Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * \file
00003  *
00004  * $Date: 2008/03/20 19:38:25 $
00005  * $Revision: 1.13 $
00006  * \author J. Berryhill
00007  *
00008  * $Log:,v $
00009  * Revision 1.13  2008/03/20 19:38:25  berryhil
00010  *
00011  *
00012  * organized message logger
00013  *
00014  * Revision 1.12  2008/03/14 20:35:46  berryhil
00015  *
00016  *
00017  * stripped out obsolete parameter settings
00018  *
00019  * rpc tpg restored with correct dn access and dbe handling
00020  *
00021  * Revision 1.11  2008/03/12 17:24:24  berryhil
00022  *
00023  *
00024  * eliminated log files, truncated HCALTPGXana histo output
00025  *
00026  * Revision 1.10  2008/03/01 00:40:00  lat
00027  * DQM core migration.
00028  *
00029  * Revision 1.9  2008/02/13 17:50:14  aurisano
00030  * bugfixes
00031  *
00032  * Revision 1.6  2008/01/02 11:54:15  elmer
00033  * Add missing math.h and TMath.h includes
00034  *
00035  * Revision 1.5  2007/12/21 17:41:21  berryhil
00036  *
00037  *
00038  * try/catch removal
00039  *
00040  * Revision 1.4  2007/12/05 14:03:19  berryhil
00041  *
00042  *
00043  * full functioning hcal tpg analyzer
00044  * reorganized tpg plots in subfolders
00045  *
00046  * Revision 1.3  2007/12/04 14:33:48  berryhil
00047  *
00048  *
00049  * hcal tpg xana activation
00050  *
00051  * Revision 1.2  2007/11/29 01:02:41  aurisano
00052  * changes to histo bounds
00053  *
00054  * Revision 1.1  2007/11/28 17:41:19  aurisano
00055  * New L1 Hcal monitor
00056  *
00057  * Revision 1.4  2007/06/12 19:32:53  berryhil
00058  *
00059  *
00060  * config files now include hcal tpg monitoring modules
00061  *
00062  * Revision 1.3  2007/02/23 22:00:16  wittich
00063  * add occ (weighted and unweighted) and rank histos
00064  *
00065  *
00066  */
00068 #include "DQM/L1TMonitor/interface/L1THCALTPGXAna.h"
00069 #include "DataFormats/HcalDigi/interface/HcalDigiCollections.h"
00070 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00071 //#include "DQM/L1TMonitor/interface/hcal_root_prefs.h"
00072 #include "TMath.h"
00074 using namespace edm;
00076 // Local definitions for the limits of the histograms
00077 const unsigned int RTPBINS = 101;
00078 const float RTPMIN = -0.5;
00079 const float RTPMAX = 100.5;
00081 const unsigned int TPPHIBINS = 72;
00082 const float TPPHIMIN = 0.5;
00083 const float TPPHIMAX = 72.5;
00085 const unsigned int TPETABINS = 65;
00086 const float TPETAMIN = -32.5;
00087 const float TPETAMAX = 32.5;
00089 const unsigned int effBins = 50;
00090 const float effMinHBHE = -0.5;
00091 const float effMaxHBHE = 5.5;
00092 const float effMinHF = -0.5;
00093 const float effMaxHF = 2.5;
00095 const unsigned int ratiobins = 100;
00096 const float ratiomin = 0.0;
00097 const float ratiomax = 1.0;
00099 const unsigned int tvsrecbins = 100;
00100 const float tvsrecmin = 0.0;
00101 const float tvsrecmax = 100.0;
00103 const unsigned int effcombo = 6472;
00104 const float effcombomin = -3272;
00105 const float effcombomax = 3272;
00107 const unsigned int fgbunchbins = 10;
00108 const float fgbunchmin = 0;
00109 const float fgbunchmax = 9;
00111 const unsigned int fgbdiffbins = 20;
00112 const float fgbdiffmin = -10;
00113 const float fgbdiffmax = 10;
00115 const unsigned int fgtdiffbins = 20;
00116 const float fgtdiffmin = -250;
00117 const float fgtdiffmax = 250;
00120 L1THCALTPGXAna::L1THCALTPGXAna(const ParameterSet& ps)
00121   : hcaltpgSource_( ps.getParameter< InputTag >("hcaltpgSource") ),
00122     hbherecoSource_( ps.getParameter< InputTag >("hbherecoSource") ),
00123     hfrecoSource_( ps.getParameter< InputTag >("hfrecoSource") )
00124 {
00125   // verbosity switch
00126   verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false);
00127   if(verbose_) std::cout << "L1THCALTPGXAna: constructor...." << std::endl;
00129   //fake cut
00130   fakeCut_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("fakeCut",0.0);
00133   dbe = NULL;
00134   if ( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DQMStore", false) ) 
00135   {
00136     dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00137     dbe->setVerbose(0);
00138   }
00140   outputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile", "");
00141   if ( outputFile_.size() != 0 ) {
00142     std::cout << "L1T Monitoring histograms will be saved to " << outputFile_.c_str() << std::endl;
00143   }
00145   bool disable = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("disableROOToutput", false);
00146   if(disable){
00147     outputFile_="";
00148   }
00151   if ( dbe !=NULL ) {
00152     dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna");
00153   }
00155 }
00158 {
00159 }
00161 void L1THCALTPGXAna::beginJob(const EventSetup& iSetup)
00162 {
00163   nev_ = 0;
00165   // get hold of back-end interface
00166   DQMStore* dbe = 0;
00167   dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00168   if ( dbe ) 
00169     {
00170       dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna");
00171       dbe->rmdir("L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna");
00172     }
00174   if ( dbe ) 
00175     {
00176       dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna");
00177       //2-D plots
00178       hcalTpEtEtaPhi_ = 
00179         dbe->book2D("HcalTpEtEtaPhi", "HCAL TP E_{T}", TPETABINS, TPETAMIN,
00180                     TPETAMAX, TPPHIBINS, TPPHIMIN, TPPHIMAX);
00181       hcalTpOccEtaPhi_ =
00182         dbe->book2D("HcalTpOccEtaPhi", "HCAL TP OCCUPANCY", TPETABINS,
00184       hcalTpSat_ = 
00185         dbe->book2D("HcalSaturation", "HCAL Satuation", TPETABINS,
00187       hcalFakes_ =
00188         dbe->book2D("HcalFakes","Number of Fakes", TPETABINS, TPETAMIN,
00189                     TPETAMAX, TPPHIBINS, TPPHIMIN, TPPHIMAX);
00190       hcalNoFire_ =
00191         dbe->book2D("HcalNoFire","Highest Energy with TP = 0", TPETABINS, TPETAMIN,
00192                     TPETAMAX, TPPHIBINS, TPPHIMIN, TPPHIMAX);
00193       hcalTpgvsRec1_ = 
00194         dbe->book2D("TPGvsREC1", "TPG vs Rec Hit LUT 1", tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax, 
00195                     tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax);
00196       hcalTpgvsRec2_ = 
00197         dbe->book2D("TPGvsREC2", "TPG vs Rec Hit LUT 2", tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax, 
00198                     tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax);
00199       hcalTpgvsRec3_ = 
00200         dbe->book2D("TPGvsREC3", "TPG vs Rec Hit LUT 3", tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax, 
00201                     tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax);
00202       hcalTpgvsRec4_ = 
00203         dbe->book2D("TPGvsREC4", "TPG vs Rec Hit LUT 4", tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax, 
00204                     tvsrecbins, tvsrecmin, tvsrecmax);
00206       //1-D plots
00207       hcalTpRank_ =
00208         dbe->book1D("HcalTpRank", "HCAL TP RANK", RTPBINS, RTPMIN, RTPMAX);
00209       hcalEffDen_1_ = 
00210         dbe->book1D("HcalAll1","HCAL All Hits - 1",effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00211       hcalEffNum_1_ =
00212         dbe->book1D("HcalTP1","HCAL Hits with TP - 1",effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00213       hcalEffDen_2_ =
00214         dbe->book1D("HcalAll2","HCAL All Hits - 2",effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00215       hcalEffNum_2_ =
00216         dbe->book1D("HcalTP2","HCAL Hits with TP - 2",effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00217       hcalEffDen_3_ =
00218         dbe->book1D("HcalAll3","HCAL All Hits - 3",effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00219       hcalEffNum_3_ =
00220         dbe->book1D("HcalTP3","HCAL Hits with TP - 3",effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00221       hcalEffDen_4_ =
00222         dbe->book1D("HcalAll4","HCAL All Hits - 4",effBins,effMinHF,effMaxHF);
00223       hcalEffNum_4_ =
00224         dbe->book1D("HcalTP4","HCAL Hits with TP - 4",effBins,effMinHF,effMaxHF);
00225       hcalTpgRatiom1_ = 
00226         dbe->book1D("HcalTPGRatiom1", "Hcal Ration of E in bin SOI -1", ratiobins, ratiomin, ratiomax);
00227       hcalTpgRatioSOI_ = 
00228         dbe->book1D("HcalTPGRatiSOI", "Hcal Ration of E in bin SOI", ratiobins, ratiomin, ratiomax);
00229       hcalTpgRatiop1_ = 
00230         dbe->book1D("HcalTPGRatiop1", "Hcal Ration of E in bin SOI +1", ratiobins, ratiomin, ratiomax);
00231       hcalTpgRatiop2_ = 
00232         dbe->book1D("HcalTPGRatiop2", "Hcal Ration of E in bin SOI +21", ratiobins, ratiomin, ratiomax);
00233       hcalTpgfgperbunch_ =
00234         dbe->book1D("HcalFGperBunch", "Fine grain per bunch", fgbunchbins, fgbunchmin, fgbunchmax);
00235       hcalTpgfgbindiff_ =
00236         dbe->book1D("HcalFGbindiff", "Fine grain bunch difference", fgbdiffbins, fgbdiffmin, fgbdiffmax);
00237       hcalTpgfgtimediff_ =
00238         dbe->book1D("HcalFGtimediff", "Fine grain time diff", fgtdiffbins, fgtdiffmin, fgtdiffmax);
00241       if (0){
00242       dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna/EffByChannel");
00243       //efficiency histos for HBHE
00244       for (int i=0; i < 56; i++)
00245         {      
00246           char hname[20],htitle[20];
00247           char dirname[80];
00248           int ieta, iphi;
00249           if (i<28) ieta = i-28;
00250           else ieta = i-27;
00251           sprintf(dirname,"L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna/EffByChannel/EtaTower%d",ieta);
00252           dbe->setCurrentFolder(dirname);
00253           for (int j=0; j < 72; j++) 
00254             {
00255               iphi = j+1;
00256               if (i<28) ieta = i-28;
00257               else ieta = i-27;
00258               sprintf(hname,"eff_%d_%d_num",ieta,iphi);
00259               sprintf(htitle,"Eff Num <%d,%d>",ieta,iphi);
00260               hcalEffNum_HBHE[i][j] = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00261               sprintf(hname,"eff_%d_%d_den",ieta,iphi);
00262               sprintf(htitle,"Eff Den <%d,%d>",ieta,iphi); 
00263               hcalEffDen_HBHE[i][j] = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, effBins,effMinHBHE,effMaxHBHE);
00264             }        
00265         }
00266       //efficiency histos for HF
00267       for (int i=0; i < 8; i++)
00268         {
00269           char hname[20],htitle[20];
00270           char dirname[80];
00271           int ieta, iphi;
00272           if (i<4) ieta = i-32;
00273           else ieta = i+25;
00274           sprintf(dirname,"L1T/L1THCALTPGXAna/EffByChannel/EtaTower%d",ieta);
00275           dbe->setCurrentFolder(dirname);
00276           for (int j=0; j < 18; j++)
00277             {
00278               iphi = j*4+1;
00279               if (i<4) ieta = i-32;
00280               else ieta = i+25;
00281               sprintf(hname,"eff_%d_%d_num",ieta,iphi);
00282               sprintf(htitle,"Eff Num <%d,%d>",ieta,iphi);
00283               hcalEffNum_HF[i][j] = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, effBins,effMinHF,effMaxHF);
00284               sprintf(hname,"eff_%d_%d_den",ieta,iphi);
00285               sprintf(htitle,"Eff Den <%d,%d>",ieta,iphi);
00286               hcalEffDen_HF[i][j] = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, effBins,effMinHF,effMaxHF);
00287             }
00288         }
00289       }
00291     }  
00292 }
00295 void L1THCALTPGXAna::endJob(void)
00296 {
00297   if(verbose_) std::cout << "L1THCALTPGXAna: end job...." << std::endl;
00298   LogInfo("EndJob") << "analyzed " << nev_ << " events"; 
00300  if ( outputFile_.size() != 0  && dbe ) dbe->save(outputFile_);
00302  return;
00303 }
00305 void L1THCALTPGXAna::analyze(const Event& iEvent, const EventSetup& iSetup)
00306 {
00307   nev_++; 
00308   if(verbose_) std::cout << "L1THCALTPGXAna: analyze...." << std::endl;
00310   edm::Handle<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection> hcalTpgs;
00311   iEvent.getByLabel(hcaltpgSource_, hcalTpgs);
00313   if (!hcalTpgs.isValid())
00314     {
00315       edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "can't find HCAL TPG's with label "
00316                                      << hcaltpgSource_.label() ;
00317       return;
00318     }
00320   Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbhe_rec;
00323   iEvent.getByLabel(hbherecoSource_, hbhe_rec);
00325   if (!hbhe_rec.isValid())
00326     {
00327       edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "can't find hbhe rec hits's with label "
00328                                      << hbherecoSource_.label() ;
00329       return;
00330     }
00332   Handle<HFRecHitCollection> hf_rec;
00333   iEvent.getByLabel(hfrecoSource_, hf_rec);
00335    if (!hf_rec.isValid())
00336     {
00337       edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "can't find hf rec hits's with label "
00338                                      << hfrecoSource_.label() ;
00339       return;
00340     }
00342   std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> towerids;
00343   Rec_towers.clear();
00344   double rec_e, eta1, eta2, et2e, eta_avg, rece_m, rece_p1, rece_p2;
00345   int rank, ieta, iphi, icombo;
00347   for(HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hbhe_iter = hbhe_rec->begin(); hbhe_iter != hbhe_rec->end(); ++hbhe_iter)
00348     {
00349       towerids = theTrigTowerGeometry.towerIds(hbhe_iter->id());
00350       assert(towerids.size() == 2 || towerids.size() == 1);
00351       for(unsigned int n = 0; n < towerids.size(); n++)
00352         {
00353           Rec_towers.insert(IdtoEnergy::value_type(towerids[n],hbhe_iter->energy()/towerids.size()));
00354         }
00355     }
00357   for(HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator hf_iter = hf_rec->begin(); hf_iter != hf_rec->end(); ++hf_iter)
00358     {
00359       towerids = theTrigTowerGeometry.towerIds(hf_iter->id());
00360       assert(towerids.size() == 2 || towerids.size() == 1);
00361       for(unsigned int n = 0; n < towerids.size(); n++)
00362         {
00363           Rec_towers.insert(IdtoEnergy::value_type(towerids[n],hf_iter->energy()/towerids.size()));
00364         }
00365     }
00367   numFG=0;
00368   for ( HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection::const_iterator tpg_iter = hcalTpgs->begin(); tpg_iter != hcalTpgs->end(); ++tpg_iter ) 
00369     {
00370        float ratioTotal = 0;
00371        float ratiom1 = 0;
00372        float ratiosoi= 0;
00373        float ratiop1 = 0;
00374        float ratiop2 = 0;;
00375       //get rec energy
00376       rec_e = 0.0;
00377       for(IdtoEnergy::iterator rec_iter = Rec_towers.lower_bound(tpg_iter->id()); rec_iter != Rec_towers.upper_bound(tpg_iter->id()); ++rec_iter)
00378         {
00379           rec_e += rec_iter->second;
00380         }
00382       //get ieta and iphi
00383       ieta = tpg_iter->id().ieta();
00384       iphi = tpg_iter->id().iphi();
00386       //get rank
00387       rank = tpg_iter->SOI_compressedEt();     
00389       //get eta bounds of tower (eta1 and eta2)
00390       theTrigTowerGeometry.towerEtaBounds(ieta,eta1,eta2);
00392       //get average eta of tower from eta1 and eta2
00393       eta_avg = find_eta(eta1,eta2);
00395       //conversion factor et -> e
00396       et2e = TMath::CosH(eta_avg);
00398       if (TMath::Abs(ieta) >= 29) rec_e = rec_e/et2e;
00400       if (0){
00401       //fill individual num. and den. of efficiency plots
00402       if (TMath::Abs(ieta) >= 29)
00403         {
00404           if (ieta <0)
00405             {
00406               hcalEffDen_HF[(ieta+32)][iphi/4]->Fill(rec_e);
00407               if (rank !=0)
00408                 {
00409                   hcalEffNum_HF[(ieta+32)][iphi/4]->Fill(rec_e);
00410                 }
00411             }
00412           else
00413             {
00414               hcalEffDen_HF[(ieta-25)][iphi/4]->Fill(rec_e);
00415               if (rank !=0)
00416                 {
00417                   hcalEffNum_HF[(ieta-25)][iphi/4]->Fill(rec_e);
00418                 }
00419             }
00420         }
00421       else
00422         {
00423           //account for there being no ieta=0
00424           if (ieta < 0) 
00425             {
00426               hcalEffDen_HBHE[ieta+28][iphi-1]->Fill(rec_e);
00427               if (rank !=0)
00428                 {
00429                   hcalEffNum_HBHE[ieta+28][iphi-1]->Fill(rec_e);
00430                 }
00431             }
00432           else
00433             {
00434               hcalEffDen_HBHE[ieta+27][iphi-1]->Fill(rec_e);
00435               if (rank !=0)
00436                 {
00437                   hcalEffNum_HBHE[ieta+27][iphi-1]->Fill(rec_e);
00438                 }
00439             }
00440         }
00441       }
00443       //fill num. and denom. of efficiency plots
00444       if (TMath::Abs(ieta) <= 20)
00445         {
00446           hcalEffDen_1_->Fill(rec_e);
00447           if (rank != 0)
00448             {
00449               hcalEffNum_1_->Fill(rec_e);
00450               hcalTpgvsRec1_->Fill(rec_e,rank);
00451             }
00452         }
00453       else if (TMath::Abs(ieta) <= 26)
00454         {
00455           hcalEffDen_2_->Fill(rec_e);
00456           if (rank != 0)
00457             {
00458               hcalEffNum_2_->Fill(rec_e);
00459               hcalTpgvsRec2_->Fill(rec_e,rank);
00460             }
00461         }
00462       else if (TMath::Abs(ieta) <= 28)
00463         {
00464           hcalEffDen_3_->Fill(rec_e);
00465           if (rank != 0)
00466             {
00467               hcalEffNum_3_->Fill(rec_e);
00468               hcalTpgvsRec3_->Fill(rec_e,rank);
00469             }
00470         }
00471       else
00472         {
00473           //fill HF with Et rather than E (triggering is done in Et)
00474           if(et2e != 0) { hcalEffDen_4_->Fill(rec_e); }
00475           if (rank != 0)
00476             {
00477               hcalEffNum_4_->Fill(rec_e);
00478               hcalTpgvsRec4_->Fill(rec_e,rank);
00479             }
00480         }
00482       if ( rank != 0 ) 
00483         {
00484           // occupancy maps (weighted and unweighted
00485           hcalTpOccEtaPhi_->Fill(ieta,iphi);
00486           hcalTpEtEtaPhi_->Fill(ieta,iphi,rank);
00487           if(rank == 1024)
00488             {
00489               hcalTpSat_->Fill(ieta,iphi);
00490             }
00491           // et
00492           hcalTpRank_->Fill(rank);
00493           if (rec_e < fakeCut_) { hcalFakes_->Fill(ieta,iphi); }
00494         } 
00495       else
00496         {
00497           //add 33 to ieta to get proper bin number
00498           double highest_energy  = hcalNoFire_->getBinContent(ieta+33,iphi);
00499           if (highest_energy < rec_e) 
00500            {
00501              hcalNoFire_->setBinContent(ieta+33,iphi,rec_e); 
00502            }
00503         } 
00505       for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
00506         {
00507           if(tpg_iter->sample(i).fineGrain())
00508             {
00509               hcalTpgfgperbunch_->Fill(i);
00510               numFG++;
00511               if(numFG < 3)
00512                 {
00513                   if(tpg_iter->id().iphi() < 37) binfg2 = i;
00514                   else binfg1 = i;
00515                 }
00517             }
00518         }
00520       if (verbose_)
00521         {
00522           std::cout << "size  " <<  tpg_iter->size() << std::endl;
00523           std::cout << "iphi  " <<  tpg_iter->id().iphi() << std::endl;
00524           std::cout << "ieta  " <<  tpg_iter->id().ieta() << std::endl;
00525           std::cout << "compressed Et  " <<  tpg_iter->SOI_compressedEt() << std::endl;
00526           std::cout << "FG bit  " <<  tpg_iter->SOI_fineGrain() << std::endl;
00527           std::cout << "raw  " <<  tpg_iter->t0().raw() << std::endl;
00528           std::cout << "raw Et " <<  tpg_iter->t0().compressedEt() << std::endl;
00529           std::cout << "raw FG " <<  tpg_iter->t0().fineGrain() << std::endl;
00530           std::cout << "raw slb " <<  tpg_iter->t0().slb() << std::endl;
00531           std::cout << "raw slbChan " <<  tpg_iter->t0().slbChan() << std::endl;
00532           std::cout << "raw slbAndChan " <<  tpg_iter->t0().slbAndChan() << std::endl;
00533           std::cout << "reco energy " << rec_e << std::endl;
00534           std::cout << "tower eta " << eta_avg << std::endl;
00535         }
00536     }
00537 }
00539 double find_eta(double eta_start, double eta_end)
00540 {
00541   double theta_avg = TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta_start)) + TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta_end));
00542   double average = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(theta_avg/2.0));
00543   return average;
00544 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:33:15 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4