Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
00003 #                      "TEC1_pos+TEC2_pos", "TEC2_pos+TEC3_pos", "TEC3_pos+TEC4_pos", "TEC4_pos+TEC5_pos", "TEC5_pos+TEC6_pos", "TEC6_pos+TEC7_pos",
00005 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00007 tobTecLayerPairs = cms.ESProducer("TobTecLayerPairsESProducer",
00008     layerList = cms.vstring('TOB1+TOB2', 
00009         'TOB1+TEC1_pos', 
00010         'TOB1+TEC2_pos', 
00011         'TOB1+TEC1_neg', 
00012         'TOB1+TEC2_neg', 
00013         'TEC1_pos+TEC2_pos', 
00014         'TEC1_pos+TEC3_pos', 
00015         'TEC2_pos+TEC3_pos', 
00016         'TEC2_pos+TEC4_pos', 
00017         'TEC3_pos+TEC4_pos', 
00018         'TEC3_pos+TEC5_pos', 
00019         'TEC4_pos+TEC5_pos', 
00020         'TEC4_pos+TEC6_pos', 
00021         'TEC5_pos+TEC6_pos', 
00022         'TEC5_pos+TEC7_pos', 
00023         'TEC6_pos+TEC7_pos', 
00024         'TEC1_neg+TEC2_neg', 
00025         'TEC1_neg+TEC3_neg', 
00026         'TEC2_neg+TEC3_neg', 
00027         'TEC2_neg+TEC4_neg', 
00028         'TEC3_neg+TEC4_neg', 
00029         'TEC3_neg+TEC5_neg', 
00030         'TEC4_neg+TEC5_neg', 
00031         'TEC4_neg+TEC6_neg', 
00032         'TEC5_neg+TEC6_neg', 
00033         'TEC5_neg+TEC7_neg', 
00034         'TEC6_neg+TEC7_neg'),
00035     # We use ring 5 and 6 of TEC disks 1 and 2, so these override the TEC
00036     #   section above.  Note that TEC ring 6 uses rPhi hits only, so we need
00037     #   to include both hit types for this region.
00038     TEC1_neg = cms.PSet(
00039         useSimpleRphiHitsCleaner = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00040         minRing = cms.int32(5),
00041         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00042         useRingSlector = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00043         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
00044         rphiRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","rphiRecHit"),
00045         maxRing = cms.int32(6)
00046     ),
00047     ComponentName = cms.string('tobTecLayerPairs'),
00048     TEC1_pos = cms.PSet(
00049         useSimpleRphiHitsCleaner = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00050         minRing = cms.int32(5),
00051         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00052         useRingSlector = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00053         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
00054         rphiRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","rphiRecHit"),
00055         maxRing = cms.int32(6)
00056     ),
00057     TEC = cms.PSet(
00058         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00059         useRingSlector = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00060         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
00061         minRing = cms.int32(5),
00062         maxRing = cms.int32(5)
00063     ),
00064     TEC2_neg = cms.PSet(
00065         useSimpleRphiHitsCleaner = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00066         minRing = cms.int32(5),
00067         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00068         useRingSlector = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00069         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
00070         rphiRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","rphiRecHit"),
00071         maxRing = cms.int32(6)
00072     ),
00073     TOB = cms.PSet(
00074         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00075         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle')
00076     ),
00077     TEC2_pos = cms.PSet(
00078         useSimpleRphiHitsCleaner = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00079         minRing = cms.int32(5),
00080         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00081         useRingSlector = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00082         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
00083         rphiRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","rphiRecHit"),
00084         maxRing = cms.int32(6)
00085     )
00086 )

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:45:57 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4