_tbin = tbin - track.ME4_tbin() + second_earliest_tbin;
00089                                         if( ME4_tbin<0 || ME4_tbin>7 ) unpackError |= true;
00090                                         else {
00091                                                 std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock> lcts = record_[ME4_tbin].LCTs(4);
00092                                                 for(std::vector<CSCSP_MEblock>::const_iterator lct=lcts.begin(); lct!=lcts.end(); lct++)
00093                                                         // Due to old MPC firmware link information was not accessible for some data:
00094                                                         //if( lct->link()==track.ME4_id() ){
00095                                                         if( ((lct->spInput()-1)%3+1)==track.ME4_id() ){
00096                                                                 track.lct_[3] = *lct;
00097                                                                 track.lctFilled[3] = true;
00098                                                         }
00099                                         }
00100                                 }
00101                                 if( track.MB_id() ){  // ... barrel
00102                                         if( (tbin==0 && track.MB_tbin()) || (tbin==6 && track.MB_id()%2==0) ) unpackError |= true;
00103                                         else {
00104                                                 std::vector<CSCSP_MBblock> stubs = ( track.MB_id()%2==0 ? record_[tbin+1].mbStubs() : record_[tbin].mbStubs() );
00105                                                 for(std::vector<CSCSP_MBblock>::const_iterator stub=stubs.begin(); stub!=stubs.end(); stub++)
00106                                                         if( (stub->id()==1 && track.MB_id()<=2) || (stub->id()==2 && track.MB_id()>2) ){
00107                                                                 track.dt_ = *stub;
00108                                                                 track.dtFilled = true;
00109                                                         }
00110                                                 if( !track.dtFilled ) unpackError |= true;
00111                                         }
00112                                 }
00114                         }
00115                 }
00116         }
00118         unpackError |= trailer_.unpack(buf);
00120         return unpackError;
00121 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:34:28 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4