Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // File:
00003 // Description: Position various components inside a TID Module
00006 #include <cmath>
00007 #include <algorithm>
00009 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00010 #include "DetectorDescription/Base/interface/DDutils.h"
00011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDPosPart.h"
00012 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCurrentNamespace.h"
00013 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSplit.h"
00014 #include "Geometry/TrackerCommonData/interface/DDTIDModulePosAlgo.h"
00015 #include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
00016 #include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
00019 DDTIDModulePosAlgo::DDTIDModulePosAlgo() {
00020   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo info: Creating an instance";
00021 }
00023 DDTIDModulePosAlgo::~DDTIDModulePosAlgo() {}
00025 void DDTIDModulePosAlgo::initialize(const DDNumericArguments & nArgs,
00026                                     const DDVectorArguments & vArgs,
00027                                     const DDMapArguments & ,
00028                                     const DDStringArguments & sArgs,
00029                                     const DDStringVectorArguments & vsArgs) {
00031   int i;
00032   DDName parentName = parent().name(); 
00033   detectorN         = (int)(nArgs["DetectorNumber"]);
00035   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: Parent " << parentName
00036                       << " Detector Planes " << detectorN;
00038   detTilt           = nArgs["DetTilt"];
00039   fullHeight        = nArgs["FullHeight"];
00040   dlTop             = nArgs["DlTop"];
00041   dlBottom          = nArgs["DlBottom"];
00042   dlHybrid          = nArgs["DlHybrid"];
00044   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: Detector Tilt " 
00045                       << detTilt/deg << " Height " << fullHeight 
00046                       << " dl(Top) " << dlTop << " dl(Bottom) " << dlBottom
00047                       << " dl(Hybrid) " << dlHybrid;
00049   boxFrameName      = sArgs["BoxFrameName"];
00050   boxFrameHeight    = nArgs["BoxFrameHeight"];
00051   boxFrameWidth     = nArgs["BoxFrameWidth"];
00052   boxFrameZ         = vArgs["BoxFrameZ"];
00053   bottomFrameHeight = nArgs["BottomFrameHeight"];
00054   bottomFrameOver   = nArgs["BottomFrameOver"];
00055   topFrameHeight    = nArgs["TopFrameHeight"];
00056   topFrameOver      = nArgs["TopFrameOver"];
00057   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: " << boxFrameName 
00058                       << " positioned at Z";
00059   for (i = 0; i < detectorN; i++)
00060     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "\tboxFrameZ[" << i << "] = " << boxFrameZ[i];
00061   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "\t Extra Height at Bottom " << bottomFrameHeight
00062                       << " Overlap " <<bottomFrameOver;
00064   sideFrameName     = vsArgs["SideFrameName"];
00065   sideFrameZ        = vArgs["SideFrameZ"];
00066   sideFrameRot      =vsArgs["SideFrameRotation"];
00067   sideFrameWidth    = nArgs["SideFrameWidth"];
00068   sideFrameOver     = nArgs["SideFrameOver"];
00069   for (i = 0; i < detectorN; i++)
00070     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "\tsideFrame[" << i << "] = " << sideFrameName[i]
00071                         << " positioned at Z "<< sideFrameZ[i]
00072                         << " with rotation " << sideFrameRot[i];
00074   kaptonName     = vsArgs["KaptonName"];
00075   kaptonZ        = vArgs["KaptonZ"];
00076   kaptonRot      =vsArgs["KaptonRotation"];
00077   for (i = 0; i < detectorN; i++)
00078     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "\tkapton[" << i << "] = " << kaptonName[i]
00079                         << " positioned at Z "<< kaptonZ[i]
00080                         << " with rotation " << kaptonRot[i];
00082   waferName         =vsArgs["WaferName"];
00083   waferZ            = vArgs["WaferZ"];
00084   waferRot          =vsArgs["WaferRotation"];
00085   for (i = 0; i < detectorN; i++)
00086     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: " << waferName[i]
00087                         << " positioned at Z " << waferZ[i] 
00088                         << " with rotation " << waferRot[i];
00090   hybridName        = sArgs["HybridName"];
00091   hybridHeight      = nArgs["HybridHeight"];
00092   hybridZ           = vArgs["HybridZ"];
00093   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: " << hybridName 
00094                       << " Height " << hybridHeight << " Z";
00095   for (i = 0; i < detectorN; i++)
00096     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "\thybridZ[" << i <<"] = " << hybridZ[i];
00098   pitchName         =vsArgs["PitchName"];
00099   pitchHeight       = nArgs["PitchHeight"];
00100   pitchZ            = vArgs["PitchZ"];
00101   pitchRot          =vsArgs["PitchRotation"];
00102   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: Pitch Adapter Height " 
00103                       << pitchHeight;
00104   for (i = 0; i < detectorN; i++)
00105     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo debug: " << pitchName[i]
00106                         << " position at Z " << pitchZ[i] 
00107                         << " with rotation " << pitchRot[i];
00109   coolName         = sArgs["CoolInsertName"];
00110   coolHeight       = nArgs["CoolInsertHeight"];
00111   coolZ            = nArgs["CoolInsertZ"];
00112   coolWidth        = nArgs["CoolInsertWidth"];
00113   coolRadShift     = vArgs["CoolInsertShift"];
00115   std::string comp  = sArgs["DoSpacers"];
00116   if (comp == "No" || comp == "NO" || comp == "no") doSpacers = false;
00117   else                                              doSpacers = true;
00119   botSpacersName         = sArgs["BottomSpacersName"];
00120   botSpacersHeight       = nArgs["BottomSpacersHeight"];
00121   botSpacersZ            = nArgs["BottomSpacersZ"];
00122   sidSpacersName         = sArgs["SideSpacersName"];
00123   sidSpacersHeight       = nArgs["SideSpacersHeight"];
00124   sidSpacersZ            = nArgs["SideSpacersZ"];
00125   sidSpacersWidth        = nArgs["SideSpacersWidth"];
00126   sidSpacersRadShift     = nArgs["SideSpacersShift"];
00128 }
00130 void DDTIDModulePosAlgo::execute() {
00132   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDTIDModulePosAlgo...";
00134   DDName parentName  = parent().name(); 
00135   DDName name;
00137   double botfr;                                       // width of side frame at the the bottom of the modules 
00138   double topfr;                                       // width of side frame at the the top of the modules 
00139   double kaptonHeight;
00140   if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00141     // ring 1, ring 2
00142     topfr = topFrameHeight - pitchHeight - topFrameOver;      
00143     botfr = bottomFrameHeight - bottomFrameOver; 
00144     kaptonHeight = fullHeight + botfr;
00145   } else {
00146     // ring 3
00147     topfr = topFrameHeight - topFrameOver;      
00148     botfr = bottomFrameHeight - bottomFrameOver - pitchHeight; 
00149     kaptonHeight = fullHeight + topfr;
00150   }
00152   double sideFrameHeight = fullHeight + pitchHeight + botfr + topfr; 
00153   double zCenter     = 0.5 * (sideFrameHeight+boxFrameHeight); 
00156   // (Re) Compute the envelope for positioning Cool Inserts and Side Spacers (Alumina).
00157   double  sidfr = sideFrameWidth - sideFrameOver;      // width of side frame on the sides of module 
00158   double  dxbot = 0.5*dlBottom + sidfr;
00159   double  dxtop = 0.5*dlTop + sidfr;
00160   double  dxtopenv, dxbotenv;           // top/bot width of the module envelope trap
00162   double tanWafer=(dxtop-dxbot)/fullHeight; // 
00163   double thetaWafer = atan(tanWafer);       // 1/2 of the wafer wedge angle
00165   if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00166     // ring 1, ring 2
00167     dxtopenv = dxbot + (dxtop-dxbot)*(fullHeight+pitchHeight+topfr+hybridHeight)/fullHeight;
00168     dxbotenv = dxtop - (dxtop-dxbot)*(fullHeight+botfr)/fullHeight;
00169   } else {
00170     // ring 3
00171     dxtopenv = dxbot + (dxtop-dxbot)*(fullHeight+topfr)/fullHeight;
00172     dxbotenv = dxbot;
00173   }
00175   double tanEnv=(dxtopenv-dxbotenv)/(sideFrameHeight+boxFrameHeight); // 1/2 of the envelope wedge angle
00177   double xpos=0; double ypos=0; double zpos=0;
00179   // Cool Inserts
00180   name = DDName(DDSplit(coolName).first, DDSplit(coolName).second);
00181   ypos = coolZ;
00183   double zCool;
00184   int copy=0;
00185   DDRotation rot  = DDRotation(); // should be different for different elements
00187   for (int j1=0; j1<2; j1++){  // j1: 0 inserts below the hybrid
00188                                //     1 inserts below the wafer
00189     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00190       zCool = sideFrameHeight+boxFrameHeight-coolRadShift[j1];  
00191       if ( j1==0 ) zCool -= 0.5*coolHeight; 
00192     } else {
00193       zCool = coolRadShift[j1];  
00194       if ( j1==0 ) zCool += 0.5*coolHeight; 
00195     }
00197     if ( j1==0 ) {
00198       xpos = -0.5*(boxFrameWidth-coolWidth);
00199     } else {   
00200       xpos = -(dxbotenv+(zCool-0.5*coolHeight)*tanEnv-0.5*coolWidth);      
00201     }
00203     zpos = zCool-zCenter;
00204     for ( int j2=0; j2<2; j2++) {
00205       copy++;
00206       DDpos (name, parentName, copy,  DDTranslation(xpos,ypos,zpos), rot);
00207       LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00208                           << copy << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00209                           << DDTranslation(xpos,ypos,zpos) << " with " << rot;
00210       xpos = -xpos;
00211     }
00212   }
00215   if ( doSpacers ) {
00216   // Bottom Spacers (Alumina)
00217     name = DDName(DDSplit(botSpacersName).first, DDSplit(botSpacersName).second);
00218     ypos = botSpacersZ;
00220     double zBotSpacers;
00221     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00222       zBotSpacers = sideFrameHeight+boxFrameHeight-0.5*botSpacersHeight;
00223     } else {
00224       zBotSpacers = 0.5*botSpacersHeight;
00225     }
00226     zpos = zBotSpacers - zCenter; 
00227     rot = DDRotation();
00228     DDpos (name, parentName, 1,  DDTranslation(0.0,ypos,zpos), rot );
00229     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00230                         << 1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00231                         << DDTranslation(0.0,ypos,zpos) << " with no rotation";         
00234     // Side Spacers (Alumina)
00235     name = DDName(DDSplit(sidSpacersName).first, DDSplit(sidSpacersName).second);
00236     ypos = sidSpacersZ;
00238     double zSideSpacers;
00239     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00240       zSideSpacers = sideFrameHeight+boxFrameHeight-sidSpacersRadShift;
00241     } else {
00242       zSideSpacers = sidSpacersRadShift;
00243     }
00244     zpos = zSideSpacers - zCenter; 
00246     copy=0;
00247     xpos = dxbotenv+(zSideSpacers-0.5*sidSpacersHeight)*tanEnv-0.5*sidSpacersWidth+sideFrameOver;      
00249     double phix, phiy, phiz;
00250     phix=0.*deg; phiy=90.*deg; phiz=0.*deg;
00252     double thetay, thetax;
00253     thetay=90.*deg;
00254     double thetaz = thetaWafer;
00256     for (int j1=0; j1<2; j1++){
00257       copy++;
00259       // tilt Side Spacers (parallel to Side Frame)
00260       thetax = 90.*deg+thetaz;
00261       double thetadeg = thetax/deg;
00262       if (thetadeg != 0) {
00263         std::string arotstr = DDSplit(sidSpacersName).first+dbl_to_string(thetadeg*10.);
00264         rot = DDrot(DDName(arotstr,  DDSplit(sidSpacersName).second), thetax, phix, thetay, phiy, thetaz, phiz);
00265       }
00267       DDpos (name, parentName, copy,  DDTranslation(xpos,ypos,zpos), rot);
00268       LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00269                           << copy << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00270                           << DDTranslation(xpos,ypos,zpos) << " with " << rot;          
00271       xpos = -xpos;
00272       thetaz = -thetaz;
00273     }
00274   }
00276   // Loop over detectors to be placed
00277   for (int k = 0; k < detectorN; k++) {
00278     // Wafer
00279     name = DDName(DDSplit(waferName[k]).first, DDSplit(waferName[k]).second);
00280     xpos=0; 
00281     zpos=0; 
00282     ypos = waferZ[k];
00283     double zWafer;
00284     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00285       zWafer = botfr+0.5*fullHeight;
00286     } else {
00287       zWafer = boxFrameHeight+botfr+pitchHeight+0.5*fullHeight;
00288     }
00289     zpos = zWafer - zCenter;
00290     DDTranslation tran(xpos, ypos, zpos);
00291     std::string rotstr = DDSplit(waferRot[k]).first;
00292     std::string rotns;
00293     if (rotstr != "NULL") {
00294       rotns = DDSplit(waferRot[k]).second;
00295       rot   = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, rotns));
00296     }
00297     DDpos (name, parentName, k+1, tran, rot);
00298     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00299                         << k+1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00300                         << tran << " with " << rot;
00302     //Pitch Adapter
00303     name = DDName(DDSplit(pitchName[k]).first, DDSplit(pitchName[k]).second);
00304     if (k == 0) {
00305       xpos = 0;
00306     } else {
00307       xpos = 0.5 * fullHeight * sin(detTilt);
00308     }
00309     ypos = pitchZ[k];
00310     double zPitch;
00311     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00312       zPitch = botfr+fullHeight+0.5*pitchHeight;
00313     } else {
00314       zPitch = boxFrameHeight+botfr+0.5*pitchHeight;
00315     }
00316     zpos = zPitch - zCenter;
00317     rotstr  = DDSplit(pitchRot[k]).first;
00318     if (rotstr != "NULL") {
00319       rotns = DDSplit(pitchRot[k]).second;
00320       rot   = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, rotns));
00321     } else {
00322       rot     = DDRotation();
00323     }
00324     tran = DDTranslation(xpos,ypos,zpos);
00325     DDpos (name, parentName, k+1, tran, rot);
00326     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00327                         << k+1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00328                         << tran << " with " << rot;
00330     // Hybrid 
00331     name = DDName(DDSplit(hybridName).first, DDSplit(hybridName).second);
00332     ypos = hybridZ[k];
00333     double zHybrid;
00334     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00335       zHybrid = botfr+fullHeight+pitchHeight+0.5*hybridHeight;
00336     } else {
00337       zHybrid = 0.5*hybridHeight;
00338     }
00339     zpos = zHybrid - zCenter;
00340     tran = DDTranslation(0,ypos,zpos);
00341     rot  = DDRotation();
00342     DDpos (name, parentName, k+1, tran, rot);
00343     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00344                         << k+1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00345                         << tran << " with " << rot;
00348     // Box frame
00349     name = DDName(DDSplit(boxFrameName).first, DDSplit(boxFrameName).second);
00350     ypos = boxFrameZ[k];
00351     double zBoxFrame;
00352     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00353       zBoxFrame = sideFrameHeight+0.5*boxFrameHeight;
00354     } else {
00355       zBoxFrame = 0.5*boxFrameHeight;
00356     }
00357     zpos = zBoxFrame - zCenter;
00358     tran = DDTranslation(0,ypos,zpos);
00359     rot  = DDRotation();
00360     DDpos (name, parentName, k+1, tran, rot);
00361     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00362                         << k+1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00363                         << tran << " with " << rot;
00365     // Side frame
00366     name = DDName(DDSplit(sideFrameName[k]).first, DDSplit(sideFrameName[k]).second);
00367     ypos = sideFrameZ[k];
00368     double zSideFrame;
00369     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00370       zSideFrame = 0.5*sideFrameHeight;
00371     } else {
00372       zSideFrame = boxFrameHeight+0.5*sideFrameHeight;
00373     }
00374     zpos = zSideFrame-zCenter;
00375     rotstr  = DDSplit(sideFrameRot[k]).first;
00376     if (rotstr != "NULL") {
00377       rotns = DDSplit(sideFrameRot[k]).second;
00378       rot   = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, rotns));
00379     } else {
00380       rot     = DDRotation();
00381     }  
00382     tran = DDTranslation(0,ypos,zpos);
00383     DDpos (name, parentName, k+1, tran, rot);
00384     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00385                         << k+1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00386                         << tran << " with " << rot;
00389     // Kapton circuit
00390     name = DDName(DDSplit(kaptonName[k]).first, DDSplit(kaptonName[k]).second);
00391     ypos = kaptonZ[k];
00392     double zKapton;
00393     double kaptonExtraHeight=0;
00394     if (dlHybrid > dlTop) {
00395       if ( k == 1 ) kaptonExtraHeight = dlTop*sin(detTilt)-fullHeight*(1-cos(detTilt));
00396       kaptonExtraHeight = 0.5*fabs(kaptonExtraHeight);
00397       zKapton = 0.5*(kaptonHeight+kaptonExtraHeight);
00398     } else {
00399       if ( k == 1 ) kaptonExtraHeight = dlBottom*sin(detTilt)-fullHeight*(1-cos(detTilt));
00400       kaptonExtraHeight = 0.5*fabs(kaptonExtraHeight);
00401       zKapton = boxFrameHeight+sideFrameHeight-0.5*(kaptonHeight+kaptonExtraHeight);
00402     }
00403     zpos = zKapton-zCenter;
00404     rotstr  = DDSplit(kaptonRot[k]).first;
00405     if (rotstr != "NULL") {
00406       rotns = DDSplit(kaptonRot[k]).second;
00407       rot   = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, rotns));
00408     } else {
00409       rot     = DDRotation();
00410     }  
00411     tran = DDTranslation(0,ypos,zpos);
00412     DDpos (name, parentName, k+1, tran, rot);
00413     LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "DDTIDModulePosAlgo test: " << name <<" number "
00414                         << k+1 << " positioned in " << parentName << " at "
00415                         << tran << " with " << rot;
00416   }
00418   LogDebug("TIDGeom") << "<<== End of DDTIDModulePosAlgo positioning ...";
00419 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:37:33 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4