Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/interface/MultipleKinematicConstraint.h"
00003 void MultipleKinematicConstraint::addConstraint(KinematicConstraint * newConst) const
00004 {
00005  if(newConst == 0)throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::zero constraint pointer passed");
00006  cts.push_back(newConst);
00007  em = false;
00008 }
00010 pair<AlgebraicVector,AlgebraicVector> MultipleKinematicConstraint::value(const AlgebraicVector& exPoint) const
00011 {
00012  if(cts.size() == 0)throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::value requested for empty constraint");
00013  if(exPoint.num_row() ==0 ) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::value requested for zero Linearization point");
00015 //looking for total number of states, represented by this  point. 
00016 //Since this version only works with extended  cartesian parametrization, 
00017 //we check whether the dimensionof he point is n*7
00018  AlgebraicVector expansion = exPoint;
00019  int inSize = exPoint.num_row(); 
00020  if((inSize%7) !=0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::linearization point has a wrong dimension");
00022  int total = 0;
00023  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00024  {total += (*i)->numberOfEquations();}
00025  AlgebraicVector vl(total,0);
00027  int cr_size = 0;
00028  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00029  {
00030   AlgebraicVector vlc = (*i)->value(expansion).first;
00031   int sz = vlc.num_row();
00032   for(int j = 1; j < sz+1; j++)
00033   {vl(cr_size+j) = vlc(j);}
00034   cr_size += sz;
00035  }
00036  return pair<AlgebraicVector, AlgebraicVector>(vl,expansion); 
00037 }
00039 pair<AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicVector> MultipleKinematicConstraint::derivative(const AlgebraicVector& exPoint) const
00040 {
00041  if(cts.size() == 0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::derivative requested for empty constraint");
00042  if(exPoint.num_row() ==0 ) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::value requested for zero Linearization point");
00044 //security check for extended cartesian parametrization 
00045  AlgebraicVector expansion = exPoint;
00046  int inSize = exPoint.num_row(); 
00047  if((inSize%7) !=0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::linearization point has a wrong dimension");
00050  AlgebraicVector par = exPoint;
00051  int total = 0;
00052  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00053  {total += (*i)->numberOfEquations();}
00055 //Full derivative matrix: (numberOfConstraints x 7*numberOfStates) 
00056  AlgebraicMatrix dr(total,inSize);
00058  int  cr_size = 0;
00059  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00060  {
00061 //matrix should be (nx7*NumberOfStates)
00062   AlgebraicMatrix lConst  = (*i)->derivative(par).first;
00063   dr.sub(cr_size+1,1,lConst);
00064   cr_size += (*i)->numberOfEquations();  
00065  }
00066  return pair<AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicVector>(dr,par);  
00067 }
00069 int MultipleKinematicConstraint::numberOfEquations() const
00070 {
00071  int ne = 0;
00072  if(cts.size() == 0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::number of equations requested for empty constraint");
00073  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00074  {ne += (*i)->numberOfEquations();}
00075  return ne;
00076 }
00078 pair<AlgebraicVector, AlgebraicVector> MultipleKinematicConstraint::value(const vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle> par) const
00079 {
00080  if(cts.size() == 0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::derivative requested for empty constraint");
00081  int nStates = par.size();
00082  AlgebraicVector param(7*nStates,0);
00083  int count = 1;
00084  for(vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle>::const_iterator i = par.begin(); i!=par.end(); i++)
00085  {
00086   for(int j = 1; j<8; j++){param((count -1)*7+j) = (*i)->currentState().kinematicParameters().vector()(j);}
00087   count++;
00088  } 
00090 //looking for total number of equations
00091  int total = 0;
00092  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00093  {total += (*i)->numberOfEquations();}
00094  AlgebraicVector vl(total,0);
00096  int cr_size = 0;
00097  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00098  {
00099   AlgebraicVector vlc = (*i)->value(par).first;
00100   int sz = vlc.num_row();
00101   for(int j = 1; j <= sz; j++)
00102   {vl(cr_size+j) = vlc(j);}
00103   cr_size += sz;
00104  }
00105  return pair<AlgebraicVector, AlgebraicVector>(vl,param); 
00106 }
00108 pair<AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicVector> MultipleKinematicConstraint::derivative(const vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle> par) const
00109 {
00110  if(cts.size() == 0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::derivative requested for empty constraint");
00111  int nStates = par.size();
00112  AlgebraicVector param(7*nStates,0);
00114  int count = 1;
00115  for(vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle>::const_iterator i = par.begin(); i!=par.end(); i++)
00116  {
00117   for(int j = 1; j<8; j++){param((count -1)*7+j) = (*i)->currentState().kinematicParameters().vector()(j);}
00118   count++;
00119  } 
00120  int total = 0;
00121  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00122  {total += (*i)->numberOfEquations();}
00123  AlgebraicMatrix dr(total,7*nStates);
00125  int  cr_size = 0;
00126  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00127  {
00129 //matrix should be (TotalNumberOfEquations x 7* TotalNumberOfStates)
00130 //Derivative matrix for given constraint
00131   AlgebraicMatrix lConst  = (*i)->derivative(param).first;
00133 //putting it into the appropriate line  
00134   dr.sub(cr_size+1,1,lConst);  
00135   cr_size += (*i)->numberOfEquations(); 
00136  }
00137  return pair<AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicVector>(dr,param); 
00138 }
00140 AlgebraicVector MultipleKinematicConstraint::deviations(int nStates) const
00141 {
00142  AlgebraicVector dev(nStates*7,0);
00143  if(cts.size() == 0) throw VertexException("MultipleKinematicConstraint::deviations requested for empty constraint");
00144  for(vector<KinematicConstraint *>::const_iterator i = cts.begin(); i != cts.end(); i++)
00145  {
00146   AlgebraicVector dev_loc =(*i)->deviations(nStates);
00147   for(int j = 1; j < nStates*7+1; j++){dev(j) = dev(j) + dev_loc(j);} 
00148  }
00149  return dev;
00150 }

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