Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # SiStripMonitorDigi
00004 SiStripMonitorDigi = cms.EDFilter("SiStripMonitorDigi",
00006     # add digi producers same way as Domenico in SiStripClusterizer
00007     DigiProducersList = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet( DigiLabel = cms.string('ZeroSuppressed'), DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripDigis') ), 
00008                         cms.PSet( DigiLabel = cms.string('VirginRaw'), DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripZeroSuppression') ), 
00009                         cms.PSet( DigiLabel = cms.string('ProcessedRaw'), DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripZeroSuppression') ), 
00010                         cms.PSet( DigiLabel = cms.string('ScopeMode'), DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripZeroSuppression') )
00011     ),
00013     TH1ADCsCoolestStrip = cms.PSet(
00014        Nbinx = cms.int32(60),
00015        xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
00016        xmax = cms.double(299.5),
00017        layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
00018        moduleswitchon = cms.bool(True)
00019     ),
00020     TH1ADCsHottestStrip = cms.PSet(
00021         Nbinx = cms.int32(60),
00022         xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
00023         xmax = cms.double(299.5),
00024         layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
00025         moduleswitchon = cms.bool(True)
00026     ),
00027     TH1DigiADCs = cms.PSet(
00028         Nbinx = cms.int32(64),
00029         xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
00030         xmax = cms.double(255.5),        
00031         layerswitchon = cms.bool(True),
00032         moduleswitchon = cms.bool(True)
00033     ),
00034     TH1NumberOfDigis = cms.PSet(
00035         Nbinx = cms.int32(50),
00036         xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
00037         xmax = cms.double(499.5),
00038         layerswitchon = cms.bool(True),
00039         moduleswitchon = cms.bool(True)
00040     ),
00041     TH1StripOccupancy = cms.PSet(
00042         Nbinx = cms.int32(51),
00043         xmin = cms.double(-0.01),
00044         xmax = cms.double(1.01),
00045         layerswitchon = cms.bool(True),        
00046         moduleswitchon = cms.bool(True)
00047     ),
00048     TProfNumberOfDigi = cms.PSet(
00049         Nbinx = cms.int32(100),
00050         xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
00051         xmax = cms.double(499.5),
00052         layerswitchon = cms.bool(True),        
00053         moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)        
00054     ),
00055     TProfDigiADC = cms.PSet(
00056         Nbinx = cms.int32(100),
00057         xmin = cms.double(0.0),
00058         xmax = cms.double(499.5),
00059         layerswitchon = cms.bool(True),
00060         moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)        
00061     ),
00063     TProfTotalNumberOfDigis = cms.PSet(
00064         Nbins = cms.int32(600),
00065         xmin = cms.double(0.0),
00066         xmax = cms.double(1.0*60*60),
00067         ymin = cms.double(0.0),
00068         ymax = cms.double(1000000.0),
00069         subdetswitchon = cms.bool(False)
00070     ),
00072     CreateTrendMEs = cms.bool(False),
00073     Trending = cms.PSet(
00074         UpdateMode = cms.int32(1),
00075         Nbins = cms.int32(10),
00076         ymax = cms.double(10000.0),
00077         Steps = cms.int32(10),
00078         xmax = cms.double(10.0),
00079         xmin = cms.double(0.0),
00080         ymin = cms.double(0.0)
00081     ),
00083     Mod_On = cms.bool(True),
00084     #select detectors
00085     detectorson = cms.PSet(
00086         tidon = cms.bool(True),
00087         tibon = cms.bool(True),
00088         tecon = cms.bool(True),
00089         tobon = cms.bool(True)
00090     ),
00092     # rest of parameters
00093     SelectAllDetectors = cms.bool(False),
00094     ShowMechanicalStructureView = cms.bool(True),
00095     ShowReadoutView = cms.bool(False),
00096     ShowControlView = cms.bool(False),                                  
00097     CalculateStripOccupancy = cms.bool(False),                                  
00098     ResetMEsEachRun = cms.bool(False),
00099     # by default do not write out any file with histograms
00100     # can overwrite this in .cfg file with: replace SiStripMonitorDigi.OutputMEsInRootFile = true
00101     OutputMEsInRootFile = cms.bool(False),
00102     OutputFileName = cms.string('/tmp/charaf/test_digi_sim.root'),
00103 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:33:38 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4