00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 simSiPixelDigis = cms.EDFilter("SiPixelDigitizer", 00004 ReadoutNoiseInElec = cms.double(500.0), 00005 DeltaProductionCut = cms.double(0.03), 00006 ROUList = cms.vstring('g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelBarrelLowTof', 00007 'g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelBarrelHighTof', 00008 'g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelEndcapLowTof', 00009 'g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelEndcapHighTof'), 00010 OffsetSmearing = cms.double(0.0), 00011 ThresholdInElectrons_FPix = cms.double(2870.0), 00012 ThresholdInElectrons_BPix = cms.double(3700.0), 00013 AddThresholdSmearing = cms.bool(True), 00014 ThresholdSmearing_FPix = cms.double(200.0), 00015 ThresholdSmearing_BPix = cms.double(410.0), 00016 NoiseInElectrons = cms.double(175.0), 00017 MissCalibrate = cms.bool(True), 00018 ElectronsPerVcal = cms.double(65.5), 00019 ElectronsPerVcal_Offset = cms.double(-414.0), 00020 ElectronPerAdc = cms.double(135.0), 00021 TofUpperCut = cms.double(12.5), 00022 AdcFullScale = cms.int32(255), 00023 TofLowerCut = cms.double(-12.5), 00024 TanLorentzAnglePerTesla_FPix = cms.double(0.106), 00025 TanLorentzAnglePerTesla_BPix = cms.double(0.106), 00026 AddNoisyPixels = cms.bool(True), 00027 Alpha2Order = cms.bool(True), 00028 AddPixelInefficiency = cms.int32(0), 00029 AddNoise = cms.bool(True), 00030 GainSmearing = cms.double(0.0), 00031 GeometryType = cms.string('idealForDigi'), 00032 useDB = cms.bool(False), 00033 LorentzAngle_DB = cms.bool(True), 00034 DeadModules_DB = cms.bool(False), 00035 killModules = cms.bool(False), 00036 DeadModules = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302197784), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00037 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302195232), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00038 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302123296), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00039 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302127136), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00040 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302125076), Module = cms.string("tbmA")), 00041 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302126364), Module = cms.string("tbmB")), 00042 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302188552), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00043 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302121992), Module = cms.string("tbmA")), 00044 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302126596), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00045 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074500), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00046 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074504), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00047 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074508), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00048 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074512), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00049 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074756), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00050 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074760), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00051 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074764), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00052 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075524), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00053 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075528), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00054 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075532), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00055 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075536), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00056 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075780), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00057 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075784), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00058 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075788), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00059 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076548), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00060 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076552), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00061 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076556), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00062 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076560), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00063 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076804), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00064 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076808), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00065 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076812), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00066 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344005128), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00067 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020236), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00068 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020240), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00069 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020488), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00070 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020492), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00071 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019212), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00072 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019216), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00073 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019464), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00074 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019468), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00075 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018188), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00076 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018192), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00077 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018440), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00078 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018444), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00079 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014340), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00080 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014344), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00081 cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014348), Module = cms.string("whole"))) 00082 ) 00083 00084 00085 # Threshold in electrons are the Official COSMICS pixel numbers since january 2009: D. Kotlinski 00086 # ThresholdInElectrons_FPix = cms.double(2870.0) smearing = 200 00087 # ThresholdInElectrons_BPix = cms.double(3700.0) smearing = 410 00088 00089 # Threshold in electrons are the Official COLLISIONS pixel numbers since february 2009: D. Kotlinski 00090 # ThresholdInElectrons_FPix = cms.double(2870.0) smearing = 200 00091 # ThresholdInElectrons_BPix = cms.double(2870.0) smearing = 200 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 #DEAD MODULES LIST: 00097 # DeadModules = cms.VPSet() 00098 00099 # DeadModules = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302197784), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00100 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302195232), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00101 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302123296), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00102 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302127136), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00103 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302125076), Module = cms.string("tbmA")), 00104 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302126364), Module = cms.string("tbmB")), 00105 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302188552), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00106 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302121992), Module = cms.string("tbmA")), 00107 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302126596), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00108 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074500), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00109 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074504), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00110 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074508), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00111 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074512), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00112 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074756), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00113 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074760), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00114 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344074764), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00115 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075524), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00116 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075528), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00117 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075532), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00118 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075536), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00119 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075780), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00120 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075784), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00121 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344075788), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00122 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076548), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00123 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076552), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00124 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076556), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00125 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076560), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00126 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076804), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00127 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076808), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00128 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344076812), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00129 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344005128), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00130 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020236), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00131 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020240), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00132 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020488), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00133 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344020492), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00134 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019212), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00135 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019216), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00136 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019464), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00137 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019468), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00138 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018188), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00139 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018192), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00140 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018440), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00141 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344018444), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00142 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014340), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00143 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014344), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00144 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014348), Module = cms.string("whole")), 00145 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302187268), Module = cms.string("none")), 00146 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302195472), Module = cms.string("none")), 00147 # cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302128136), Module = cms.string("none"))) 00148 00149 00150 #List of dead pixel modules: 00151 00152 #Barrel: D. Kotlinski 00153 # 00154 #No HV 00155 #----- 00156 #BpI5 - L3, FED12,chan 36, 16 rocs, BpI_SEC5_LYR3_LDR12F_MOD2 whole module 00157 #BpI8 - L3, FED15,chan 26, 1/2 module 8 rocs BpI_SEC8_LYR3_LDR22H_MOD4 whole module 00158 #BpO1 - L2, FED7, chan 20, 1/2 module 8 rocs BpO_SEC1_LYR2_LDR1H_MOD4 whole module 00159 #BpO8 - L2, FED8, chan 5, 1/2 module 8 rocs BpO_SEC8_LYR2_LDR16H_MOD4 whole module 00160 # 00161 #Other 00162 #----- 00163 #BpO4 - L2, FED4,ch 15, bad ROC header,1/2 of a full module,8 rocs BpO_SEC4_LYR2_LDR8F_MOD1 TBM-A 00164 #BpO7 - L2, FED9,ch15, token lost, 1/2 of a full module,8 rocs BpO_SEC7_LYR2_LDR13F_MOD3 TBM-B 00165 #BmI2 - L3, FED22,ch32, token lost, full module,16 rocs BmI_SEC2_LYR3_LDR4F_MOD3 whole module 00166 #BmI3 - L2, FED21,ch3, bad ROC header,1/2 of full module, 8 rocs BmI_SEC3_LYR2_LDR5F_MOD3 TBM-A 00167 #BmO7 - FED30, chan.3,7, module dead, 16 rocs BmO_SEC7_LYR2_LDR14F_MOD4 whole module 00168 # 00169 #whole module - all ROCs should be disabled 00170 #TBM-A - ROCs 0 to 7 should be disabled 00171 #TBM-B - ROCs 8 to 15 should be disabled 00172 00173 #Forward: P. Merkel 00174 # 00175 #Dead sector: BmO_D2 blades 4 to 6 00176 #344074500 00177 # 04 00178 # 08 00179 # 12 00180 #344074756 00181 # 60 00182 # 64 00183 #344075524 00184 # 28 00185 # 32 00186 # 36 00187 #344075780 00188 # 84 00189 # 88 00190 #344076548 00191 # 52 00192 # 56 00193 # 60 00194 #344076804 00195 # 08 00196 # 12 00197 # 00198 #No HV in plaquette BmI_D1_BLD1_PNL2_PLQ2 (plaquette = module) -> detID 344005128 00199 00200 #Forward plaquettes with no bias voltage: K. Ecklund (sept. 9th 2008) 00201 # 00202 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD10_PNL1_PLQ3 detID=344020236 00203 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD10_PNL1_PLQ4 detID=.......40 00204 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD10_PNL2_PLQ2 detID=....20488 00205 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD10_PNL2_PLQ3 detID=.......92 00206 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD11_PNL1_PLQ3 detID=....19212 00207 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD11_PNL1_PLQ4 detID=.......16 00208 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD11_PNL2_PLQ2 detID=....19464 00209 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD11_PNL2_PLQ3 detID=.......68 00210 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD12_PNL1_PLQ3 detID=....18188 00211 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD12_PNL1_PLQ4 detID=.......92 00212 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD12_PNL2_PLQ2 detID=....18440 00213 #FPix_BmI_D1_BLD12_PNL2_PLQ3 detID=.......44 00214 00215 #Forward panel with bad baseline: L. Uplegger (sept. 15th 2008) 00216 # 00217 #FPix_BmO_D1_BLD9_PNL2 detID=344014340, 344014344 and 344014348. 00218 00219 #BPix dead ROCS: are not removed yet from the Digitizer. 00220 # 00221 #BPix_BmI_SEC3_LYR3_LDR9F_MOD4_ROC6 detID=302187268 00222 #BPix_BmI_SEC8_LYR3_LDR21F_MOD1_ROC0 detID=302195472 00223 #BPix_BmI_SEC7_LYR2_LDR13F_MOD3_ROC3 detId=302128136