00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # Name: RecoMET.cff 00004 # Author: R.Cavanaugh 00005 # Date: 05.11.2006 00006 # Notes: CaloMET.cfi assumes that a product with label "caloTowers" is 00007 # already written into the event. 00008 from RecoMET.METProducers.genMet_cfi import * 00009 from RecoMET.METProducers.genMetNoNuBSM_cfi import * 00010 from RecoMET.METProducers.genMetFromGenJets_cfi import * 00011 # 00012 # ShR 27 Mar 2007: genJetParticles from "RecoJets/Configuration/data/GenJetParticles.cff" 00013 # must be executed before this sequence in order to work since genMetNoNugenMetNoNu 00014 # needs genParticlesAllStableNoNu from that sequence 00015 # can't append them here explicitly because of scheduling problem 00016 recoGenMET = cms.Sequence(genMet+genMetNoNuBSM*genMetIC5GenJets) 00017