00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # 00004 l1GtParameters = cms.ESProducer("L1GtParametersTrivialProducer", 00005 00006 # number of bunch crossing in the GT readout record: 3 bx (standard), 5 bx (debug) 00007 TotalBxInEvent = cms.int32(3), 00008 00009 # list of active boards for L1 GT DAQ record (actually 16 bits) 00010 # default: all active 0xFFFF 00011 DaqActiveBoards = cms.uint32(0xFFFF), 00012 00013 # list of active boards for L1 GT EVM record (actually 16 bits) 00014 # default: all active 0xFFFF 00015 EvmActiveBoards = cms.uint32(0xFFFF), 00016 00017 # length of BST record (in bytes) for L1 GT EVM record 00018 BstLengthBytes = cms.uint32(30) 00019 ) 00020 00021