Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002   A ring buffer for the Storage Manager Event Server
00003   Serialized events are stored (EventMsgView). The size of the
00004   buffer can be given in the constructor but the max size
00005   of each event is hardwired to 7MB (actually 7000000).
00006     This is used by the Storage Manager FragmentCollector.
00007   When the ring buffer is full it the oldest event gets
00008   overwritten.
00010   31 Jul 2006 - KAB - First implementation.
00011 */
00012 #include "EventFilter/StorageManager/interface/EvtMsgRingBuffer.h"
00014 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/DebugMacros.h"
00016 #include <iostream>
00018 using namespace stor;
00019 using namespace edm;
00020 using namespace std;
00022 EvtMsgRingBuffer::EvtMsgRingBuffer(unsigned int size):
00023   maxsize_(size), head_(0), tail_(0), nextfree_(0),
00024   ring_buffer_(maxsize_), ring_totmsgsize_(maxsize_)
00025 {
00026   for (int i=0; i<(int)maxsize_; i++)
00027     ring_buffer_[i].reserve(MAX_EVTBUF_SIZE);
00028 }
00030 EventMsgView EvtMsgRingBuffer::pop_front()
00031 {
00032   // check to see if empty - what to return?
00033   // calling code needs to check ifEmpty() and do appropriate thing
00034   // should really return a message an appropriate MsgCode
00035   if(isEmpty()) return EventMsgView(&ring_buffer_[head_][0]);
00037   EventMsgView popthis(&ring_buffer_[head_][0]);
00038   if(head_ == (int)maxsize_-1) head_ = 0;
00039   else head_++;
00040   // see if now empty and need to move the tail
00041   if(head_ == nextfree_) tail_ = head_;
00042   FDEBUG(10) << "after pop_front head = " << head_ << " tail = " << tail_
00043              << " next free = " << nextfree_ << endl;
00044   FDEBUG(10) << "popping event = " << popthis.event() << endl;
00045   FDEBUG(10) << "pop_front msg event size " << popthis.eventLength() << std::endl;
00046   return popthis;
00047 }
00049 void EvtMsgRingBuffer::push_back(EventMsgView inputMsgView)
00050 {
00051   // see if full and need to move the head
00052   if(isFull()) {
00053     if(head_ == (int)maxsize_-1) head_ = 0;
00054     else head_++;
00055   }
00057   // 31-Jul-2006, KAB:  I expect that the correct way to copy an
00058   // event message is create an EventMsgBuilder using data fetched from
00059   // the input message.  However, there currently doesn't seem to be 
00060   // sufficient methods in EventMsgView to support this.  So, for now,
00061   // we just copy the data directly (ugly hack).
00062   unsigned char* pos = (unsigned char*) &ring_buffer_[nextfree_][0];
00063   unsigned char* from = (unsigned char*)
00064     ((unsigned int) inputMsgView.eventData() - inputMsgView.headerSize());
00065   int dsize = inputMsgView.eventLength() + inputMsgView.headerSize();
00066   copy(from,from+dsize,pos);
00067   ring_totmsgsize_[nextfree_]=dsize;
00069   tail_ = nextfree_;
00070   if(tail_ == (int)maxsize_-1) nextfree_ = 0;
00071   else nextfree_++;
00072   FDEBUG(10) << "after push_back head = " << head_ << " tail = " << tail_
00073              << " next free = " << nextfree_ << endl;
00074 }
00076 bool EvtMsgRingBuffer::isEmpty()
00077 {
00078   return ((head_ == tail_) && (head_ == nextfree_));
00079 }
00081 bool EvtMsgRingBuffer::isFull()
00082 {
00083   return ((head_ != tail_) && (head_ == nextfree_));
00084 }

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