Derivative.h File Reference

#include "PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Functions.h"
#include "PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Fraction.h"
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include "PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Simplify_begin.h"
#include "PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Simplify_end.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  funct


struct  funct::Derivative< X, A >


 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, SQRT_S(A), PROD(PROD(FRACT(1, 2), RATIO(NUM(1), SQRT(A))), DERIV(X, A)),(fract< 1, 2 >()*(num< 1 >()/sqrt(_._)))*derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXN2T1, POWER_S(A, FRACT_S(n, m)), PROD(PROD(FRACT(n, m), POWER(A, FRACT(n-m, n))), DERIV(X, A)), _._2 *pow(_._1, fract< n-m, m >())*derivative< X >(_._1))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXN1T1, POWER_S(A, NUM(n)), PROD(PROD(NUM(n), POWER(A, NUM(n-1))), DERIV(X, A)), _._2 *pow(_._1, num< n-1 >())*derivative< X >(_._1))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT2, RATIO_S(A, B), RATIO(DIFF(PROD(DERIV(X, A), B), PROD(A, DERIV(X, B))), SQUARE(B)),(derivative< X >(_._1)*_._2-_._1 *derivative< X >(_._2))/sqr(_._2))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT2, PROD_S(A, B), SUM(PROD(DERIV(X, A), B), PROD(A, DERIV(X, B))), derivative< X >(_._1)*_._2+_._1 *derivative< X >(_._2))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, MINUS_S(A), MINUS(DERIV(X, A)),-derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT2, SUM_S(A, B), SUM(DERIV(X, A), DERIV(X, B)), derivative< X >(_._1)+derivative< X >(_._2))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, TAN_S(A), PROD(RATIO(NUM(1), SQUARE(COS(A))), DERIV(X, A)),(num< 1 >()/sqr(cos(_._)))*derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, COS_S(A), MINUS(PROD(SIN(A), DERIV(X, A))),-(sin(_._)*derivative< X >(_._)))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, SIN_S(A), PROD(COS(A), DERIV(X, A)), cos(_._)*derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, ABS_S(A), PROD(SGN(A), DERIV(X, A)), sgn(_._)*derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, LOG_S(A), PROD(RATIO(NUM(1), A), DERIV(X, A)),(num< 1 >()/_._)*derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPXT1, EXP_S(A), PROD(EXP(A), DERIV(X, A)), _ *derivative< X >(_._))
 funct::DERIV_RULE (TYPX, X, NUM(1), num< 1 >())
funct::derivative (const A &_)
 funct::TEMPL (XT1) DERIV(X

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