00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version: 00002 00003 #FrontierProd/CMS_COND_20X_DT" 00004 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00005 00006 # 00007 #DT calibrations 00008 #For now, no t0 corrections are applied in the reconstruction if fake calibration is used 00009 #(the replace should be moved to main cfg in order to avoid warning message) 00010 from CalibMuon.DTCalibration.DT_Calibration_cff import * 00011 maps_frontier.connect = 'frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_20X_DT' 00012 maps_frontier.toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet( 00013 record = cms.string('DTT0Rcd'), 00014 tag = cms.string('t0Fake_20X_Sept15_mc') 00015 ), 00016 cms.PSet( 00017 record = cms.string('DTTtrigRcd'), 00018 tag = cms.string('ttrigFake_20X_July17_mc') 00019 )) 00020