Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #Global fast calorimetry parameters
00004 from FastSimulation.Calorimetry.HcalResponse_cfi import *
00005 from FastSimulation.Calorimetry.HSParameters_cfi import *
00006 FamosCalorimetryBlock = cms.PSet(
00007     Calorimetry = cms.PSet(
00008         HSParameterBlock,
00009         HCALResponseBlock,
00010         ECAL = cms.PSet(
00011             # For the core 10% of the spots for
00012             CoreIntervals = cms.vdouble(100.0, 0.1),
00013             # change the radius of the tail of the shower
00014             RTFactor = cms.double(1.0),
00015             # change the radius of the core of the shower
00016             RCFactor = cms.double(1.0),
00017             # For the tail 10% of r<1RM. 100% otherwise
00018             TailIntervals = cms.vdouble(1.0, 0.1, 100.0, 1.0),
00019             FrontLeakageProbability = cms.double(1.0),
00020             GridSize = cms.int32(7),
00021             # change globally the Moliere radius 
00022             RadiusFactor = cms.double(1.096),
00023             Debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00024             #SpotFraction < 0 <=> deactivated. In the case, CoreIntervals and 
00025             #TailIntervals are used   
00026             SpotFraction = cms.double(-1.0),
00027             GapLossProbability = cms.double(0.9),
00028             SimulatePreshower = cms.bool(True)
00029         ),
00030         CalorimeterProperties = cms.PSet(
00031             PreshowerLayer2_thickness = cms.double(0.38),
00032             ECALEndcap_LightCollection = cms.double(0.023),
00033             PreshowerLayer1_thickness = cms.double(1.6),
00034             PreshowerLayer1_mipsPerGeV = cms.double(35.7),
00035             PreshowerLayer2_mipsPerGeV = cms.double(59.5),
00036             ECALBarrel_LightCollection = cms.double(0.03),
00037             HCAL_Sampling = cms.double(0.0035),
00038             # Watch out ! The following two values are defined wrt the electron shower simulation
00039             # There are not directly related to the detector properties
00040             HCAL_PiOverE = cms.double(0.2)
00041         ),
00042         UnfoldedMode = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00043         HCAL = cms.PSet(
00044             SimMethod = cms.int32(0), ## 0 - use HDShower, 1 - use HDRShower
00046             GridSize = cms.int32(7),
00047             #-- 0 - simple response, 1 - parametrized response + showering, 2 - tabulated response + showering
00048             SimOption = cms.int32(2)
00049         )
00050     )
00051 )

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